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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9035546 No.9035546 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/: getting way too drunk and blasting music way too loud because its saturday edition

>> No.9035559

Remeber your beer etiquette anons. When you are a guest, your favorite kind of beer is free. Your second favorite kind is cold.

>> No.9035567

I said I was only going to drink two beers, on my fourth now and I wont stop
happy because I'm drinking but feeling like a failure because I couldn't control myself
How much liquor did you drink today?

>> No.9035576

it always starts with "just one"

fuck i blacked out again last night after starting with just one

>> No.9035596 [DELETED] 

well. my ex g/f called me again today like she's done every saturday for the last month. i finally answer and she wants to come over. i'm already drunk and i tell her that and she says that's ok. we start chatting and she asks if i miss her and i tell her i miss her tits and ass and pussy. i was just a drunk sex weirdo unlike my normal self. so now i am very drunk and i think i have a g/f again.i'll prolly wake up tomorrow with a hangover and want to dump her off to the dog pound for wayward slattern hussies who can't keep their legs closed but for now i feel pretty good.

>> No.9035692

abot 375 ml so far. im gonna go fast and hard and kill this handle tonight.

>> No.9035694

you're still able to black out?
The amount I would have to drink to black out these days would probably kill me before I even blacked out

>> No.9035704

0ml. I'm too scared. I've got to escape, anons. I sense some truly horrific, probably life-ending problems on my horizon whether I drink or not from now on, but I've got to at least try to stop this. I am fucking terrified about everything in my life.
Fuck I need a dr...

>> No.9035712

What do you usally drink on a hard night?

>> No.9035714


>> No.9035729

>Lamb's navy rum
>Death metal
>reading HFY

On one hand this is magical, on the other I should be considering suicide. Still my goal is half a litre of rum before I pass out but I don't see that happening today. At least I got my lifting session in before I hit the booze as last time I tried to pump some iron drunk I did all kinds of pain to myself.

>> No.9035730

If you think you can't black out you just have to drink faster

>> No.9035734

>wake up at 8am
>take a piss
>proceed to 2am next day
>havent pissed
>drank like 7L of liquids during the day

>> No.9035759

How do you people not make your own booze?

>> No.9035765

I made 160L of wine
It's all gone already, it was like 4 months ago

>> No.9035806

Just had three cans of lager today. Feels good.

I make moonshine sometimes but it's way too tempting to have around all the time. I seem to be managing now though.

>> No.9035821

Have an ice-cold Coca-Cola

>> No.9035823


Oh boy. I make around 400 liters of wash for my still.

>> No.9035830
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sorry I had a pic.

>> No.9035834

I use apples and redberries and it's a shit ton of work especially to do alone

>> No.9035849



Don't fuck around with that pectinase creating garbage. That's methanol looking for a sucker to distill it. Just use sucrose. It creates no methanol and is clean for a proper vodka.

>> No.9035857

I'm the guy who made the wine.

>> No.9035864

Is it normal to get anxiety from a hangover? I feel on the verge of a panic attack. I feel scared.

>> No.9035865


Cool, your fruit based wine will have a defined amount of methanol. That's why people get 'wine' headaches. It's also the reason people think moonshine can kill you or make you blind. It's never happens unless you make your still with lead based solder or other heavy metals. Even with fruit based wash, you'll only ever concentrate methanol at the same strength as wine.

>> No.9035866

You can make some great brandy from apples though, you just need to make proper cuts.

But if you're looking for merely utilitarian alcohol consumption sugar shine is the way to go, I agree.

What kind of still do you use and do you filter afterwards?

>> No.9035881


No that's the effect of drinking on the bio-chemical human being. I get panic attacks after hard drinking to the point where I vomit. It fucks you up. Loads you with Cortisol, the panic hormone

>> No.9035888

It's in some glass tank, I really don't know the details since I've only done it once with my dad's gear after he passed

>> No.9035894
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I run a jackson crossflow 3 inch still with a copper packed column. I can make cuts on the decimal that create vodka that tastes like mother's milk.

>> No.9035897

>glass still

intredasting. do you now if it's (reflux) column or pot still at least?

you should read up on the process online, it's pretty fascinating stuff.

>> No.9035899

Absolutely. Every time I've quit drinking anxiety/panic attacks were a common feature of my alcohol withdrawals.

>> No.9035904


I use a traditional copper alembic since I want to fuck about with making brandy and whisky and such. Still makes a decent vodka though.

What kind of ABV do you get on a first run?

>> No.9035909
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The guts look like this..

>> No.9035916

Yes, especially after a big bender. That's why most people tend to have a couple of drinks the next day to easy the comedown.

>> No.9035920

Damn, very nice.

All your own work?

>> No.9035921
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The column still runs at 65% in stripping mode, but when you use the tuned column it makes 93%. Not in this picture but I've let the column balance out and got adiabatic numbers

>> No.9035926


Yeah, I made that shit. Happy with it. I'm a dink.

>> No.9035929

Nice. Is that a cooking pot on the bottom or some sort of keg? What size is it?

>> No.9035936
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Riddle me this al/ck/ - what is your preferred spirit of choice?

>in anglosphere rum is associated with hard as nails navy men and is considered a drink for hard men
>vodka is the realm of drunken russians and those seeking to become an alcoholic
>tequila is for youngsters acting like theyu know their shit and far too many tequila slammers
>Gin is the realm of middle aged hardened alcholics going through a divorce
>whiskey is either for the refined gentlemen or those seeking to kill themselves while listening to jonny cash albums

>> No.9035940

Yeah. I'm legitimately terrified right now. Withdrawal is ending, but I'm now literally shaking with fear. It's absolutely awful and it feels like it's just you and that the terror is totally justified.

>> No.9035941


I adapted a 36 quart Amazon stainless pot for the purpose. 9 Gallons a shot from 13% will issue you a lot of booze. Do the math. I turn my boiler off at 95 degrees. At the start of a run you taste acetate, at the end you taste cardboard. It's all about choice. 80 bucks gets me so much booze, I'm surprised I'm still alive.

>> No.9035943

Anglo Navy rum is great though. You should have Pusser's navy proof if you haven't already sometime. Actually made with wooden stills, very unique flavour.

>> No.9035950

Vodka, bourbon, red wine and beer. Those four constitute 95% of my alcohol intake.

>> No.9035956

My first batch of sugar shine made me feel like I had hacked alcoholism desu. You're basically drinking top shelf for a buck a bottle or less.

Do you run it through charcoal or leave it as is? I've found it fine as is but charcoal makes the flavour a bit drier, which I like.

>> No.9035968

now on my 7th beer
guys this wont ever end, will it?
pathetic i just want to die

>> No.9035970


well the key is not to use turbo yeast. that shit is poison. Use Birdwatchers recipe. When yeast is happy it doesn't shit poison. Vodka is a lot like Sourdough. You need to learn how to treat it. Boiling a little more water a little longer is a small price to pay for good booze.

>> No.9035973

I feel fine until around 2 or 3 when the alcohol wears off, then the severe anxiety kicks in. I can't concentrate for more than a second, it's like my brain is just screaming at me. I feel like reality is caving in, its almost like a bad mushroom trip sans the visuals. Drinking more doesn't help, do I don't bother anymore. It wears off by the late evening, after a good meal.

>> No.9035980


Do you have horrible nightmares? It's the nightmares that wake me up and make me puke.

>> No.9035988

It'll only end if you make it happen. Which if you're anything like me, you won't. Day 5 sober right now and I give up. I'm going back to the familiar AGONY of alcohol, because the way I feel right now is worse. I cannot do this.
Shops open in 7 1/2 hours.

>> No.9036003

No, but I used to when I used to get withdrawals from drinking days on end. I only ever drink for one day now, and usually only in the evening. My hangover usually wears off by bed time.

>> No.9036005
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Only been drunk 3 nights in past 7 days, my best record in over 2 years and feeling p good about it

i didn't realise just how much loneliness i was numbing with the alcohol tho, that's what mostly pushes me back

>> No.9036006



Get worried when you start drinking nothing less than 35% just to get buzzed.

>> No.9036016

5 days is nothing lad, you barely gave your brain the time to adjust. you only start to feel really fine after a couple of weeks to a month.

>> No.9036031

This >>9036016. Keep going, man. I promise you it gets better. After that it's a matter of constant vigilance and not falling into the trap of thinking you're OK now and that you can have just one or two drinks.

>> No.9036051

I've only managed a month once and it was about 11 years ago. I don't know if this is worth it. I miss the familiarity of the agony, it's all I've known my whole adult life.
Thank you anon.
I will out of respect for al/ck/, see if I can make it at least an hour after the shop opens. Then maybe 2. If I'm not tearing the flesh from my face out of frantic terror, maybe ill persevere.
Fucking hell.

>> No.9036094

>see if I can make it at least an hour after the shop opens. Then maybe 2.

This is a good mindset. What helped me to stop wasn't thinking about not drinking in the long term but just trying to make it through the day. You got hobbies? Throw yourself into them. Keeping busy is immeasurably helpful. I went for walks, played video games, listened to music, watched movies, read books, hung out with friends; anything to keep busy. You have to occupy yourself. Don't even give your brain time to think "I could sure use a drink."

>> No.9036103

Who drunk at work everyday here? I need to find a job with nothing but dudes because the anxiety of working around cute women all day is killing me.

>> No.9036104

Don't be that guy that wears alcoholism like a veteran badge. Beer gets you just as drunk if you drink enough of it.

>> No.9036109

I drink really fast and am taking some meds that make it easier

>> No.9036111

Well maybe the alcohol is what's stopping you from filling that void with people? Something to think about.

>> No.9036120

I think that's exactly the case, I'm just treading water using alcohol as an aesthetic for loneliness when i should be addressing the issue directly

>> No.9036128
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Not even /tg/ pretends that's good anymore.

>> No.9036158


Beer should be drunk for the taste, not percentage.


You are clearly well versed but lets be real here, HFY of QUALITY is well worth it and has grown fasr beyond /tg/'s realm as much as it is saddening to admit. The likes of The Beast and Deathworlders (inclusive of its origins) are not /tg/ material anymore.

>> No.9036168

>Beer should be drunk for the taste, not percentage.

Well alcoholism is hardly about using alcohol for its intended purposes, is it?

>> No.9036196
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If one cares about percentage beer is a poor entrance to it given many. many spirits flatout taste better and are considerably stronger.

>> No.9036229

who /lovesdrivingdrunk/ here?

during the day and not shitfaced though. good times

>> No.9036244

Found an old thing of Zoloft, dosed up after 2yrs off the stuff and had myself a watermelon/mezcal cocktail

feeling grand, friendos

>> No.9036246

have you considered not doing this, chum?

>> No.9036250

The problem is that people on a multiple bottle of vodka a day tolerance can barely physically consume the volumes of 5% pisswater they need to get drunk.

>> No.9036281

Yeh this. I need a shotgun of vodka to the brain to get drunk. Drinking 10 pints of 8% takes so long that I can't get it inside me fast enough to get a real kick from it. Great for tapering but otherwise really disappointing. Not sure 5% would make me feel anything.

>> No.9036286

what's a shotgun?

t. euro

>> No.9036296


How many times have you crashed?

>> No.9036300

9th beer guys, literally cannot stop it's too comfy but i still hate myself for not controlling myself, this has become a daily routine
how does one just stop?

>> No.9036304


Cold turkey. Lifting weights or /d/ can help mitigate the pain/loneliness.

>> No.9036307

Dying, I suppose. Wonder how many former al/ck/ anons I've spoken with who are now under the ground.

>> No.9036334

Go as hard as you want one night, then the next night have one drink less. then the next night one drink less. Repeat until you gently hit the ground of sobriety.

Exercise and healthy food advised.

>> No.9036337

that's just a bitter response, things get better right

>> No.9036362

Google the relapse rates

>> No.9036393

Welp.. I'm sick now. The lack of food, sleep, and shelter have caught up, and this cold/flu thing is kicking my ass. I've never gotten rocked by a cold so quickly before. I sat down to watch that bullshit NBA final, and I had a random coughing fit. By the end of the game, I was hacking, and had orange shit coming out my nose. Do any of you notice that you get sick more often? I have.. I wish I could get up and drive to town for soup, but I'm freezing under a blanket at the moment.

>> No.9036408

I get ill maybe once every 5 years max.
It's a reflection of how infrequently I leave my house. My immune system is no doubt in ruins.
Feel better bruh. Lots and lots of vitamin c.

>> No.9036417

John Wick 1 marathon on TV and a few 40's .
I guess that is saturday.

>> No.9036419

Thanks. I'm worried about eating meds though. I'm probably in that "may cause liver damage category"

>> No.9036453

Vit C won't hurt you. Eat an absolute shitload of kiwis if you can get some. It apparently helps the immune system to rek colds much faster.
Why have you had a shortage of shelter btw? Made me think of all the poor fucks out there who put up with homelessness as well as alcoholism. Fucking unthinkable, not even having somewhere to wash, get warm, feel safe, not even escape winter weather, nothing. I wouldn't last a month.

>> No.9036477

I have a house and all, but I crash in place in the back of my car more often than not, since I'm piss drunk. It gets pretty cold at night, into the morning.

>> No.9036480
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A friend asked me if it's bad to have fi ished a bottlw of wine two episodes into marathoning a show on Netflix.

I replied asking if having a beer with candle lit bubble bath is bad.

Geyser Goze, a beer brewed with kelp and sea moss. Seems fitting.

>> No.9036577

It' when you load up your shotgun with (preferably whiskey) liquor and have your friend fire the alcohol projectile down your esophagus for direct intake and increased bioavailability

Must suck not having guns

>> No.9036591


>> No.9036616

>not injecting it directly into your veins

>> No.9036647

Who everclear here?

>> No.9036683

Pretty sure it's outlawed here, I'd love to try it.

>> No.9036690

I like to talk like I wasn't just in a shouting match, so no.

>> No.9036692

It tastes like hand sanitizer and shits fire down your throat, you're not missing much mate. But on the other hand, 1 shot of it is worth 2-3 shots of other hard alcohol, so it's really pretty efficient for its pricetag. Maybe not quite as efficient as super cheap plastic bottle vodka though.

>> No.9036695

just mix it with frozen juice concentrate

>> No.9036701

I know everyone has seen this, but the man is unreal, this deserves a repost


>> No.9036705

I dont understand how shoenice hasn't died yet

>> No.9036710

I want to believe but man, I just can't.

>> No.9036725

Shoenice? Dude is as legit as they come. I wish he'd come here.
L a beast too

>> No.9036735

dude sounds like hes already pretty drunk

>> No.9036743

according to him he went to the hospital and got his stomach pumped right after

>> No.9036759

Yeah he sounds uncomfortably drunk already. i can't imagine what he felt like afterwards.

>> No.9036766

If it was actually Everclear then yeah, that would be the only way he'd survive I would imagine.

>> No.9036776

You gotta dump that shit into a big tub of pink lemonade.
Bibbling with Reddit also came up with a VERY good riot juice recipe that uses it. 3 parts everclear, 1 part blue curacao, 1-2 parts (to taste) pineapple juice.
Fucking annihilates you.

>> No.9036781

Check his channel, he's slammed bottles of just about everything. Send him one and he'll do a vid for you. Vice did a documentary on him. Dude is a legend.

>> No.9036794

>blue curacao
Never vomit after drinking this. Nor baileys. Eurgh.

>> No.9036800

His balls are way bigger than mine, fuck that. I've been too scared to push myself past 20 shots because years I got in a drinking contest with a friend that fucker ended up vomiting blood and getting his stomach pumped. Now I just get blackout drunk without doing anything retarded.

>> No.9036811

I've one-shotted 70cl of Smirnoff, in fact I've got it on video, but it's a dumbshit party trick thing to do and doesn't feel good at fucking all. I can't imagine what it must be like to do it with something twice the potency. It'd probably kill me, even on a full stomach.

Didn't realise the vid I just linked wasn't on shoenice's channel. Here it is for those too drunk to search


>> No.9036862

Yeah, props to you man but I ain't got balls big enough to fuck with that shit. I'll just stick to drinking unhealthy amounts every night instead of risking my life like that

>> No.9036874

Never had that happen. Does it just dye everything a weird color or what?

>> No.9036875

iceberg or polar ice?

>> No.9036881

Blue vomit isn't nice. And frothing baileys vomit is something you won't forget in a hurry

>> No.9036883

I never drink whiskey & usually stick to vodka but I tried some last night and got a headache a few drinks in while still being drunk
Also woke up with a mild hangover, is this abnormal in any way?

>> No.9036885

Blue vomit can't be any worse than green vomit to be honest

>> No.9036888

diet lime polar ice, with hendrick's (or cheaper burnett's) gin

>> No.9036891

Typically the darker the colour of the drink, the worse the hangover. No idea why

>> No.9036892

fuck man that movie is so good
have there been any pure actions movies like it in the past few years

>> No.9036911


>> No.9036919

goddamn i hate those bile puking days. can't even drink water

thankfully i haven't had one in about 4 months or so

>> No.9036927
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>drinking scotch
>listening to this

>> No.9036932

vomiting baileys was one of the worst experiences ever
barfing up foam hurt like hell

>> No.9036939

Glad I haven't been dumb enough to experience that shit. With how shitty Bailey's is all around, what would make you drink enough of it to make a difference in how you vomit?

>> No.9036955

I didn't drink that much of it, bought it off impulse when it first started showing up on TV years ago
It was just a small bottle but it had a fuck load of foam in it so it fucked me up coming back out

>> No.9037115

Can't get that here
Can only get regular polar ice or regular iceberg

>> No.9037124

No diet polar ice to add your lime squeezer into either?

Now that's just silly...

>> No.9037251

the anxiety, the loose shits, insomnia

Work in 2 hours, just have to endure this day and it will be fine.

>> No.9037255
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>just got home from work
>time for beer
I deserve this

>> No.9037257

Take a half of an ephedrine pill 5 hours before your shift-end.

>> No.9037265

every time i drink and get to the point where i wanna put on my headphones and listen to music, i end up getting way too drunk and puking all day the next day

and i'm at the point where i wanna listen to music. wish me luck

>> No.9037266

anon just go to bed. i love you man

>> No.9037299

i have 2 more shots lined up, and some leftover pizza i'm gonna eat after

think i'm gonna be alright. ilu2 broski, no homo

>> No.9037343
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This question was fun last thread, so i'll ask it again

Whats the lowest alcohol related moment you've ever seen or done?

>Me, drank isopropyl alcohol when I was out. It worked

>> No.9037355

are you me?

>> No.9037451

Nah no idea

>> No.9037454


Last week I was past out on some dudes front lawn having pissed myself with my car on the side of the road.

Er next morning, mental hospital next. Put on a bunch of drugs, kept drinking. The other night my gf got so drunk she begged me to kill her. Man, that's not my scene. I literally had to grab her to stop her from grabbing my guns.

Fuck. It's 438 and I'm about to chug some vodka.

>> No.9037518

I'm trying to show myself I can drink in moderation , like 1 or 2 beers, but all it does is put me in an extremely shitty mood once I finish them and don't have any more for a bit

>> No.9037520

Drank modern times bourbon barred aged monster Park and Teo old.skools... Delicious

>> No.9037526

Thrown up on myself, pissed my self, woke up in a car dealer ship and tried to jump the barbed wire fence.

Got fucked up. Worst part is I didn't even know how I got in there.

Stabbed some guys walls cuz I thought he was talking shit.

Fucked fatties.

I'm not proud but happy I'm alive

>> No.9037546


>Fucked fatties.

This isn't a negative anon (unless it was a fat dude - bear mode is acceptable).

>> No.9037555

Surprisingly, I'm a good guest and don't bitch at all when someone offers me shit. As long as I have good company, I don't care.

I drank two cans of beer and called it a day. Why can't you control myself, my dude?

>> No.9037630

So what's up with this cold alcohol thing, cold beer, cold vodka, it literally doesn't change anything for me

>> No.9037636


Vodka is meant to be chilled.

>> No.9037641

Just woke up after polishing off a handle of gilbeys or whatever that cheap vodka is

>> No.9037643

If you cant tell the difference between cold vodka and room temp there's something really wrong with you.
Even the cheapest bottom shelf shit is immeasurably better cold.

>> No.9037678

Also, cold vodka is easily received by your stomach.

>> No.9037875


/d/ ? the 'hentai/alternative' board?

i dont understand

>> No.9037929

Do worms go away by themselves

>> No.9037955

pissed the bed and threw up on my wife my wife while blacked out on 2 bottles of mouthwash, 500ml of vodka , and 3 klonopins.

>> No.9038099

I'm going out for dinner with some friends tonight so I can't start drinking in the afternoon so I don't turn up drunk.

This is so fucking boring. I have cleaned my flat from top to bottom and now I have literally nothing to do until then. How do people do this.

>> No.9038108

>How do people do this.

Build model airplanes. Collect something. Play a sport. Take up woodcarving. Make your own fishing lures. Doesn't really matter what it is so long as you enjoy it.

>> No.9038336

Stopped drinking in the morning....gotten 2 bottles of wine and some tall boys down to a little less than half a bottle of wine and a beer. I feel alot less in need of it 24 7 I don't look at the gas station across the street and make some excuse to my wife to go over there buy a tall boy and chug it on the way back and dump it in the dumpster before I go back to my place
...it feels nice...i hope to continue this trend

>> No.9038641
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>mfw I have no recollection of cleaning and conditioning my cast iron last night
I did a good job tho

>> No.9038648

Worked 12 hours yesterday, so only two beers. Time to make up for lost beer drinking for the weekend.

>> No.9038676
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>> No.9038700
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>> No.9038756

Gin and Whiskey. Sometimes I mix the two for a delicious treat I like to call "Ginwhiskey"

>> No.9038794

>I'll leave it an hour, then try 2
Now at 9 hours. Shops close in 2. Sweat pouring but impressed that I'm managing

>> No.9038804

>not ginskey

>> No.9038809

>not whin

>> No.9038810
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Story time:

>Have exactly $20 left for food
>Get rip roaring drunk on the cheap vlad I had left
>Pass out
>Wake up this morning
>Still have the $20 in my wallet
>And half a pizza on my table

Did I rob the delivery guy?

>> No.9038836

Depends on how fat. Can range from a guilty pleasure to a secret you should take to the grave.

>> No.9038901

You fucker you didn't tip me and you stole my pizza

>> No.9038918
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after trying lemon, vanilla, blueberry, and orange i finally found the best flavor of stoli

>> No.9038922


No, you offered to suck his dick for the pizza so you could keep the money to buy more booze to which he happily oblidged

>> No.9038931

"it's not delivery, it's delisio"

Fuck I'm drunk again

>> No.9039026

>tfw the boredom after the withdrawls is the worst

>> No.9039037

I'm still in the brutal insomnia stage, but yeah the boredom is an absolute relapse magnet

>> No.9039041

i avoid these threads because of how bad my drinking got, its like you guys encourage it and try to top one another. im having a hard time going 1 night without going crazy

>> No.9039046

I was awake for two days almost entirely spent pacing before I could take a nap.

The final relief of unconsciousness is great though.

>> No.9039063

I feel like we encourage each other to get sober.

>> No.9039081

Realistically for how long can I drink 3/4 drinks a day and keep my health? I know this isn't the best way to look at it, but I'm sure I'd stop if i got married or had kids or a girlfriend.

>> No.9039090

Depends on on the size of the drinks. Three or four isn't that bad though, if you look at standard units.

>> No.9039092

I've slept 3 hours total since Tuesday. I'm probably going to get drunk tonight, I can't take it.

>> No.9039111

Did you exercise and tire yourself out and wank a lot?

Those help.

>> No.9039116

Get some benzos or ambien. Fuck cold turkey withdrawal/sobriety.

>> No.9039125

I tapered lad, but it's still pretty hard.

>> No.9039139

Any quitters getting that Vivitrol shit?
I only have like one pharmacy that is doing it and I hear the thing is painful as fuck.

What am I in for?

>> No.9039170

On a bender I'm at 10ish before I get out of bed. Literally. I will stash it in down the side of my bed. Last night I was so fucked I was crawling on my knees eating lasagna.

3-4 drinks is nothing. But it's a start. Don't do it m8. Time for my 6th shit of the day.

Time for my meds. Maybe I'll have a few beers.

>> No.9039182
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I drank too much and smoked too much chron last night and got really sick. I was so out of it and I think I was in the washroom for over an hour retching or feeling like I was about to retch. It was really fucked, I've never had it that bad before and I thought I was gonna die or some shit.

>> No.9039191

Probably the booze anon. You on the hard stuff?

Thought dope was to make you hurt less

>> No.9039230

I didn't drink anything crazy, but I'm sort of lightweight and had an empty stomach. The booze definitely played the biggest role, but I think the weed pushed me over the edge. I was already sort of fucked up when I started smoking so it basically just launched me into outer-space. I think me getting sick was basically just my body not knowing what the fuck was going on.

>> No.9039237

are you me?

>> No.9039300

I guess Anon meant masturbation. But I'd recommand to stay away from /d/ if you don't want their fucked up monsters to come for you during nightmares.

As long as it take to become 4/5 drinks a day, then 5/6, etc.
That's the main problem with daily drinking, it builds tolerance fast.

French recommendation is 2340 : 2 units/day for women, 3 units per day for men, 4 units on special occasions, 0 drink in risk situations (pregnant, taking meds, etc) and at least once a week.
1 unit is 10g ethanol, so about half a pint of light beer, a glass of wine, etc.
Formula is 0.8 * alc% * volume(ml) /100 = ethanol weight(g)
Yeah, it's very low compared to what we drink, but we're not representative.

>> No.9039315

>when you suddenly feel like you need to puke
>go to toilet
>nothing comes out
>feel better in 5 mins


>> No.9039357

Ghost puke.
Your stomach is HAUNTED

>> No.9039430

>go to liquor store
>sign says "$10.99"
>ring up
>notice immediately
>too autistic to say anything
>read reviews afterwards of that store
>other people say the same thing


>> No.9039432

I don't deserve happiness and I just want to make my life as complicated and shitty as possible

>> No.9039437

I've had gin as my drink of choice since college. What does this mean?

>> No.9039460

vodka, because:
>I'm polish so it's the cheapest spirit out there
>I like the taste
>mixes well with everything
>unlikely to cause stomach problems or hangovers
>great for parties, noone ever complains about vodka because if they don't like it neat, they can just mix it with pretty much anything

>> No.9039574

>like they got the body from a hard life, not the gym


>> No.9039682

Vidya is the easiest way to kill time

>> No.9039724

4 day streak
lads I'm drinking copious amounts of beer again, need to wake up early but just dont care anymore
took 2 xannys and couldn't care less
how are you all doing tonight?

>> No.9039728

50 gallon still? Anything else just isn't economical.

>> No.9039745

There's nothing better than a cooler in the passenger seat with 3 beers waiting for me to get out of work.

I don't want a DUI (thankfully it's a ticket and I haven't gotten caught). Just makes rush hour so much better, and the buzz hits me when I get home so I've found I've cut back my drinking.

>> No.9039746

Pretty bad. Just relapsed. Found out 10 days ago that my oneitis of 13 years got married. She informed me by sending me a wedding pic and the words "Now fuck off". First I've heard from her in over a year.

>> No.9039749
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I think I fucked up my stomach? I drink vodka pretty heavily and although I didn't drink a lot last night (maybe two beers) the last couple nights I've been binging pretty hard and all day my stomach has felt some mild aching and my shits have all burned, watery and probably has some blood in there. Any suggestions? It's more annoying than anything else but I just wanna be sure.

>> No.9039805

sober about 3 days now
starting to feel a bit normal again

>> No.9039814

how are you not dead? you are a medical mystery

>> No.9039831

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I only drank once this weekend. It was a lovely Moontang from a place called the University Drafthouse. It was an alcoholic orange sherbet smoothie. I'm surprised it wasn't sickly sweet.

>> No.9039849

just switch alcohol, or even just switch brand

>> No.9039861
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Just bad luck I guess.

>> No.9039874

MR Smirnoff??
Your mattress is moldy.

>> No.9039882

It's hardly surprising, I spend around 23 hours and 50 minutes a day on it.
Normally I curl a duvet around myself to keep the rot at bay, and just order a new one when it needs washing

>> No.9039900

That is just downright awful.
Please clean something, clean your room.

>> No.9039914

Psh, why? When this room gets too bad I'll just abandon it and move to another. This is my dining room, probably has a few months more stamina left in it before it's banished for good and I start on the lounge. I haven't been in my bedroom for months, it's a fucking danger. If I last longer than the house, I'll sell it and buy another.

>> No.9039922

lmao that is hilarious. do you just doo doo on the floor and pee everywhere like a caveman or something?

>> No.9039934

What do you take me for, some kind of animal? I have standards. I piss and puke into an assortment of puke bowls and piss chalices like any respectable alcoholic. I throw them out of the window ONLY when I am almost certain it won't cover innocent passers by on the street.

>> No.9039956

when I moved out of my old apartment and spent 12 hours cleaning to get $600 of my $900 deposit back I gained a new appreciation for regular cleaning

>> No.9039979

I usually wear headphones into my mp3 player and dance around my apartment. I am a considerate drunk.

>> No.9040188

It has just occurred to me that I'm wasted and I've no idea what I've been doing for at least 15minutes. I think I'm blacked out right now. I'll never again remember what I'm experiencing right at this moment. I feel like I should this should be documented somehow

>> No.9040210

Go lay down or drink hand sanitizer

>> No.9040214


>> No.9040218

i used to keep a log in notepad
was kinda interesting

>> No.9040225
File: 50 KB, 599x563, I feel it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, lay down
Drink hand sanitizer

>> No.9040230

man sobriety is fucking boring, but i think i should stay sober
vomiting bile and not being able to hardly stand and walk around kinda sucks

>> No.9040253

Sounds pretty good tbqh.

>> No.9040266

I only, only vomit when I'm sober...

>> No.9040274

yeah i do it when im going through withdrawals

>> No.9040294


I think that's closely linked to anxiety. I wake up from a nightmare and end up puking. There's some kind of poisonous cortisol effect going on there in extremis.

>> No.9040326

Does that absolut citron shit (or any other flavoured vodka) actually make any difference when making a screwdriver
Or is it just some bullshit

>> No.9040331

>nothing to eat but zero appetite ever
Is there really no way to get a hefty wallop of ethanol into a tasty food item? I've never got drunk just from eating, but man it'd be so much healthier if I could.

>> No.9040344

How are you so rich again? Investments? Were the porn sites really that lucrative?

>> No.9040365

Please respond

>> No.9040369

I'm not rich anon, I'm in debt. Porn was VERY lucrative in the 90s though when I got my sites up, and I used the money to buy a house in a nice area. The value of property keeps rocketing so I keep moving and clearing my debts on my profits. I move to smaller and smaller houses in shitter and shittier areas.
s'all good, it keeps me drunk and alive.
Wont last forever but I'm old now and I had a good run, don't need to live to be 100.

>> No.9040440

>drink 16 shots
>no puke

why can't i puke al/ck/? i dont remember ever puking and according to my parents i didn't puke as a baby either.
is something wrong with me?

>> No.9040449

Most shots I ever drank before I puked is 27. I did three more to round it out after I puked though for the 30. I'd feel better about it if I did 30 and then puked, but it is what it is.

>> No.9040452

damn i think i'd probably die before i could drink that much

>> No.9040457

To be completely honest with you, the shot glass I was using was something like a half ounce short of a standard shot or something like that. It was a full late evening of it too with other people, I didn't just pound them all.

>> No.9040460

Oh yeah I also forgot to add just don't drink that much even if you can obviously.

>> No.9040471
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This is nice and smooth for a high abv beer

Please don't play the 1up game where you name me a smoother or higher abv beer

>> No.9040557

>sober for about a week
>almost no sleep
>fuck this. relapse, wasted... oh man imma sleep, fucking wheeee!
>4am, can't sleep
send help

>> No.9040567

>drinking alcohol in 2k17

>> No.9040576

Brace yourself everyone, it's this thread's 'that one guy'

>> No.9040589

oops, sunday drinking!

>> No.9040590

i managed to sleep last night but i woke up covered in sweat, probably a combo of heat and withdrawals

>> No.9040591

Sorry I'm not a weak minded addict that needs to intoxicate myself so I can forget about my miserable life for a few hours.

>> No.9040596

That stuffs shit tho

>> No.9040600

You should be sorry

>> No.9040604

>kill themselves while listening to johnny cash albums

If I ever kill myself, I'm going to remember this post and do that.

>> No.9040610

How so?

For 9% abv it goes down smooth and has a little bit of flavor, though I guess you could complain that it doesn't have any distinguishing characteristics

What exactly is your problem with it?

>> No.9040615

>lifting weights

I started drinking more after I started lifting, because I didn't feel fat from drinking.

>> No.9040616

Penguins won the cup, I'm gonna get drunk as a nigger on payday

>> No.9040622


>> No.9040631
File: 1.27 MB, 695x931, 2017-06-11_22-07-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went out with friends to some gay ass food truck festival
>pre game
>5 dollars for a tiny plastic cup of hipster beer
>miraculously abstain from drinking
>buy some real drinks on the way home
>make the ultimate burger: thicc pancakes, onion, american cheese, fried egg, frozen burg patty, dipped in various sauces of my choosing

perfect way to end a weekend desu

>> No.9040653

My ex wrote a song about alcoholism. Then left me for being an alcoholic.

Try that one on for feels.


Not commenting again ITT.

>> No.9040655

Came home from closing down the irish pub down the street having thrown back tons of Jameson, guiness, and irish car bombs. Luckily, I wasn't driving. I wandered around on 3 different floors of my apartment building looking for my apartment, waited for five minutes on the elevator shaft here that doesn't have a working elevator, threw up all over my floor, got to my door, and collapsed on the ground against the door drunk dialing people trying to get somebody to help me get inside because I couldn't find the right key. Finally got myself inside, went to my bed, and puked while I was sleeping. It was a very solid puke, too, and I'm lucky I didn't asphyxiate.

>> No.9040658

I've been hearing that Stoli is the best bang for your buck when it comes to Vodka. Is this true anon?

>> No.9040665

IPA is cancer

>> No.9040675

Have done this, and it's surprisingly good. Have also done a double gin-whiskey tonic. Wasn't bad. I want to say there was one other ingredient, but I was wasted when I did it.

>> No.9040699

This would actually be really interesting and I should start doing it. Just logging every 15 minutes what I do, think, and say, could be fascinating. I often wake up not even being able to weave a narrative of my browser history.

>> No.9040732


>> No.9040802

Anyone else sometimes kinda 'come to' and realise they've been laying in bed, eyes closed, groaning; almost crying in pain, out loud, for fuck knows how long? Keeps happening then I sorta... realise it was happening and stop, normally to find myself drenched in sweat

>> No.9040829

>Waaah popular stuff sucks do I fit in yet?

>> No.9041087

I think the rudest I've ever been with beer is just asking if they have anything darker. If they don't I usually just accept what was offered, I never complain.

>> No.9041095

I'm 19 and in University, will making moonshine and selling it fairly cheap make people like me more?

>> No.9041101

When I buy good shit it's tequila or bourbon, when I buy cheap shit it's vodka or whatever my friend made this time.

>> No.9041111


>> No.9041125

What kind of worms?

>> No.9041126

no you'll just be that moonshine selling weirdo

>> No.9041138

the kind that makes your ass itch

>> No.9041207

>tfw just drank a real tequila for the first time, not jose cuervo and shit

i kinda like it bros

>> No.9041216
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these will be the end of me. so cheap and strong. my other go to is the "dirty" dubra which i dont like doing often but will switch out if I dont feel like drinking the three daddys. atleast ive weened myself enough where i dont wake up with the major anxiety.

blog post over.

>> No.9041246

Anybody else get that cabbage feeling? You'll know what I mean if you have had it.

>> No.9041248

This could so easily be a picture I've took. I used to drink the exact same (with the 1339 price and everything).

If you were really me you'd buy 2 bottles of coke zero too

>> No.9041263
File: 162 KB, 625x414, 1384844751761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then get the fuck out, all our ex's left us too, you're not a snowflake faggot

>> No.9041269

fuck you gillian, you whore

>> No.9041472

I used to love driving drunk, until I got a dui. It happens eventually if you drive drunk often. I was actually a great of drunk driver as I delivered pizzas everyday drunk for 3 years. Then one night I overdid it and feel asleep in my car a few blocks away from my house and woke up to a cop knocking on my window. Once you start getting duis, that is when the real problems will start. People on these threads complain all the time about how terrifying withdrawal is and about how they can't stop drink. But atleast they aren't in jail which is far worse.

>> No.9041515

Where do you live where DUI is just a ticket? Dont risk it senpai, it puts other people in danger too.

>> No.9041527

Why is my skin coming off? ;_; surely I need it
And why can't I have my first drink of the day without throwing up? How can I get drunk enough to stop throwing up, if I keep throwing up? No no no body, you haven't thought this through at all.

>> No.9041528

>gets worse after 1 dui

This is especially true in smaller towns and cities where cops routinely run plates just driving around and if the driving record shows a dui, they'll invariably pull you over just to check if you've been drinking. If you ever get 1, you're a marked man.

>> No.9041533

Ever gone through WD while in custody? Shit isn't nice at all. I've got 2 x dui.

>> No.9041824

only time I get hangover headaches is if I drink vodka though

>> No.9041890

hearing fags slur their words and talk slow almost pisses me off as much as people who chew with their mouth open

>> No.9041964

wow that's a really sociopathic thing for her to do, I'd be seething with anger if some bitch I hadn't spoke to in a year had that sort of arrogance

>> No.9041972

>quit drinking 4 months ago
>liver enzymes still high
>ultrasound normal - no fatty liver

What's wrong with me? Even my doc thought it was because drinking.

>> No.9041986

Its cheap and smoothe, a good buy id say just avoid blueberry. Everthing else is ok

>> No.9041989


stoli was good 10 years ago, then it went to Russian standard, now who knows? I make my own.

>> No.9042009

you write like a teenager

>> No.9042023

are you sure it's not just hemorrhoids or you being a gross person

If it is worms I think there's certain foods you can eat that are bad for tapeworms but google is probably your answer

>> No.9042064

Deep down, I know. You're right. But I'd legit die in agony for that girl. I just don't care what happens as long as she's comfortable.
Inb456 cuck.

>> No.9042077

Mebendazole. Buy it. Now fuck off, that shit is your inability to cook thoroughly, it is not al/ck/.

>> No.9042087

>70cl vodka since 10am
I can't go on like this, fucking hell

>> No.9042092

Anyone here try making alcohol? I'm thinking of trying to make some apple wine or some mead

>> No.9042098


I Would suggest you avoid mead when you're just starting out. It's rather tricky, and most mead tastes like shit until you've aged it for a long time. As in: Years. Stick with wine or beer so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor without having to wait for ages.

>> No.9042131


>> No.9042143

Clicks plus

>> No.9042335

I was extremely drunk when I was cooking

>> No.9042340

Try reading the thread you fucking drunk

>> No.9042353

>tfw slipped up on my taper and had a bottle again yesterday

feels bad. still going sober today though.

>> No.9042356

well lads landlord is probably going to give me shit over my drinking again, might get kicked out this time
think nows a good time to end it

>> No.9042359
File: 42 KB, 588x588, 1444728218782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh so I have to go to 'Intensive Outpatient Therapy' tonight for like three hours. Anyone done this? Advice? I wasn't planning on drinking ofc.

>> No.9042369

Get drunk beforehand so you won't be completely bored out of your mind for the 3 hours

>> No.9042378


They breathalyzed me before my assessment tho.

>> No.9042395

How does he notice?

>> No.9042398

>stub toe
>leave blood trail that i dont notice
>others bitch at me

>> No.9042407

3 monthes dry
3 weeks off codéine
All in all it's good but my OCD is back and it's hell all over again

I exist to suffer.

>> No.9042434

Life is suffering

>> No.9042454

fucking faggot

>> No.9042709

Oh god I've done this but only for an hour, get ready to listen to faggots talk about violating probation for "them lying about my tests" and all this shit. it's literally the worst. The counselors really do have info you can use, but sadly it's hard for them to get a chance. Have fun, don't expect much.

>> No.9042713

I got prescribed adderall because I cant do anything at work and it makes my OCD 10 times worse. especially touching my face I am sure I will look like a meth addict soon

also started drinking again

>> No.9042714
File: 31 KB, 451x500, i_dunno_beats_me_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just paid 6.43 for two 42oz Steel Reserves, did I get fucking swindled? That sounds like a fucking lot.... I'm used to like, 11 bucks a 750ml for vodka.

>> No.9043008

tfw my mt dew wine is fermenting

>> No.9043075

Seems pretty expensive, anon. I can get 42s of Steel Reserve for about $2.20 each.

>> No.9043103

>when your canadian and americans talk prices
god help me

>> No.9043117

>tfw just had my first full day sober in many months

Feels weirdly empty. I'm also extremely hungry, could that be compensation for all the alcohol calories I'm missing out on?

>> No.9043118

Are you me? I delivered pizza drunk every day for 2.5 years and got a DWI a few months ago. I work inside now and my boss gave me a manager position. I'm in my last week of SATOP right now. Sitting here waiting for the class to start...

>> No.9043121


cuck, but cucking with a heart

>> No.9043176

About to leave work and go crack a cold one, not with the boys tho, by myself.
Problem is its kinda chilly right now and I'm not particulary in the mood for something harder since I rekt myself this weekend.
What brew is best consumed warm? I don't care much for beer that isn't cold but I get into bitch mode at 5°C and under.

>> No.9043186

Not DUI, but 'open container'. DUI in the US is .08 BAL which is a good 6 pack+.

>> No.9043212

Any unflavored 8.0 and above should be less than $2.00. I used to buy Colt 45 or Schlitz, but locally they only carry Natty Daddy's.

>> No.9043234

I can't eat comfortably right after going for a while. It's like I forget how to swallow at the crucial moment and almost choke.

>> No.9043278

>What brew is best consumed warm?
Trappist ales are good around 12 degrees celcius.

>> No.9043288


or a non-native English speaker

>> No.9043309

hello alcoholic friends

>> No.9043322

post your tunes you fucking benders

>> No.9043437


im a fucking faggot edition


>> No.9043530

Except in Mississippi where you can drink while driving as long as you're below 0.08.

>> No.9043685


I think the question here is ugliness. "Fat" isn't really the question. Some girls are fat and cute, some girls are skinny and gross. Fat can make someone who should be cute no-longer-cute, but the fat in and of itself isn't the problem.

I've fucked some people I was ashamed of, but to call them "fatties" would do a real disservice to the specific things about them that make those nights regrettable. And it's an insult to some wonderful, beautiful (without exaggeration) and sexy bigger gals I been with.

>> No.9043781

Welp I normally drink polish vodkas (lukisowa or something is my fav) but three olives was on sale AND IT IS PURE GAS Jesus Christ even Sobieski is gold compared to this

>> No.9043972

well its like day 4 or 5 and im really cravin lads

>> No.9044059

new one lads
