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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 760x500, How-Gnomes-Degrade-Your-Health-and-Wellbeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9012837 No.9012837 [Reply] [Original]

alc | al/ck/ | alcohol general

Is there is any form of alcohol you refuse to drink or had an unforgettably back experience with that causes you to never choose it? edition

For me it is Hurricane 40oz's, as I always get drunk too quickly after a few of them.
Also Wild Turkey 101 , I will never drink it again after almost trying to force a three-way with my wife and some fat whore.
That night was stupid and Wild Turkey 101 and Amphetamines will make you act stupid.
Only liquor I will ever refuse is that.

>> No.9012840


fuck i hate gin.

>> No.9012846
File: 131 KB, 1982x1133, Dont Tread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad experience*

For fucks sake I need to proof-read these things, before I make them.
I think this is the third one i've typo'd.

>> No.9012857

I strongly dislike umeshu and slivovitz

Not a huge fan of chocolate/coffee liqueurs

The smell of arrak makes me queasy

However, I will drink all of those if it's socially required of me. Even baijiu/maotai I can tolerate in a pinch, although I find it to be most revolting of all

>> No.9012874


I don't know why, I just always throw up after I get drunk on it

>> No.9012888

I've vomited dozens of times from tequila and I still like it. Go figure.

>> No.9012900


I don't drink Jack unless I think I'm going to do the coolest thing ever or about to die. I used to drink that shit until my stomach lining was totally fucked and I got an ulcer.

But the only thing I haven't had since a really bad night is Grand Marnier.

>> No.9012949

I love dark liquor with my penis. It makes it feel better in my throat and first stomach. I like my stomach. It's large ;)

>> No.9012959
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What did you mean by this, please elaborate?

>> No.9012974
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Like I only suck dick after intaking enough honey whiskey to kill a man. I enjoy the fuckery of it. The sheer shit-cuckery of it...

>> No.9012980


>> No.9013001



>> No.9013004


>> No.9013006


>> No.9013017
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>sunday night boozing

>> No.9013022
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>> No.9013086

Canadian Mist. Tastes like it was distilled from oatmeal.

>> No.9013090

Southern Comfort. Tastes like cough syrup

>> No.9013318

welp finished my week of training for my new job, time to break my week of sobriety

>> No.9013714

Can I kil myself with 6x 50mg tramadol? I mean, will it definitely work? All I've got and don't want more discomfort.

>> No.9013744


>> No.9013762

Looks like you'regonna have to keep saving those up for a while, bud

>> No.9013777
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Have you neglected to tell me how you feel?
To tell me their existence till haunts you?
I want that trust again

>> No.9013788

You sshould get rosetta sstone

>> No.9013796

>wtf you cry to 90s songs on youtube because you're sloppy drunk


>> No.9013802

snek detected

>> No.9013854
File: 53 KB, 595x842, 1489456869438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schau hier du fucking alkoholische fuck Ich werde Sie wissen, dass Sie eine Fotze sind, die nicht mit ihrem eigenen Likör umgehen kann, Sie Schlange

>> No.9013869

>Schau hier du fucking alkoholische fuck Ich werde Sie wissen, dass Sie eine Fotze sind, die nicht mit ihrem eigenen Likör umgehen kann, Sie Schlange


>> No.9013874

GEt on some where german

>> No.9013879

You know what sir, maybe you should drink some steel reserve then type in German on a thread on /ck/

>> No.9014192

When I was younger it was tequila but I got over it with age. I'll drink anything.

>> No.9014327
File: 29 KB, 360x480, Casamigos Tequila Blanco nip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a nip of this one month ago for Made Up Mexican Holiday. Absolutely disgusting. How the fuck am I supposed to drink tequila? Poitin goes down smoother than that. Is it better aged, or in a cocktail like gin?

>> No.9014452

Absinthe misjudged the alcohol I could ingest because I was a noobie at the time and ended up shitting my pants and throwing up while unconscious at my parents place now even smelling licorice makes me want to hurl

>> No.9014471

Well I'm not an alcoholic but there are many in my family. Anyway, I was drinking about a month ago with some acquaintances right before finals. This was the second time I ever drank with non-family, and the first time it was with one friend that is possibly a binge drinker/alcoholic already. I drank about 7-8 shots of rum and vodka and ran up and down the hallway like Naruto and was sliding down the railing and punching doors. When they cut me off I started trying to drink palmfuls of hand sanitizer. When one of the campus cops came in, I was able to speak perfectly normal despite being by far the most intoxicated of the group. Is this pre-alcoholic behavior or normal for people that are fairly drunk? I've been much more drunk before this, but without any unusual behavior. Is it just the social aspect? The rum was 100 proof I think.

>> No.9014612

Wine, it gave me diarrhea once and I shat my pants, never again will I drink wine

>> No.9014648

>tfw thought of something really good to post in an al/ck/ thread but so drunk you forgot it

>> No.9014659

Who 4 Loko here

>> No.9014667


>> No.9014674
File: 53 KB, 197x190, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rainy as fuck
>plenty of liquor, cigarettes, and chaser
>no need to leave the house at all

is there a comfier feel in the world? i think not

>> No.9014739

just went over 25 hours without alcohol. Had a coming to jesus when pissing the bed for the third time and mom found out. She doesn't think I'm a drunk, but she thinks there's another problem because I reek of alcohol every morning. I'm doing this for her.

>> No.9014746

Gold master race

>> No.9014762

Does Unisomn count? That's 10%. Tried getting drunk off it when I was stupid.

>> No.9014763

You know.what

>> No.9014766

Fucking gnome poster

>> No.9014783 [DELETED] 

> 16 years old
> Never really drank before
> Get a whole bottle of some gross ass cake flavored vodka to me and my gf at the time
> Fuggit
> Drink the whole bottle in the course of about an hour
> Dr. Pepper mixer with it
> Passed out, shit-faced
> Wake up shit-faced
> Sugar + sugar - water
> Stomach screeches in agony with it's new found contents
> Sit outside for three hours, alone
Can't even eat or drink any of the "funfetti" or cake flavored anything without the urge to vomit, so,
> Tl;dr no sweet flavored alcohol

>> No.9014808
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>this cost $14
>I've drank this amount in 12 hours

>> No.9014878

anyone else keep a few 375ml bottles around to measure how much you drink?

>> No.9014891

I have a couple of 1,2 L bottles of beer my dad brought home. Will probably drink these to get sleepy tonight.

>> No.9014897

How is the gold flavor? Drank the peach flavor, was okay.

>> No.9014926
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Southern comfort baby. Went to Vegas when I was 22. 25 now. Remember buying Malibu, rumchata, southern comfort and jager black liquorice for the trip. Got drunk as fuck my last night there. Tried fighting dudes cause they said shit about my socks and picking up on old chicks with my friend who was watching out for me. Woke up at 7am drunk as fuck. Tried to shower and couldnt move. Got to car and passed out. Got home and gf beat my ass cause I asked some girl for ass pics. Monday morning and my head still hurts and southern comfort is still on my breathe.

>> No.9015057

211s can fuck right off for me.

>> No.9015070
File: 15 KB, 211x246, e1b5216696cbc2d23213226e5bd7573f6e8e7274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i just threw up blood.... on my 8th 750ml

>> No.9015072

have rockstar and gatorade... and vodka

>> No.9015171

Just a quick question... I know generally heavier people can tolerate more alcohol than lighter people before getting drunk, does this apply to muscle or just fat? And does anyone know why this is scientifically? I mean the liver and kidneys don't change with weight do they?

>> No.9015174

It's tolerance you stupid idiot, and why do you think LD50 is based on weight you fucking moron

>> No.9015177

Does this include the bottle on the right?

>> No.9015179

Kek, what the fuck even is LD50. I'm not an alck vy the way, just pissed and visiting. I fail to see how not being an expert on the ins and outs of alcohol is a bad thing. Fucking alkie prick. Weak willed fucking cunt.

>> No.9015184

Stop asking stupid questions that would take you 2 minutes to find the answer for, retard

>> No.9015186

more blood = less alcohol percentage in bloodstream = less drunk
you're probably too dumb for your own good

>> No.9015197

Please tell me how having more muscle or more fat changes anything, it's literally just weight which is why I mentioned LD50 because it is correlated both with tolerance and WEIGHT

>> No.9015200

I don't believe that you've drank 5 litres of liquor.

>> No.9015203

Wow you're stupid.

>> No.9015213
File: 354 KB, 960x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't had disgusting liquor until you've tried Ouzo. My god this shit is nasty. Metaxa right behind it, almost as disgusting.

Greeks make the worst drinks.

>> No.9015233

Not him but honestly people hate on them for being sugary but they're not fuckin bad for 2 for 4 the green 14% one tasted exactly like jolly ranchers and the gold just tastes like lemonade carbonated with alcohol pretty ok but I like the other flavors better because gold doesn't really taste like a flavor

>> No.9015235

swear to christ that if these threads don't stop getting rampaging brats galloping through the door, I won't be able to come here any more. Life is stressful enough.

>> No.9015238

Who here was a breatheliezer in their car? I have to be somewhere at 10:00 am. I stopped drinking around 5:00 am. Will I be okay?

>> No.9015244

Nah m8 your fucked

>> No.9015258

Fuck alcoholism. I guess I'm not going to class today

>> No.9015305


>> No.9015317

more weight = more blood

>> No.9015417

Woah, story?
That sounds awful

>> No.9015421

No I am the gnome poster, no idea who the OP is and why he thought putting gnome in the last 2 generals was relevant.

I think he is mocking me
oh god
Is he?

>> No.9015427

You are both you schizo fuck

>> No.9015428
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I get that you were 16 but really?
What makes you think that sugar + carbonated sugar - water = an easy hangover?

Also can confirm Pinnacle Cake Vodka and all those other sweet flavored vodkas have the worst damn hangover their is. besides Hobo Wine.

>> No.9015434

YES . I keep a 200/375/750 on hands at all times just to help moderate myself.

>tfw buying a liter and pouring it into the 375 bottle and telling yourself
>"Thats all im allowed to have today"
But you always cheat.

>> No.9015444

Oh shit could I have been many people and then did that thing again?
I am worried, darn.
Am I becoming the thing?

>> No.9015449

You're a mentally ill schizo fuck, go to a doctor

>> No.9015460

No insurance and little money.
What do I do then?

>> No.9015472

Pick up smoking if you haven't already, nicotine helps with schizophrenia
calle calle

>> No.9015486


I do smoke, sometimes ; Why who is asking? whats a calle call* better not be a thing.

>> No.9015637

I just ruined a 35 day sobriety-streak.
That first sip of beer was the best I felt in years.

>> No.9015656

>pint of sailor jerries on sale for $6.50
>sunday off
>friend asks to stop by at 3
>drink rum
>fall asleep at 6pm
>wake up at midnight
>friend pissed, stopped by and couldn't wake me
>only fell asleep cuz he took so long to get here
>don't feel like arguing
>not sure I have any friends left
>also forgot I was baking a potato
>had to throw out the potato and eat beans

I think I got a case of the mondays

>> No.9015891

This. Gin is fucking horrible. I also hate whiskey too but can understand why people like it.

>> No.9015902

Oh yeah, this probably wins hands down. Fucking gyro niggers

>> No.9015919

Miller lite. Drank a little over a dozen of em and the next day had the worst hangover. Tried to sip water, puked it up. Tried to sip 7 up, puked it up. Went to the store (puked bile on the way) to get pedialyte, tried to sip it, puked it up. It was late afternoon before i could keep fluids down. No more miller lites for me. Weird because i normally never get hangovers

>> No.9015935

I remember back when I was 18 and first started drinking, I drank 8 beers and it made me pass out in bed, and wake up to a pile of puke over the side of the bed that I didn't even remember puking. I couldn't move the entire day. I cleaned that shit up though.
Fast forward 9 years 8 beers would be basically just enough to actually effect me.

>> No.9015950

Pinnacle is indeed the worst. I went through a phase of trying to only drink liquor and spend mess money so I'd end up drinking their cake or vanilla flavors - I can still feel the hangover 4 years later in all honesty. However, I became a virtuoso of rekindling old flames, making dozens of promises to reconnect with them, usually escalate to getting ready to meet and bang then: I'd just wake up with no pants on, hour long conversations that had me acting way overly sincere, and id be unable to move for most of the day let alone drink some water.

I'm much more controlled now, but I refuse to binge on liquor in general just a chubby beer fag now.

>> No.9017361

Bro just use a bicycle pump or an air mattress pump. Seen a guy leave a party drunk as fuck like that

>> No.9017897

How good is hobo wine for getting fucked up? I told my friend about it and I want to try it first to see if it's worth trying. I want to try a small 375 mL bottle on my own first, just to get acquainted with the effects, but not seriously drunk. I hear Cisco is the best but I can only find Wild Irish Rose and MD 20/20. Does Wild Irish Rose have the same liquid crack effects that Cisco is reputed for having? I assume 1 375 mL bottle should get me as drunk as one 40 of King Cobra at least.

>> No.9017958

I won't drink Kentucky deluxe whiskey every again after my fifth dui. Actually, I can't drink any liquor again for 5 years. If I do, it's straight to prison for me.

>> No.9018016
File: 70 KB, 1400x1868, wine-sweetness-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a bad experience but ill put it here anyway.

Recently I've been getting into red wine again. I normally just buy the cheapest red bottle I can find.

But today I sprang for Hayden-Harlow Vineyard's Sweet Red.
>grape wine with natural flavors
>natural flavors
>9% ALC

I was going to bash it here but it's actually okay. Dry reds are still superior though.

I have however had bad experiences with Mead and Ouzo. Ouzo I forgave but I still haven't had mead since my 21st birthday. We were drinking beer and when the clock struck midnight I wanted my first legal drink to be warm mead. Honey wine, maybe the first alcoholic beverage ever. Ended up throwing up. Dont drink mead warm unless you're a fucking viking or something. Or maybe dont have it after beer.

Shit, now I want mead.

>> No.9018032

In 45 day I will no longer have random drug and etg tests after 2 years
I fear I will not live much longer after that

>> No.9018291
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I absolutely did

>> No.9018297
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I'm ready to die.

>> No.9018351

Dee you bitch

>> No.9018536

What do you drink when you're out of booze. I don't have any extract

>> No.9018553

Tell us your story anon.

>> No.9018615

I walk my ass to 711 and buy cheap beer. Or my local liquor store where everything is cheap.

>> No.9019201

Pound energy drinks or buy more booze.

>> No.9019207

For those of you who don't live alone and aren't far enough gone to not hide it, where is your stash and what's in it right now?

Mine is in a small drawer in my cabinet and has a 1/4 full bottle of tequila, two warm beers, and half a pack of cigarettes. I should restock soon.

>> No.9019431

Buy more.

>> No.9019474

>stimming while going through withdrawal

>> No.9019479

Got a 10 liter bottle half full of moonshine next to my desk.

Making your own booze is the ultimate alcie lifehack.

>> No.9019488

This anon knows what's up, I almost killed myself off gin when I first started

>> No.9019506
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Been feeling like shit every morning up until early afternoon lately.
A thought strikes me.
I have a couple shots of vodka soon as I wake up.
Feel fine 10 minutes later.

I was not planning on being a fucking addict. I was just drinking nice wine with my evening meal and maybe a couple whiskys afterwards.

How did this happen?

>> No.9019514

>how did this happen?

Apparently not that slowly

>> No.9019545
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pls share information - what kind of still? where did you get or how did you build? if you keep it concealed by some means other than being alaska far from other people, how?

t. autistic homemade cider at 5 dollars/gal

>> No.9019698
File: 27 KB, 320x480, still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a traditional 10 liter all copper alembic online.

I distil in my room on a hotplate. For the cooling I use a big plastic bucket of water and an aquarium pump to pump it to the copper cooling bucket and and let it flow back through two pieces of garden hose. That way I don't need to occupy one of the taps in the house. When dismantled the whole setup fits easily into an average moving box.

Lately I've been making batches of sugar shine and filtering it through activated charcoal. It tastes like those fancy €30 a bottle vodkas, if not better, and costs me less than €1 a bottle. I've also made apple brandy from store bought apple juice that was very nice.

I just set it up on my desk. I shitpost while I make liquor. It's very comfy.

>> No.9019719

Taper while you can, lad.

Imagine yourself hanging by your hands from a rope from a rising hot air balloon. The sooner you let go the better.

>> No.9019758

thanks, legit post

I wanted to get into distilling, but I've been worried about fumes, cooling and temp control, so no go yet. Will probably just wait until I'm better situated before I even get into it. Like I mentioned I make cider (from store bought apple juice, of course) and I'm really just glad I didn't know that this was possible five years ago or so when I still had hard-drinking friends to egg me on

>> No.9019909

i got almost a handle with different liqours.

Time to turn off the phone and dissapear for 3 days

>> No.9020030

It has a weird effect on my pysche. In the beginning I drank a lot more, but after a while it would become so normal that I kind of tapered down. I feel like I'm in a post scarcity world, flushing a bucket of booze down the toilet wouldn't faze me at all.

I've always seen booze as something precious, but having a sea of liquor to drown in has kind of broken the spell for me where I feel like stopping everyday drinking and just focus on making special stuff once in a while.

Ironically I might be curing my alcoholism by making booze.

>> No.9020081

/mu/tant here, they were no help:

After a night of drinking (every night for the past month), I find my vocal range and singing voice is much worse. No amount of water or tea will fix it, only time. Is this normal? Cause this could be exactly the motivation i need to stop drinking every single night

>> No.9020100

Hard liquor can give you mouth and throat and esophagus cancer.

>> No.9020109



>> No.9020122


a couple of days with whiskey makes my throat total shit, just stop drinking and it will return shortly

>> No.9020127

>WT 101 and amphetamines

Oh god, I bet the next day was hell. Fucking christ

>> No.9020200

I found myself no longer getting drunk from a bottle of wine.

Is this the beginning?

>> No.9020291


Good luck anon, its the beginning when you barely can get drunk from a fifth of vodka

>> No.9020305


>> No.9020313
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Better switch to boxes!

>> No.9020375


kek, this

>> No.9020491

>getting drunk off wine

I don't get this, I spend a lot of time puking acid and heaving sulphite headaches when I do this. Why drink vinegar to get drunk when there's liquor?

>> No.9020677

it's the cheapest alcohol per currency in the gommie shithole where I live

>> No.9020701

opiates in any situation are 100 times comfier than booze in any situation

>> No.9020771

Yes, yes it was.
I had a bad habit of using amphetamines and whenever I would get spun out I would down a bottle of liquor to hopefully catch a nap or quit panicking.

>tfw up on day 3-4 and pound back 375ml on an empty stomach
>you just lay in the floor and stare at the fucking wall, too high to sleep, too drunk to move.

Glad I got off all that bullshit.

>> No.9020818

Lol 5 DUIs. I thought I was pathetic with 3.

>> No.9020847

Working in the oil field DUIs are fucking everywhere. It's insane.

>> No.9020868
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I was gonna buy myself one can of cider for every day I've been sober in a row (2 (two))
Fucking some cunt cut in line, which lead to me attempting the self checkout, and for some reason it suddently wanted to know my age, and because the fucking self checkout needs a dude working there to check the IDs, the alcohol sale closed down while waiting for the dude.

Meaning i couldn't get a drink
Fuck the faggotry called self checkout

>> No.9021025

maybe you should just plan ahead instead and not leave your shopping for the last 5 minutes it's open

>> No.9021040

Tomorrow I will have a reason to buy liquor after not having had a drink in over 2 weeks.

What's a good bottle of liquor I should try for under $35? Should I make a cocktail out of it?

>> No.9021146

Beat me to it you fuuuucker.

>> No.9021153

how do I booze on the job? I work retail at a normie clothing store.

>> No.9021171

Mix small bottles of orange juice with vodka, do likewise for other small bottles of soda and liquor to your liking (rum and coke, gin and tonic, etc.).

Also consider getting small bottles of cranberry juice and filling them with red wine.

If you have a serious problem just fill a vacuum flask with vodka but I think people might be able to smell it. Actually now that I think about just the fact that you're asking this question means that people can probably already smell the booze on you regardless.

>> No.9021193
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I think I'll do that. I never brought booze into work but seeing as it's in a mall, on break I go one of the restaurant and do shots or three fingers worth of whatever but it's just way too pricey.

It's a monkeys job and I'm well liked, I'm sure coworkers would partake w/ me if I do bring a little something in.

I won't get fired till it becomes a problem; which it will.

>> No.9021244

I could never use amphs or coke long enough to do 3 day benders. I've had a few times where you keep going all night and then a lot of the next day, but I've always crashed the second night.

>> No.9021268

>campus cops
holy shit and you PAY for this?

>> No.9021285

wine is fucking godly anon

>> No.9021298
File: 16 KB, 270x480, 18985533_1786584668023792_293742558_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up earlier at an ABC store. Absolutely fantastic. 9/10 would recommend.

>> No.9021313
File: 227 KB, 500x322, tumblr_inline_nnjfng41cP1t66rp4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you think that quitting alcohol will give you withdrawals but you can't remember a time in the last 5 years that you went longer than 36 hours without having half a dozen drinks and then you realize that your brain is tricking you into indulging in its addiction with fear

I need another drink

>> No.9021327
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>pass out at table
>concerned roomate wakes me up
>apparently II trip and hit the metal refrigerator so hard I dent the corner
>blood carpets the floor
>wake up in hospital
>doc says my BAC was 0.56

Kek. Didn't have a hangover or DTs so that's nice I guess

>> No.9021395
File: 476 KB, 1189x849, ALCOHOL - The Untold Story!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice in these threads that everyone is miserable.

>> No.9021396

The only spirit I like is gin

>> No.9021398
File: 188 KB, 1221x941, Beer is for fools!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9021405

that's how addiction works dumbo

>> No.9021413
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>> No.9021440

Not so long ago me and my girlfriend who I live with were up all night drinking, we had drunk a sixpack of beer each and were getting really deep in a bottle of rum and a bottle of vodka. The night had turned into morning and me and in my drunken stupidity started shooting an old BB gun I have at street signs outside of the window (I live at the second floor in the middle of a reasonably big city). It was sunday and nobody was out even though it was 9 in the morning, but after a while of shooting a man appeared something like a hundred metres down the street. I kept shooting at signs because I didn't give a fuck, and after staring at me for a while, the guy started walking really briskly towards my window. I put the BB gun away and stuck my head out because I thought he would want to talk to me (I was expecting to be called a retard and an idiot), but he opened his jacket and pulled a gun out of his inner pocket and cocked it. I fucking sprinted into my bedroom and hid, I didn't know what the fuck to do, we crawled across the floor soon after and shouted out that it was a BB gun and we meant no harm. After a while I went out in drunken fear and put up a note near the window where I apologized in case he'd walk by again. Later we went to church, which we never do since none of us are christian, but it seemed like a good use of a drunken morning. The hangover was one of the worst I've had and I was a nervous wreck because of the man with the gun for a week after.

>> No.9021454

Hahaha that's a crazy story anon, thanks for sharing it

>> No.9021463

Damn where do you live? as this seems like quite the occurance

>> No.9021473

I live in Oslo, a very peaceful place. It's the first time I've seen a weapon in a situation like that.

>> No.9021524

It sounded rather American, my Norwegian friend.
That was why I was asking, and what kind of firearm do you think it was?

>> No.9021549

I'm set on white russians, what other tasty beverage would you recommend I start making for the rest of these sad 3 months?

>> No.9021553

Long summer ahead and some cash for spending on booze.
I'm set on white russians, what other tasty beverages would you recommend I start making for the rest of these sad 3 months?

>> No.9021562



Vodka Cranberry and you can add in after the Cranberry Juice : any other fruit juice added in to spice it up or Bourbon Neat (any Kentucky Bourbon is the key ingredient here, and the only ingredient.)

1 part vodka to 2 parts Cranberry and 1 part Apple/pomegranete juice is very delicious and acceptably sweet.

>> No.9021610
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I feel like a numale drinking this meme beer but it sure is good.

>> No.9021642

Gin is either love or hate. It's definitely the most polarizing.

>> No.9021764

Drunk as fuck anons, downed a half of Olmeca Alto with some Jarritos Tamarind for extra beaner

What are you guys drinking right now?

>> No.9021784

I'm on 8 or 10 shots of rum now
I'm in pretty hard "fuck it lay back in the couch mode"
Emotions feeling strong
Wondering about my future

How you doing
Whats yer emotions saying now

>> No.9021793

I'm feeling pretty good right now, just goofy and wish I had some friends to drink with. I'm about to move to Alaska to work for the summer so I don't know if I'll get the chance to get smashed again.

Really, I just want life to turn out okay for me.

What kinda rum you on anon? I'm not a big rum guy but I want to get into it

>> No.9021804

I had a job opportunity early last year to go to North Canada
Some native village there to cook some fucking burgers of all things
Job didn't work out
Probably woulda been expensive of shit to get drunk
But then again, natives live there
And they only live while being drunk
Reckon you coulda been drunk in Alaska too on the same basis

Natives gotta get drunk
You can piggy back on their need.

Whatever, if you're trying to get better. All for it

I'm Canadian so we got shit prices all around. I'm drinking the cheapest
It's white rum.
I don't care

I've drunk enough to get morose. I'm going military, you know
Gonna be an officer. Shit I'm worried about that.

>> No.9021811

>on a train
>mouth is really dry because drank earlier
>no alcohol now

>> No.9021820

Lots and lots of water

So long as you don't got that "under the tongue pressure" you're good

>> No.9021822


mother fucker, i would never expect that to happen in oslo, done the same shit in Bergen and thank god noone reacted the same way

>> No.9021824

I'm on a train there is no water anywhere not for another 3 hours until I get home

>> No.9021826

damn thats cool as shit anon, you'll get paid beaucoup bucks. Do you know what kinda ossifer you'll be?

I always wanted to join the army. I almost want to join the French Foreign Legion, I hate murrica and would love to live in the EU and not need a car and not live in a 3rd world kinda 1st world country filled with minorities and ghetto trash

Yeah I heard your natives are crazy and get crazy drunk, our natives are the same except they're all fat and drug addicts and own casinos so some of them are filthy rich.

And I hope that I'll meet some degenerate natives to get drunk with and they'll tell me funny stories that I can share on the 4chins.

Why did your job opportunity fall through anon?

>> No.9021830

Alcohol poisoning

>> No.9021831

Ask for it
It's free

>> No.9021832

Ask who?

>> No.9021836

whoever works on the train friend
or just go to the food/concessions stand, I'm sure they'll give you a freeby water cup

>> No.9021837

I wanted Intel because I'm a fag
But I tried out last year and waited 12 whole fucking months
This year they told me nah too

You know there are only 5 Intel officers chosen a year
Just 5
And that's 1 Army, 2 AF, and 2 Navy

I can't wait another year. Maybe I coulda made it then
But not after a year

So now I'm going Navy officer
Gonna be a captain or at least an XO day

I'm looking forward to it, desu
I want to go out on the seas

My pop served on a few ships when I was a babe
He still love ships today

Gonna make him proud I think

Just gotta wait for them to FUCKING DO THEIR JOBS
I hate recruiters

How's your life doing mate? Talk about it

>> No.9021839

Yeah, there are no food stands here, or food carts, or anything

>> No.9021853

I hope your military career works out anon, if you slog through it I'm sure you get a fat pension.

Well if you want to hear about my life here goes: Mom brought me to USA from MEX, but lucked out and got dual citizenship. Anyway, my parents gave me a nice, comfy middle class life, but my step dad was a dickhole who I haven't spoken to in years, he tried to fight me multiple times and generally made me feel like shit. Reconnected with my long lost brother, but he joined the US Army so I lost my best friend. My parents moved to redneck Oregon, and I stayed in Washington and had a comfy job as a Carpenter Apprentice with a cool boss and cool coworkers, and we drank beers everyday after work while sitting in traffic. They were older guys, but they were fun and I think they enjoyed having someone as young as me around them to teach stuff to. But I got in a car accident and decided I wasn't making enough money to sit in 2 hours of traffic each day, so I moved in with my parents again.

Which was a mistake, I couldn't find a job for 2 months, but my grandpa hooked me up with an alaska fishery job, which is where I am now.

I had some old friends from my old theater job in Washington, and I'll see some of them again, but I've felt alone since December.

And so I drink.

Tell me your life story anon

>> No.9021859

Shit outta luck then anon, best chance is too look for someone who might be nice and ask them for water. Or maybe go to bathroom and drink out of sink

Good luck anon

>> No.9021869

Your life sounds a lot cooler than mine

I grew up military brat
Dad never at home half my life
The my mum decided to get back at him and joined up civvie service and served coffee over sees
Never saw either of them much in my teen years

They both loved me. I can't complain. Not talking shit or nothing.
They loved me but I grew up a bit cold

I fucked up my entire life after highschool.
Never knew what to do.
I remember when I was 15 I had an essay about "Where I saw myself in 10 years"
I wrote "Alive" and handed it in
And I goodness gracious, I worked hard but fulfilled that dream.

I went through a few colleges
Graduated one or two to of them
I never knew what to do with my life

One of my colleges had a speaker that said "If you don't have dreams you're already dead"
Fuck me I've been dead since I had hair on my balls.

The military is saving me now.
I started drinking a couple years ago.
It was last year I realized that I always wanted to be like my dad
I think we've always had daddy issues
I know I have and did and do

Gonna do something at least
I'm almost 30
But I'm gonna do something

I'm a big astronomy fag

How are the stars/aurora at sea?

>> No.9021874

>Jack Bauer, on a top secret mission to find the half full bottle of discount vodka that he hid from himself the night before when he was blacked out

>> No.9021885
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In kind of a weird situation. I'm 22, old enough to drink, but still live with parents at least until I graduate college this December. I only drink once every few months and have few friends to drink with.

Well, I brought home a small bottle of cheap red wine today to enjoy by myself for the first time and my mom somehow got a hold of my phone and found out that I had bought booze since I mentioned it in a convo with a friend. She went into full panic mode and immediately notified my dad, who is a functioning and orderly alcoholic. I threw the bottle in the sewer without even a sip, but they both freaked out and sobbed uncontrollably for about an hour. My dad told me stuff not even my mom knew about him being an alcoholic since he was 14, his parents made him drink as a kid, my grandma drunk while she was pregnant, etc. My brother is also an alcoholic and is possibly addicted to pain pills. My mom's side of the family consumes alcohol normally and has no health issues other than heart disease.

I have been sheltered my whole life and am crippled by fear from doing many things. I lived my teen years in near-complete isolation. I don't drive and I only manage to go places, work, and avoid being fat by riding a bike. I don't want to be an alcoholic, but I just want to drink occasionally like a normal person and to be well-adjusted. My sister has been sexually active since she was 12 or 13 and somehow this was never a problem in my mom's eyes.

Am I in the wrong here? What's the best approach? Drinking with friends usually gets me less heat. Should I wait until I get my own place and own life? Is drinking alone the problem? I may drink with a friend this weekend, but I am too afraid to drink alone. Are genes an absolute guarantee I will be an alcoholic? My mom told me I would always be fat too, but I'm 5'11" 150 lbs now. I'm sorry for turning this into a hugbox but it seemed like a nice place to ask.

>> No.9021888

>It was last year I realized that I always wanted to be like my dad
Amen anon, it took me years to admit that I hated my dad, and that he probably barely loved me. Why are dads such a point of contention among kids?

Your story is cool anon, I'd rather live your life than mine. I merely graduated high school (barely) and attended a few semesters of college before working full time.

I'm the same regarding "dreams". How the fuck am I supposed to know what I want to do the rest of my life? When I was younger, I just wanted to smoke weed and booze and play vidya. I didn't have "dreams" or ambitions. I never understood how anyone else did.

You're doing better then me right now anon. At least you went to college, and at least you're committed to your military. I want to get to that point after this summer

We'll make it anon

>> No.9021893


fuck where are you?

even poo in a loos has atleast a drink cart

>> No.9021901

>We'll make it anon
I'd give you a fucking Arnold/Carl Weathers handshake now

We gonna make it dude

In a few months, I gonna be on the pacific on a training boat
Maybe you gonna be catching crabs in the same sea

We gonna make it my nigga.
And maybe we'll be sober for a lot of it

>> No.9021904


How much does your brother drink for you to consider him an alcoholic?

Has your sister been blacked?

>> No.9021906

Anon you need to move out ASAP and be an adult. Ask one of your friends if they need a roommate or if they know anybody. But it sounds like you're parents are still treating you like a child and more than that, they look down on you. You don't need them, prove them wrong and spit on their scorn. Look for apartments or roommates on craigslist and make it happen anon. When you're independent, you can drink whenever you want without people judging.

But yeah your folks sound awful, severe the cord soon

>> No.9021910

>And maybe we'll be sober for a lot of it
hope not, being sober for more than a few weeks sucks! But yeah I'm crossing fingers for you anon, hope you find adventure in the navy, and hopefully make your dad proud, whether he's still in leafland or in heaven.

Hope to be out there with ya

>> No.9021915


>> No.9021923

Estie, you cute Baltic slut, your trains can at least afford water
At least go to the bathroom and cup some water that way

>> No.9021924

Oh that's just normal harmless everyday relaxed drinking.

>> No.9021926

Nigga please
He's graduated to advanced drinking

Collect your gold star from the bottle of your next 40

>> No.9021929

>How much does your brother drink for you to consider him an alcoholic?
He drove drunk into a neighbor's mailbox, went on FB Live a few weeks ago saying "I'm a fucking alcoholic" and his wife ran in the room asking where the hydrocodone pills went. It sounds funny, but it's fucked up when you watch it happen live. My sister hasn't been blacked yet. She told some people after she dumped her racist ex that she was "done with white boys" so it's a possibility. She's still too young so she makes me worry immensely. I don't think she's doing it right now per se (She's not promiscuous), but she snuck out of the house to go to a college campus and hang out with some kids for 2 nights in a row. My sister's friends are my mom's friends and she will not dare discipline her. She even admitted that if she caught my sister using marijuana, there would be no consequences. Not sure about drinking, but that's not far off because her friends already do that too.

I really did think about just chugging the bottle in front of my mom. There's no good option to be independent until I graduate college though, since I literally live a few blocks from campus with my folks. I only have one more semester until I can get a job as a programmer and make decent money. I'm not super determined to get drunk though. I'll do it occasionally and do a better job of hiding it, I guess. I will absolutely not let it keep me from doing stuff with friends.

>> No.9021935

>Anon you need to move out ASAP and be an adult
Shit advice.
You have less than a year until you can throw all caution to the wind, graduate and become a responsible adult with a job. Save your money well.
It's fine to be curious about alcohol and a want to glamourize it as seen in the people all around you, in film, and other places. It's delicious. But, it's not worth being an addict.

So, thank your parents for their sincere reaction and honest story telling and just make up your own mind. But, you don't sneak food or alcohol at home. Enjoy it when you dine out with friends, as you say, you're old enough. Have it only at parties, restaurants, ie do things with people who aren't your family. Now, as a male, your frontal lobe is still maturing til age 25, why your car insurance is so high. So, whatever your opinion is, it sucks. You're immature. Go to an al-anon meeting and talk to family members of alcoholics (people like your mom who married into it, and your dad who grew up with it). Your genetic heritage sucks, and people 20 years down the line really really really wished they had known they were cursed and would have never had a single drink. There are plenty of mormoms, arabs and people with responsible/on-call jobs who can't ever drink or do drugs. It's not biggie either way, and you don't want to turn on the curse and never be able to look back at that bad first decision. Sneaking it is not the way to avoid that. I've had surgeons that didn't touch caffeine, ever. I've worked with a lot of intellectuals, even a Nobel Prize winner...most didn't really give a damn about it, lest you think it's so normal. It's normal to recognize a lot of people have problems with excess.

Me ex never drank. From experience, learned from first and second drinking attempts that "angry drunk" was the mode of drunk....so never touched it again. The genes were bad on the maternal side.

Take it easy, you've been legal exactly one year. Patience.

>> No.9021939

I feel so bored during my sober days
But when I'm drunk I just feel sad

I don't know what to do

>> No.9021945

Just sneak out at night or day anon, get drunk while they're at work, or while they expect you outside. Are you in Europe?

>> No.9021947


i understand why you wont take water from the tap in the toilet, endure my friend

pls endure

>> No.9021956


fuck, and i get annoyed that im the black sheep in my family for having beer on a weekday.Your brother needs help, and your family needs an intervention with him. When it comes to your drinking, they should fuck off,

fucking parents, thats why i live by myself

>> No.9021969

I appreciate your honesty. I'm not an "angry drunk", I am even nicer when drunk. I suppose you are correct in that I have plenty of time to drink. It's not worth alienating my parents. It is worth noting that I drank to a 0.35 on my first time drinking, and that was around my whole family (brother's wedding), so maybe that's why they get upset. I rarely get the urge to drink but I can take quite a bit. My friend weighs 100 lbs more than me, is probably an alcoholic, and I drunk him under the table on my second time drinking. Third time was just 64 ounces of Budweiser with classmates and a professor. Fourth time was vodka/rum with friends but I stopped at 8 shots. So there is possibly a reason, or at least some reason I should be careful.

No, I live in Ohio. I do spend long amounts of time outside, mostly riding a bike. I only work part time atm because I can't get a good IT job without a degree where I live.

>> No.9021974

Im thinking of trying weed to curb my drinking, but I have no friends and am too dumb to find a dealer. Does anyone have experience with these canadian MOM sites? I'm just a little hesitant because they want a scan of your ID to prove you are age

>> No.9021988

Other stuff? Play mortal kombat

>> No.9021989

>just ate dinner
>pretty sure i'm about to puke within 10 mins

for fuck's sake, i barely even drank anything. usually only feel like this after a fifth or more

>> No.9021999

Just go walk around a shitty area.
Youre in CA?

>> No.9022005

I'm drink lads

>> No.9022006

You drank b'fer eating

If you're stomach's empty you get drunk faster and if you drink like you're full o' food, you can get to "too drunk" phase a lot faster than you think
Take it every easy if you're drinking before you eat

>> No.9022009

Fireball because it always comes back up. Plus I haven't been 17 in a while.

>> No.9022012

Yeah I get you
I play Dota
Or at least I have been
Me and her have been having a quiet period

Play video games is how I try to keep sober
But man, it's still hard

Especially because I'm poor as fuck and can't afford to play modern games

>> No.9022015

I only buy fireball in winter
When eggnog comes on sale

Store eggnog + fireball = delicious shit that gets you fucked up and sick

>> No.9022038

Easiest way to score bud is through friends/coworkers
if you don't have either of those I wouldn't bother

>> No.9022039

>Especially because I'm poor as fuck and can't afford to play modern games

What kind of games you like? There's lots of older games you can play on the PC.

Unreal series, Quake series, classic Doom and Doom 3, Jazz Jackrabbit, SimCity, Diablo 1/2, Baldur's Gate, Runescape (should still run on low machines, if not then play old school RS), Half-Life 1/2. Don't forget osu! if you like music games. I also keep an old Win98 laptop to play DOS games (You can also use an emulator).

If you prefer console, PS1 games are often pretty cheap, but not as cheap as pirating games on the PC.

The key is to find something deep and engrossing that takes your mind off booze, and needs a clear mind to play.

>> No.9022047

Like I said, Dota

I hate it
But I can't leave it
It is my abusive husband

>> No.9022051

Tfw getting drunk on beer and watching The Godfather. Man I hope Satan (America) hasn't made his way to Sicily yet

>> No.9022056

I don't get drunk on beer any more
Too many caolries

Are you Sicilian
So much history there my African friend

>> No.9022058

>Tfw getting drunk on beer
What kinda beer?

>> No.9022066
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Guys. My old fling invited me to her bday party. She said I could bring anyone I want. I wanna go but my ex would Fuck it up. And if I do go I need to get buzzed to see her and I want to see her. What do?

>> No.9022079

My 23 and me said I'm .1% sheepshager so yes.

Some fag IPA

>> No.9022090

I've studied so many Sicilian cities in my history classes
I mean shit you could go walking and stroll past like 10 historical sites

It's all relative I guess.
I'm drunk in the new world and I don't give a shit from a 350 year old colony.

>> No.9022093

Well guys, I just drank an entire 5th of tequila in less than 5 hours, feel wasted. Alcohol is amazing.

I love all of you.

>> No.9022101
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Not a drink. But. Oh fuck, this one time.

>going through withdrawals cold turkey
>at brother's house but only my nephew is there to keep an eye on me
>nephew is asleep
>withdrawals getting worse and worse
>suddenly hallucinations hit like a motherfucker
>spiders on every surface
>my body looks disfigured and covered with blood
>the tv display changes and damn near gives me a heart attack
>start trying to quietly pilfer through the house for SOMETHING with alcohol
>nothing in fridge
>too afraid to open cabinets because I'm shaking so much every god damn thing I do makes too much noise
>fuck it, let's explore other options
>search for hand sanitizer
>no luck
>fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
>rifle through bathroom
>find mouthwash
>26% grain alcohol
>open bottle
>huh, smells like this isn't something I should be drinking
>gonna do that shit anyway
>gear up, son, the devil is coming for you
>turn up bottle
>body and mind wonder exactly what the fuck I think I'm doing
>every part of me wants to puke but I'm going to have to do this until the withdrawals calm down
>power through it until I decide I can't anymore
>don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke
>manage to hold it down

Now I cannot bear the smell or taste of mouthwash of any kind. Keep that shit out of my house.

>> No.9022118

I do. America is Satan and sicilians mid resist it,

>> No.9022122

That's sad as fuck mate

I know the spider shit too
I think spiders are just inherent in hallucinations

I get them all the time when sober

>> No.9022156

Aye, and I'm sorry to hear that. Was not fun. Don't know your situation, but I will say that if you ever find yourself drinking mouthwash, it's probably time to not drink anymore.

>> No.9022161

I'd kill myself before drinking mouthwash desu

>> No.9022171

I was doing sudokus for quite some time and completely forgot about it, doesn't matter soon, will get off train soon

>> No.9022172

do you guys feel that there are periods where you seem to black out more and have less recollection of the night in general even if you don't drink a lot that night? this past year i'm always fucking scared of blacking out and making a fool of myself even though i don't drink more or faster than i used to. it's making drinking shit for me. just a bunch of anxiety now

>> No.9022173

Drink slower

>> No.9022189

My one and only blackout story
>Ex-coworker invites me to party of ex-coworkers and friends
>bring booze and bud
>Decide to take shots of fancy tequila I just bought
>Everyone is too busy being pussies/playing pong to take shots with me
>Keep in mind it's like 9pm
>Every shot I pour out I take myself after offering anybody one
>From what I heard, I drank at least half a bottle of tequila by myself
>From what I heard, got really drunk before my actual friends arrived
>Next thing I remember from arriving at party is my face down in grass outside, in January winter, vomiting over 5 times while staying in same position.
>A few people come out to check on me, but mostly wait out the vomiting
>I also shotgunned a few beers before passing out apparently
>Next thing I know, I'm in the living room, vomiting my guts out into a banana box while everyone looks at me in disgust
>pass out before ball drops
>most people left before then out of disgust/bad vibes
>sleep for like 13 hours at friends house, call in sick for work next day to recover

moral of story, don't get black out drunk kids, it aint fun

>> No.9022204

amateur. The best moments of my life happen when I'm blackout drunk. I just don't remember them

>> No.9022206

damn dude, thanks for sharing. i really don't want to black out, nothing good ever comes of it. i guess i'll just stay away from shots til i can handle some self control

>> No.9022211

I used to love V8 but now just the smell makes me nauseous because i've had so many bloody marys (maries? idfk.)

>> No.9022223

damn i need to get on ur level
just experiment and find out where your cap/time is.

You can take a lot of shots over multiple hours and end up fine or take them too quick and forget what you did. Just depends on your tolerance and what you did that night.

But get black out at least once, it makes you a human bean. I reccomend doing it in the company of friends who aren't going to take advantage of you and steal your shit

That's what happened to me. I had a fresh jar of bud, like an ounce. But I passed out and some douche took like 3/4 of my stash. Be careful. Get a friend who'll take care of you.

>> No.9022233

Try Blood Caesars now :^)

>> No.9022239

>chrismas party for work
>down pint of whiskey in car before i go inside
>open bar
>drink about 8 yuenglings
>get invited to hotel for after party
>decide to drive
>get lost
>finally find the hotel
>drink more
>ride to mcdonalds with coworker
>get super butthurt cause she won't let me smoke in her car
>order like $20 worth of food
>get to back to hotel and don't eat it
>drink more
>get ready to leave
>can't remember where i parked
>wander around the hotel for 30 mins trying to find my car
>find it and miraculously make it home
>pass out

>> No.9022260

Bloody Caesar?

Let us in on the secrets lad.

>> No.9022270

Bloody Caesars are just Blood Maries with clamato.
If V8 makes you barf, then fishy ass tomato juice will make you spew harder

>> No.9022274

Tbh I don't fucks with clamato.

Then again I'm a ten in the morning whiskey kinda guy. A fuckup is what that's called.

>> No.9022333

I have a jar of poitin that I got as a gift. How fucked am I when I get around to drinking it?

>> No.9022529


sudokus wont help, hope you will get some water asap


>> No.9022536

it's love thing for me. Had a gf to drink gin with. One day the brought home a bottle of baileys. After the fight she agreed to never do it again. But when she brought home a bottle of dooleys she had to go. Since the taste of gin reminds me of the better days with her I usually don't drink it anymore.

>> No.9022547

I'm already home and I'm already hydrated and already drinking again, and sudokus helped get my mind off it

>> No.9022550


thank god everything went fine

but im still annoyed we dont have a chat or something here

>> No.9022562


Kill me

>> No.9022564

Someone tried to make one with discord, but discord is cancer, someone should just make an irc channel, on rizon maybe

>> No.9022574


i remember the discord, but noone was on, well just make some chat i will join then

>> No.9022584

I love gin but it always gives me a headache after I drink it. No matter how much I drink it never fails. Same thing with wine.

>> No.9022601

join #al/ck/ on rizon

>> No.9022617

i'll join when i'm drunk enough to be talkative

>> No.9022622

got back from the er this morning... walked all the way home for miles because no wallet or phone...
withdrawals taking hold like midday, have like 3/4th of a fifth on the counter.... don't want withdrawals, don't want to drink anymore. Been sipping gatorade and vodka slowly, not helping a lot but at least not puking blood or anything.

>> No.9022624


my fucking comp wont let me in


>> No.9022626
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also still ripping my dick apart every hour or so which helps

>> No.9022655


dead as fug

>> No.9022663

Finally starting to hallucinate, guess I will go scrap up change to hopefully get something to help with it.

>> No.9022674


the chat already needs you it seems

>> No.9022680

You sound like a hassle to babysit and probably won't be asked to drink with your friends again.

>> No.9022687
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Shit you too? When I'm withdrawing bad I'll jerk off like every hour until my dicc is raw

>> No.9022691

I actually have great experiences with (cold) mead.
i'm a lightweight, so drinking a bottle of it is the perfect amount of drunkness for me without getting hangover.
Once, I poured down two beers and a bottle of red wine additionally and had a fucking bad night of puking. Was 17 back then I think

>> No.9022711



>> No.9022714

Texas city with charmed and Genetic element

>> No.9022716


>> No.9022753

Who am I speaking with?

>> No.9022768



>> No.9022772

I've done it, lads! Four days down! Withdrawls are gone. I can finally fall asleep without tossing and turning for hours only getting a few hours of sleep on top of the shit sleep from blacking out every night.

I know, four days is nothing in comparison to others. I had a sort of handle on my drinking. Only drinking after nine PM, but it would be a lot and it would go until 2AM. I still would get the shakes, heart issues, and anxiety. But I finally feel sort of normal.

It's possible,lads! If you need help, don't be afraid and reach out for it.

>> No.9022785

im bored as fuck

and drunk as fuck, CAN SOMEONE ENTERTAIN ME ?

>> No.9022793

No you entertain me

Are you sure?

>> No.9022794



>> No.9022801

Okay, what would you like to do?

>> No.9022805


orgy or skype

your choice

>> No.9022808

How many times are you going to ask me to skype with you.
orgy is fine though.

>> No.9022809


im so bored

gnomebro, we wuz orgy an shiet

>> No.9022811
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I will not be fooled by you.
You are trying to steal my fingerprints.

>> No.9022814

You left Rizon chat before the orgy got started.
Dont call me gnomebro, thats

>> No.9022816

Sure, when you stick to two bottles or less. But it's not really good for serious drinking.

>> No.9022817


i got disconnected and i cant come back

wait motherfucker

>> No.9022843

>Russian gnomes

>> No.9022853
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Don't talk like that.
It is not funny.

>> No.9022874

>payday tomorrow
>no booze left
>stealing my roommates girlfriends cider from their fridge
how the fuck does she drink this shit it's so fucking sweet. 2 standard drinks in a can though will keep me going for a bit. when they go out for dinner I'm gonna knick his rum.

>> No.9022900


>tfw you sing trash nu-metal songs until 3am to the absolute chagrin of everyone else in your house when quite drunk
Thank fuck I'm friends with my house mates.

It's nice being a happy drunk, being too happy can be trouble though.

>> No.9023022

If you dislike anything you need to drink more of it. I used to hate gin and whiskey and now drink both with my favourite cocktails (VJOP for my Singapore Sling, Rittenhouse or Buffalo Trace for my Sazerac)

>> No.9023042

Vodka and Arrak are the biting bitches i refuse to come close to...

>> No.9023045

I don't know why I feel like shit, I say I'm fine but I'm not fine

>> No.9023078

I'm dying inside, and all I see are demons

>> No.9023086

I try to hide all my deepest feelings

>> No.9023143

I drank 375ml of Jameson too quickly the first time I tried it and it made me feel awful to the point where I've never had any since. I'll drink almost any other whiskey/bourbon/scotch but never Jameson.

>> No.9023145


same lol

>> No.9023205

Really not a fan of Tequila. I don't really get a kick from it at all, it just skips me straight to feeling sick.

>> No.9023212
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I'm not that sad

>> No.9023220

Tequila is always a wildcard.

It is either really fun or sickeningly bad.
There is no standard.

>> No.9023227
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I'd drink anything that will knock me out for a few hours. I'm considering bleach for permanent effect, but I think there's more efficient and reliable liquids/substances.

>> No.9023241


If you're blacking out slow the fuck down. I've only blacked out after drinking half a fifth or more in less than 2 hours.

>> No.9023243
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Have a better sense of self-worth.
You are a miracle of the baby-making process, and thousands of years of continued lineage was unbroken and thrived till the day of your creation.
It is a statistical improbability that you were ever born, and you take it for granted?
Hey go be content with the fact you live faggot.
Life may suck but it's a gift.
Cheers, friend.

>> No.9023356

ITT: people who got stupidly intoxicated with some alcohol and now can't drink it anymore.

Why do you do that?
I never got the point. I mean some cheap alcohol are pretty revolving and I have a hard time drinking them because they taste horrible, but why get so drunk on something your body forever associate it with alcohol poisoning?
I feel this is very American

>> No.9023392

It was a small pistol, probably a glock or something similar. I'm not convinced it was real though, it's very rare to see guns on the street here, and when he even cocked it for such a small scare it makes me think it's just a replica he carries to scare people (which he managed to do with me)

>> No.9023448

I've only drunken the nanny state version but that was good also. If you refuse to indulge in taste experience and think it's the opposite of getting shitfaced then you're the loser.

>> No.9023463


I wish I still was at the point when I gave a fuck about 375 ml one way or another or what non-brand it was. You're able to drive perfectly after that amount if you keep the right mindset.

>> No.9023486
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When i was 17 i came late to a party and decided to drink 50 cl of vodka in one sweep to compensate for coming late. Woke up in a ditch 5 miles from the party with no memory of how i got there. I cant drink vodka without gaging since.

>> No.9023540


>> No.9023559

Can't do whiskey unless it's Buffalo Trace or another really good bourbon.

>> No.9023567

Tequila always makes me act out when I get drunk off of it. I took a shit on a friends floor in high school after drinking it. My oneitis woke me up to tell me I had shit on the floor and in the chair.

>> No.9023600

>already hated licorice
>brothers friends feed me flaming black sambuca shots

Day after was the single most unpleasant feeling ive ever experienced. When I say I hated licorice I mean really really was disgusted by it. Even now nearly a decade later, the thought of warm liquid licorice makes me gag if I give it too much thought. Also cannot stand the smell or taste of rum after a particularity rough few hours drinking a bottle as a kid

>> No.9023638

Not sure if it's apropriate to ask it in this thread, but who cares anyway. Currently looking into finding bartender job, is there anything I need to know? Maybe someone can advice me any books 'bout it?

>> No.9023697

Look up and practice drink recipes

also in response to the thread, Glenlivet 12 is my top drink, I'm currently sober

>> No.9023931

please kill me

>> No.9023962

Cannot keep water down and I'm painfully thirsty. Day 1 withdrawal. The fuck should I do? This is HELL

>> No.9024038

>Alcoholism is American
And delirium tremens isn't Latin.

Small sips, one at a time. Drink some alcohol or take a benzos to lower withdrawals. See a doctor if you don't have benzos.

>> No.9024289

Fucking hallucinations.

>> No.9024322
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Anyone else withdrawing? I can't believe I'm in this situation yet again

>> No.9024349

I am ready to withdrawal permanately.
Not saying no more alcohol in my life, but this half year bender has to stop now.

I bought 18 pints of beer, gonna taper off with only 18 pints.
I can do this.

>> No.9024369

Good luck man. I didn't taper, I'm withdrawing so hard that there's zero chance of me getting to a shop, or I'd have bought booze today, simply too unwell to do anything except crawl to the bathroom to empty my puke bowl, and top up my water bottle. This is horrific beyond description.

>> No.9024387

White knuckle,puke bucket,, sweaty withdrawal huh?

>Godspeed Anon
I'll pray for you man, you can do it.
It will be worth it in the end.
If you need to talk we're here.
What made you decide to stop?

>> No.9024413

I am thinking 6-8 pints today,
3-4 tomorrow
Then 1-2 a day till I am out.

I may have 4-5 days worth then, and it will be easier to come off of (In relative terms, It may be less painful.) then the 375-600ml a day of hard liquor I have been consuming daily. I hope this goes well.

>> No.9024419

I could sense that I was close to death. Sleeping 17hrs a day, every body part hurts, throwing up for hours every day... the list is long and scary. I hate alcohol with every cell in my battered body

>> No.9024459

If I may give any advice, make sure you:
>attempt to stay hydrated
It is hard when your stomach is razorblades and regularly vomits.
>attempt to eat your vitamins/vegetables and bread
It will be hell as you already know, but do not forgo all nutritien/hydration.

The sleep is probably a good thing, provided you do not have a job you are neglecting. It will shorten the initial week greatly.

Have you been able to eat anything decent in the past 24 hours?

>> No.9024472

I'd say yeah on the whole propensity for alcoholism. Hand sanitizer is not a good drink, it's not even the right kind of alcohol.

>> No.9024494

I haven't eaten a single thing for about a week. I can't keep anything down whatsoever, I'm fucked

>> No.9024528

This. I cannot stand gin at all.

>> No.9024545
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The reason you're mentioning made me hold on for a few years, but it's starting to wear out. I find no joy in my daily life, loneliness destroyed who I was. Everyday, I can taste how bitter and sad I've become.
But I'm not here to complain. I'm just mostly lurking. Seems like I'm not the only one whose liver could be condemned to suffer soon.

>> No.9024570

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you replace alcohol with something quite as bad, but I eased my withdrawal down a lot with Kratom. I was a confirmed alcoholic drinking its half-bottle to a full botle of 40° every evening. Two years later I'm drinking again, but it's not like I really care anyway.

>> No.9024610
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I wish I knew how or had the money to acquire Kratom , it seems like a gift from the Lord in how useful it can be in the right dosage.

I did not mean to be crude, just was drunk man.
We love you here anon, you are safe here.
Good luck in your travels friend.

You need either a Hospital/Detox or Iron Willpower, You are strong.
You are stronger than you believe and smarter than you think. You can make it.

>> No.9024662

Seems to come in waves. I feel improved for half an hour, then it all hits in a fucking instant. Red hot, pouring with sweat, shaking, puking, anxiety, palpitations, hallucinating. Super.
What do I need to know about seizures? How do I know if I'm about to get one, and... I mean... wtf do I do if one hits?
God dammit if I ever find myself in this position again I'll have to conclude that I'm simply a moron

>> No.9024696

Have you considered going near full monk mode, lad?

My life has becoming considerably better when I gave away most of my possessions and money and shaved my head and just sit around in rags.

>> No.9024775

You're still using a keyboard correctly. No shakes yet, or you spend hours writing?
I'm a year sober. You can do it Anon.

In hospitals, they gave me massive dose of valium (the equivalent of what I was drinking) and lowered the dose over a week. So it's more or less you plan.
It sucks being stuck in a hospital with nothing else than smoke and read books, and it's not like I hadn't any withdrawals, but there weren't any swarm of crawling creatures.

>I haven't eaten a single thing for about a week.
That's a problem. Go to the hospital, or at least drink water with some sugar. Even if you puke it, some goes into your digestive track (that's why you don't puke poison but call an ambulance). That, or enema to keep you hydrated.
Try eating a yogurt, it worked for me. A spoon at a time.

Cannabidiol is miraculous for PAWS apparently, and legal.

See a doctor asap, or have a drink. A single small light beer, a spray of perfume under the tongue. Ideally any benzodiazepine.

>> No.9024778

post pic

>> No.9024798

My first ever experience getting well and truly drunk was doing shots of straight vodka. To this day I still can't drink vodka.

>> No.9024819

No I've got terrible shakes and chattering teeth. Voice recognition software

>> No.9024847

>Voice recognition software
Kids these days...

You need a new thread and a doctor. You have Trumpcare or something where you live? Can you get any benzo without a doctor, legally or not?

>> No.9024866

interesting idea, how accurate is it.

>> No.9024890
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Docs would stick me back on a ward full of disease and dying. After the last time, I didn't stop throwing up for literally months. Being there while hyper aware, is too much. It's caused a very real phobia of disease. Can't do it.
I think I'll be alright. Not like I'm not used to this. I'll get through it. Sadly nah, no benzos and too scared to buy on derpweeb sites, narrowly avoided prison last year, not going through that again. The uks drug laws are ferociously retarded.
It's near enough flawless. Siri, on my ipleb.

>> No.9024918

So, who else is drinking tonight? I've recently decided to quit a shitty job and I'm enjoying my unemployment and having some drugs once or twice a week along with my daily liver poison. I know I'll have to get another suicide inducing job and that fact is constantly nagging at me but the drinking helps with that. How's your night so far, /ck/?

>> No.9024970

I remember you. You were underdosed I think.
I went to the emergencies in England. Amazing service, but when I asked about benzos for alcoholics, they told me "we usually let them go have a pint at the pub."
You'd be better off this side of the channel, but it's a bit more complicated for you to get free health care. Paperworks, local speciality.

>> No.9025044

40mg iirc. It was hugely helpful, but holy shit some of the things on that ward. I was so fucked up by it that I walked out. Didn't even think to change out of my hospital gown. Left every possession, even my clothes. I simply had to gtfo immediately, went straight home and got blasted on vodka for months. So much for stopping.

>> No.9025126
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I need help, I do not know if I am strong enough to detox but I must

>> No.9025162

Weed helps but doesnt cut the cravings out completly.

>> No.9025163
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Yup, gotta do it anon. If there's no help available, lock yourself in a room for a week with food, loads of water and a laptop. It's utter hell, but the only alternative is a short, shit life

>> No.9025175

Oh, and a large puke and piss bucket. You're gonna be throwing up a lot and won't want to move to piss. I also have a fan and some high energy foods like peanut butter and honey. Easy on the stomach and no prep required.

>> No.9025213

but why though?

unless you're drinking a Martini you can't really taste it.

even tonic and a lime will overpower the flavor of most gins (that a noon that hates him would try at a bar for the first time)

it's the most mild liquor...even more than vodka imho

>> No.9025447

I guess me and my Fiancee are seperated now
I guess I failed. I have really made a mess of things.

>> No.9025474
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>people STILL go cold turkey


>> No.9025483

How and why?

>> No.9025496

She is gone man
Can't talk now, maybe later.

>> No.9025529

Cool. Good luck. Shitty thing to say right now but something to look back on later, "Everything passes".

Nothing is meant to be permanent or even particularly long lasting. Your desire for permanence offends the entropy from which we came and which we ride to the grave.

Don't cheer up, grieve and process the loss but do remember that all in life is just the story we tell ourselves.

Good luck.

>> No.9025671

You all need to watch this


>> No.9025755

is this this thread still active? or new one?

>> No.9025787

I think it's just sorta dead today. Don't see a new thread so I'll just keep sippin till other people post.

>> No.9025790

new thread is her

>> No.9025894
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Kratom really helps. Depending on where you live in the US, it may be either legal or not. In France, it's legal to buy some online and revcieve it as long as there's "Not for human consumption" written on the package. Try to look online.
Aside from physically helping a lot during withdrawal, it also gave me a mood uplift when I was consuming some. I surprised myself happily singing while driving, something that didn't happn for ages. For a moment, I felt "good".
I took about 3 to 4g of blnded leaves a day, which is roughly equivalent to 8 pills. Don't consume it in a tea or any other forms, stuck to pills. Tinctures doesn't work either for me.

> I did not mean to be crude, just was drunk man.
Don't worry, I've heard it all. We're on 4chan, I was expecting things like "DO IT FAGGOT". But thanks for your kind words.

I can't tell if you're serious or not, but I've considered it already. I just don't relly see how it could help. My problems aren't (for the most part) related to possessions or money. It's all about real-life loneliness and emotions.
Don't fall for a woman, /ck/. You'll just end up spending happy years with her, and have the worst withdrawal of your life when she dumps you. The contrast between then and now is what is killing me. Don't fall for it.

Cheers, Anons. Morning shot of homemade 2001 pear schnapps, just like my ancestors did before work.

>> No.9026101

Remove the m. from the fucking URL, phone poster.