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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9029968 No.9029968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>visit American friend
>he puts his eggs, butter, and bread in the fridge

>> No.9029979

Eggs and butter DO belong in the fridge


>> No.9029981

there is literally no logical reason not to put those things in the fridge

>> No.9029988

it's acceptable to put eggs and butter either in or out of the fridge

we can all agree that bread shouldn't be refrigerated

>> No.9030001

Aussie here. Temperatures here outside during summer reach as much as 44C where I live, meaning inside an unoccupied home during the day while I'm at work, it can reach 35C.

Its the start of winter here now, and night times lately it has been as low as 2C during the night and as high as 25C during the day. Right now I leave my butter in the kitchen at room temperature, but if I do that in summer it goes rancid really quick.

Bread no matter the season never goes in the fridge. If I can't eat an entire loaf before it goes off (99% of the time) I put it in the freezer the day after I buy it and take slices out as I need them.

Eggs always go in the fridge, they keep longer and this had been proven. Before cooking eggs, I bring them out and let them come up to room temperature.

Not everyone lives in a place where it's always <20C and breaks out in a panicking sweat when it's >25C, sorry yourup

Good post though. Many Americans pit things in the fridge because their nanny the FDA tells them to, mostly because the average American is too stupid to think for themselves based on the environment or temperatures they may live in.

>> No.9030007

Can we all agree people who put jam and ketchup in the fridge are morons?

>> No.9030011


>> No.9030018

thread over
shitposters who contributed nothing

>> No.9030030

Fuck off, triggered American. Don't you have a Jack video to watch?

>> No.9030043

but I'm canadian

>> No.9030045

Whats the problem here? TOMATO SAUCE should be kept in the fridge so that when youve got hot food the t sauce cools it right down. Ive never experienced my jam being too cold to spread

>> No.9030099

Only butter, I thought eggs belong there (still do actually). But no.

Source, I'm French and have chicken.

>> No.9030104

why shouldnt bread go in the fridge? i grew up with my parents always putting it in the fridge and on the rare occasion i buy bread now i also put it in the fridge, it lasts way longer and i generally dont eat it without toasting so i dont think it really matters - but i wnat to hear why its wrong

>> No.9030110

because it's gross? I've never met anyone who does that. it just makes the bread all weird and soggy, you should eat bread the day you bought it, or buy some denser, heavier bread that is still good to eat a day or two later.

>> No.9030116

it doesnt get soggy and stays just as dry if not mroe dry than it would sitting out on the counter - im talking of sliced loaf bread btw like a sliced loaf of sourdough or somethgin

>> No.9030119

yes, it does get soggy. the wild temperature and humidity swings cause condensation, same rules as coffee beans, which should also not go in the fridge

if you have pre-sliced toasting bread you can keep it in the freezer, and take out single slices. you'll still have weird moisture swings but the freezer actually does preserve the bread, unlike the fridge which is just a mold factory

>> No.9030128
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>wild temperature swings
Does your fridge have some sort of weird microclimate setting?

>> No.9030130

Have fun storing your eggs outside of the fridge.
With modern pasteurization, a protective layer is removed and makes eggs vulnerable to spoiling at room temperatures.

But hey, "those americans" right?

>> No.9030132

what do you think happens when you open the door, einstein?

>> No.9030135

>yes, it does get soggy
No, it doesn't.

>> No.9030138

This is only done in America. In first world countries, eggs are fine outside of the fridge.

>> No.9030147

but im telling you it doesnt get soggy, the bread comes with a twist tie or other closure ive never had soggy fridge bread

>> No.9030150

it doesn't seem soggy to you because you are toasting it and you're eating shitty pre-sliced bread loaded with chemicals so it hardly matters

it's still soggy, compared to storing the bread the way bread should be stored

the fridge confers no advantage and has only disadvantages for bread. bread isn't milk

>> No.9030151

Bread goes stale more quickly in the fridge.

>> No.9030175

Our eggs are still pasturized, moron. What you do is violently scrub off the surface of your eggs so your ignorant masses don't have to know that your eggs are basically swimming in feces at all times

>> No.9030177

Eggs are essentially meat, so for the same reason I would store chicken outside of a fridge...

Butter ain't keep a cube out but store the rest. Butter actually rots pretty quickly.

Bread stays fresh longer in the fridge.

>> No.9030185

sometimes i dont toast it and make a sandwich and it isnt soggy - if you use the closures the bread comes with theres no reason it should go soggy

>> No.9030188

>Butter actually rots pretty quickly.

>> No.9030200
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Not the impact that you think, faggot

>> No.9030224


>> No.9030252

Well fuck off then, go and live in your sorry French Chinese cities and fuck off

>> No.9030268

Complete faggot who made absolutely no contribution to this thread

>> No.9030270

Why did you link that? It states the exact opposite - the high fat content of butter and its pasturized milk make it really pretty unlikely that it's ever going to rot.

Butter will go rancid long before it rots, and you can taste that.

>> No.9030271

where i live id end up with a tub of melted butter if i left it out of the fridge

im guessing its a european thing intended for colder climates

>> No.9030274

It summer you mongoloid. Pasta confirmed.

>> No.9030280

Not sure if trolling or just American

>> No.9030305

No. The packaging explicitly says these should be kept refrigerated once opened.

>> No.9030350

I don't browse /ck/ all the time, how was I to know it was pasta?

>> No.9030358
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I put sliced bread in the fridge because I toast all my sandwiches. Doesn't affect the flavor at all and makes the bread last longer.

>> No.9030359

it is- we don't keep them in the fridge here in ireland either

>> No.9030362

Lmao, you still haven't realised. Protip: google the current season in Australia

>> No.9030363

It June. Start of summer?

>> No.9030366

>Many Americans pit things in the fridge because their nanny the FDA tells them to, mostly because the average American is too stupid to think for themselves based on the environment or temperatures they may live in.

Was there any reason to say this? Maybe we just like our food to last longer. Even in cold climates the inside of your house probably won't be as cold as the inside of a fridge. Unless you're a poorfag with no heater.

>> No.9030367

>bread in the fridge
it's better in the freezer, where it doesn't stale as badly.
But, there is GOOD reason not to have bread on the countertops at room temp. It is often going to cost you mold and spoilage before you finish the loaf if your house ever gets above like 76F or 85% humidity. It can happen in a single half day if you leave your house and crank up the A/C for energy reasons.

>> No.9030370

Why do people from hot countries always put their food in the fridge? Don't they realise it'll keep just fine in the snow outside?

>> No.9030371

Are you trolling or did you fall asleep in middle school science class?

>> No.9030373

Eggs are fine in the fridge. You just need to take them out in advance before cooking.

>> No.9030374

>visit american friend
>he puts his beer in the fridge
Wtf? You're killing all the flavor

>> No.9030376

>or buy some denser, heavier bread that is still good to eat a day or two later.
That isn't the fix against mold in Florida temps and humidity.

>> No.9030377

How the fuck are supposed to crack a cold one with the boys if none of your ones are cold? Stupid Euros.

>> No.9030378

>Was there any reason to say this?
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but yes, I think it's worth pointing out that many people are caught up in "rules" rather than learning to use their senses to evaluate the food. Tons of food gets wasted because people who don't know any better rely on things like best-by dates rather than actually observing the food in question.

As for having food last longer, that's exactly why you should NOT refrigerate your bread. The refrigerator is a poor place to store bread. Either freeze it or store it at room temp.

>> No.9030381
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For 1. I don't know what middle school is, 2. I wouldn't learn about the seasons in science it would have been playgroup and 3. What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.9030385

Where are you from m8?

>> No.9030386

>Our eggs are still pasturized, moron.
Not unless they're marked that, special eggs that are meant to used for "raw" purposes like fresh Caesar dressing, or for immuno suppressed people to consume. Eggshells are cleaned in ordinary grocery eggs, but pasteurization has to do with the temp they're brought up to that kills bacteria in and out.

>> No.9030388

Ireland, why?

>> No.9030398

>live in tiny apartment
>everything goes in the fridge or it stays in the table until i accidentally break it somehow

>> No.9030410

The southern hemisphere has winter during our summer

>> No.9030433
File: 494 KB, 200x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF just googled it.
They don't have snow in December!!!
They have Christmas dinner in the summer heat, what's the point?

>> No.9030437

No wonder they shitpost all the time, they're confused it's snowing in July and roasting in January.

>> No.9030441

Bread in fridge: instantly dry.
Eggs: will stay fresh longer, no reason not to keep them in fridge.
Butter: Store "supply" in fridge, keep one bar for immediate use out of fridge. Stays fresh for a long time when refrigerated, so you can buy half a year's supply and not worry about buying it with your regular groceries.

>> No.9030483

It dehydrates it.

Salted butter can be kept out, unsalted should be in the fridge.

>> No.9030489

Butter goes into the freezer. 1 left out in a butter bell on the counter, same with bread.
US eggs are washed, always in the fridge. I do temper them if I know the recipe/technique calls for it.

>> No.9030497

New Zealander here, none. No point , it's terrible then we go outside and drink terrible beer in effeminate shorts.

>> No.9030508

Fake news

>> No.9030600


Do they not have air conditioning in Australia? I'm in the US, but in a region where it's not unusual to hit 35-45C in the peak summer months, but my house stays a nice consistent 18C year-round because I have central heating/cooling.

>> No.9030673
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64? Lol yeah right

>> No.9030678

>Visit European friend
>Get stabbed by Mouhamed

>> No.9030684
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit Briton friend
>Literally everything he eats is deep fried and halal
>He serves me baked beans for breakfast

>> No.9030699


If you have decent central air and a basement then 64 can be maintained year round.

>> No.9030708

No shit, why do you WANT it that cold?

>> No.9030713


Because I like it at that temperature?

>> No.9030717

Yeah, and if your house is @1500 sqft the elecric bill will only be $600.00/month.

>> No.9030719

Are you morbidly obese?

>> No.9030722

Way too chilly for me, 69-72 F is where I keep my apartment.

>> No.9030723


>> No.9030729

>Bread in the fridge
That's no American, friendo.

>> No.9030736


Power is only $0.05/KWh here because of hydrothermal

You can also cut cooling costs significantly by keeping windows open at night, then closing and drawing the curtains during the day. Having a basement helps equalize the temperature, and like I said, central AC is amazing.

No, just skinnyfat (BMI of 23)

>> No.9030739

> hydrothermal

Err, hydroelectic.

>> No.9030741

Where is here

>> No.9030746


Semi-arid region in Western US

>> No.9030750

Lowest rates I could find was 7.14 in Washington. You are not the normal, I hope you realize.

>> No.9030924

European - Not frat

>> No.9030962

I mean I get you have strong opinions and this slight cannot go unpunished, but American eggs do in fact have to be refrigerated because we do not vaccinate our chicken for salmonella

>> No.9030982

Eggs from the store in the US get pasturized unless you buy farm fresh. This gets rid of the membrane that surrounds the shell that keeps them fresh. So in the US we put eggs in the fridge. Sucks but that's how it is.

Bread is retarded cause it makes the bread soggy, long term bread storage should be in the freezer because it halts the motion of water out of the bread. However, you shouldn't be buying more bread than you can eat in one week anyway.

Butter is personal preference.

>> No.9030991

where do you live that is so great?

>> No.9030993

>Irish education
Come on man. If that's what independance from the UK does to you, i'm not surprised a lot of Scots are voting conservative now

>> No.9031012

It gets dehydrated, not soggy. You should refrigerate non salted butter if you keep it out longer than 2 weeks, or over 70f.

>> No.9031016

>Eggs from the store in the US get pasturized

No, they get washed. You cannot pasteurize an egg without heating it. Heating it cooks the egg. The eggs are obviously not pre-cooked, therefore there is no pasteurization happening.

>> No.9031080

Burgerblob eggs get chemically treated, destroying the outer layer. Their inferior eggs must be kep cold.

Anyone who puts butter in the fridge is a retard that will destroy their toast with hard butter. Get a butter bell for fucks sake.

>> No.9031099

Oh, so now your an eggspert in food safety? Where did you get your PhD from?

>> No.9031111

bird school, which is for birds

>> No.9031114

Yes Tommy, I'm the eggspert at women. Let's go eat, hah.

>> No.9031133

>eating a whole loaf bread in a day
is this why europoor obesity is on the rise?

>> No.9031151

>Butter is mainly for toast
I bet you buy salted butter, too

>> No.9031177

Salted butter would be fine to leave out, if it's not over 70f.

>> No.9031195

buy smaller loaves, foreveralone

>> No.9031200

Why are europoors so uneducated... what a burden

>> No.9031206

Says the retard who can't punctuate.

>> No.9031222


We fuck with the eggs to much over here, so they need to be put in the fridge. Butter can be left out. Bread? Fuck right off if you refrigerate that.

>> No.9031227

In any climate where it is very hot and humid you put them all in the fridge

>> No.9031243

Except bread.

>> No.9031257

It's at least 13% better than unsalted butter

>> No.9031259


Bread molds in like a day if you live near the equator in high humidity and you don't store in the fridge/air conditioned space

>> No.9031265

This is how dumb potato niggers actually are.

>> No.9031273
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You probably eat more potatoes than we do you fat yank cunt

>> No.9031274


It all depends on how you store it. Keeping it in a plastic bag is silly because the bag will trap moisture. Put it in a paper sack or use a breadbox and it won't mold anywhere near that fast.

The fridge will dry it out very quickly. Freezer is better if you need longer term storage.

>> No.9031291

You didn't know something that everyone else learned when they were 7 years old. You're an embarrassment, and there's a reason you people weren't considered white when you first came to my country.

>> No.9031299


>> No.9031304

Joke's on you because I'm actually an Englishman sticking up for my bros and I did know they have winter in August in upside-down land because I went to South Africa in August when I was 12 and they had cardboard cut-outs of Santa surfboarding at the shopping centre

>> No.9031306

*I went to south Africa in December

>> No.9031307

>when you first came to my country.
>my country
You're all immigrant spawn, fatty.

>> No.9031311

>he doesn't understand the difference between a colonist and an immigrant
I have ancestors that came over from the Isle of Wight to Jamestown in 1670. Also, you're mad as fuck, kek.

>> No.9031328
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>people eat bread past the day it was made

Fucking savages.

>> No.9031332

In america eggs belong in the fridge because the cuticle is scrubbed off of them. Bread doesn't go in my fridge and I agree with you that it bothers me. Butter is stored long-term in the fridge and one stick at a time is stored at room temp.

>> No.9031355

>he thinks there's no place for stale bread in cooking.

>> No.9031370
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>visit uk friend
>they all love getting raped by muslims

>> No.9031385

youve never been out your own state have you

>> No.9031410

Murican eggs are washed of their protective layer and go in the fridge. They can't be eaten raw.
First world nations eggs are not washed and can stay out of the fridge and be eaten raw.
Some Murican eggs are "pasteurised" with a "secret method" (regular pasteurisation would break and cook them), for eating raw.
It's possible to find unwashed eggs in Murica, not in regular stores (that'd be illegal, because MUH FREEDOM or something.)

Bagged bread is trash and should go in the bin, so out of the fridge.
Actual bread stays out of the fridge.

>> No.9031422

Eggs have to go in the fridge in America because retarded American poultry producers wash the egg with water before shipping them to grocery stores, removing the natural protective layer.

>> No.9031426

>Murican eggs are washed of their protective layer and go in the fridge.

>They can't be eaten raw.
Utter bullshit. I've been eating American supermarket eggs raw for more than 30 years. I have never in my life had food poisoning. This stupid myth needs to die, but it won't because so many people are squeamish about the idea of eating raw egg.

>> No.9031430

You have no idea what "first world" means, do you?
And you are *really* going to have to search to find a pasturized egg. And how do you think they pasturize eggs without heat?

>> No.9031432

I live in the south, and a friend of mine just moved to Washington. She said one of the big surprises was that she could just leave butter out on the counter without it melting into a puddle.

>> No.9031456

>pasteurized eggs

Simple as hell. Place eggs in single layer in bottom of pan, cover with cold water. Heat to 140F and hold for 3 minutes. Remove from burner. Rinse in cold water. Don't go over 142F, slightly lower would be better. Done. Crack open egg and it will be no different than straight from the carton other than no risk of salmonella.

I feel even men like you are capable of accomplishing said task.

>> No.9031458

Eggs come out of a chicken's combo vagina/anus. Leaving this unwashed and then eating it raw seems like a bad idea. I think chickens are vaccinated in a lot of countries though, which is why the eggs are less likely to have salmonella.

But the eggs in USA are still very unlikely to make you sick if you eat them raw, unless you're very young or very old, or have an immune system problem. Raw vegetables make a lot of people sick, and the reason you shouldn't eat raw cookie dough isn't because of the raw egg, but the flour.

>> No.9031460

Y tho?

>> No.9031464

You made no contribution fuck off flyover

>> No.9031511

Bread goes into the fridge when it is in storage.
It comes out when there is no bread on the counter.

This allows me to buy multiple loaves and not have to throw them out when they mold in a week or two.

>> No.9031523

google seasons southern hemisphere you dumbass.

The earth is titled on its axis, so each hemisphere is closer to the sun at different points of the year.

t. American who didn't sleep in geography

>> No.9031526

He's Irish. They mostly just teach binge drinking, bomb making, and buggery over there.

>> No.9031533
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I'm white British, I can bring 4 white children 2 of whom are estimated A* across-the-board, 2 blonde hair blue eyes and one ginger blue eyes(this is very rare). Can I get benefits from your countries for bringing good stock over. I hate this left wing numale Muslim lovers here.

>> No.9031535

Refridgerating bread makes it go stale faster.

>> No.9031538

Why are you people so fucking ugly? Is it because of the generations of inbreeding that result from being an island nation with an insular culture despite a large colonial empire?

>> No.9031569

Probly just american their all retarted neways

>> No.9031577

Because it might not be worth the risk of contracting salmonella if they have a compromised immune system. While you're right, it's not a huge % of US eggs have it, it is present in a certain % of them.

>> No.9031584

Non-American education, everyone.

>> No.9031683

>so many people are squeamish about the idea of eating raw egg.
Because it tastes like shit and has the shittiest texture.

>> No.9031706

>While you're right, it's not a huge % of US eggs have it, it is present in a certain % of them.

The thing is that salmonella is literally everywhere. It's one of the most common bacteria on earth. You could take a swab of literally anything--you, your table, the floor, the road outside, a rock in the middle of nowhere, the seats on a city bus....literally anything...culture it, and you will find salmonella. Unless an object has just come out of a hospital-grade autoclave or some kind of hot oven, it has salmonella on it.

Freaking out about salmonella is pointless, it's already on everyone and everything.

>> No.9031707

My friend's family keeps their bread in the microwave.

>> No.9031708


It's OK anon, nobody is going to take away your kraft dinner or tendies.

>> No.9031713

Do they have unruly dogs? Because the microwave is a pretty good place to store things you don't want shoved away in the pantry or cupboard, but also can't leave out on the counter because of shitty animals.

>> No.9031719

Nah, their dog is very well trained. They keep in there because it gets less air circulation than counter tops. We seal them in plastic to keep them fresh longer, after all.

>> No.9031721


just let it all out. Its ok.

>> No.9031733


But bread goes stale because of extra moisture in the bag. If you really want to store bread you freeze it in a paper bag then when you want to thaw it you put it on the rack in the bag with the bag open, that way condensation won't fuck up your bread

t. Baker

>> No.9031760
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Eggs are not pasteurized anywhere you ignorant fucktard. They would be essentially boiled eggs at that point. They are washed the remove chicken shit; nothing more.


>> No.9031761


Every food item belongs in the fridge except dried stuff (spices, sugar, flour, shit like that).

>> No.9031767

>not liking a bad flavor with the consistency of the pile of fresh snot means all you eat is kraft dinner and tendies!

Kayo, autismo.

>> No.9031839

A quick google search shows how big of a retard you are

>> No.9031874


>bread in the fridge

36 year old American here, I've never heard of anyone who does this

>> No.9031882

>unless you're very young or very old, or have an immune system problem
And pregnant/breast feeding women.
We say that for presenting the yolk in a half shell on steak tartare. Weaklings can ask for the yolk to be placed directly on the meat.

It's not distance to the sun that makes seasons, only the tilt.

They barely have any free channel, it's all private cable company with no competition, absurd prices and the shittiest quality of service.

For his defence, regular pasteurisation would cook the egg. And crack it.

>> No.9031889

I'm 32 and the only person I know who does that is a poo in loo

>> No.9031901 [DELETED] 

>unless you're very young or very old, or have an immune system problem
And pregnant/breast feeding women.
We say that for presenting the yolk in a half shell on steak tartare. Weaklings can ask for the yolk to be placed directly on the meat.

It's not distance to the sun that makes seasons, only the tilt.

They barely have any free channel, it's all private cable company with no competition, absurd prices and the shittiest quality of service.

For his defence, regular pasteurisation would cook the egg. And crack it.

>> No.9031904


>> No.9031912

I now see that it did post the first time, even though it game me an error message.

>> No.9031928

>It's not distance to the sun that makes seasons, only the tilt.

The tilt creates a differing distance between the northern/southern hemispheres and the sun. That distance difference is what makes the closer hemisphere warmer and the more distant hemisphere cooler.

>> No.9031930

>Brits don't understand the concept of shelf-life


>> No.9031952

Neither do you, apparently.

Keeping bread in the fridge is the shortest possible shelf life it can have. Keeping it un-refrigerated, or putting it in the freezer will both keep it longer than the fridge does.

>> No.9031956

>People itt don't put their bread and eggs in their safes
Enjoy getting everything stolen by the molepeople

>> No.9032359

Australia electricity is about $0.22/kwh. Running an air conditioner for more than 1 or 2 rooms of your house just isn't worth it. You're a pussy if you think anything ~35c isn't comfortable anyway.

We just design our houses with large decks on all sides, multiple hallways, raised off the ground etc to allow good airflow.

>> No.9032363

wow it looks like that goat is caught in a hurricane
what show is that from?

>> No.9032370

Fuck off banana bender

>> No.9032416

>35c is comfortable

I always knew there was something strange about you upside down fuckers and now I know for certain you're from another planet.

>> No.9032421

That is simply due to refrigerators not being 100% constantly the same temp, and having to open/close the fridge obviously.

>> No.9032424

Ok if you like cold ketchup, fair enough lol but that is weird.

Jam is a fucking preservation method and ketchup is tomatoes, vinegar and sugar.

>> No.9032472

Thats the point. Have you tasted american beer?

>> No.9032502

>leave food out instead of putting it away

brilliant idea.

>> No.9032538

Really really far away from you, but in a first world country. So far away that I'm closer to a 3rd world country than I am my countries capital city

>> No.9032551

the eggs make sense, don't be a rube

>> No.9032755

when i put my bread in the fridge it isn't soggy when i take it out... why are you insisting that it is?

>> No.9032784


Bread and salted butter should be frozen for long-term storage and kept at room temperature otherwise. Butter is more likely to pick up off-flavours in the fridge (but unsalted butter should be wrapped tightly in foil and kept in refrigerated to prevent it from spoiling) and is difficult to spread when cold. Bread becomes stale faster when exposed to cool air.

North American eggs have to be refrigerated because we wash the chicken shit off of them and the coating goes with it. European eggs aren't washed so stay good at room temperature.

These are irrefutable facts.

>> No.9033095

>Canadians sunbathing and bbqing in the snow at -10c because it's "getting warm"
>Somehow this is fine
>Strayans (not the shitty southerners, masterrace Queenslanders, NT etc) feel comfy until low 30's
>somehow this is strange and weird

>> No.9033450

Except the earth doesn't make a circle, the whole planet is further away during (north) winter than summer.
It simply is that summer part is facing to the sun, while winter is facing sideways and receive less energy per surface.

>~35c is comfortable
Not sure if weirdo or Merican troll not used to Celsius.

>> No.9033458

The fact that many average functioning people don't even undertand this seriously frightens me.

>> No.9033844

>not baking your own bread
A homemade loaf can stay fresh for about 5-6 days

>> No.9033931
File: 8 KB, 259x194, That poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put prawn crackers and open bags of of family sized crisps/corn snacks in the fridge, I found out it keeps then crunchy for days, when they would've gone limp otherwise.

>> No.9033982

I've been to lots of countries and every one had the same ratio of uggos/qts

>> No.9034319

You stupid motherfucker.

>> No.9034343

>Nigeria vs norway

>> No.9034447
File: 16 KB, 300x400, Shepard-jpg--kkkkkkk-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9035628

It is from a Mad about you episode, season 2 I think.

>> No.9035967


If there's room, why wouldn't you?

You fucking idiot.

We can't all be special snowflake eurocunts that have a communal toilet and other weird shit.

>> No.9035991
File: 149 KB, 608x575, ten_out_of_ten_in_bongland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9036013

No we wash the bird shit off the eggs so that removes the cuticle which requires that the egg be refrigerated. As the egg is purchased so shall it be stored...

>> No.9037519

American eggs are pasteurized and need to be refrigerated, substitute butter is popular here and also spoils at room temp.

Real butter and bbe read do not go in the fridge and your American friend that you don't have and didn't visit is weird.

>> No.9038210

Youros don't have microwaves to soften their butter so they just leave it on the counter and allow mold to grow on it.

>> No.9039421

Weak bait.

>> No.9039424

Not sure what your point is, americans go crazy over that squat linebacker chick from the pedo movie

>> No.9040529

We buy bread from a baker every week so like 6 loafs go into the freezer. This is normal over here.

When you lay bread put to defrost its just as soft and not dry as if you had gotten it from the baker the same day

And we also put butter and eggs in the fridge over here in the netherlands

>> No.9040541

Are you actually saying you eat a loaf of bread every day? And you freeze bread that you're going to eat the next day?

>> No.9040568

No we don't. We go crazy over supermodels, porn stars, and 14 year old internet attention whores.

>> No.9040636

>Are you actually saying you eat a loaf of bread every day? And you freeze bread that you're going to eat the next day?

Family of 4. Sometimes i also wonder how we get through it all in 7 days.

Not actually the bread we eat next day. But the rest all gets frozen.