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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9018890 No.9018890 [Reply] [Original]

How does wine work? Is it better to have 1 expensive glass with your meal, or many cheap glasses?


>> No.9018894

getting drunk on wine sucks.

>> No.9018897

It's better to have 1 good enough glass with your meal. More can be ok too, but bad wine is no fun

Also there is no sense in blathering about "cheap" or "expensive" because all people end up doing is projecting their insecurities all over the place, we should talk specifics otherwise there's always that one guy who goes "HURR EXPERTS CAN'T TELL $6000 WINE FROM BLEACH, THEREFORE NICE THINGS ARE A SCAM"

I generally drink wines in the $15-25 range per bottle (retail), that is my version of "good enough"

>> No.9018898

You should spend at least 2 days salary on a bottle of wine

>> No.9018911

Drinking wine as a session kind of thing, like "many cheap glasses" as you say is kind of faux classy way to get drunk. It's not classy no matter how many women claim to like it or try to look sophisticated. It's just trashy. Wine is more of a food pairing kind of drink, to sip and enjoy flavors combined with the flavors in the foods ordered. You change styles per the course when you know a little bit about them all. Think about pairing menus doing that each course for you (where they are often pouring half glasses so you don't get too sloshed).
There are about ~4 glasses of wine per bottle, so price compare their glass of house wine prices versus the type you'd like to order off the label of the bottle. Glasses of wine work for people when no one at the table can agree on what to order enough to split a bottle, or if you're the only drinker of wine. If you're at a steakhouse or ethnic food, easypeasy, probably can do a bottle for the table. A busy restaurant will have freshly opened bottles, but don't count on liking it.

Go to places like Total Wine, read the little wine ethusiast rating tags, or read labels, and then just figure out which of the top 20 selling types you actually enjoy and then order them in restaurants more safely. Once you see the pricetag at a bargain place like total wine and see the markup beyond corkage fees (ask about that if you're a regular somewhere), you'll probably stop ordering wine out unless it really matters to your experience and pocketbook. If you're going with the good single glass route, maybe get a little buzz on before you sit down, by having a stronger cocktail at the bar first.

>> No.9018918

All wine basically tastes the same, no 'expert' has ever been able to rate reliably when tasting blind, let alone actually identify a specific origin/vintage.

Like all French things, it's needless puffery.

>> No.9018921
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And right one cue, the retard arrives.

>> No.9018923

Holy fucking shit what an absolutely horrendous way to start a wine general.

>> No.9018926

>right one cue


>> No.9018932

And there he is, did I call it or did I call it

>> No.9018939

I feel sorry for people who avoid enjoying things because they're afraid someone might think they're putting on airs

Reminds me of those people who will unironically enjoy food until you tell them they just enjoyed a vegetarian meal and then they look confused and scared and then they'll refuse to ever go back to that restaurant
>what? you SURE there wasn't meat?
>I guess it was alright but next time don't take me there

>> No.9018945

>Say that relativity isn't real

Ironically, while you believe yourself to be two steps ahead, one foot is a full step behind while the other is a half step out in front.

>> No.9018947

this is indisputed fact though
wine is only good in proportion to money spent

>> No.9018948


>> No.9018952

>science is kewl!
10 bucks says you can't explain the difference between special and general relativity without using google
>oh but the 10 bucks isn't real because I'd rather spend that on a McChicken

>> No.9018954

general relativity has military rank
special relativity has to wear a helmet even outside the warzone and contruction sites


good wine costs 20 dollars or more. thats expensive

>> No.9018957
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>> No.9018962
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>cheap things suck

Why do we always have to get to this point when discussing wine? Here, I had this bottle a few days ago. Intensive plum syrup aromas on the nose and also in flavor. Not a big red, but a very good everyday drinker. Spent $9, would buy again.

>> No.9018963

>balding fat man in drag
Britbong ''''''''humour''''''''''

>> No.9018966

LMAO. In college when I was a poorfag, the Hare Krishnas in town offered a free, all you can eat, vegetarian lunch to anyone, without conversion attempts or prosletyzing (they always invited you to dinners where that bullshit occurred). They were some of the best meals I'd ever eaten eventhough I was a diehard carnivore, and kept me alive through college.

>> No.9018967
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what wine is best with seafood?

>> No.9018969

Is it better to have a coke with your meal, or many glasses of store brand coke?

>> No.9018970

>I feel sorry for people who avoid enjoying things because they're afraid someone might think they're putting on airs
Are you talking about the wine glass women wino types as putting on airs? Because I'm talking about how they are making an appearance of wine sipper with their meal but going through several glasses, and liking it sweet and palatable and nothing to do with food pairing, really. They aren't tossing back beers in public, but holding glasses in a sophisticated way. I am unsure what you're talking about, I guess.
I would say if you're not an downright alcoholic throwing caution to the wind for your pocketbook, people are probably more concerned about prices and restaurants buy incredibly low end Gallo for house wines, and it's the wrong choice. Adding a couple of $12 glasses to anyone's dinner can be silly for a good amount of frugal people, where that difference means they could have ordered the tomahawk ribeye elsewhere, and the craft beers are reasonably priced at 2 for 1 during all of happy and only $5 each. The lousy house wine is still sour and nasty even if on special, and is named "cupcake" or something appealing like that.

>> No.9018971

What he's saying is his taste buds are ruined from shitty abusive parents who fed him junk food and hi-C instead of actual juice. People like that have been correctly identified by Facebook's targeting algorithms and fed years of clickbait that caters to their deep seated belief that nice things are a conspiracy to make them feel dumb, and that anyone who has ever enjoyed a nice thing was only enjoying their social status, not the thing itself.

If I robbed you at gunpoint of $500 and forced you to eat an Arby's sandwich, I bet you'd enjoy it just as much as the tasting menu at Eleven Madison Park except even more so because it's not pretentious.

>> No.9018972

Grab a Furmint if you can. If not, go for a Chardonnay or some kind of sparkling wine (I prefer Cremant).

>> No.9018973

Is that a question or a blogpost?

>> No.9018993
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this is why i love this place.

>> No.9018996

don't do this faggot

>> No.9019331

Not true at all. Plenty of simple wines meant for drinking young are very enjoyable, though they're a different world from something with structure and lots of bottle age. Also some poor quality wines that are borderline unpleasant on their own pair well with some foods. For example a cheap Chilean merlot that tastes like a fruit bomb is pretty awful on its own, but just fine with tacos or BBQ. A simple rose or vinho verde goes great with a picnic. Basically serve elegant wines with elegant meals and pedestrian wines with pedestrian meals.

>> No.9020554

of course it's better to have one glass of good (not necessarily expensive) wine rather than many cheap glasses, unless you're an alcoholic housewife
wine in general is one of the worst ways to get really drunk (high on calories, fairly expensive, almost sure to cause gastric problems and hangover if you drink too much)

>> No.9020747

>sure to cause gastric problems and hangover if you drink too much
If you're gonna have more than one glass the trick is to have it with food. Wine makes a crappy substitute for a cocktail or a beer, but a few glasses over the course of a leisurely meal is great. It goes with food.

>> No.9020892
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I like Clampagne

>> No.9020977

Who here has done a blind taste test with a wine they like and a cheaper version? Doesn't make sense to speak on this unless you have.

>> No.9021027

>Who here has done a blind taste test with a wine they like and a cheaper version? Doesn't make sense to speak on this unless you have.
I don't need to be wine to understand my tongue pleasantly surprised at smoothness, or shrivel up in horror. I do taste tests all the time in the grocery, at Costco, Total Wine, at parties, at social functions, concerts, festivals, at Art Walk evenings, etc. If you did that often enough, you can call it blind, because it usually is. I don't need to be told what I'm having and what flavors to look out for before I decide if I like it or not. I prefer not to be told, actually. If you travel much, you'll realize there's some awesome young wine as well as aged wine, not all of it is available back home, which is where 9/11 probably changed the world the most. Carry-on bags used to be predominately 2 bottles of this or that for every passenger, whether wine or spirits.

I liked 100% of the tokaji I drank at the Buda Wine Festival last year, but there were a few glasses that blew me away. You can Uber around Napa Valley now drinking to your heart's content. If you live in Miami, where I do, you've known before the masses about Chilean wines back when your friends from S. America imported it.The Knife gives them away with your Argentinean dinner, and it's the premise of their popularity. If I buy a wine that I find a little drier than I would like, bam, it's the next sangria batch.

Stop acting like people are tricked by suggestive marketing. People will still find something palatable or simply not to their liking. Know what I can't stand? Santa Margherita, probably the most popular pinot grigio in the restaurant business. When I tried it, back when I bought it for $7/bottle from my boss who imported it, my entire office was like bleh, too oaky, but since we got a whole case, we really all got to pair it and play with it over time, and it was still my conclusion. Decades later, it's still popular.

>> No.9021034

It's kind of tough to get a fair comparison because usually when a winemaker has their more expensive wine and a cheaper version of it the reason is the expensive one has a better structure, so it can be bottle aged for a while, whereas the cheaper one is meant to be drunk young. A comparison from the same vintage would either have you drinking the more expensive wine too young ot the cheaper wine too old.

>> No.9021058

It depends on where you're eating and what you're trying to accomplish.
Applebee's? Sure, go to town on that Oak Leaf bullshit and pay as much for a glass as you would for a bottle from Walmart.

I would rather have a single, more expensive glass for taste and drink cocktails for the buzz.

>> No.9021063


Okay so you've never done it?

>> No.9021072

Inoffensiveness is enough to sell mass market white wine, because there are a lot of cheap whites that are awful. Also the right price is important. It has to cost enough that the customer trusts it's not cheap wine, but not so much that they'll think twice about purchasing it. I encounter this at the wine bar I work for all the time. My instinct was to pass along the savings to the customer when I came across wines that were particularly good deals. What I didn't realize was the stigma most people have about ordering the cheapest wine on the list. If I got a deal on something and applied our usual markup to it the wine wouldn't sell. Eventually we stopped pricing that way. Now if I get a deal on something I just price it at what the other wines sell for, and use the extra profit to subsidize the more expensive bottles so everything comes in the same price range, which happens to be exactly what my customers are happy to pay. I sell a lot more wine this way, and those who really know wine appreciate that some of the better bottles are actually relatively good deals.

>> No.9021147


>> No.9021178

Good on you for finding a way to make more money, but in my opinion if you're running a wine bar the ball is in your court as far as making the customer understand why a certain low priced wine is good and why they should consider it a bargain not a stigmatized "cheap garbage product".

They're there to be educated are they not? Or at least some of them are. A lot of very bad inexpensive wines exist. Some bars have the "bud light" option to cater to people who are hostile to expanding their horizons. Just like how otherwise nice restaurants might have a throwaway burger option in the bottom right corner for the man-children. So you're basically inviting people in to enjoy wines, not giving them information to make a decision other than a cryptic name and a price tag, and when the customer makes what you deem to be a "mistake", you look down your snout at them and say they're stupid because they should implicitly assume that you would never put anything that they wouldn't like on the menu.

Does that really seem reasonable to you?

>> No.9021508

I'm not interested in challenging the expectation of what they think they ought to pay for a glass of wine - that doesn't work in my own interest. And over the years the crowd has tilted from neighborhood professionals to a more upscale crowd of younger folks who are more recent arrivals to the neighborhood. They've got the money to spend.

But I do try to educate them about the wines. I don't put too many of the usual suspects on the list, so the bartenders are all coached on the hand sell. If someone comes in asking for X suggest they try Y. We're pretty rigorous about making sure the list is all great wines, to the point of passing on a lot of good stuff sales reps taste us on just because what we have on our list is better. Our customers have come to trust our list even if the names of the wines are unfamiliar to many of them. It was a great moment when a celebrity who was sort of a semi-regular for a while was overheard telling her friend, "It doesn't matter which wine you order, they're all good here."

>> No.9021520

huh, I didn't know people from the Congo post on 4chan

>> No.9021791
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>Reminds me of those people who will unironically enjoy food until you tell them they just enjoyed a vegetarian meal and then they look confused and scared and then they'll refuse to ever go back to that restaurant

>> No.9021808

>until you tell them they just enjoyed a vegetarian meal
You sound like an insufferable shithead.

>> No.9021814

Essentially it translates windows specific syscalls into the equivalent syscall for the host platform.

>> No.9021862

expensive wine is literally never a good choice. Its not like beer where you can get delicious stuff for a decent price. Top tier wine is absurdly priced

>> No.9021865

When did alcoholics decide to switch from calling it "binge drinking" to "session drinking"?

>> No.9021867


>> No.9021890

>How does wine work?

It works like this....U.S. tax jews tax the everloving shit out of it, which makes restaurant jews raise the fucking prices, which means that you're paying out your ass for some shit tier American "wine" that tastes like a moldy oak barrel, or paying even more for a decent import.

What's best? That's up to you. If I know the brand, I might get a bottle, but if I don't, I just skip it and save the wine drinking for back at my house.

>> No.9021996

>Top tier wine is absurdly priced
That's because it's a prestige product. At a certain point it's not about the quality of the wine itself, but about what buying it says about the buyer (or gift giver if it's given as a gift). Gift giving (especially in Asia) is what's driven up the prices of top cru Burgundies over the last few decades. And prestige wines from any famous producer that require being properly cellared for decades have always been the realm of the elite. And rich assholes always try to impress their friends by ordering those kind of bottles with the right age on them at expensive restaurants. Places like Veritas don't stay in business because the food is great, even though it is. They stay in business because Wall St types like to show off by ordering $5k-$10k bottles. But these days the cost of drinking reasonably good wine is cheaper than ever if you don't live in a particularly good wine growing region. A rising tide did kind of lift all boats.

>> No.9022297
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>Buda Wine Festival 2016
Oh boy, that means most of the dry whites where from the 2014 vintage, which was an awful bad one from Tokaj. Like literally, the worst in the new millennium. Try visiting again if you can. Or just try some of the 2015 wines, they're a lot better.

Pic related

>> No.9022528


>> No.9022616

>How does wine work?

1) Have a wine you like
2) Have one that goes well with the meal
3) Drink as much as you feel is appropriate

There ya go.

>> No.9022635
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>the only white wine I enjoy is semi-dry
That makes me a pleb, right guys?

>> No.9022641

If its a barefoot then yes. Otherwise why do you mind? If you like it drink it.

>> No.9022645

figured it out

>> No.9022651

You don't really need absolutely cheap wine because you're not going to drink much of it at once.
(if you wanna get drunk, don't drink wine, you'll regret it)

>> No.9022665

>the only wine I enjoy is dry white wine
am I the only one?

>> No.9022679

Being French and living in Bordeaux, I always am drinking wine when eating.
Usually drink cheap 2€ bottles for everyday meals (one glass). It's nothing fantastic but doesn't taste awful being quite bland.
But when inviting people, you'll want to get 2 or 3 bottles to pair with the food. Wine in that context is kind of a sauce despite being alcohol, you drink it because it goes well with what you're eating. Your bottles don't need to be expensive either. Most people don't have the palate to appreciate the fancy wines and up to a point it's more about prestige than the taste itself.
Look for recommendations and how to pair wines, try some bottles and stick with the ones you like when actually cooking.

The US produce quite good wine frankly. The market is just saturated by sweet stuff and that's a shame.

>> No.9022694

>sweet wine is bad, this proves that I am an adult with grown-up taste buds
No, it just proves that you are a child.

Also I"ve never heard of this meme that "the market is saturated by sweet stuff". Maybe in France, certainly not in the US.
White wine, dry or otherwise, goes underappreciated by poor 4chan aged folk because there is more demand for cheap red wine, which means the technology goes into making cheap red wine palatable, which means cheap white wine is comparatively more revolting than cheap red wine.

>> No.9023063

I genuinely don't understand why wine can get so expensive. I get some wines get added value with time, but even with that, if you're not an oenologist being able to taste lavender, oak, chalk and honey in your wine, spending a thousand bucks on a bottle seems pointless.

I'm no stranger to wine (French wine, at least), but I genuinely can't tell the difference between an acceptable $30 bottle and a 1986 Saint-Emillion.

>> No.9023080


it's prestige

you hike the price up high enough that only rich people can afford it

then people can buy it to show that they're rich

>> No.9023136

>spending a thousand bucks on a bottle seems pointless
Duh. At that point you're just showing off, like the guy who drives up to an LA party in a Maserati when a Lexus, a Mercedes or a BMW would have more than enough to show his social status.

Having been in the business I can tell you there are plenty of good bottles out there in the $10-$15 (retail) range. You may have to drink a lot of bad and mediocre bottles to find them, but they're out there.If you develop a taste for structured wine with some bottle age on it you're going to be spending a bit more on wines suitable for ageing or a lot more for wines that already have some bottle age on them. But that stands to reason - time is money.

At the end of the day it comes down to what you can afford. I drive a Nissan, so I drink mostly well made wines meant for drinking young. But a Maserati is a great car, and if I could afford one I'd consider buying it the same way Grand Cru Burgundies tend to be great wines, and if I had that kind of money I'd be drinking them. But I don't have that kind of money, and there are plenty of good wines out there I can afford, so I don't feel like I'm missing much.

>> No.9024540

no one is impressed with your wine autism, samefag

>> No.9024546


>> No.9024554
File: 13 KB, 396x127, Screenshot from 2017-06-07 18-55-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your samefag detector is broken

>> No.9024561
File: 17 KB, 523x106, 2017-06-07 17_00_17-_ck_ - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop screenshotting that shit, you can edit literally anything to say what you want.
Case in point: You're a big ol' smelly faggot now

>> No.9024572

>being so invested in an internet argument that you edit screenshots
this is why I scrub my reddit comment history every 6 months or so. I don't want to get tracked down and murdered because some freak with no life didn't like my opinion about some trivial bullshit

yeah, I said reddit. deal with it

>> No.9024575

Fuck off you actual trash. Black Books is great.

>> No.9024583

you didn't need to say it
everyone already knows

>> No.9024586

Go quality over quantity, especially if you're paying the markup for it at a restaurant. Getting drunk on wine sucks, anyway.

>> No.9024588

and yet I was in your secret club before you, so there's that. only the newest of the new consider this shithole to be part of their secret internet tough guy identity. being a normie is a good thing, deal with it.

>> No.9024598

Wew lad

>> No.9024600
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cool, guy

>> No.9024603

I'm glad I have your edgy post-gamergate internet ion cannon seal of approval. will you not hack me now?

>> No.9024606
File: 12 KB, 807x131, 2017-06-07 17_14_13-(0) _ck_ - How does wine work_ Is it better to have 1 expensi - Food & Cooking -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edit screenshots
>reddit history
you are very stupid and need to leave

>> No.9024608


Do you know of any decent cheapie French wines that get exported to the states?

I thought the house wines in France, and Italy alike, were great, and while I'm familiar with some good Italian imports, I don't know what to look for from France.

>> No.9024616

how are you going to make me leave?

>> No.9024621

I'm hoping you feel uncomfortable watching a grown man cry on the internet

>> No.9024622

i'd prefer you to stay
cringe is my favorite

>> No.9024624

upload a realmedia movie of yourself crying onto the knapster so we can judge for ourselves

>> No.9024655
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>there are plenty of good bottles out there in the $10-$15 (retail) range.

Bolla wines sell here in that range, and some for even less. All their shit is good, too.

If you're a noob looking to try out wines, you really can't go wrong them.

>> No.9024660
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>Getting drunk on wine sucks, anyway.

>> No.9024687

I'd rather not be shitting black paste because I drank too much red or have a splitting headache from some kind of shitty white I bought just to guzzle down.

>> No.9024725
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What the fuck kind of "wine" are you drinking, dude?

>> No.9024744

Cheap whites and rose wines are crazy high in sugar and low in alcohol content, so you get gnarly hangovers from drinking them too fast.

And if you've ever drank an entire bottle of red you'd know your shits turn black the next day from it.

>> No.9024752

2 hours worth of salary for a bottle is a more realistical splurge.
then again, i usually spend half an hour on a 3L bag-in-box wine.

>> No.9024784
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>you'd know your shits turn black the next day from it.

I think you need to see a doctor, dude.

>> No.9024841
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There's a lot of wine that's great on its own, it just works very well as a pairing with food, too. I know some people say
>blegh too dry to drink on its own!
and they are entitled to their own opinions, but I think it's very stupid if that is the real reason.
A lot of reds are very filtered. Most cheap wines here are very filtered. Some people would think the wine was shit if they found sediment in the bottle. Many people have probably never experienced the Willy Wonka grape skin dyed shit effect.

>> No.9024848

You get good returns on buying wine up to the $50 mark. Any more expensive and it's just a fashion accessory.

Personally, for me, I just buy $10-$15 bottles that vaguely look decent and drink them. By the 3rd glass, you're not going to be able to tell the difference anyways.

>> No.9025844

The only time this hapened was on the day after an Agria wine tasting. It's a tienturier grape, so I was not that surprised. I think I drank about 1.5 bottles by the end of the night.

>> No.9025948

I'm sure an anonymous person in France has detailed knowledge of the precise inventory of $15 wine available at your random liquor store at an unspecified US location

Does that really make sense to you?

>> No.9025988
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nigga cheapo wine can be like 14% shit hits way harder than meme beers

>> No.9025991
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who /dollar store wine/ here.

tfw i just bought some ChoccoVino made by the dutch

>> No.9026005

Dollar stores don't sell wine around here, but I'm ok with this, and /ck/ considers me an insufferable wine snob

Then again /ck/ would probably consider anyone who doesn't drink from the bottle to be an insufferable wine snob, so there's that

>> No.9026008
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I was raised catholic so drinking white wine just reminds me of church.. red master race

>> No.9026011
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>Willy Wonka grape skin dyed shit effect

>> No.9026090

>not naming it effectsofbarefoot.webum

me disappoint

>> No.9026091

Fancy fancy, if you aren't suckling the box's tap directly your are a 1%er

>> No.9026106
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Hey, what a timely thread. I'm vacationing in california wine country right now. Will post some pics.

>> No.9026111
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>> No.9026112

>I was raised catholic so drinking white wine just reminds me of church..
Wait, the blood of Christ is white wine? I never knew, what an odd choice. I would have figured red would be more appropriate for the transubstantiation.

>> No.9026115
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>> No.9026121

Looks like you mixed in some pictures of Australia.

>> No.9026123
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Lets try that again.

>> No.9026126
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God fucking damn this phone. Not australia.

>> No.9026129


get it together man

>> No.9026130
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>> No.9026133

How the fuck do I orient it correctly? Ive never posted from my phone before this.

>> No.9026134
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>> No.9026138
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>> No.9026141
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>> No.9026146
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>> No.9026148
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>> No.9026153


Only if you get blotto on it, passing out and lying on your side with a couple liters of acidic liquid in your stomach is a bad idea

>> No.9026156

Here's the other thing, anon. Wine "experts" are fooled constantly. 2 buck chucks have beat out $200+ bottles in blind taste tests. The reason for that is all dependent on the grape. Bad grapes = bad wine no matter how reputable a vineyard is. If you open a bottle and it tastes good, it's good wine. There's not a whole lot of magic secrets to understanding that. Some wines go with other foods better. You drink white with poultry and fish, reds with red meat and venison, and avoid rosé because it's made from leftover grapes from all the previous harvests and can give you a pretty bad headache. Sweet wines go better with bitter flavors, dry wines pair well with cheese, and fruity wines go well with, well, fruit. It's not rocket science.

The point is that anyone who says wine is serious is a stupid fuck. It's just a nice thing to have with a meal that makes food taste better.

>> No.9026197

>blocks your path
You're that guy who always goes off about damascus steel when nobody asked

>> No.9026402

Lots of countries didn't have access to red wine for a lot of time, and it stayed that way. The church didn't care either, the bible doesn't state they drank red wine during the last supper.

>> No.9026405

>avoid rosé because it's made from leftover grapes from all the previous harvests
You know literally nothing about wine. Time for you to go back to chugging bud lite, friend.

>> No.9026450

I like you, anon.

>> No.9026485

he's probably american, they think wine is some obscure yuppie drink and just spout ridiculous bullshit because they don't expect to get called out

>> No.9026530
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>> No.9026537

It's not about that, it's that wine drunkenness just makes you sleepy and for some reason numbs your throat.
I've also, contrary to what shit romance movies would have me believe, had many an experience having trouble getting it up from wine, as opposed to liquor.

Wine's for tasting or fading out in a comfy winter night.

>> No.9026575

The tannins are what's numbing your throat

Wines like that are for foods rich in animal fat. You need to try other wine styles. It can be hard in flyover land but it can be done

>> No.9026796

Wine is for accompanying meals - lighter wines for lighter meals, heavier wines for heavy meals. One trend in wine (particularly in the US) has been toward heavier wines getting better ratings at tastings (because after tasting a bunch of wine only the heavy ones taste like anything at all). Many winemakers responded to this by focusing on making very heavy wines that will score well on the 100 point Parker scale. If your local wine shop isn't very diverse in its selection these may be most of the wines available to you there. If your experience with wine has been heavy oaked reds that clock in at 13.5% ABV, and you're drinking three or four glasses of them without a substantial meal of course that shit knocks you out.

If your planning on any activities after drinking wine probably best to drink lighter, lower alcohol wines, and be sure to eat something with them.

>> No.9026953

Clearly, you've never gotten drunk on mead

>> No.9027006

Gruner Veltliner is my go to.

>> No.9027031

tfw spent a summer on the cote d'azur and was forever spoiled by that level of access to inexpensive, world-class rosé

>> No.9027046

There is a curve of diminishing returns on money spent vs. wine quality. Above ~$35/bottle, the extra money doesn't yield much noticeable change for the average taster. To make matters worse, there's plenty of bad wine out there that's priced incredibly high to exploit the unwary consumer. It can make wine seem like an unapproachably complex and fickle thing...

2 buck chuck can accidentally strike brilliance by blending flavors that work together, or a $400 bottle of 30 year old vintage could be a terrible year that's half vinegar. More and more wineries are experimenting with enzymatic treatments that can produce vintage character in months instead of decades too.

Where you live also matters. On a recent backpacking excursion in Utah, a bottle of cab that cost $7 back home was $39 at a restaurant, complete with florid descriptions of its 'complex character'.

Try all the major grape types. Find something you like, and enjoy it. Most pairings boil down to grape type pairs with food type. Personally, I like young, cheap wine, and I drink it by the bottle (because it's worthless after an hour once the air gets to it).

All this stupidity and elitism is why I prefer to talk about beer.

>> No.9027065

Beer is on it's way to becoming just as elitist. Hop terroir? Come the fuck on...

>> No.9027077

A local brewery where I live just released a "Milkshake grapefruit vanilla bean IPA" so I'm kind of done with beer forever now

>> No.9027098

I can't argue that there's some of the same wankery getting into beer. Wankery is what makes people spend money for 'the experience'. I talk about beer because I like brewing it, and I understand how its put together.

When you know that you can cook the exact same thing up in your brew kit for ~$1/bottle, the wankery is meaningless. The same can't be said for wine, which is sensitive to the quality of the growing season, the climate, the point at which the grapes are harvested and processed, the yeast used, the period aged, etc. etc...

>> No.9027107

There are problems with wine, but the "hurr evry wine tastez da same durr any wine above $2 is elitist faggotry" narrative definitely doesn't help.

>> No.9027150
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>> No.9027179

I like your post

>> No.9027203

I did this to my mom to get her to stop buying Kendal Jackson and switch to Rex Goliath (she's the type of person to put ice in her chardonnay). Now she spends 1/3 as much as she used to on wine and is becoming a lush

>> No.9027207

Na ur good m8 just stay away from pinot grigio

>> No.9027218

>a bottle of cab that cost $7 back home was $39 at a restaurant
That's actually crazy. Standard markup from wholesale to retail is 1.5x and from wholesale to restaurant is usually 3-4x. So a bottle that retails for $7 costs around $4.50 wholesale. So restaurant markup for it should land at $18, tops. $39 is more than twice that!

>> No.9027220

I helped pick out wine for a wedding once. All the bridesmaids agreed that the sweetest one I provided was the wine of choice

Americans like sweet stuff it shouldn't be too much of a leap of the imagination to believe that there are a lot of awful sweet whites knocking about at Piggly Wiggly

>> No.9027228

You drink meme beer for taste, not to ger fucked up. You drink cheap beer to get fucked up.

>> No.9027232
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>> No.9027292

I thought women associate beer and liqour with frat bros trying to get in their pants but drinking two or three glasses of wine makes them feel classy and turns on their slut mode.

I dont know as many guys who drink as much wine as girls

>> No.9027324

I do but that's because I am simultaneously trying to get girls into slut mode

>> No.9027367

I really want to see this guys subaru outback and his sweater collection

>> No.9027377

That kind of depends on where you live and who you know. If you live in a part of the country where German immigrants set up breweries before prohibition beer and liquor still probably rule the day. In these parts of the country women probably picked up the association of wine being classy from television. Shonda Rhimes' shows are very popular with women, and her powerful, professional women characters are constantly swilling gigantic glasses of red wine in their off hours. Pretty easy for a woman who watches those shows to see drinking wine as a symbol of success.

But if you live in a place where people from wine drinking countries settled (French, Italian, Spanish, Greek and the like) then wine drinking will be seen as more of a normal thing. Especially if wine is made near there. Wine with dinner is pretty common in California and parts of NY and NJ, depending on your family's heritage and social standing.

But there is a class element to it. You don't find good wine shops in poor neighborhoods. Good wine shops are in upscale neighborhoods. Because even in the parts of America where wine drinking is common it's still seen as a luxury product. Being able even to spend an extra $10-$15 on dinner just to have something nice to drink is a luxury. And in other countries where wine making and drinking are much more commonplace those same bottles would cost less than half that.

>> No.9027380

It's better to have good tasting wine at whatever price than bad tasting wine at whatever price, especially for a meal.

>> No.9027392

>All wine basically tastes the same
Are you saying a pinot noir is going to taste like a riesling? Because if so you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.9027404

it always gives me the squirts.

>> No.9027405

Wine can be expensive due to many reasons. Price of land, taxes the company pays, price of the grape, price of competing wines, price of equipment used in processing of grapes, price of labor, any kind of risk, the list goes on and on (and this applies to every business).

Some wines are cheap but still goddamn amazing because the land prices are low. This applies to many South American wines.

>> No.9027410

>148 posts in
>nobody has mentioned that OP's image looks like a urine dispenser

>> No.9027421

Some of us actually are older than 18, Timmy