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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9031765 No.9031765 [Reply] [Original]

>eat almond
>lips go numb

>> No.9031906


>> No.9031990

>eat peach
>scratchy throat

>> No.9032004

I get that when I eat avocados
not gonna stop me though

>> No.9032024

This Happens to me with bell peppers.

>> No.9032027

>eat orange or grapefruit
>lips start burning

>> No.9032054

You got to activate them first, numbnuts.

>> No.9032065
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wtf is wrong with you people

>> No.9032069

>eat potato
>mouth gets irritated
>eat fruit
>skin breaks out around nose/mouth
at least i can have gluten and lactose, i guess

>> No.9032070

>Genetic Inferiority, the Thread

>> No.9032079

The Nazis lost.

>> No.9032082

mild allergies
you gotta fuckin problem with that

>> No.9032091

As someone with literally zero allergies I'd be pretty damn embarrassed if eating a grape made my lips burn or some other gay nonsense, I sure as hell wouldn't share it with the world, even anonymously.

>> No.9032105
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>eat pineapple
>my tongue its gone

>> No.9032120 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 454x884, me_irl29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat cocks
>cum in my panties

>> No.9032129

you a girl?

>> No.9032134


>> No.9032187

same and same

>> No.9032206

Avocado allergies are a thing?

>> No.9032517

Almonds with cyanide don't taste good, they taste bitter.

>> No.9032525


>> No.9032713

>Eat potato crisps
>get cancer sore
>face feels like its dissolving for the next two weeks

>> No.9032735

>use types of toothpaste that aren't aquafresh
>taste buds get knocked out for at least a week

what in the fuck

>> No.9032746

The more times you have mild allergic reactions to food, the more likely it is that you'll suffer anaphylaxis in the future.

>> No.9033218

>cancer sore

>> No.9033355

>Eat melon
>Mouth and throat start going numb


>> No.9033381
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>Eat ugly ass flavorless balloon fish
>Body starts going numb


>> No.9033389

>Eat jalapenos
>Top of my head (near the crown) starts to itch

Have no fucking idea why

>> No.9033399
File: 376 KB, 500x500, lifesavers-sugar-free-5-flavor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat a bag of sugar free candy
>Have diarrhea for a day and a half.

>> No.9033510

>eat tomato
>mouth stinging

>> No.9033513

>Drink coffee
>Eye eczema

>> No.9033519

If I put too much hot mustard on something it makes it feel like the top of my head is burning. I think it's just making your sinuses burn, but it kind of feels like the top of your head.

>> No.9033523

>eat fois gras
>anal prolapse

>> No.9033585

pls b ther

>> No.9033593


>> No.9033615
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>Eat cheese
>Brow starts to sweat

>> No.9033645

>drink out of can
>let the tab touch my nose
>my tear ducts suddenly feel cold

>> No.9033666

>I sure as hell wouldn't share it with the world, even anonymously.
why not?

>> No.9033875

>eat melon
>throat closes
>have seizure

Feels bad

>> No.9033880

This may come as a shock but you can be alergic to damn near anything

>> No.9033893

>eat banana
>fingernails fall off and credit score drops

>> No.9034048


Are you kidding?

>> No.9034060

>eat blue M&M
>tongue swells, hair starts graying. infertile for a week

>> No.9034064

>eat raw red onion in sandwich
>mouth gets strange taste to it, feels like smalls cuts in mouth

Anyone else get this?

>> No.9035049

>Be autistic

>> No.9035155

I hear epinephrine is selling like hot cakes in Australia and Canada

>> No.9035703

>be 12
>eating shrimp
>starts getting hard to breath
>throat shuts, pass out
>but not before my mom finally yells out that I'm allergic to shrimp

The fuck did you buy it for mom

>> No.9036698

Referred pain

>> No.9036704

>eat delissio
>scratch the roof of my mouth

>> No.9036720

>eat banana
>throat closes up
maybe I should stop deepthroating it

>> No.9036722
File: 114 KB, 600x622, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat walnuts
>swell horribly, itch everywhere, hard to breathe
>eat cashews
>horrible stomach cramps, hard to breathe
>eat pecans
>stomach cramps, itching, swelling
>eat pistachios
>swell up, lips numb
>eat hazlenuts
thanks, genetics. Pic is from when I decided to 'test my walnut allergy' by having a slice of pie someone gave me. My face is so fucking swollen in this picture, even my eyelids were bulging out.

>> No.9036771

You're probably lying, cashews are fruit seeds and not nuts so they shouldn't affect you.

>> No.9036777

>eat something
>no birth defects that make food dangerous

You people need to be hanged.

>> No.9036788

Trips confirm, sorry guys.

>> No.9036789

>eat food
>digest it
What the fuck stomach?

>> No.9036824

I only get this with raw almonds. Apple skins too.

>> No.9036841

he said his lips went numb, you dip shit.

>> No.9036853
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>> No.9036859

>eat apples
>intestines burst through stomach wall

>> No.9036869

I'm allergic to a bunch of random shit. Can't do bananas or else I get very strong stomach cramps that last over a day. cashews make me feel terrible. It's not just a single nut allergy.

>> No.9036949
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>eat gluten
>get painful sores on legs

>> No.9037459

>eat mcchicken
>agree that it is indeed the best fast food sandwich

>> No.9037471

>Eat nothing

>> No.9037474

>eat bag of dorritos
>pimples all over the nose and mouth

>> No.9037476

>eat macadamia nuts
>feel so sick

>> No.9037691
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>eat gluten
>dick flies off

>> No.9037699

>drink directly out of milk bag
>leave mouth residue around the hile

>> No.9038846
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>> No.9038881

>eat pizza
>diarrhea that burns

>> No.9039235

>eat apples
>tree sprouts out of my fucking stomach

>> No.9039236

>Eat nothing
>Get hunger pains

>> No.9039466


Avocados, bananas, and latex I believe cause the same allergic reaction.

I never liked bananas cause they made my throat feel weird.
Avocados made my cheeks feel tired
My mom developed a strong latex allergy in her later years.

but now as far as I know Im not allergic to anything. I can eat bananas and avocados all day long.

>> No.9039468

Can you still buy that same shit that causes the shits? asking for a friend

>> No.9039478

This. All you fucking peanut allergic ass holes are ruining it for the rest of us. fuck your safe space, eat nuts, and die.

>> No.9039499

Yeah, get sugar free gummi bears from Amazon

>> No.9039621

>leave mouth residue around the hile
you are the worst kind of person

>> No.9039639
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>> No.9040174
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>eat produce
>pic related

>> No.9040183
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I wish I could bully all the weak bodied "people" in this thread

>> No.9040341

>Eat pasta
>Fingers start to pinch

>> No.9040553

>Eat steak
>put plate in dishwasher

Happens every time

>> No.9040661
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, 1485912004437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this thread is filled with genetically inferior subhumans

>> No.9041348

i have a dish washer, but never use it
always hand wash