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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 511x540, harmful_less_harmful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9006900 No.9006900 [Reply] [Original]

Which harmful choices have you eliminated from your diet, /ck/? Which less harmful options have you replaced them with (if any)?

>> No.9006999

>stainless steel
>italian olive oil


not a bad troll png

>> No.9007110


>> No.9007114

Why is California wine unethical? And why is Upstate NY wine a better alternative?
I didn't know we were relevant enough for people to realize we make wine

>> No.9007179


You do know that we've been using the process of selecting the best plants to cross them again right?

GMO is not per definition harmful. Sure, I guess they could engineer something that can fuck you up, but the same goes for a knife

>> No.9007192

I'm a vegetarian and kind of a vegan (I don't eat eggs/dairy but I do have leather shoes etc) so there's that.

>> No.9007215
File: 67 KB, 525x808, im-a-vegan-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9007236

You and your smug pufferfish can leave the way you came in.

>> No.9007275

>transgenic DRM for food was practiced by the ancients
t. Monstranto shill

>> No.9007288

How is that post not appropriate? How could it be more on topic?

>> No.9007305

>Star-K Kosher Certified
>Madani Halal

So if the Palestinians start driving the Israelis into the sea, do those two switch around?

>> No.9007328

pretty well constructed bait pic, just enough retardation to cause rage, but not quite enough to be completely unbelievable
there is a difference between slowly breeding animals and plants to be stronger and heavily modifying their DNA
I'm pretty sure it's borderline impossible to make a plant harmful through selective breeding (maybe if you had 200 years to slowly increase their toxin levels), but a bit of malicious (or unintentionally wrong) genetic engineering could easily create something dangerous

>> No.9007360

So the difference being, genetic engineering is more efficient.

>> No.9007400



>> No.9007406

and easier to fuck up with bigger potential consequences

>> No.9007422

There is always risk.

>> No.9007426

I recently eliminated carbs

>> No.9007437

I eliminate meat and nuts whenever I can to conserve water resources. Problem is finding sufficient alternatives nutrient wise, so I don't do it particularly often.

>> No.9007452

What do you mean by sufficient?

>> No.9007456

you could always just find out which meat and nuts are least energy inetenisive, and then have those in a smaller quantity

>> No.9007513

it's less about water in the abstract and more about context. like how skiing locally is relatively harmless but skiing indoors in Dubai is disgustingly wasteful and destructive

>> No.9007636

GMO is a "solution" to the "problem" of shareholder value, the claims of its shills notwithstanding

>> No.9007816

not enough cocks pumping in each hole

>> No.9008117

>genocide is ok if it's done by my team

>> No.9008687

none I'm not rich

>> No.9008691

>Goose Island 312 Pale Ale
What a weirdly specific thing to consider harmful

>> No.9008757

>Not listing veganism on the less harmful side

What are you even trying to do?

>> No.9009019

Local wine is more ethical than products from across a few states lines.
Taken from a local magazine it could make sense. It's just a troll.

GMO and selecting plants are two different things.
We can use genetics (reading code) to help with selection, but that's not GMO (modifying code).

One is good like it's always been since dawn of civilisation, the other is mostly shit.

>> No.9009061

>implying the world doesn't revolve around NY

>> No.9009100

Actually Italians make best olive oil in the world. I had a chance to try award winning batch, it tastes so fresh and rich it blew my mind

>> No.9009146

Apparently you enjoy the taste of green dyed gutter oil

>> No.9010241

>Upstate NY
>Not artisinal wine produced by hipsters in greenwich village
It's would be very problematic to support rurals who are probably trump voters

>> No.9010392



>"I hate it but don't even know what it really is that I hate"

>> No.9010401

>I can't refute his point, so I'll point out a typo!

>> No.9010860

Winemaking isn't coal mining.

>> No.9010882

>aquacultured tilapia is ethically worse than sardines

Lol wut? Sardines are being overfished to feed farmed salmon, not fucking tilapia

>> No.9010900


Where did advocate grinding up the sardines and feeding them to salmon?

>> No.9010905

I agree with this in context of how they are "genetically modified". If they are genetically modified through cross-breeding and such (the methods in place for ever) then sure, fine no big deal. If they are trying to make us think that GMO refers to cross-breeding but it really refers to plant DNA splicing and all in some lab somewhere (considering, if memory serves me, the term was first used when trying to make plants that were resistant to Round Up weed killer AND they were able to patent plant life ridiculously) - that is where I hold reservations.

>> No.9010913

It doesn't, the point is that there's no reason tilapia, a domesticated fish that's been aquacultured since the ancient Egypt, is somehow ethically worse than sardines with plummeting wild stocks.

The list reads like an intentionally arbitrary joke.

>> No.9010921

>it would be very problematic to support urbanites who are probably liberal Hillary and/or Bernie supporters
Now take your shit off /ck/ and back to /pol/ to bitch about Trump.

>> No.9010922

Your "logic" is basically the same as people who say meat has a lower environmental impact than plants because of some faulty math that magically doesn't account for the land used to produce the cattle feed

>> No.9010924

He's a trump supporter, idiot

>> No.9010925

Why would Barilla be harmful?

>> No.9010926

Well I at first thought it was a typo also but I think it was actually a play on words...
Monsanto + monster = "Monstranto"
Not exact but potentially close enough. "monsteranto" would lack any subtlety.

>> No.9010929

Tilapia are fast-growing and either raised in rice fields like crawfish or aquacultured where their waste is used to grow the vegetation they're fed. Your only refutation is a nonsense analogy to cattle farming.

>> No.9010930

Well unless you are the one who typed that. It's 5am on a Sunday and I'm overthinking 4chan comments on a cooking board...

>> No.9010939

It's a joke.

>> No.9010942

Much more difficult to fuck up with years of research and testing post development.

>> No.9010943

How the hell does that read that way?

>> No.9010948

Anti-GMO retard who knows nothing about genetics or genetic engineering

>> No.9010976

It goes in one of the fields.

>> No.9010978

The facetious use of the word "problematic" which those people think is a routine part of everyday speech among normies

Also, the attempt to call out a supposed act of hypocrisy of drinking wine made by supposed Trump supporters. An alternate form of "you cannot care about human rights or the environment if you have ever owned a piece of electronics manufactured in China"

>> No.9010980

Not really. We are comparing technology and processes that have been in place for millenia to processes and technology that are much more recent and they have not been around and in place long enough to realize full potential consequences.

Face it, our government doesn't give a shit about its people hence why they use the people as test subjects for their various experiments. The past how many years they have advocated low-fat, high carb diets and now look how many more people have diabetes after that false health information (i.e. that LFHC was best for you) and now they are slowly revising their advice (though by being dragged kicking and screaming to do it as they still typically hold to it). And why? Because of one guy's research (which contradicted other research) and the industries who served to benefit from the promotion of such a diet in the mass public.

Everyone is responsible for their own health, yes, but if you are TRYING to be healthy and are presented with wrong information?

>> No.9010985

OK, thank you. Sorry, I clearly did not pick up on that.

>> No.9011003

you've been drinking gutter oil with food coloring....

>> No.9011023

>stainless steel
Enjoy your plastic utensils and paper plates, pleb

>> No.9011054

You're the one changing the definition of GMO. I went to school and learned facts instead of making up shit.

>> No.9011097

>an analogy is nonsense because I don't like it
And yet, salmon farming is somehow relevant

Odd, I thought all of the tilapia pyramid schemes ended in the 80s. I guess there are still those trying to have a go at it

>> No.9011141

i got a tilapia crop ready to harvest in my 20 portapotties

>> No.9011170

It's nonsense because it's a strawman and inapplicable. Canadian, US, and Ecuadorian tilapia are considered some of the most ecologically friendly and ethically produced seafood in the world but you insist it's unethical for some vague nonsense reason.

>> No.9011183

t.tilapia farmer who wants us to believe his shitfish is what doctors mean when they say eating fish is good for the brain

there is a reason japanese people do not eat that shit, only impoverished third worlders from cambodia and the philippines

tilapia being popular is basically a sign we're living in the future dystopia we laughed about as children

>> No.9011190

If you'd said sardines were a more ethical choice than farmed salmon it would have made sense because of the amount of sardines wasted feeding slow-growing salmon to marketable size. Claiming sardine consumption is more "ethical" than locally farmed tilapia is just completely fucking stupid.

>> No.9011199

>boo hoo I don't like freshwater fish so I'll pretend they're bad to eat

>> No.9011206
File: 45 KB, 625x626, 5436837+_b38853039a28fc2a1b6d09140f17d813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still trying to turn this into a debate over which farmed garbage is best
Fish farming internet defense force is out this morning

>> No.9011218
File: 72 KB, 559x596, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harmful: Alton Brown
>Alternative: America Test Kitchen

>> No.9011223

This whole thread is a trollpost by a muslim shitposter

>> No.9011231

>farmed garbage
but its TASTY farmed garbage!

>> No.9011238
File: 36 KB, 341x450, IMG_2358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know that half the fish he's eaten at restaurants was actually tilapia

>> No.9011253
File: 611 KB, 800x900, anime qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't realised that 3/4 of the tilapia he thinks he's eating at restaurants is actually panga (aka swai)

>> No.9011259

>getting confused by what fish you're eating
I mean I could understand if it's some obscure fish that's passed off as some other obscure fish, but I ate tilapia like 3x a week when I was a broke student, it's pretty fucking obvious when a restaurant is pretending to serve "catfish" or "cod" and it's just tilapia

They mostly just do this when it's like fish tacos or "blackened catfish" or something along those lines, where the taste of the fish itself doesn't matter anyway and nobody ordered it for the health benefits

>> No.9011264

>ordering fish at a restaurant
Unless it's sushi, no thanks

>> No.9011277

>he posts animu on the food and cooking board

>> No.9011312

OP image is retarded, but I've been eating less meat and more plant protein. Beans, chickpeas, and amaranth are locally (my garden) sourced. I get poultry and eggs from a family I know raises them the way I like, occasionally hunt and fish, and avoid red meat.

>> No.9012369

At what point will we use Latin taxonomy to make sure of what we eat?

>> No.9012402

>Italian olive oil's "less harmful" alternative is Palestinian olive oil
I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.9012414

Good idea, but you can't even convince the neanderthals in the US to use metric not to mention if they hear a foreign sounding word they gasp in fear and run away screaming.

>> No.9012421

>they gasp in fear and run away screaming
Nah, they just get offended and/or consider you to be "putting on airs"

There was a thread a couple of days ago where Americans were arguing, with apparent sincerity, that all male children should be named Matt, Dave, and Bill, otherwise it's offensive

>> No.9012543

Americans really are provincial as fuck, particularly in the south. I should know I live among them and there's a large percentage of them who refuse to associate with me when they hear the northern accent. Most of my friends are northern transplants. And don't get me started on the myth of "southern hospitality" and "friendly neighborliness." They're some of the most selfish, spiteful and vindictive fuckwads you'll ever meet. If you're not a member of their brand of bible thumping lunacy, you're a heretic who should be burned at the stake.

>> No.9012571


Italian """olive""" oil is a Mafia scam, they put just enough olive oil into regular vegetable oil to give it some semblance of color.

>> No.9013938

That's really just the hillbillies though. Unfortunately hillbillies have been tricked into thinking they're the "real America" even though they represent a tiny minority.

>> No.9014069

I mean yeah, that's common knowledge at this point. But why Palestine specifically? I've been buying a pretty decent brand of Californian olive oil for a while now.

>> No.9014481

Carbohydrates. Holy fuckballs, I've lost 20 pounds in six weeks and my blood glucose is normal again. Srsly.

>> No.9014726

maybe just in some bid for quality, dunno, there are also some good/reasonobly priced turkish olive oils out there(ive read spain and italy are ofte guilty of buying cheaper turkish stuff and blending it in without saying)...also baja exico makes some good stuff

tbf the problem is olive oil itself.....we shouldnt all be using it so often.....not a lot of places produce it so making them produce enough for the orld is a bad idea...we should be using local options more

>> No.9015182
