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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9011197 No.9011197 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when you deep fry an egg?

>> No.9011203

I'd like to know

>> No.9011207

do it!

>> No.9011212

It will probably just be like hard boiling it very fast.
As long as the shell doesn't break.

>> No.9011227

i mean crack an egg over what i deep fry and put it back in

>> No.9011240

My guess is it will break and be kind of like pouring water over boiling oil, only less so.

>> No.9011244
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>> No.9011245

Hopefully painful burns all over your face faggot

>> No.9011255

You're an hero Anon

>> No.9011258

when im done making my fries il put an uncracked egg in and see what happens

>> No.9011265

what does it smell like

>> No.9011268
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did you crack and drop or did it explode in the oil?

>> No.9011269

olive oil, fries and an egg you stupid faggot

>> No.9011270
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>> No.9011276
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a fried poached egg?

>> No.9011288

Isnt this how custard gas is made?

>> No.9011289
File: 195 KB, 960x1280, 3bf04896-b35e-4a86-8a01-e998b866e1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

il do an uncracked egg in a bit and see what happens

>> No.9011293
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let us see the final product already faggot

>> No.9011303

i will in a bit. im eating my fries

>> No.9011319

Cover oil in case of explosive decompression. Its unlikely, but rapid heating of fluids in the egg will lead to an increase in pressure depending on the thermodynamics involved.

Take care, dark lord.

>> No.9011325

>frying with olive oil

You really are Satan, aren't you?

>> No.9011328
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>olive oil
>deep frying

>> No.9011332

lol nice """""""science"""""""

>> No.9011339


>> No.9011340

i tried to convert to gif. it wouldnt let me upload


>> No.9011344

whats wrong with frying in olive oil?

>> No.9011348


>> No.9011349

Frying is done at 325 and higher. This higher than the boiling point of water. The science checks out. It just depends on how fast steam accumulates and the gas permissivety of the egg shell. Its likely to just crack in a non violent way, but until its done, you shouldn't assume its safe.

>> No.9011354

The smoke point, look it up

>> No.9011358

stop making up words

>> No.9011361
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been deep frying with it for a long time. works fine. fryer is set to 360f

>> No.9011364

It imparts way too much flavor, lower smoke point than 'general frying oils', and the cost makes it absurd to use for frying.

However, most "olive oil" isn't really olive oil, so you're more likely frying with rapeseed oil with maybe a little actual olive oil.

>> No.9011369


>> No.9011370

>il do an uncracked egg in a bit and see what happens
My cock has never been harder! Do it faggot

>> No.9011372
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well my 100% olive oil was $1 a bottle.

heres the poor egg

>> No.9011373

Itz only smellz

>> No.9011380

i posted a link to the gif

>> No.9011381
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>> No.9011385

OMG he actually did it.
The absolute mad man

>> No.9011387

That link sucks. Learn how to use the intarweebs, Lucifer.

>> No.9011397


>> No.9011400

Holy kek that is a lot of olive oil.
Am curious about egg.

>> No.9011405
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>deep frying with olive oil
>deep frying an egg
>having that much olive oil

>> No.9011412
File: 315 KB, 960x1280, bf466919-2810-4442-8a9b-b68128ae9bb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots made me waste an egg

>> No.9011416

it was $1 a bottle. i bought all of them

>> No.9011438

Lmao get rekted son

>> No.9011440

Not if you eat it fuckhead

>> No.9011702

>nmd thread
>usually not bad

This one tho:


>> No.9011788

Fuck lol. If this makes it to leddit, post me in the screen cap at a 45 degree angle plox

>> No.9011796

>deep frying in extra virgin olive oil
Just when I think this board can't get anymore retarded.

>> No.9011812

>It imparts way too much flavor

This is specifically why I fry certain things in olive oil. Delicious.

>> No.9011815

Turns you gay but thats too late so go ahead

>> No.9011840

actually its about 80% olive and 20% coconut oil. but the makeup oil is olive so it keeps increasing

>> No.9011910
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>/ck/ made me waste an egg after not only making a thread about deep frying eggs but posting several pictures detailing my process as well as my assload of olive oil

>> No.9011944

Shut the fuck up you fucking maggot

>> No.9011957
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>> No.9011970

Well, I guess I would expect satan's house to be on fire.

>> No.9011971
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lol! not me

>> No.9012062

Haha, disregard that! I suck cocks!

>> No.9012075
File: 181 KB, 960x1280, d185428f-5125-4cdc-8b14-b64a3830f0c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wheat sourdough starter is doing well

>> No.9012086


I'm baking today too using my starter. Everything is in a low oven proofing at the moment. Will post some pics later. Oh shit, actually its been proofing for about an hour, i should go muxor with that shiz.

>> No.9012151
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Dear lord, I just want to fuck this dough.

>> No.9012168

rape it. and post pics

>> No.9012181

jesus. just kys already

>> No.9012296
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Raped it , reshaped it.

>> No.9012319
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Deepfry the sourdough

>> No.9012354
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Is there a slower website available anywhere?? Perhaps in North Korea?


I'd upload it but the GIF is 20Mb and even the MP4 is 4.3Mb, both of which are over the limit.

>> No.9012365

This. Why didn't you eat it, OP? The most important thing, after all, is how it tastes.

>> No.9012434
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Shaped and proof a final time...

>> No.9012448
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>> No.9012476

Why does your mixer have the Nine Inch Nails logo on it?

>> No.9012495

my grandma tried to make a fried egg once, she doesnt know how to cook and deep fried it
Its pretty disgusting

>> No.9012497
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why would it not?

>> No.9012528
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>> No.9012834

different levels of 'olive oil' anon.

Pomace Olive Oil has a very high smoke point and is used for frying, look it up.

>> No.9012853

>extra virgin olive oil is the only type of olive oil to exist

look up the smoke point of refined olive oil idiots. also yes I can see OP is using EVOO that he posted after your retarded posts

>> No.9012861

Someone deep fry spaghetti

>> No.9012879

For you in simple words: Quickly getting hot makes egg go boom. But we do not know how hard it go boom.

>> No.9012882
File: 1.41 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20170604_17_23_55_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prooved, yo.

>> No.9012891

i cant get my starter to activate

>> No.9012905

Mine was real slow today... 2.5 hours to double.

I didn't take it out of the fridge yesterday, to let it get happy overnight, so part of it was waking up... Which I thought it might do during the first 2 or three hours of bulk fermenting and folding...

I'm getting good oven spring this time.

>> No.9012908

i ended up adding a bit of yeast

>> No.9012909


>> No.9012926
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That's using the ol' noggin.

An orchestrial version of NIN's Hurt came on Pandora as I was putting the bread in the oven. Meant to be I guess.

>> No.9012939

fuck. johnny cash's was bad enough

>> No.9013013
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10 minutes at 475. Baking stones were at 425. Then 325 for 16 more minutes. Took it out of pan for last 10 in oven.

>> No.9013040

why do you have a Nine-Inch Nails brand mixer?

>> No.9013052

Because he's a tripfag attention whore who wants to be identifiable as possible

>> No.9013057
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Tips on making a starter and keeping it alive? Is it as easy as the internet would have me believe?

I'm making rolls today (pic related, before I shaped it and put it in a bowl to rise), but I've only ever used commercial yeast.

>> No.9013062
File: 157 KB, 960x1280, 2c65c127-7ae2-4a8e-aa72-53924fd434ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a fucking sticker you faggot

>> No.9013070

gonna need a crumb shot and recipe for that loaf, buddy

>> No.9013107
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2 hours to cool... Then, you got it.

>> No.9013382

Nice artisan loaf look. Are you trying to compete with wonderbread?

>> No.9013435

Don't hate my bread because its beautiful.

>> No.9013457

There's a time and a place for an artisan boule, and there's a time and a place for a loaf of sandwich bread.

>> No.9013631
File: 1.58 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20170604_20_19_11_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is artisan wild yeast starter sandwich sourdough.

>> No.9013639

That looks incredible.

>> No.9013645

Try to deep fry a frozen egg

>> No.9013647

Take the shell of a hard boiled egg, cover in batter and fry

>> No.9013656
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I used pic related as the recipe but increased everything 30%. Original recipe makes dinner rolls and cones up short for a loaf. I would still increase this by about 10% more.

I used starter instead of yeast as well... So I used 200 grams of starter and then had to adapt the liquids and flour by 100 grams each to offset the starter.

Even then, I found I needed to add about 80 more grams of flour to get the dough where I wanted, most likely because my starter is just eyeballed and wasn't really 50% hydration.

Also, as usual, I'm an American, so I bumped the salt and sugar up about 25%.

>> No.9013668

Temperature is key, I tried to start one in the winter and my kitchen was too cold.

>> No.9013673

Just don't forget to feed it and you'll be fine.

Eventually you get a good read on when to harvest for the flavors you want. Earlier is more lactic and later is more acetic.

>> No.9013693
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Toasty. A little butter, some maldon fleur de sel....

It doesn't get better.

>> No.9013715
File: 530 KB, 1728x1731, WP_20170410_11_17_08_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tips on making a starter and keeping it alive

Just try your hand at it. Experience will teach you a lot. Watch some yuloutube bids, they mostly all get it right.

Use a little too much water and pour off the hooch... That's the easy way, imo. Wet starters are easier to maintain.

Dont discard anything for the first 5 days at least. I use a coffee filter rubberbanded over the top of a jar. I think this lets it breath really well. When you are gonna use it to bake, (if you've started storing in the fridge), remove the day before and feed the bitch to wake it up and let it come back to an active temp.

>> No.9013720
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Should have mentioned, use a big enough container.

>> No.9013773
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Awesome, thank you for the recipe.

Makes sense.

How much expansion should I expect? Thanks for the tip about taking it out of the fridge and feeding it before baking with it.

Just pulled these rolls out of the oven. Perfectly adequate, but I want to make a starter and bake with it.

>> No.9013801

You dummy, you didn't do the research. Restaurants offer deep fried eggs often where I live. It's basically like oil poaching, at a higher temperature, not like you're deep onion rings.

>> No.9013831

Looks dry
I'd rather eat a McChicken desu

>> No.9013867

i think my wheat bread is going to rise better than that, faggot

>> No.9014086
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Triple volume just incase. You'll want to be able to make a cup and a half of starter for baking a cup and having some left, so you want a container that can hold 4 to 6 cups comfortably.


It doubled while proofing, and probably picked up another 50% oven spring. The loaf is 2/3rds air, and quite moist because of the short bake time.

Come at me, bro.

>> No.9014389

Ignoring how stupid it is to deep fry with Extra Olive Oil from a culinary perspective
Isnt that really expensive ?

>> No.9014400

Where the fuck do you find colavita for a dollar a bottle?

>> No.9014535
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>not deep frying a boiled egg

>> No.9014557

Satan, try beating it into an omlette mixture then fry it

>> No.9014729
File: 21 KB, 474x296, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1490523088458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satan, try beating it


>> No.9014798

clearance. end cap full of 50 cent pasta. stocker says everything on shelf is 50 cents. i said "even the olive oil?, il take it all" he said i cant do 50 cents but il do $1 per bottle.

>> No.9014816

What's the recipe here? It looks D-lishiouz.

>> No.9014836
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>cant do 50 cents but il do $1 per bottle.

That's a solid deal. Oils go rancid quickly tho... It'd take me a decade to get through that much evoo, which means 4/5th of it would probably spoil. Those are some dusty bottles man... Just saiyan.

>> No.9014948

fried boiled egg is fine desu. Add some chili sauce and saute them

>> No.9015026

>frying in EVOO
Holy shit, you are satan
The flavor, the price, and the low smoke point make it one of the least ideal oils to deep fry in.
Just use neutral oil or blend oil if you really want that olive taste

>> No.9015031

>post-s3 spongebob
Shiggy diggy

>not webm
Hello red|dit!

>> No.9015065

There needs to be a thread dedicated just to what happens when you fry things. What happens to a tomato? What if you fry watermelon, grapes or a pumpkin?

>> No.9015078

Next time try frying in sesame oil please

>> No.9015478
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eh. i bought them maybe 3 months ago.

>> No.9015507

Morning Satan, Whats for breakfast?

>> No.9015583


That's lookin a lot better than previous attempts. Who knew the car prince could bake.

However, and perhaps quite ironically for Beelzebub, you can tell that you don't have a hot enough oven, or that you don't have enough thermal mass at the bottom of your oven. No (brim)stones? This is because the bottom of your loaf is more dense than the top, indicating you could have had better oven spring. It could also be a sign of weak gluten development, as is the top middle of the loaf where gas chambers have fractured and joined in ways that indicate the gluten did not have enough structural integrity to trap gases fully effectively.

For milling your own grain and refusing to use a mix with some high protein bread flour though... You're getting to a point where I would stick that in my mouth to try it.

>> No.9015600

Fry the bread you cunt

>> No.9015631

fry the cunt you bread

>> No.9015683

oh. i shall try adding pizza stones.
so i should actually preheat the oven instead of just turning it on?

ive gotten better gluten development by sifting out a cup and adding it back in after a long soak. the soak softens the bran and keeps it from cutting the gluten.

this loaf was still rising when i was about to sleep so i just turned on the oven.

>> No.9015697

I was expecting the thread to be about this
Pretty disappointing

>> No.9015840

why would you deep fry a boiled egg?

maybe peel it then tempura it

>> No.9016219
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>> No.9016250

>this loaf was still rising when i was about to sleep so i just turned on the oven.

I have done this. I know the feeling.


The prince of darkness is a coffeephile. I should have expected this...

>> No.9016296
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OLIVE OIL

>> No.9016310
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>> No.9016372
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>>>9015683 (You)
>>this loaf was still rising when i was
>The prince of darkness is a coffeephile. I should have expected this...

>> No.9017332
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Some say he can grade foie gras using just his sense of hearing, and that he once went on an all olive oil diet for 2 months. All we know for sure is, he's the devil.

>> No.9017422


I knew Kay was Satan.

>> No.9017530


>> No.9019446

Nah, k lives in a prison. Satans got better digs.

>> No.9020267

im having a deja vu

>> No.9020277


>> No.9020292

Deep fry a bottle of oil

>> No.9020352

i like the way you think. google webm for retards for your future shitposts.

>> No.9021320
File: 890 KB, 2381x1728, WP_20170606_20_09_04_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Din din on home made toast. Pork loin, egg, pro alone, tomato... Wish I was avec cado (French for with avocado). Mmmm avocado toast...

>> No.9023041

Yeah, that's true, but he's using extra virgin. That's why people are mentioning the smoke point.

>> No.9023064
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>pro alone

>> No.9024370
