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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9028334 No.9028334 [Reply] [Original]

Fruits. Feed them to your pets?

>> No.9028350

If you get one of those food-centric always begging dogs, they will get a taste if they want it.
I had one dog, spaniel, would eat banana bites, apple bites, watermelon, anything. But, there was this trusting kind of aspect to it, and you could kind of tell when they didn't like it, they would chew funny like the texture was surprising. If they didn't like it, they wouldn't beg the next time, but they never once spit anything out.

My parrots eat anything at all, from chicken to spaghetti. Oranges, watermelon and grapes are the biggest favorites. They tip back their heads and squeeze juice straight down the throat. The macaw makes a happy noise reaction with each bite.

>> No.9028359

I like to freeze grapes and give them to my pup in the summer as a cool treat

>> No.9028441


I've got a cockatiel, and she generally prefers veggies over fruits, no idea why. But she does like the occasional banana.

>> No.9028804

I haven't seen this thread in a while desu.

>> No.9028806

What about onions, I like to add them to his Ol Roy in the morning while I am making omelettes

>> No.9028811

I do this too, but I like to garnish it with a couple slabs of almond bark.

>> No.9028824

Jesus Christ don't give onions to your dog either https://phz8.petinsurance.com/healthzone/pet-health/pet-toxins/pets-and-onions
At this point I hope you're just trolling

>> No.9028884
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same fag

>> No.9028887

Jesus man don't feed your dog Ol Roy are you trying to kill it?

>> No.9029151
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>giving your pets cavities

>> No.9029400

I give my dog small amounts of fruits and veg.
I have tons of fruit trees so i have a bunch of fruit during summer. As im harvesting or eating a fresh fruit the fucker sits while making eye contact and licking his lips
Fruit and veg he likes:
Peaches and nectarines (dont feed them the pits)
Apples (no seeds)

Fruits and veg he wont eat:

Pips and stone contain cyanide and shouldnt be fed to your pets. Also grapes are toxic for dogs.

>> No.9029408


>> No.9029475

My dog likes to eat broccoli. Fucking loves the stuff.

>> No.9029476
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my cat used to love banana peels and cantaloupe. he died from feline diabetes.

>> No.9029625

Dog only likes watermelon to the point she'll even pull the rinds from the compost heap in you forget to close it up.

Out of all our cats (we live a bit away from any city, have bunch of cats), only one likes watermelon and he's retarded. Not like ha-ha retarded, like there's something not right with this one retarded.

>> No.9029640

My cat enjoyed palmergranites, desu

>> No.9029657

I....I want to feel her tight, slutty cunt.

>> No.9029667

I tried feeding fruits to my gecko, but he wouldn't touch them. Which is dumb because he's a crested gecko, a species that eats small insects and berries in the wild. But all he'll eat is crickets.

>> No.9029721
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This triggers the dog

>> No.9029760
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I remember being a little kid, and my grandma had chickens (fucking annoying pieces of shit). I would love to feed them chicken, loved the bizarre aspect that they were unknowingly eating one of their own kin, their flesh and blood.

Not sure my grandma ever found out. Not that it mattered anyway, as a child molester stole them all.

>> No.9030240

why does this dog hate the cabbage so much

>> No.9030333

post birbs

>> No.9030421





>> No.9030443

I don't think she'd eat them if they were toxic brah.

>> No.9030447

My cat likes to lick watermelon.

>> No.9030481

show birb anon

>> No.9030484

My rabbit gets what ever I don't get to before it starts to o bad.

>> No.9030627

Shut up

>> No.9030841

One grape isn't going to kill your dog but don't do it anyway because it can fuck their kidneys up long term if you're occasionally giving them or short term if you happen to give them a lot at once.

>> No.9031082
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Here, you autists.

>> No.9031089
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And here.

>> No.9031092

my friends pup died from eating a tin can lid and it shredded his insides. dogs don't know shit.

>> No.9031119

I thought big dogs can drink bud light and shit

>> No.9031130
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Yeah I've fed my corgis onions and beer without any problems. Just like a little bit.

I'm also pretty sure strawberries are way too acidic for dogs which makes me put this entire chart into question.

>> No.9031180

My dog is smarter than that.

>> No.9031186

My old cat loved potato chips. Where are those on the chart

>> No.9031196

Anything deep fried is pretty bad for their stomachs

>> No.9031204

Unless it's on a chart I don't believe you

>> No.9031817

This is all out retarded, cats always consume their prey with bones, it's how they get their calcium god damn it.

>> No.9031960

Dried apricots are a healthy part of a cats diet once every few weeks. My cat loves them.

>> No.9031969

Heh, there were a couple times when I'd toss a piece of broccoli to my dog, he'd catch it, chew once, spit it out, and give me a dirty look. Usually, I'd share some meat and potatoes with him, but it was funny to troll him once in a while.

>> No.9031974

Why do dogs fucking love stuff that's poison to them? My dad's Australian shepherd used to grab beer cans in his mouth off the lawn when dad wasn't looking, then throw back his head and chug that shit.

>> No.9031992

Now that's a story.

>> No.9032009

>Why do dogs fucking love stuff that's poison to them?
Because they spend too much time around humans, who share that trait.

>> No.9032013

Technically alcohol is poison to humans as well.

>> No.9032075

antifreeze tastes good to humans so

>> No.9032089

I have two chinchillas, so no, no fruits for them.

>> No.9032133

Only fruit my cat takes a liking too is watermelon. When we cut it we'll leave a bowl shape piece on the ground for her to drink the juice

>> No.9032473

my mom always told me not to give my cat chicken or beef because they would eat too much and get fat

>> No.9032730

One of my cats loves yogurt. Whenever I open a new container of yogurt I give her the foil to lick

>> No.9033818

well if she didn't want to be called a slut she shouldn't have shit eye makeup like that

>> No.9033854

I had a cat that fucking loved pickled stuff, especially pickles and olives. I'd always buy the hamburger pickle chips so that I could share pickles with him. I miss that cat. His name was Lucifer and he was solid gray.

>> No.9033862

Well, I have to sugar gliders so they get fruit every other night or so. They should technically get them every day but they're assholes and will not touch their pellets/protein and instead just wait for the fruit. Cute little buggers though, will cuddle in my lap under a blanket for hours during the day time.

Also give some to my birb as a treat.

>> No.9033946


>people don't know that dogs lived just as long a century ago without super-premium-ultra-grain-free-gmo-free-organic-high-protein-90%-chicken-$4/pound dog food.

>people don't know that dogs on super-premium food suffer from more health issues related to diet than dogs on low-midrange foods like Purina One and Iams because they food is way too rich

Have fun with those $60 bags of dog food. Paying extra to kill yourself is awesome, just ask the tobacco industry.

>> No.9033952

human, please

>> No.9034829

Nigga, they aint gonna get any cyanide from apple seeds.

They evolved to pass through digestive tracks intact.

Maybe if they eat a few pounds of seeds and chew them like cud first.

>> No.9034856

The problem is cooked bones, anon. Raw bones are ok, but cooked bones will splinter and damage the intestinal lining.

>> No.9034875

I think you might be retarded. Ol Roy uses so little protein that you might as well feed your dog cardboard. That's not to say all cheaper dog food is bad, but if the primary ingredient in their kibble is something that is indigestible to them (corn meal) then you should look into other brands.

No, I don't buy Blue Buffalo, either, because it is just garbage with a markup. Smaller brands sold at stores such as Tractor Supply tend to be priced reasonably and have good ingredients.

>> No.9034891

>Parrot eating spaghetti
The mental image that conjures is amazing.

>> No.9036118

I usually eat apple with my dog. One bite for me and I break one bite for him and he gets the applecore. He loves it! But I think I could do it with any kind of fruit. It's makes connection between us stronger.
My cat always wants to eat from my potato chips but I don't let him. I'm too scared he will get sick of it.

>> No.9036436

>Not having a cold pint with your cat after a long day

>> No.9036498


>> No.9036612

How macabre.

>> No.9036617

My cats won't eat fruits or vegetables. Sometimes when I'm chopping broccoli or something, they'll think it's ham and come begging. I drop some on the floor for them and they sniff it, then look back up at me like I'm holding something back.

>> No.9036628


can someone shoop these for lulz purposes?

>> No.9036651
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>I don't think she'd eat them if they were toxic

Even humans aren't smart enough to avoid things which are toxic to them. Look at how many people overdose on opioids or drink themselves to death. Dogs and other animals will absolutely eat toxic substances, so it's up to you, the human, to be smart and make sure they don't eat what's bad for them.

>> No.9036682

why would you even try to eat unidentified shrooms, i remember when i was little i had this big dog, when he shit and pissed on my backyard with parasites may i add there would grow some small shrooms that looked exacly like normal edible shrooms, but smaller.
Anyways, i asked my mom whether those were good to eat and of course she being the informed individual that she was she told me those were toxic, i believed her but if i had not i would've probably died of food poisoning x17

>> No.9036700

That was pretty much the theme of the three (3) threads that particular anon made. He ate some shrooms he assumed were magic, but which were not. Thankfully some non-retarded anons were able to correctly identify them and tell him to get to the emergency room ASAP.

>> No.9036708

you've got to be fucking kidding me


>> No.9036746
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>tfw 4chan literally saved your life

>> No.9038508
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You feed your parrot spaghetti?

>> No.9038514

Oh she was definitely asking for it

>> No.9038547


> "talk dirty to me baby"
> "yeah, you like that you dirty slut??!"

>> No.9038548

you never seen a parrot eating spaghetti?

>> No.9038597

better yet:
>I'm NOT a slut!
>you sure? we have just met [tonight], and I am balls deep in you?

that was the end of that evening. I mean really, why did she tell me to talk dirty if she can't stand being called a slut?

>> No.9038629

Grape aren't raisins.

>> No.9039475


>Wanting to possibly fuck up a cat or dog

Off yourself

>> No.9039543

you realize you're complaining about a girl not being feminist enough, right

>> No.9039548
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