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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.44 MB, 3933x2757, IMG_6478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9008202 No.9008202 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon peasants. How should I murder these steaks?

>> No.9008226

have you prayed for forgiveness yet for the poor cows soul?

>> No.9008235
File: 1.22 MB, 3280x2293, IMG_6479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10mm made it quick.

The ribeyes

>> No.9008243

You won't murder anything with your nip airsoft toy, anon.

>> No.9008247

Micropenis thread?

>> No.9008252
File: 13 KB, 231x363, 0b1788632b5e6e2fb872d3cc187c461c8742f2be0b9d84e1cdbf0504308efc08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kriss Vector

>> No.9008255

>he bought a vector

I guess you hate money then

>> No.9008259

Your giant pistol makes things interesting, but you still look like a retard.

>> No.9008265

>huge globular if white fat
Your taste in meat and guns is atrocious.

>> No.9008266

>ywn be as rich and tasteless as op

>> No.9008275

coom them to well done


>> No.9008283
File: 35 KB, 500x356, TLxVSmO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh gun
while you're still jerking off perhaps you'd like to tell us how much you would love it if someone tried to break into your home. what you would do to them. if they wanted to put their dirty hands all over the buttocks and breasts of your close female family members. how murderous it would make you feel. and so on.

>> No.9008284
File: 2.24 MB, 3964x2864, IMG_6480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...I bought more than just a vector.

Don't confuse having money with hating money.

>> No.9008291 [DELETED] 

marinade with olive oil and molasses.

>> No.9008292

Utter trash.

>> No.9008297

It's ok to be poor, anon.

>> No.9008305

Oh look, it's another 13 year old who thinks he looks cool because he bought a weapon that he's scared to shoot because he can't figure out how to break it down and put it back together to clean. Faggot.

>> No.9008308
File: 22 KB, 266x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad someone is buying these fucking dogs.

>> No.9008316

Look at this level of projection. Your saliness is delicious.

>> No.9008331

the poor cow gave its life so Im going to tell you how to cook them but do try to eat more vegetables. vinegar and pepper marinade or lemon/lime and pepper marinade. tenderize with fork. cook medium rare.

>> No.9008348

OP is that a vector .45?

>> No.9008351
File: 1.78 MB, 2793x3269, IMG_6482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For dinner today, I think I'll have both ribeyes abd some broccoli.

>> No.9008353

Cook to well done on a non-stick skillet unironically.

Serve with ketchup unironically.

>> No.9008365
File: 1.57 MB, 3024x3061, IMG_6483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or as I call it, Best Millimeter.

>> No.9008366

mmmm burnt pepper. Sounds Delish, OP!

>> No.9008393
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>> No.9008398
File: 12 KB, 250x145, McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be nice

>> No.9008400

>Heinz Organic Ketchup

lol fag

>> No.9008413
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting dat butta ready for a well done steak

>> No.9008424
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9008433

>even his pelican cases are pristine
Either OP is meticulous about cleaning his gear, or none of that shit has ever been used.

>> No.9008436
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x3560, IMG_6488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the burned milk solids, senpai!

Am I there yet?

>> No.9008438

>He fell for the PDW scam

Just kidding the M7 is dope.

>> No.9008447
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>> No.9008449

I see you are a man of distinguished taste that can appreciate the beauty of a SMG. Nice collection.

>> No.9008455

are you searing in a teflon pan? don't do that

>> No.9008461
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>> No.9008463

aww, babby used daddy's money to compensate for his tiny weewee. I bet you drive a big truck as well

>> No.9008471

that umami!

>> No.9008472
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9008475

what the fuck is that thing

>> No.9008478

Truck? no. I daily a bmw m2 and track an Alfa romeo 4c.

Whst about you? You got enough money to compensate for your little peepee?

>> No.9008482

Wow, you got two "basic bitch" cars....not much better anon

Yup, a pretty fair amount, and only work 4-10 hours a week. I drive a Nissan Versa :)

>> No.9008483

>meme guns

>> No.9008484

The problem with using ketchup for the crust is that ketchup has sugar in it, and burns easily (this is also true for tomato paste). The steak now has a bitter exterior that's best scraped off - although if we're being honest here, some godless animals enjoy that bitterness.

No, the wok-roast technique is best applied with other, less sensitive pastes/liquids. The chinese swear by soy sauce, but personally I find steaks need very little added to be delicious - and for those of us looking for variety, supermarket steak spices tend to be suitable so long as they contain very little sugar .

>> No.9008488

>Alfa Romeo 4c
>basic bitch
If he's an American that's easily the most non-basic bitch car in the market currently.

>> No.9008489

Oh I just got surgery to give myself a bigger peepee. figured I might as well be straight foward about it.

>> No.9008492

shut up, weeb.

>> No.9008494

usda prime is such a fucking joke

>> No.9008497

Looks delicious. Where's the sides?

>> No.9008499

is there anyone here who isnt a weeb
and im not talking about those vegan tumblr rejects vegans aren't people

>> No.9008503
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mayo for some added creaminess.


>> No.9008510

>pisses itself before it even sees the knife

>> No.9008527
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a bit dry. Let me wash it down with some Cristal.

>> No.9008531

>no condensation
Make sure to wipe off the grubby handprints when you put it back in your mom's liquor cabinet after the photo shoot :-)

>> No.9008537

I drink it at 55 degrees, pleb.

>> No.9008552

There'd still be condensation. And the bottle would be bubbling if it was open. Careful with your mom's stash, anon.

>> No.9008558

You've never had anything at 55 degrees when your room temp is 62, have you?

Also, bottle wasn't open in that pic.

Honest question for you, anon. How poor are you?

>> No.9008562


>raw broccoli
>ketchup and mayo on steak

>> No.9008569

Next level taste, anon. Appreciate it.

>> No.9008597

>he won't show the open bottle

>> No.9008608

>poverty the post

>> No.9008615

Your mom and dad are going to be so pissed when they find out about your shenanigans lil anon

>> No.9008617

You the guy that sous vide a steak a while back?

>> No.9008620

2 steaks, actually. Guilty as charged.

>> No.9008627

>it's not an SBR
get a sig brace

>> No.9008635

Nah, mummy and daddy are overseas, and I make 6 figures.

>> No.9008641

Nah homie. Form 1 already filed.

>> No.9008642

Ha. That thread triggered a lot of folks. Nonetheless, happy eating anon. Beats another mcdonald's thread.

>> No.9008668
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was unexpectedly edible, despite my efforts to trigger some more people.

>> No.9008683

Glad you put the booze back in the cabinet without getting into trouble with the 'rents. Now daddy is going to have to change the gun safe combo, eh?

>> No.9008686

Sparkling natural mineral water? What is this? Does it contain fluoride?

>> No.9008699

Nah, daddy don't care.

I'm low on cristal and dom, and whenever the ladies grace my humble abode, they always imbibe my most expensive bubblies.

Did you enjoy my FRESH OC? I butchered a prime ribeye for some laffz.

>> No.9008703

Hello alex jones.

In all seriousness, it contains URANIUM.

>> No.9008726

>he owns a 10mm
prove it
>all dat carbine love
please buy me a scorpion. or give me yours. I love you.
>pan fries steaks when we all know he has a grill out back
you fucking scumbag

>> No.9008734

I don't have s scorpion. Scorpions are for poor people.

>prove it
See >>9008365

>> No.9008761
File: 84 KB, 747x900, 1491345275494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, i know you made this thread to be a cunt but i'm asking for real. I see this shit at my store and just assume it's something old people drink.

>> No.9008775

I was being serious. San pellegrino was tested to contain uranium. I'm not sure about its flouride content.

>> No.9008914

holy fuck
>he not only has a kriss vector
>he has it in 10mm
surprised this goon isn't cooking on a gold plated grill that slowly deforms as it heats up

pretty cool though to have that kinda money.

>> No.9008930

You know that B&T APC9 is literally twice the cost of the vector, right? And that 300BLK AR SBR I posted is twice the price of the APC9.

Vectors are cheap.

>> No.9008951

The point of a submachine gun is, y'know, the machine gun part. Now you're just being silly.

>> No.9008972

It's good enough for cosplayin' a SOF soldier, anon.

>> No.9008979

The correct term is OPERATOR.

And I'm OPERATOR as fuck.

>> No.9008991

The only thing you're an expert operator at is working pole.

>> No.9008996

Oh sorry, sweetie. I got your cosplay wrong mr. CIA spy!


>> No.9009209

I'm going to operate on your fucking skull with a 168gr OTM from 750M away, you fag.


>> No.9009302

Break it down and pic it then, faggot. I've met far too many of you wannabees.

>> No.9009354

so let me get this straight. Do you think my vector is an airsoft or do you actually think I'm incapable of field stripping something as trivial a Kriss Vector?

>> No.9009451

Nobody cares about your stupid firearm purchase decisions. Semi auto "submachine guns" are fucking retarded, my main man. At those prices you could go the route of historical, high-end refined platform, fuddtacular, or actual fun range toys.

I know I'd rather fuck with a gaudy desert eagle before a semi "SBR" sub gun, just to have the uniqueness of a gas operated handgun. I mean, if you get the machine gun stamp that's one thing, otherwise I don't know what in God's name you're doing over there...

>> No.9009480

>At those prices you could go the route of historical, high-end refined platform, fuddtacular, or actual fun range toys.
it's pretty clear to me that you own nothing of interest and have no idea what you're talking about. If you did, you would know that historical collectibles start in the 5 figures, that "high-end refined platforms" isn't really a thing (although I'm sure the vast majority of my rifles fit your bill, seeing the average price for them is 2K, with a max of 7K). I'm not even going to comment on the last two.

Basically your incessant whining boils down to "bahhh if I had your money I would spend it differently bahhh", but you don't have my money, and you have seen very little of my 50K USD gun collection, and you really have had no true exposure to anything of merit.

Like I said before, it's ok to be poor.

>> No.9009485

That's a lot of money to spend on cosplay, anon. Does your accountant approve of this hobby?

>> No.9009495

if you think that's a lot of money, I got bad news for you.

>> No.9009500

There's opportunity cost in every purchase, anon. That's a lot of unrealized opportunity to play soldier.

>> No.9009532
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x1402, 1446761105304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/o/ here, post em, would love to see that fuggin italian passion elise with some kind of /ck/ kino bread on the frunk

t. vq35de nissan scum

>> No.9009533

>You got enough money to compensate for your little peepee?
sounds like you do

>> No.9009535
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>> No.9009541

Well, money is like dick size. You can never have enough.

Fortunately I don't have to compensate too much.

>> No.9009548

>slight wear
>looks to be never fired
That's ok, anon. I bet it looks cool when you do a selfie for arf.com!

>> No.9009550

Deminishing return, friendo. You can't eat money, you can't fuck money, and you can't drive money. But money lets you do all three with gusto.

>> No.9009558

>looks to be never fired
Are you retarded or just blind? Honest question.

>> No.9009568

That wear...it's been the safe more than the range, friendo. I bet it's only been fired at the factory.

Nobody is impressed with prentendo soldiers posing with pretendo arms.

>> No.9009572

Why anyone who couldn't buy the full auto configuration would buy a Vector is beyond me. At that point it's just a regular overpriced carbine with a weird bolt that does nothing.

>> No.9009576

the vector does have a fairly low round count right now since I'm waiting for Form1 approval, but it has about 200 rds through it.

I guess I'll take your disbelief as a compliment. That Slip2000 30W really is magical.

>> No.9009578

>too much
clearly, you have to and you do

>> No.9009580

>beyond me
You're witnessing it. Looks cool in selfies on social media.

>> No.9009581

>that does nothing.
go mag dump one, then come back and repeat the statement.

>> No.9009582

heh, you must be an expert in dick sizes. Tell me, how many dicks have you "inspected"? Must be quiet a few.

I hope you at least made some money from that arrangement.

>> No.9009585

the only dick i've ever sucked was my own

>> No.9009588

I must confess, I am impressed by your agility.

>> No.9009594
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1462524420192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frames the picture so the p90's absurdly long barrel isn't visible
Not fooling me.

>> No.9009600
File: 1.35 MB, 1750x2184, Stampz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the first form.

>> No.9009610
File: 200 KB, 1014x1044, 1466389532439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a picture of it and show me.

>> No.9009614


>> No.9009619
File: 21 KB, 500x427, 1463455387287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got a long barrel p90

>> No.9009620

>has to ask for permission to take it out of state

>> No.9009627



>> No.9009632
File: 8 KB, 180x180, 1465831767611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still won't take a picture of it actually showing the barrel

>> No.9009637


Your next pepe better be a rare pepe.

>> No.9009638
File: 27 KB, 399x385, LMAOING @ HIS LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got the short barrel but put a long barrel on it

>> No.9009642
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 1474091159666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this faggot gotta totally btfo because of his wasted money

>> No.9009646

>daddy applied for form1 but hasn't bought the barrel yet.

DADDY the internet is making fun of me, I NEED THAT BARREL!

>> No.9009648

Rare enough, I suppose. Saved.

>> No.9009651

>I'm such a sad sack that I feel like I have to prove myself to people on a Chilean salt mining forum

It, literally, doesn't get more depressing than when /k leaks.

Seriously, has anyone ever been impressed by your collection of unused junk?

>> No.9009653
File: 18 KB, 248x189, gets better and better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he larps as a member of an elite team of intergalactic space heroes on the weekend

>> No.9009660

>Seriously, has anyone ever been impressed by your collection of unused junk?
oh all the time, especially when I venture out to a public range with my massive pelican traveling vault.

The peasants always gather around and sometimes, when I feel magnanimous, I let the peasants go throw a mag or two.

Now tell me, how jelly are you?

>> No.9009665
File: 33 KB, 400x389, 1470286548675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jealous of your dad's shitty long barrel p90

>> No.9009666

When is daddy going to get that barrel?

>> No.9009672

I have the barrel. I actually have TWO barrels.

When are you gonna tell me how jelly you are?

>> No.9009676

>Now tell me, how jelly are you

Words can't describe how big of a gigantic waste of money I think all that shit is.

And i highly doubt anyone worth a damn has ever been impressed either.

>> No.9009679

It's been year, get a barrel already.

>> No.9009680
File: 228 KB, 3316x1896, 1467703667997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got a back up long barrel
Gotta be ready to swap them out on the fly when you come under heavy fire. Can't let it get too hot.

>> No.9009683

>When are you gonna tell me how jelly you are?
Not a cowadoody, kid. Clones of military weapons don't impress me.

>> No.9009686

>I actually have TWO barrels.
gee jimmy

>> No.9009687

>Words can't describe how big of a gigantic waste of money I think all that shit is.
>a gigantic waste of money I think all that shit is.
>I think

Tell me why I should care? Oh wait, I don't.

Nigga, when I shoot 10 shot strings for grouping, I need dat EXTRA MV.

>> No.9009691
File: 20 KB, 190x240, V__3E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw the only thing more depressing than that gigantic, shitty, pile of a waste of money, is the end result on that steak.

Pls go back to /k where everyone laughs at you for vectors and long barrels. We will laugh at you for the same, as well as your shitty food.

>> No.9009693
File: 30 KB, 710x577, 1489208183049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually brings his embarrassing p90 to a range

>> No.9009701

were you the victim of a weaponized autism attack? Because you sure as hell have some reading comprehension problems.

>> No.9009710

Oh sweetie, I bring a lot more than that.

>> No.9009721
File: 402 KB, 1200x900, 1487665068082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the range membership under your dad's name or did he get one for you?

>> No.9009723

>Tell me why I should care?

You asked how jelly I was to begin with. My guess is that you care because you asked for my opinion... And that's probably because you are looking for validation. You wont find it here.

All that shit has no use in a lawful society. Its an orgy for small minded, peon, shitkickers. My tax dollars fund a police force and military that will always be able to overpower you. No matter how hard you try, the society you were born into will always be greater than you and any illusion of control over your life you think you have is just that - an illusion. And not only that, you will always be forced to pay the same taxes that will be used to control you.

That's a waste of money. You'll never use it for anything other than to make friends with other small minded shitkickers.

>> No.9009731

wtf did I just read?
You must be an angry poor man. And old. And most likely useless.

U projecting real hard there.

What event is that pepe referencing? I'm very curious.

>> No.9009745

>wtf did I just read?

Careful there bub. That's dangerously close to "wtf did you just say about me?". And we need to make sure it doesn't look like some foody got under your skin.

Or did Mr. Big Bad guns get his feeling hurt already earlier in the thread so bad that he had to field dress his dads shitty vector.

4 srs. Pls go back to /k.

>> No.9009757

Wow, it's a miracle. I think we found the first wannabe soldier that doesn't like to pose in selfies with his government approved and neutered SBR.

It's a fucking miracle.

>> No.9009782

That's entirely stupid, you can get a luger or high end enthusiast m14 starting at 5k. An actual machine gun stamp is where you start at 5 figures, and that wouldn't include recent machine guns since the register was closed more than a decade ago.

Kriss Vector airsoft (because I didn't see any SBR stamp) starts at a few hundred. Quit trolling fgt.

>> No.9009790

correction, just saw the takedown pictures. Still pretty stupid considering the whole point of an SMG is to deliver a controllable pistol round in an automatic package, which is not that. That's one of the few cases of range toy that I wouldn't even care to shoot.

Also, this reeks of troll.

>> No.9009875

you're really out of your depth here. I recommend going back to the bargain bin at Cabela's.

>> No.9009876

>project project project

like I stated previously, poverty isn't a crime. You don't have to pretend.

>> No.9009877

kewl dood! Have fun with your semi-automatic pistol-caliber rifles! At least you can now play pretend!

>> No.9009887

you're really dumb, aren't you?

I feel bad for you.

Being poor is OK, being dumb is OK, being poor AND dumb is a lethal condition. You should probably rectify that.

>> No.9009903

I mainly invest my capital in residential real estate. My firearms are mainly functional, while having range toys that aren't by definition self-defeating. I guess you're just retarded.

>> No.9009910



>> No.9009914

>mainly functional
Lol so you're really just a fudd. Ok.

Did I mention poor?

>> No.9009919


>> No.9009921

You missed >>9008447

>> No.9009925

> arf.com!
Gaaaaaah. Ed Sr. is a cucking scumbag.

>> No.9009928

Yes, I'm a fudd with an AK and 500 meter AR with a 4 figure scope, along with my hunting guns that are easier to kill critters/4 leggeds with.

It's obvious you're a troll, saying historic firearms start at 5 figures when a top shelf luger can go for 6k. Maybe you've mistaken this place where people don't actually have firearms as a hobby?

>> No.9009936

>What event is that pepe referencing? I'm very curious.

The great Augusto Pinochet physically removing communist revolutionaries from Chile by helicopter.

>> No.9009938

"I own a guitar, therefore I am a musician!"

>> No.9009947

yes, shift the argument from hardware to personal capability while starting with a pistol-caliber "mock smg" sbr.

>> No.9009954

Look man, no pretense, you're really out of your depth.

I suppose it'll be more accurate to say that we don't exactly shop at the same store.

A 4 figure scope? Cool. I have...several, and some of them don't start with a 1. 500M AR? EVERY AR is capable of minute of man at 500M even with 55gr out of a 1/7 twist barrel.

As for lugers, have you seen the prices for the long barrel artillery model? Look, just because it's old and 4 figures doesn't mean it's historical. 4 figures means it's a COMMODITY.
You should check out the prices for block 1 FG42s, even demilled ones?

I buy firearms as a hobby. I spend some money on it because I have a fairly high income with no cashflow problems.

I came here to butcher a USDA prime steak for some kek and for some trolling.

So please, check yourself.

>> No.9009970

When is daddy going to get that barrel? It's been a year already.

>> No.9009982

daddy bought that barrel before the form even came back, Sonny. You should pay attention in class.

>> No.9009984

Considering that store would be online to a local FFl, I'd say the same shop. Here's your stupid-ass rambling

>you're a fudd
I own an AK and an AR
>uhh ARS are good for 500+
no shit, especially if you cast your own and tailor your rifle accordingly

>historical pieces start at 5 figures
you can get a luger, kind of the epitome of historical pieces, at 6k
>yeah but not an artillery luger
Well no shit, dumbass

I don't waste my money on shit firearms like a SBR non-automatic PDW. That's fucking stupid. And having to derive your satisfaction on a shitty knock-off as well as USDA prime (yeah, no shit that's the highest grade, but that's not an aged primal) underlines how much of a fool with his money you come off as.


>> No.9009989

>daddy bought that barrel before the form even came back,
Intent to construct is a no no in the eyes of ATF. Daddy isn't smart. But you don't have a barrel so it's ok.

>> No.9010002

>you can get a luger, kind of the epitome of historical pieces, at 6k
>I don't waste my money on shit firearms like a SBR non-automatic PDW. That's fucking stupid.
Look, I'm cool with however you want to rationalize your poverty. It's ok.

But don't fucking pretend we play in the same league. We don't.

Your stupidity is, frankly, tiring.

>> No.9010008

>But you don't have a barrel so it's ok.
You sure about that, Sonny? How many dicks are you going to admit to having graced your anus if I posted said barrel?

>> No.9010017

Aww, we know it's not going to hurt you to post it. You soldier wannabe faggots love posting with your neutered guns.

>> No.9010020

That's nice. I like how you didn't dispute a single thing I said, so that's refreshing.

Enjoy your neutered CoDbait with the same characteristics as a SBR'd hi-point carbine.

>> No.9010034

b-b-b-but I said >>9009637
There must be a cost incurred to you for making me break my vow.

> your neutered guns
You ever shot a full auto? It's pointless. Can't hit a thing, can't reacquire sight picture fast enough. It's funny because most civilian contractors in Iraq used semi ARs, and the effects were, well, lethal (assuming your RoE allowed it).

Anyway, 160+ replies and ample trolling. Was worth it. You have a good night now, sweetie.

>> No.9010042

>You ever shot a full auto? It's pointless. Can't hit a thing,

Pretty much every submachinegun operator since WWII disagrees with you, so either (the most obvious) you don't own one, or you can't shoot one.

>> No.9010061

what's there to dispute? Your entire diatribe is essentially predicated on your economic situation and how your cost benefit calculus is different from mine (due to OBVIOUS reasons). I can say with a significant degree of confidence that every single piece of "functional" firearm you possess is outclassed by something I own in the same category (except bolt guns, I don't own any). Yet you so strenuously assert that you somehow possess more firearm knowledge and that your collection, meager as it is, is of similar value to mine, in function if not in cost. How do you expect me to respond to such tripe aside from gleefully point out your lack of wealth?

Don't take this the wrong way, but my prognosis was correct: you're not really bright.

>> No.9010065

Damn, some effort actually went into that piece of troll paragraph. Probably took a proofread or two. I'm somewhat impressed, actually.

>still literally did not dispute a thing I said

There you go, now we can keep playing games.

>> No.9010075

>Pretty much every submachinegun operator since WWII disagrees with you
My experience was with M4s.

And please tell me why most departments are switching over to 556 SBRs.

You're right, I don't own a full auto SMG, but that doesn't mean SMGs were as accurate and useful in full auto as you say. Otherwise, they would still be around in large numbers in US service.

>> No.9010087

Here, let me just do the leg work for you:

you: vectors are dumb
me: I don't care, I have money, and I own more than just a vector
you: semi auto PCCs are dumb
me: I don't care, I have money, and I own more than just 3 PCCs
you: I own some basic bitch guns therefore I'm right
me: I don't care. I have more money than you, better guns than you, more guns than you

That about covers it?

>> No.9010095

Same reason why full-size battle rifles aren't still used in large numbers in the armed services. The assault rifle carbine covers most of the bases.

Still, the assertion that the submachinegun was an uncontrollable mess is just foolish. Two instances that come to my personal memory was the SAS embassy siege which used MP5s, or a recent WW11 documentary where an 80 year old brit was still able to advance and fire at 20 yards while hitting beer bottles with a GI thomson.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you don't even understand what a beaten zone is, or the importance of it in automatic rifle practice.

>> No.9010103

You're a cunt. I miss the guy who dish washed his salmon

>> No.9010106

>your personal decision to buy an ATF tax stamped SBR *but not automatic* pistol-caliber mock-up of a PDW/SMG is completely stupid, and completely defeats the purpose of the entire platform

>yeah, but at least I'll still buy it!

Well, guess you got me there...

>> No.9010132

>completely defeats the purpose of the entire platform
so how many full auto AKs and ARs do you own?

If you can't understand the concept of recreational use, why do you own assault rifles? I'm pretty sure you're not kicking down doors and shooting baddies.

Fortunately you're quite predictable due to your rampant stupidity: "b-b-b-but my semi assault rifles are closer to their intended use than semi auto subguns". That's funny, because MP5Ks have a semi mode. Vector SMGs have a semi mode. EVO SMGs have a semi mode. P90s have a semi mode. Which means your entire argument is predicated on your (worthless) opinion, and should be disregarded.

I don't know what the beaten zone is. I never served. I buy guns for recreational purposes. I will defer to you on the efficacy of full auto SMGs, but since I'm a civilian and I can't buy one, the whole discussion is rather moot. However, given my time behind an M4 and my own ARs, I don't think I'm less lethal with a semi.

>> No.9010138

>washing salmon
tell me you have a screencap for this.

>> No.9010154

If only, I looked on google but couldn't find it. Apparently dish washer salmon is a thing though

>> No.9010158

I'll do that next time. With some whole foods wild caught alaskan salmon.

You think I can substitute that with a whitefish?

>> No.9010163

US SF mainly uses AR platforms in semi, but you're deflecting from the fact that you are defending a literal pistol-caliber SBR (ATF term) in semi automatic (the entire purpose being a controllable cartridge in automatic). It's apples to oranges.

Your backpedaling over the use of automatic firearms is cute though.

>> No.9010165

enjoy your dry steak pleb , marbled steak is god tier

>> No.9010178

douche of the universe award goes to you OP
You've really outdone yourself, congrats.

>> No.9010262

>US SF mainly uses AR platforms in semi


fucking retard. OP got you like the little bitch you are.

you just got rekt.

>> No.9010263

>pistol-caliber SBR (ATF term)
that's not an ATF term. Stop making things up.

At this point, you should just shutup.

>> No.9010278

Nobody, the military concept was contested, and then was asserted. No military is using single-shot SMG/PDWs, because that would be completely counter-intuitive.

"SBR" is an ATF term. Otherwise the guns would convey how ridiculous they are with barrels that stretch out feet in front of the housing. It would probably be called a neutered sub gun if the ATF wasn't involved.

>> No.9010285


You're a fag.

Just admit it, you got #REKT.

>> No.9010287
File: 43 KB, 450x447, out_out_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /k/

>> No.9010289

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scraped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.9010293

Damnnnnnn, that wall of TEXT Is just full of BUTTHURT.

Holy SHIT, get some cream for that sore asshole.

>> No.9010300

Reminds me of this kid Brad we went to school with. He came out as a gay in the 9th grade and this was back in the 80s when that shit wasn't nearly as accepted. Anyway, after football practice one day a bunch of us grabbed him fucked the shit out of him to try and straighten him out. I know, I know, but we were just kids, we didn't know any better. It kinda worked. He saw just how painful and unnatural anal sex between men could be and for a long time he lived a normal healthy hetero life. But a few years back they busted him for diddling a couple little boys and gave him 15 years in prison. Just goes to show that you can't save them all, but that doesn't mean you don't try.

>> No.9010303

How can one butthole take so much damage and keep functioning?

>> No.9010313

How hard is it to get an nfa gun?

>> No.9010322

AOW proboably one or two months. SBR or SBS, a few months. Suppressor, was 10 last I got it but that's probably because of trust legislation causing a glut of groundwork last July. Full Auto? No idea. The entry cost for a shitty late 80s mac 10 is 10k, so would probably be a lot more money and a bitch of paperwork for anything actually worth buying.

>> No.9010340

Mac10s are more like 5k

>> No.9010343

>suppressor is 10 months wait

Fuck breh

>> No.9010346

I stand corrected. Just going by the old standby that a full auto transfer is going to run you 10 grand.

>> No.9010361

u a fudd?

>> No.9010380

Just not well-versed in the federal-dicking of acquiring a fully automatic firearm. I wouldn't think that would be fudd-specific.

>> No.9010443



Fuck anime

>> No.9010589
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, nH0Yfjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complaint is that there's huge globs of unrenderable far; as opposed to this marbling which is all renderable

>> No.9010639
File: 370 KB, 2400x1800, 1350497673801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is my homeboard, I know very little about firearms. /k/ fags, is his guntalk as pathetic as his steak game is? Because the steak turned out like fucking garbage. Yeah, I know he's just gonna say something like:
>hurr this was a troll thread, I got you guys! You're just a bunch of autists, you poorfags can't possibly understand what a good steak looks like, etc.

We got a shitposter months ago that cooked a tomahawk steak in a janky way, all while including shots of his guns in the pictures, and proceeded to call criticizing anons lonely poor noguns virgins and was smug about the whole fucking thing.

Please tell me that there are /ck/+/k/ crossposters that know more about food than mangling a steak and defensively insulting everyone in the thread by calling them all poor because we don't display gun collections (which is a STUPID expectation for /ck/)

Don't be such a fucking idiot/snob to suggest that the only steak worth eating is a super-marbled piece of wagyu. You sound like a goddamn 15 year old. Regular old ribeye is delicious and as far as I'm concerned chewing on some beef fat is part of the experience when eating that cut, and is pretty good is cooked properly.

>> No.9011437

stop posting

>> No.9011999

>We got a shitposter months ago that cooked a tomahawk steak in a janky way
it's the same guy you moron. see

OP made it pretty clear he was doing this for laughs, and the last time he made a steak here, it was pretty good.

I don't know about you, but the poverty level contents here get boring sometimes.

>> No.9012015

>I don't know about you, but the poverty level contents here get boring sometimes.

This is true, but sous vide posts are all shit.

"watch me boil this shit in a bag for 7 hours"

no one gives a fuck and anyone can do it. Food processing plants have been paying people minimum wage to do it to create chef boyardee and campbells crap for 3 quarters of a century. its not new, its not a skill, its shit.

and the gun posts are just fucking cock suckingly fagotronic

this guy is the worst of CK... i don't care if he has money - there are plenty of other people on here with money judging by some of the kitchens and marble countertops - everything this faggot does is low class and shitastic.

>> No.9012030

>no one gives a fuck and anyone can do it
Really? Have you done it? When's the last time someone posted the entire sous vide process here on /ck/? I'm sure that in one of his sous vide threads, he posted the timing table from Modernist Cuisine.

Is your rampant hatred for OP just an expression of your poverty?

He's clearly doing it to troll people without means, and it looks like he succeeded brilliantly with you.

>> No.9012033

Hey, OP, how's it going?

Here's the process: warm water to temperature desired, keep at that temperature with food submerged until the food comes up to that temperature, sear off at very high heat, Wa La!

Maybe if he was aging a primal, then that would be a cool thread to watch.

>> No.9012037

>its not new, its not a skill, its shit.
holy fuck get a load of this poorfag.
you doing ok honey buns? Need to sit down and take a breather?

>> No.9012076

>Is your rampant hatred for OP just an expression of your poverty?

>holy fuck get a load of this poorfag.

You sous vide guys think you're the only people that can afford sous vide and that you are better than everyone else everytime. a sous vide cooker costs 80 bucks these days and still gives inferior results to a reverse sear oven method. people in the know aren't going to waste their time on a fucking gadget that will get used for a couple months and then go in a drawer and never come out again.

So.. but let's play this out...

I post pictures of a huge bank account and you post that its photoshopped.

I post pictures of my sports cars and guns and you say they are my dads.

Congrats. You took a post about how faggy sous vide cooking was and you defended a shitastic "method" with no counter logic and nothing but personal attacks in which you have totally assumed things about the poster which you can't possibly know.

Yeah.. real solid defense of sousvide cooking there. More like... wow - i guess that's what we should come to expect from faggots that think boiling food in a bag is a good way to cook things.

>> No.9012106

>you have totally assumed things about the poster which you can't possibly know.

Given the lack of coherence of most responses, not to mention the basic misunderstandings of the subjects at hand and the vehement hatred for what I can only assume is an upper middle class lifestyle, I think I can safely draw a few conclusions about these posters.

Tell me, why are you so angry when OP flaunts his "wealth" in your face? I am very curious.

I have a few conjectures, but I won't share them here due to them being not flattering to you.

>> No.9012122

>neutered military weapons are wealth in america
You can't make this up!

>> No.9012123

>still gives inferior results to a reverse sear oven method.
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Now go eat your steak at Texas Road House and pretend it's 3 star Michelin.

>> No.9012129

I see...

You have the reading comprehension of an autistic child. No wonder you were so upset. It wasn't the OP trolling you, it was your own autism.

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.9012133

This is the same poster you quoted and who thinks OP, and his guns are fagolish.

Your assumptions about me are all wrong. I have income approximately 6 times that of the average US household and have a net worth that is above the average net worth of someone 20 years old than me.

I'm not going to prove any of this to you, because it would be a waste of my time. You can just drop the economic arguments.

sousvide cookers are cheap enough to be affordable by people that are on welfare.

>> No.9012137
File: 43 KB, 475x360, AmericanWealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude should move to America, he'd have plenty of wealth! LMAO! And it's real, not a jinked up knockoff.

>> No.9012140

>Tell me, why are you so angry when OP flaunts his "wealth" in your face? I am very curious.

They're his dad's guns. Just stop.

>> No.9012164

>Your assumptions about me are all wrong. I have income approximately 6 times that of the average US household and have a net worth that is above the average net worth of someone 20 years old than me.

Add 200k more a year and you're in my income bracket. And for someone whose household income is in the 300s, you certainly don't have much equity.

>> No.9012175
File: 750 KB, 2240x1344, 20170307_204751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Way to fuck up a perfectly good cut of meat.

Don't you even cast iron?

>> No.9012184

OP is too poor for bone-in

>> No.9012187

His mum isn't. lmao

>> No.9012203

>you certainly don't have much equity.

How would you know how much equity I have? I didn't tell you how my assets are allocated...

I get the feeling you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to financial matters - and this doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.9012261

Still not showing the bottle

>> No.9012264

still not showing the barrel.

>> No.9012266

One thing you can be absolutely certain about is when anons start bragging about their wealth on an anonymous boot sole repairing board, they're both poor as shit.

>> No.9012271

You told me your networth. Equity isn't just stocks. Connect the dots. I'm guessing you're in real estate and your education background is rather subpar.

So your lack of understanding now extends to guns, cooking, and wealth. Honestly I'm not surprised.

>> No.9012280


When did I tell you my networth?

you're officially confirmed for being shit for brains

>> No.9012309

>have a net worth that is above the average net worth of someone 20 years old than me.
Let's be honest here. You're upper middle class at best, depending on your cost of living.

Take a breather and go call your late tenants. You need that money.

>> No.9012335


Let's be honest here, those are your dad's guns and you don't even have income.

Call you dad and ask him for your allowance. You need that money.

Good job on the reading comprehension btw.

>> No.9012340

ITT: babby gets his first "real job", comes to 4chan to boast about the toys he can finally afford

>> No.9012353

I'm not OP. But I'm starting to share his sentiments about you.

>> No.9012736

Yeah, tell me about it. My older brother is now in the upper middle class and he now regularly buys video consoles, convention passes, and recently a fursuit (those things are fucking expensive as shit.) Compound that with that he's a gay DINK with his fiancee, so he has no real responsibilities on the horizon, either. I guess OP's 'fursuit' is his gun collection and buying steaks to cook poorly for entertainment.

>> No.9012749

Now is there anything wrong with that?

>> No.9012784

>I've got a big dick

>> No.9013514

>I rationalize my civilian semi autos because SpecOps use them in semi sometimes

jesus you're such a worthless sack of shit.

>> No.9014057
File: 651 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170523-004541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please put this thread out of its misery

>> No.9014465

Why are anti gunners so obsessed with dicks?

>> No.9014472

Ask psychologists why small dicked men buy guns; you'll have your answer.

>> No.9014484

but I have a huge dick and I still buy guns.

>> No.9014489

but I have a small dick and own no guns

>> No.9014610

might be more of a problem with your financial situation.

>> No.9014623

Probably has more to do with his local laws. Small dicked men like to congregate in Liberal cities/countries and enforce and promote strict gun laws.

>> No.9014632

I thought small dicked men like to congregate in Churches and gunshops? They go to church to pray for a bigger penis, and they go to gunshops to measure their dicks with 22LR.