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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9023817 No.9023817 [Reply] [Original]

Post today's breakfast and rate the one above
This is mine

>> No.9023821

>3 in the afternoon
>upside down
Mornin Straya!

>> No.9023826

2.02 megabytes and upside down?
Good job.

>> No.9023867

Looks great, m8. except for the radishes. I'd replace those with a butter toast for flavor.

>> No.9024085

Don't have a picture of my breakfast, it was left-over chimichanga and a tamale. Was meh.
Op, that plate of tomato and avocado looks pretty nice. Would eat. The eggs look good but a little runny for me.

>> No.9024087

numale detected

>> No.9025584

>numale eats

>> No.9026818
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad

>> No.9026828
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>> No.9026829


>> No.9026833


>> No.9026838

looks a bit upside down hehe

>> No.9026863

ah, the famous Full Australian Breakfast

>> No.9026865

Had bread with honey and sesame seed. Very nice.

>> No.9026867


>> No.9026956
File: 2.71 MB, 4128x2322, 20160914_124726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketchup on your eggs
>that massive piece of white bread
>fruit tuching your eggs
>paper plate
>not eating at the dinning room table

I don't know man, I would still eat it though.

>> No.9026991

All of you disgust me more than /ck/ ponyfag. I like him better than the god damn dollar bill autist who speaks in retard. He legitimately contributes.. sometimes. Which is more than you faggots do.
I want to hit you with my car.

>> No.9027005

They're both faggots.

>> No.9027081

stay mad ponyfucker

>> No.9027087

What the fuck is a "numale", and if it actually is a real thing, then why doesn't anyone outside of 4chan talk about it?

>> No.9027089

>What the fuck is a "numale"

Look in the mirror.

>> No.9027103

Please stop <3

>> No.9027110

Think of your average craft beer fag.
That's what a numale is.

>> No.9027124
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, ,CHOCOLATE GRAVY,BISCUITS,SCRAMBLED EGGS,AND SALMON PATTIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks fresh

>> No.9027156

>average craft beer fag is a numale
>mfw the local microbrewery bar is filled with 50+ year old men


>> No.9027180

I see now. Numale is just like faggot. Maybe once it was a derogatory term for a specific kind of person, but now it's just a generic term for "person on the internet I don't like for arbitrary reasons".

>> No.9027217

Well, you're there.
That's a start.

>> No.9027291

>person on the internet I don't like
Triggered numale detected. If you need to be told what a numale is, gtfo.

>> No.9027309

Fun fact: these type of people are the most cancerous on not just this board, but the entire site, and they should be removed from the gene pool at once.

>> No.9027327

If you do not like our memes then you should find another board to post on.

>> No.9027335

I can assure you there are faggots to the degree of your kind on almost every board. A better solution would be for you to find your nearest cliff and jump.

>> No.9027337

You don't belong here.

>> No.9027344

Yet i've been here a lot longer than you have. You millennial kiddies are so fucking stupid. We need a purge.

>> No.9027346
File: 16 KB, 183x275, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 sausage biscuits from the reputable convenient store. remember to vote!

>> No.9027354

You have no way of knowing that.
Anyway, you're just a shitposting troll and your bait is low energy.
Go away.

>> No.9027360

Yeah, i'm the shitposter. Kill yourself.

>> No.9027369

You've managed to derail this thread.

>> No.9027370

>complains about shitposting on 4chan

where the fuck do you think you are, you gigantic faggot?

>> No.9027379

Idiots like you who think every board is /b/ are cancer.
You as well.

>> No.9027386

Maybe learn to string a sentence together before you attempt to reply to people, you useless millennial.

>> No.9027394

>/ck/: grammar and punctuation.
>I'm not a shitposter, honest.

>> No.9027398

Nice spacing there, Reddit.

>> No.9027406

>completely butcher your attempt at a sentence
>it was just a basic grammar mistake guys, I swear!

Go back to school. Then KYS.

>> No.9027412

not him but plz tone down the shitposting and stay on topic

>> No.9027416

not him but kys

>> No.9027420


>> No.9027461

I had pork loin and lardo sandwich

>> No.9027483

Sure is summer on /ck/ lately. Guess we better blame the aussies.

>> No.9027491


hole reddito!

>> No.9027494

>nu-male getting triggered this hard


>> No.9027509

not him but no u kys

>> No.9027515


>> No.9027516
File: 255 KB, 1962x1143, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kraut and kielbasa is my breakfastfu along with sunny side up eggs and toast with chili pepper sauce

>> No.9027997

Those eggs are over easy