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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9013125 No.9013125 [Reply] [Original]

Name one country that does fish better than Japan

Protip: you will be unsuccessful

>> No.9013137

Sri Lanka

>> No.9013161
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>> No.9013171
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Oh that mustard dipping mayo at Joe's. Mm.

>> No.9013241

Yes as we all know Florida became a separate country after the Alligators and Crackheads moved it away from the USA

>> No.9013792

Portugal. They're the ones who invented Tempura

>> No.9013804

>implying frying fresh caught fish over a camp fire with salt and pepper isn't the best way to eat fish.

>> No.9013814

The UK
>Implying fish & chips covered in salt and Vinegar isnt god-tier

>> No.9013821

There's no better country that does fish and seafood than Japan, but if I had to pick a runner up, it would be Portugal fir fucking sure. And Spain would take 3rd place, with California (yes, I realize it's not a country, but nevermind) as honorable mention.

>> No.9013824

Any country where its citizens regularly go fishing(i.e. not Japan)

Freshly caught grilled/fryed cod, trout, salmon, whatever is godly.

>> No.9013837

Just a day ago, in NorCal, I ate a 3 course special shrimp dish, where the head was still alive when I ate it. There's a sort of amazing feeling when your food is literally trying to crawl out of your mouth. Also, their eyeballs are fucking delicious, like caviar.

>> No.9015128

any one that actually cooks the fish is better

>> No.9015154

Although I'm partial to sashimi, the best fried and grilled fish I've ever had was in Andalucia, Spain. So Spain it is for me.

>> No.9015180

Pleb tier trash, I bet you eat catfish too

>> No.9016123

Those fish in your picture are prepared by sticking a large steel needle through the eye of the fish, pushing it through the body lengthwise and then suspending the fish over glowing coals. All while the fish is still alive. I am not a bleeding heart PETA freak, but I have my limits. Such things are just sick.

>> No.9016144


You got all of it right except for the "fish is still alive" part. No, they're not. They're gutted first.

>> No.9016149


>> No.9016238


> too much of a pussy to gut a fish alive or cook one

'merican white males are the ultimate beta males of this generation.

Can't hunt, can't fish, can't cook. Crying over a fish.

No wonder white men all fetishize about real Asian or Black men fucking their wives. pathetic.

>> No.9016293

Did you know that animals are alive before they end up in the grocery store?

>> No.9016360

b-b-but muh animal SUFFERING

>> No.9016395

nigga you dumb

>> No.9016689

Yeah all those black and Asian elk hunters
Are you bait I'm high

>> No.9016716

>fried fish

Holy fuck what will you do once you visit the north

>> No.9016726


>> No.9016735

>'merican white males are the ultimate beta males of this generation.


Get ready for the Century of China. We're sneaking right into the world's top SuperPower position while you dumfuck 'mericans are busy catering to your illiterate niggers & 'muh feelings'.


>> No.9016881
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Yellow eye and Lingcod are god-tier. God I miss Alaska.

>> No.9016895

This. Just the other day some fucking whitey saw me skinning my dog the other day and they started bitching about "muh poor dog :( h-how can you listen to him screaming like that!1!"

Get fucked whitey. You can pay for your shitty ass carpets,I get mine for free.

>> No.9016898

I'd shoot someone if I saw them skinning a dog

>> No.9016913

>No wonder white men all fetishize about real Asian

White men are all fetishizing about fucking asian "men" who became women

Asian "men" is practically a general on /gif/

>> No.9016932

I'm Asian. I hunt elk. I can field dress it too, but I like to go and have it processed into steaks and cured meats.

>> No.9016942

Top kek

>> No.9017137

>doesn't butcher his own quarry

I'm a whiteboi who takes 2 deer every year and butchers it myself, you pussfag asian hunter wannabee. I would no more trust a processor with my meat than I would an Asian on any dealings financial or otherwise, whatsoever. Other than the women, which I'll take, thank you.

>> No.9018228
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The Bahamas

>> No.9018271

Caribbean hut?

>> No.9018447

Tahiti? I've been there once and let me tell you something. Never order anything that isn't Poisson cru. It's coconut milk, lime, and raw tuna and it's bomb but if your digestion doesn't take raw fish too well than this will always have some kind of problem

>> No.9019690

Weirdly enough when I was in Norway their fish recipes were pretty damn good.

>> No.9019706

What's weird about that? I would expect any country with a lot of coastline to have a strong fishing industry & lots of experience cooking fish dishes.

>> No.9019714

Tie between Japan and the US Gulf Coast. Hard to beat a proper crawfish boil, catfish fry, or cajun food in general.

>> No.9019724

t.Cleetus McNopassport
This isn't wrong

>> No.9019739

It was weird to me because I just never think of Norway. I went to Norway on a whim while I was visiting the Danes and I fell in love with the country. Norway has beautiful country side and great food.

>> No.9019784


>> No.9019796

>implying I haven't traveled through most of Europe and South America
>implying I don't live in Houston where I can't drive five minutes without driving by a restaurant opened by an asian who immigrated here two months ago

>> No.9019892

Did I call it or did I call it

>> No.9020032


>> No.9020110

Also southern India they have some great fish dishes

>> No.9020141

>Go to weston super mare.
>Go to the chippy opposite the pier, the one with blue sign.
>Order a fish and chips, pay with a fiver.
>Cross the road opposite, sit on the wall and share it with gf.

Literally the best meal of my life.

>> No.9020487

When I was in the UK fish and chips seemed like standard Canadian bar food. Really salty food that goes good with a beer. It didn't seem like some culinary perfection.

>> No.9020553

That's because it's not meant to be culinary perfection, it's just battered fish with chips.

>> No.9020564

>crawfish boil
Kek, this is trash tier. Dont get me wrong, i love the stuff but its not that good

>> No.9020567

Follow my instructions anon and trust me you'll remember it for the rest of your life. If you get it in a shitty run down paki food shop then yes, they are usually shit. But if you go to a traditional British fish and chip shop (usually by the coast) run by honest, hardworking, white British men and women, it as close as you will get to culinary perfection.

Honestly this has made me crave fish and chips so much but ill have to wait till tomorrow. Got a fiver on my desk and its a 30 min drive down to super mare but fuck it'll be worth it.

>> No.9020609

>implying any autistic japs cook fish better than my grandmother

Honorable mentions to our bros in Portugal.

>> No.9020618

>Other than the women, which I'll take, thank you.
only repressed gays talk like this

t. repressed gay

>> No.9020654

If the cunts can't cook jellyfish, then they're inferior. One country that I had in mind when it comes to cook jellyfish.

>> No.9020662

Fuck your old retarded grandma, bitch

>> No.9020725

I had whale steak (Minke) in Oslo. Nothing special

>> No.9020752

lel they don't even fish and are basically not norwegian
shitskin nigger cope

>> No.9021348

>I'll commit human murder over a single animal being being slaughtered but continue consuming and not giving two shits about animals that were similarly tortured and mistreated before their demise
Too bad you're a basement dweller and will never go anywhere that kind of thing might happen, fatty

>> No.9021483

>not respecting reigonal cuisine in a contenent-spanning country

Because we coloradofags totally know how to do a crawfish boil.

>> No.9021740
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try again sweetie ;)

>> No.9021913

>t.Cleetus McNoPassPort


>> No.9021917

Fish pie is honestly not too bad.

>> No.9022227

had OP once after funeral in 富山県, absolutely the second worst thing I have ever eaten. Dry, full of bones, skin was extremely chewy, horrifyingly strong salty fish taste. Zero redeeming qualities, if not for the fact I was literally in front of like 30 people related to my ex-gf in her grandmothers after-funeral feast, I would have just gone home.

THE worst, however, was also during that dinner. I can only describe it as a jello-cube of liquified fish guts, bones, and sea-plants. Served cold. It was apparently a local specialty that went back hundreds of years. You could taste the individual eyeballs bursting in your mouth, chunks of fish skull, ribs, spine, intestines, and fins. I have no idea why this dish was made in the first place, let alone "preserved" for centuries.

>> No.9022275

That fish look like it came from fucking bikini bottom.

>> No.9022292


But bring some shallot and green onion to stuff the fish with. Serve with a little bowl of ponzu.

Makes river fish a fucking transcendent experience. At this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony sushi, but because of my fire grilled fishers.

>> No.9022709
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>> No.9022776

kinda telling how most of the japanese meme food is just copies of western cuisine

just look at tonkatsu and tell me its not a schnitzel

>> No.9022778

He actually did it, the mad man.

>> No.9023044

>human life is sacred

not in the fucking slightest.

>> No.9023048

deep ocean rock fish in Alaska, it's like Halibut but better.

>> No.9023479


We can fry badass telapia with batterd jumbo shrimp and fried rice.

>> No.9023755


Which is underrated as fuck in this board anyhow.