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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9011997 No.9011997 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to like spicy food?

>> No.9012000

If you don't like Thai chilies you're a pussy.

>> No.9012055

Why do you pretend to not be a douchebag?

>> No.9012058

Why are some people so bitter about having a narrow palate?

>> No.9012073

Somebody post that "chili isn't white" thing.

>> No.9012079

How spicy?

It's a dick-measuring contest for small-dick people or retards, but a little bit of heat is good.

>> No.9012099

People eat stuff way over their comfortable tolerance as a macho thing, which is stupid.

But then people eat food around their tolerance because the slight burn causes your brain to release endorphins which give you a mild euphoric high. Perfectly reasonable.

And then people who eat spicy food on a regular basis gradually build up a tolerance and thus end up eating ridiculously spicy food because that's genuinely what they enjoy.

Nothing wrong with liking really spicy food. You only become a douchbag when you make a huge deal about how spicy your food is and brag about your tolerance.

>> No.9012249

This, a general rule for life is just do things you're comfortable with and don't be a douche

>> No.9012284

I love spicy food. Just don't meme out like those people who eat Carolina reapers on youtube. I use peppers that have heat but also a wonderful flavor. Jalapenos on tacos, dragon cayenne, Thai chili, occasionally habanero if I'm feeling frisky.

>> No.9012293

Could you be more solipsistic? If you think there is a certain amount of spice that adds to the dish surely there are people for whom that amount is higher than what you like. I'm sure if you gave a 3 year old eggs with a bit of cayenne they'd think it's too spicy.

>> No.9012297

>Why do people pretend to like spicy food?

It cools you down... I'm serious.

Ever notice all the cultures that eat tons of chillies all live in places that are hot as fuck? Seems counter intuitive doesn't it?

But there's nothing better than a burning chili sweat on a hot day to 'cool you off'...

>> No.9012302

I think I just really like chili flavor.

Jalapenos are just so tasty. The flavor outweighs the uncomfortable heat.

>> No.9012312

>Ever notice all the cultures that eat tons of chillies all live in places that are hot as fuck?
People come up with ridiculous reasons as to why darker people eat more chillies (the most common one being that spices cover up the taste of rotting meat which they absolutely don't) but ignore the biggest reason which is that chillies grow in hotter climates. I'm not saying what you're saying is not true but even if the opposite were true people from hotter climates would eat more chilli.

>> No.9012328


>> No.9012339


As someone who recently measured his dick at a restaurant which serves home-grown Trinidad-Moruga Scorpions, I can tell you that this is somewhat true.

But I also enjoy extremely spicy food for it's own sake.

Also my capsaicin tolerance is bigger than yours. Deal with it, numale.

>> No.9012345

The guys at work and I were doing this shit for awhile. we each kept bringing in progressively hotter sauces and shit until one day we were all out back throwing up carolina reapers.

>> No.9012352

Spices have the same anti-microbial properties as salt. And they can't mask the flavor of rotting meat at all. Your quora references blogs such as this one http://www.fooducate.com/app#!page=post&id=55048CF8-108E-A2CA-4390-BA9AD69FC0B9
Not much better than people here. That's like saying people in colder climate use curing to hide the flavor of rotting meat.

>> No.9012356

It does cool you down.
Here's how it works. Consuming food with a lot of chilies in it causes you to break a sweat, and sweat is your body's natural cooling system. As it evaporates from your skin it lowers skin temperature. And who is the most uncomfortable in hot humid weather? Fat people. Have you ever watched a fat guy eat something really spicy? Just a few bites in he's covered in sweat. So not only does eating chilies cool you down in hot weather, but it works especially well for overweight people who are least comfortable in the heat.

>> No.9012357

>thinks we are talking about weak ass thai chilies
get the fuck out of /ck/

>> No.9012360

I never said or insinuated that they could mask the flavor of rotting meat. I don't even know where you heard that nonsense from. Just thought I'd show you a quora link you might find interesting.

>> No.9012361
File: 465 KB, 960x600, cat_pepper_spray_chilli_hot_sauce_ck_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can post the pepperspray thing

>> No.9012384

Oh, sorry about sperging out. Both the quora and references seemed to say that.

>> No.9012390
File: 164 KB, 800x428, 1494895351558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

habaneros, ghost peppers and carolina reapers all give me a mild high a few minutes after i eat them

it's slightly euphoric once the pain dies down

>> No.9012395

One of my co-workers is this 100lb Asian chick and she can eat spicy food like it's nothing. Even beat an entire warehouse full of Mexicans in a hot salsa competition. How does that shit not mess up your digestive tract?

>> No.9012420

I can't handle spice at all but I eat spicy things anyways. It's a tasty kind of pain.

>> No.9012424

It doesn't, heat only causes irritation and actually combats inflammation. And mexicans can't handle spice at all. Compared to Indian, Thai and Schezuan, Maxican is weak salsa.

>> No.9012428

>Why do people pretend to like spicy food?
2poor for air conditioning, but chilies are 500 KRW for .5 kg

>> No.9012437
File: 21 KB, 405x650, Birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's clearly an image of Thai chilies...I've grown them.

>> No.9012535
File: 67 KB, 525x808, 1496501731568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 year old eggs are probably spoiled, unless you freeze them like I do.

>> No.9012560

>why do people pretend to like food?
Ill eat anything that tastes good.

>> No.9012573

its enjoyable to eat spicy food, just not to the point where you think youll end up in the ER. I love spicy wings, goes great with a cold beer.
Stuff you have to sign a waiver for is just stupid though, some people I guess get off on the pain.

>> No.9012597

>some people I guess get off on the pain.
Not so much the pain, but the endorphins released in response ot it. Like this Anon >>9012390

>> No.9012733

Thing is, it's not the first Reaper that gets you.
I can eat a 1,000,000 scoville pepper, no big deal.
Number two gets intense.
Number three gets a bit scary.
Number four is an experience of such intensity that you will remember it for the rest of your life.

It's just another form of Dragon Chasing.

>> No.9012758

I like moderately spicy food. Think in the medium-hot range. Anything over 50,000 scoville is excessive, though. I occasionally buy super spicy hot sauce, but only for the thrill of it. There comes a point where you can only taste the heat and not the food itself.

>> No.9012769


Quora was such a good idea. Unfortunately it's filled with self-hating (mostly white) people who say stupid shit like "westerners are the worst immigrants because they don't learn the language."

>> No.9012782

I'm an addict. I love the chili pepper high. I'll be beet red and sweating and going for another bite while complaining about how stoopid I am.

>> No.9012807

>There comes a point where you can only taste the heat and not the food itself.

That point is around the 1.5 million mark.

>> No.9012819

There's a Chinese saying that says, "If you don't like spicy food, then you can't handle a woman." Also people typically like spicy because it satisfies that little masochist in them.

>> No.9012820

Can you give an example of something around that point?

>> No.9012833


I've had chicken wings around there.

Even if the piquancy is overwhelming, you can taste other flavors and texture still gets through.

>> No.9012842


It's sichuan you mongoloid

>> No.9012854
File: 39 KB, 440x660, IMG_5392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl i like teases me because i don't like spice. but she says she understands because i'm white. how do i become more brave with food and spice lads?

>> No.9012864
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>> No.9012878
File: 14 KB, 233x300, jalapenocan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was about 10, my dad would sit down and open a 1 gallon can of pick related and eat them, one after another, while drinking beer and watching westerns. He would pick on my until I joined him. Eventually I was eating them just like he was. Now I'm an addict.

>> No.9012887

Like chefs chocolate salty balls, you put it in your mouth and suck it.