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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8995026 No.8995026 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to do it. I'm gonna fucking do it. We need a /coffee/ general

Try not to shitpost too much.
Coffee blend of choice?
Brewing style?
Personally I really enjoy French roasts and making them in a French press.(I know what a shock) I use the hario skerton and the espro press. It's god tier and easy to clean.

>> No.8995184
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The other day I bought some starbucks yukon blend and it was the most overburnt disgusting coffee I've ever tasted, bar none.
Really dark oily shit that didn't even have the distinctive brown lushy foam during brewing that i like so much.
I don't even know how they managed to fuck this up, the bag says medium roast.
I went back the next day and exchanged it for some jose's columbian.
The worst part is it doesn't even start off bad until it leaves a disgusting sludgy aftertaste that coats your mouth and doesn't go away!

>> No.8995291

If there's one good thing about living in Brazil (and south america as a whole) is the quality and variety of coffees you can get.

I have an Aero Press and that's what I use most of the time when not at work.

I buy Piatã (a medium roast from the country side of Brazil). It has a lovely brown color and very dense body, almost no bitterness and high acidity, I love it.

It costs around 4 USD for 250grams.

>> No.8995342

>$500 grinder

>> No.8995352

Starbucks French roast mixed with whatever store brand Costco sells, drip brewed. I enjoy the burned beans, Fite me.

>> No.8995364

>buying Starbucks anything
You're literally wasting your money. Find your nearest hipster coffee shop and buy your beans there.

>> No.8995376

I don't feel like paying $15 for 8oz of coffee

>> No.8995391

You get what you pay for anon. If you have a Whole Foods or one of its yuppie equivalents, they also have coffee beans for a more reasonable price.

>> No.8995405

>$15 for 8oz
at my coffee shop we sell 12oz "kona estate" beans for 84 canadian dollars

>> No.8995410


What's that in real money?

>> No.8995424

It's like $2 in real American dollaroos.

>> No.8995464

>every coffee shop i've been to has porcelain coffee dishware behind the counter
>every drink is served in a to-go cup, even the hot drinks

Are those coffee cups just for show?
Why do they do this?

>> No.8995470

Did you explicitly tell them it's for here? The default is the to go cups since items safer to assume you won't be staying.

>> No.8995480
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I absolutely love this shit. Pretty much everything Taylor's makes is beautiful, except for their darkest roast which always smells slightly fishy for some weird reason. Lazy Sunday is the perfect cozy morning coffee.
Aeropress and french press are my go-to brew methods, although I would love a proper espresso machine one day.

>> No.8995503
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>> No.8995529

then why are there entire coffee shops full of people having their coffee inside and all of them have paper cups?

>> No.8995534
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>> No.8995551

don't post these until I've had my coffee

>> No.8995557
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>> No.8995561

Someone sell me on Chicory coffee

>> No.8995565
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/ck/ I've been looking for a high-quality travel mug (18-24 oz) for the past two weeks and can't pick one. I went through the nearby target's selection and had the following issues:

ugly clunky handle
cheap plastic / unaesthetic
ugly top-heavy look (see pic)

The thinner stainless steel ones like the contigo and ello bottles hold my interest but at the mouth opening they have some clickity-clackity plastic spring system for sealing in liquid which will probably fail after a few months of regular use.

any recs for high quality stainless steel travel mugs that don't look like goddamn panzerschreck shrapnel

>> No.8995660
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All day baby

>> No.8995773

Eight O'clock coffee Central highlands, drip brewed.
Enjoying it with a nice Camel.

>> No.8995819

Keep your bad breath to yourself, MASSIVE faggot.

>> No.8995823

costco near me had hawaiian beans for $10/lb
i bought $60 worth

>> No.8995834

What is a toothbrush?

>> No.8995855

do you even /altoids/?

>> No.8995892

Finally a coffee general OP that isn't some cringeworthy cyooot xd anime babbytalk bullshit

>> No.8995895
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The package is nice.

Hi /coffee/, this week I've tried shitty coffee to write why the coffee a buy and make at home is better. When I have some money I'm gonna to some café and try something more expensive and compare to my coffee. I really need to go back to writing my food reviews but college takes too much time. Luckly my vacation starts next month then I'm gonna have a schedule of 8 to 10 hours a day dedicated to food (both practice and theory). I need to read some food biochemistry and focus on savory dishes. Last time I was learning baking but you end up eating too much calories.

During vacation I'm gonna read/write about industrial coffee processing and try to use this as introduction for my conclusion paper next year. I plan to research coffee fermentation.

>> No.8995921

Taylor's is rubbish

>> No.8995963

Best I can give you is the swell bottles. They are ugly but work great. They aren't all stainless steel but I bought the one that is and I take it everywhere for everything.

>> No.8995968

Post your findings

>> No.8996002

Chicory is a fucking meme mostly. It will wake you up something fierce, though, just by the heavy flavor alone. I use it for that, since caffeine doesn't always do enough for me.

Every day cup is caribou medium or dark (don't like light unless the beans are pristine) in a pour over. I'm not too much of a coffee snob so that's usually good enough. Also Land of a Thousand Hills is GOAT when it come to coffee shops.

>> No.8996108

Bought myself a bialetti on recommendation of mocka anon who posted a long tutorial a few breads ago. Still trying to figure out how to make my shitty gas stove go low enough to make the process take 12min.

>> No.8996118
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It's what they serve you in jail.

>tfw dialing in my old clever dripper and starting to remember why it got put in the closet in the first place
It's supposed to combine the best of pourover and FP, but it seems to be the worst of both worlds

>> No.8996127

Why 12? Why does it even matter? You're just boiling water.

>> No.8996131

>Coffee blend of choice?
Single origin ethiopian or kenyan
>Brewing style?
Aeropress :D

>> No.8996143

>I really enjoy French roasts
Might as well lick an ashtray

>> No.8996161

It's an extraction process. You want to use as little volume of solvent as possible for the best extraction. Doing it at low heat for a long time over high heat for a short time will increase the efficiency of your extraction process. Also you run a smaller risk of burning the coffee

>> No.8996170

Where do y'all get your beans?

I buy my coffee from Indonesia. I've had coffee from nearly every country and Indonesian is my favourite.

>> No.8996187

But that also heats up the beans. And 90% of the time is getting the water up to temp and building pressure. Should be starting with hot water too, if you aren't already.

>> No.8996247

God dammit. You guys are clearly repeating memes you've heard. The beans themselves from starbucks packaging are fine, and taste nothing like the store. At the starbucks locations they put pretty much no care into how they actually extract the coffee and burn them there.
Bialetti is top tier. I use mine wherever I go, so I usually use it on electric stovetops. Sorry. I'm sure there is some way for you to figure it out, keep trying.

I'm lazy and buy Lavazza grounds. Arabic tastes the best to me, but I'm not really adventurous so I've only ever tried all of the standard kinds, and then Cafe Bustello which I really didn't like. Pointlessly acrid, in my opinion. To the point where people who "like" it put milk in it. Bah, I don't see the point in adding milk and sugar in coffee if you don't at least try a weaker coffee without the cream. But that's just me I guess.

>> No.8996263

I don't know how you think water evaporating works, but I can assure all of the water in the lower cup does not evaporate at once. The reason you do it at a low temperature is to make sure there is a small amount of evaporation going on for an extended period of time. Like I said you want a small volume of solvent for the most efficient extraction. I have some mathematical formulas I could write out, but really that seems redundant when google exists.
Yeah I will keep trying it out until I get it right. At the moment it just takes 4 minutes on the smallest plate on the smallest flame to make a 3-cup. I'm going to try make it on the second largest plate with the smallest flame next time, but only expose half of the moka to the flame. I will just keep trying until I find the trick.

>> No.8996311

Yeah, I plan to improve the quality of coffee threads as I learn. Hope that autist posting the dark secrets of the industry goes away.

Now I'm focusing on finish my exams through june so I have the entire july to play not only with coffee but food too.

Btw having my first sip just now (11:30 AM) where I live and thinking about the bad choices food oriented i had in the past. Now that I'm really involved with this mindset of investing my money in the foods that really matter I'll probably be able to buy more expensive beans to try. Basically I wasted a lot of money in sweets and shitty burgers for too long.
Good that I'm losing weight since I eat clean and only when I hungry. I've turned into a skeleton and I should bulk a bit (because I exercise) but I'll try to lose a bit more to freak my mum and my grandma when I go back home.

>> No.8996346

Kek, don't know how they make stoves in USA but where I live it is impossible to lower the gas this much.

Brazil since I live in Brazil and we don't have things from other countries. Even decent brazilian coffee is alien to 95% of the population. I'm considered lower middle class by the official classification (aka really really poor) but I'm truly blessed with college food so I can save a bit of money and buy coffee beans. For example:

>1 kg of decent beans
R$ 60
>1 kg of coffee people get in these threads (considered top tier)
R$ 120-160
>1 kg luxury tier coffee (imported)
R$ 200-300

>1 kg shitty pre grounded coffee everyone drinks
>R$ 12

I'm only able to buy coffee beans because a cup costs R$ 0,60 a day to me. I can't buy some luxury tier because I would feel like I'm stealing from my poor mom. Same as eating pizza or burgers. I only eat these after a saving.

>> No.8996361

I have an amount of money to spend on food per week so I've been creating saving by fasting and saving money to buy burgers and sweets. Now after some thinking I'm gonna stop this shit and save for coffee and buying ingredients to train my cooking skills.
The root of the problem was emotional eating because I'm a very anxiety person but after some thinking I'm cured. My cravings have stopped since I went back to sprinting and focusing on improving performance and learning. Now just a matter of time until I can try new coffee. I'm gonna post as I learn, unluckly no pics since I don't have a camera.

>> No.8996376

Now I need to go to college but tomorrow I can post more poverty histories and a bit about the coffee market in Brazil if someone is interested in.

>> No.8996379

>water evaporating

But that's not how it works, it's not shoving steam through the grounds.

>> No.8996387

how the fuck does it work then? still the phase doesn't matter and my point still stands

>> No.8996399


>> No.8996524

I'm curious

>> No.8996535

You're rubbish.

>> No.8996623

Of course the phase matters, steam will be far too hot

>> No.8996630

the fuck are you talking about m8. I already said I was wrong about the steam

>> No.8996639

Guy you're responding to references how it's not steam being pushed through the grounds
>the phase doesn't matter

Just correcting you

>> No.8996643

I put a bit of maple syrup in my coffee the other day.

It was good. You guys should try it.

>> No.8996647

actual maple or Aunt Jemima shit?

>> No.8996651

yeah my post implies I accepted that it's not gas and that the phase being liquid instead doesn't change the main point of my original post. I thought typing out 'the' in front of 'phase' would make that clear.

>> No.8996652

I put a bit of my index finger in my butthole the other day.

It was good. You guys should try it.

>> No.8996657

Sure, I'm up for it.
Where do you live?

>> No.8996664


so what you're saying is its a waste of time trying the coffee for Cafe du Monde? It looked interesting but I guess I wont bother

>> No.8996669

Aunt Jemima does not sell maple syrup.

>> No.8996672

im aware nigga

>> No.8996680

We r same person. However I only drink pour over.

>> No.8996693
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can't remember the name since Im at work but I got a bag of coffee during my last trip in Cuba and its pretty good

>> No.8996702

There was this one time when I got a bag of coffee that was good as well. Real neat stuff

>> No.8996725
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think its this one

>> No.8996873
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Carelessly brewed preground and vacuum sealed discounter coffee until less then a year ago. Then used a moka and for a few weeks now this cheap old machine and a rather light espresso blend from an old local roaster.

>> No.8997207

anyone here roast their own coffee?
thinking about starting to cut costs, but it seems unlikely I'll get something approximating a nice roast with a stovetop/air popper, and the next tier up seems like it'd eat the profit up

>> No.8997230

I've been looking into it too and I've seen some pretty good results from air poppers. The trick seems to be constant agitation

>> No.8997329
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>had daily cup
>drank a red bull after because whatever

bad idea

>> No.8997740

>Coffee blend of choice
Whatever I can get
>Brewing style
Filter into carafe. If I'm feeling really fancy, a liter of coffee mixed with whey powder to start my morning.

>> No.8997769
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>ywn have Coffee Instant: Type I with Steve

>> No.8997827

I had a vanilla mocha with three shots of espresso the other day. I haven't been that buzzed in a while

>> No.8997843

>only 3 shots
You are but a babe

>> No.8997846

They offered one with 6, but I wasn't ready yet

>> No.8997847

>Not drinking 2+ liters of coffee a day

>> No.8997852

I usually just split a pot with my roommate

>> No.8997861

Have fun with your heart palpitations anon.

>> No.8997871


I'm >>8997847
My resting heart rate is slightly below 70BPM, and my heartbeat is perfectly normal.

>> No.8997895

I'm mostly good now. I wish it was bed time.

Funny thing is, I had 3 cups in a day a few days ago and it didn't feel any different from my usual 1 cup. Red bull doesn't really do anything to me either on it's own. But it was just awful when I mixed them.

>> No.8998594
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Is latte art a meme or an actual indication of a good beverage.

>> No.8998597

presentation has nothing to do with quality

>> No.8998620

Pouring frothy milk in a pattern != Pulling a good shot of espresso

It could possibly indicate whoever making it actually gives a shit, though

>> No.8998763

enjoy your nigger water, coffaggots

>> No.8998787

last time I had cheap tea, it stained my mug and probably my teeth
cheap coffee never does that

>> No.8998805

>stained your mug
and coffee doesnt?

>> No.8998812

I have a bunch of white mugs and they're just as white as when I bought them.

>> No.8999126
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Clean your damn mug.

>> No.8999133
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C O F F E E !


>> No.8999203

They over roast the bean
t. Starcuck employee

>> No.8999502

Got a Cuisinart drip coffee machine for simplicity. Set timer, wake up and stumble to pot and already done. Found that I really like Pete's Major Dickinson's blend so any other suggestions? I've never really looked at what I drink until recently.

>> No.8999517

Just drinking Community out of a regular old percolator right now. Is Splenda bad for you?

>> No.8999519

I unironically like these.

>> No.8999846

I bet you would unironically like a noose too

>> No.8999859

You're enjoying the taste of ashes, not coffee. Just buy Bustelo, it's cheaper.

>> No.9000210
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Anyone ever order beans from Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC on Amazon (or direct)?

>> No.9000270
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Cool and... Good.

>> No.9000306

i love coffee but something happened a couple of months ago

>I wake up with hangover because I went partying the previous night
>Drink coffee as my morning ritual
>Still feeling tired
>have another coffee two hours later
>I start feeling anxious
>like really anxious, as if I was on anphetamines or something.
>Next day is the same, a couple of days later I quit coffee and everything is back to normal.

Did I devoloped a coffee intolerance? This sucks.

>> No.9000324


Pretty sure your endorphin receptors were shot after a night out. This started to happen to me in my 20's. Just switch to a strong tea if you can. Also, in general, after drinking you're more sensitive to most things (light, sound, paranoia, anxiety, depression)

>> No.9000357

Buy something like an RTIC Mug or a yeti, and then buy a handle for it. I have one that I use for teas and it stayed so hot for over two hours that I still burned my tongue. It would be around 30 USD

>> No.9000849

The contigo snap-seal mugs are actually really good, I've been using them for years and they're completely leak proof, even with daily use.
The seal mechanism is very simple, it's just plastic with one moving part to snap the rubber stopper in place.

>> No.9001179


Wait, what? Where are you buying your coffee? Which beans do you consider top tier?

I regularly buy beans from South of Minas and they aren't as expensive as you say.

>> No.9001220

I'm Brazilian too and I haven't heard of that coffee before. I'll look for it tomorrow.

Brazilian coffee > Starcucks

>> No.9001225

I don't know why anyone ever buys Starbucks beans. It's like buying burnt bread and saying it tastes good.

>> No.9001244

>Brazilian coffee > Starcucks
Starbucks sources coffee from Brazil

>> No.9001459

I've had a couple of limited run Starbucks roasts that have been pretty good, but their basic bitch roast is absolute garbage. They're not always wrong. It's just most of the time.

>> No.9001472

I need a guide on this shit.

>> No.9001477

Are Walmart French press fine or do I have to get some meme brand? I always wanted to try one I just use drip most of time.

>> No.9001481

A french press is a french press.

>> No.9001491

Go to Target and get a Bodum Brazil for $20. The Mr. Coffee one at Walmart is a piece of shit

>> No.9001510

that's so strange considering brazilian coffee is pretty great
arabica santos is mellow yet flavorful

>> No.9001535

Any Espro press. That filter thingy is good as shit.

>> No.9001626

I buy at supermarket so it is either qualitá or pilão. Do you buy online? What about shipping costs? Do you bag 1 kg packages or 250 g?

>> No.9001645

My problem with pour over is that I can only get corase ground using my manual pilão. Also I'm worried about the plastic and glass Hario V60 is too expensive.

Last wed finally bought a burger that I was avoiding for months. Then instead of eating as fast as possible I took the time to appreciate and analyze the food. In the end I realized that it is pointless to crave some expensive shitty food. I can cook a much better burger for less at home and or crave some decent food.
The utility from a bag o coffee is much greater than the utility in a shitty burger. Maybe I could go to the capital and find a much better burger but then I would need to spend more than I spend buying coffee.

>> No.9001721
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I live in the middle of nowhere because of college. The city had 3 supermarkets but now we have only two. One is for rich people and the other for poor people.
In the nice one theres nespresso everywhere. Dont know how popular it is in USA but here they are really focused into marketing as much as possible. Even unrelated coffee products are using nespresso as promotion. I friend that hates coffee said he was buying capsules to try at work because they have a machine and you only need to bring the capsules. The coffee section is half capsules and half grounded expensive coffee with beautiful packing. Don't know about the quality since I only buy whole beans of the same brand.
In the market for poor people you have like 5 generic shitty grounded coffee brands that are just sad. There's only one passable grounded coffee brand that costs a bit more but people prefer buying the cheapest possible.

Once I saw and ad about whole beans for the price of grounded coffee. Bought 2 kg and received a coffee that was charcoal black and covered in something (I believe burnt sugar). I found dog fur, stones and small branches in my first attempt using this. Brewed a cup that tasted horrible then put everything in the trash and learned to never buy food too cheap.

Don't know about industrial process but in the countryside they used to roast coffee with sugar for some reason in the past. My grandma said she remembers adding sugar during the roast because that's how everyone did. Dumb people probably still do this and end up fucking even more their burnt coffee.

>> No.9001776

>burnt bread
don't bring him here

>> No.9002059

Fuck off Henry

>> No.9002069

not until I've caffeinated my qpu's

>> No.9002277
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I usually get these when ever I pass a bulk barn, it tastes really smooth.

>> No.9002284


>> No.9002375

How do beans have Irish cream in them?

>> No.9002425

Are you only just becoming aware of the existence of flavorings?

>> No.9002446

It's not really over powering or anything it's quite light and very smooth, it's not like an instant mix where the flavor can be really high.

>> No.9002477

whats your recipe my man
ive been defaulting to my v60 because i cbf to find a recipe for aeropress

>> No.9003267

I bought some random dark roast and it smelled fishy too. The beans looked kind of oily too. Is this common to dark roast beans?

>> No.9003356
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Planned a budget of 1000$ for grinder+espresso machine. Does the grinder really matter for pressurized/non-pressurized espresso?

Watching grinder comparison charts from Baratza, and particle distribution charts, there almost no major difference to justify the price range of different models. According to pic related, virtuoso is the most versatile with 200-1400 grind range, but the 2nd cheapest option. Am I missing something here?

>> No.9003400
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I make my french piss in a pan and now I found a way to reuse the ground. Instead of trowing it away and cleaning the pan I let the pan in my desk for coffee aroma all day.

>> No.9003432

Looking good anon. Have you considered two step grinders at all? The Rocky can be as good choice as any. Getting bang for your buck with grinders is difficult, like half of them seem to be scams for people who don't research at all.

>> No.9003669

What is the definitive french press golden ratio? Every site/video says something different

>> No.9003739

60g/liter which is 1:16.666666666666

Finer grind than recommended and a short steep time (3-4 min total) is A#1.

>> No.9004099


I use dark roast, 95º C, 04:30 minutes and ratio 1:15.

>> No.9004108


>> No.9004208


>> No.9004961

folgers classic roast for me please! lots of cream, lots of sugar. nothing gets my day started better.

>> No.9004967

I, too, enjoy sawdust

>> No.9004973

whats wrong with the smooth taste of folgers?

>> No.9006766

Coarse, of course.

>> No.9007324
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My uncle has a farm with a few coffee plants. His employer do the over roasting and then he grinds everything at some cooperative with an industrial grinder. They have coffee for the entire year. I once tried his coffee and it is just shit. First the ground smells nothing like coffee, it has no smell at all. Since they fuck up the roasting the coffee gets burnt and after brewing you have a cup without any aroma that tastes like charcoal tea.

>> No.9007340

Who /HappyCoffeeMug/ here?

Best roaster.

>> No.9007347


This post took an unexpected turn. That's pretty funny. Do they convince themselves that it's good?

>> No.9007352

I'd highly recommend reading 'water for coffee' in your research, especially given your biochemistry interest

>> No.9007355


Walmart has the knockoff brand for like $10. It's the exact same in every way, save for the logo (which is what you pay for with Yeti).

>> No.9007361


>> No.9007374

I use this one 2-3 times a week and it never fails me. Keep coffee piping hot for hours. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012IC1D4O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_DWTmzbKMJ9PGN

>> No.9007384

Well anon sounds like there's definitely a chance for you to make $$$ by starting an "artisinal" coffee line.

>> No.9007813
File: 336 KB, 859x687, omg coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you using your coffee grounds twice?
Most people who use coarse grinds, like drip and french press grinds aren't extracting even half of the flavor from their beans before they throw them out, it's such a waste.
Next time, try using less beans, but grind them much finer to extract their contents much more completely.

>> No.9007821

There's such a thing called overextracting and it's why your shitty coffee is bitter

>> No.9007827

>Most people who use coarse grinds, like drip and french press grinds aren't extracting even half of the flavor from their beans before they throw them out, it's such a waste.
>what are brew times
>implying longer extraction times for course grounds doesn't properly extract all that you'd want to extract
>tricking people into drinking shit coffee

>> No.9008142

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.9008339

My uncle smokes, probably cant taste anything and outs sugar in the coffee as the rest of his family. See this is the standard in Brazil, shitty grounded coffee with sugar. I prepared the coffee I'm used to drink for them and they found it too bland and added sugar.

Maybe I can play with water and use it as my conclusion paper. I plan to do something about fermentation but if any better idea shows up... I still have 3 semesters to work on the conclusion.

>> No.9008591

Been thinking about it. $11/lb isn't bad if the coffee is as decent as everyone says. Been trying some local roasters and none of their beans have really stood out to me. Certainly not worth ~$17/lb at least

>> No.9008616

It's literally one fucking marketer that keeps spewing the happymug meme.
It should on autoban at this point, his shilling is so blatant.

>> No.9008655

Maybe. I've seen them recommended several times on /r/coffee as "good coffee for the price", certainly not "Best roaster."

>> No.9008748

Even on /r/coffee/ people sometimes get pissy when that name comes up, because it's shilled so blatantly. It's like PIA whenever VPNs come up

Not the guy you're replying to btw

>> No.9008768

>"good coffee for the price"
That would be Kirkland House Blend. $9 for a 2lb bag

>> No.9008864

I just ordered some Mexican Chiapas from Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC on Amazon. Shipped from them, not Amazon, so we'll so how fresh these niggas really are.

>> No.9008894

how much did you pay for them?

>> No.9008906

$21 for 36oz

>> No.9009309

I use a french press with medium ground coffee. it's good

>> No.9009335

>there are people who fall for the coarse meme

>> No.9009542

Because every stupid fucking blogger says to grind into boulders and fucking brew that horribly inconsistent grind for 6 goddamn minutes until it's a goddamn mess of bitter shit. Enjoy!™

>> No.9009605
File: 75 KB, 1024x671, Roasted-coffee-beans-in-moka-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make coffee in moka pot and I put 1/4 teaspoon of fine ground black pepper in it, before brewing of course.
And I use cocoanut sugar, all that combo including wet hot water tastes so good.

>> No.9009641
File: 107 KB, 816x353, Espro Press type of French Press'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are very wrong about that anon,
for example there is this type of french press coffee maker that is not exactly like the standard french press coffee makers.
google it if you like to learn significant differences about it.
it's the best design amongst french press style of coffee makers

>> No.9009656
File: 18 KB, 337x361, 1418684956425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$120 to get rid of some of the fines in your cup

>> No.9009667
File: 2.13 MB, 2160x3840, DSC_0159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The P3 is cheaper than the P5 and is literally the same except the P5 has a metal finish.
It's $44 on amazon, a few bucks more than your average decent press. The P5 is like +$10-15 more

>> No.9009738

>>$120 to get rid of some of the fines in your cup
not only, there is one very significant design difference that standard french press designs don't have but because you are fucking asshole I'm not going to type it.
Have better thing to do. Fuck you.
It's described on their web site or in some youtube reviews

>> No.9009742

K, bud

>> No.9009744
File: 746 KB, 292x164, 0ec1c76a92b17a8dd3125c07807f448c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying whole bean ever

>> No.9009775
File: 151 KB, 500x655, sprinkle-salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last wed finally bought a burger that I was avoiding for months.
>I can cook a much better burger for less at home
Sounds that you are smart.
One time I went to a very good grocery store with good meat section wanting to buy some ground beef to make burgers at home, (that store medium chain) always had good looking lean beef
but that evening they were sold out, the butcher was apologizing very sincerely because I told him I have two bottles of good red wine and a female company and we are going to make burgers tonight.
He saw how unhappy I was and told me that he only has frozen "meat" they use to grind in the morning for that nice looking lean ground beef and he can sell it to me and I would need to grind it my self.
I said no problem because I do have hand cranked meat grinder, but he stopped and said actually I don't think this is a good idea, he said you don't really wan't to do that.
I said of course I do, it's late (like 7 PM) and I'm not going to drive around to buy ground beef, so I like to buy that frozen "meat", the butcher said I'm sorry I told you that but you should not buy it.

At that point I was confused and shocked that he was backing out.I insisted telling him how my evening will be ruined if I don't have beef tonight to make burgers with that hot girl.
So he said OK, and cut off piece of that frozen "meat" for me, give me discount of course because was not grounded.

I come home let this "thing" thaw and amongst some pieces of nice lean red meat I saw whole bunch of some weird looking shit, I was shocked at the strange looking pieces of "something" I was seeing there.
I took some of it and without grounding I put it on a frying pan wanting to see what the hell it was.
After all the red meat was done I was trying to eat it, red meat was of course great but those other pieces tasted terrible and I could not chew them, I was fucking chewing that shit (you know mouth full)
for like solid 2-3 minutes,much

/next pg

>> No.9009777

>for like solid 2-3 minutes,much
much longer than it took to chew the red meat from it, and that shit was still hard like a shoe leather. I look at it and all those funny looking pieces of "meat" were different parts of the cow,
like the skin from under the armpits and other shitty parts of the cow, they were tough like wood but when they are grounded we don't notice that of course,
and the portion of lean ground beef looks so good in the display fridge at the store.
Of course I stopped right there and changed the menu for that evening and I never ever again bought ground beef from the store, from any store.
Now I only buy chunk of meat and I deal with it and I do whatever I like with it, and you right it's cheaper that way and you know what you are eating.

If you smart you will never buy hamburgers or hamburger meat or hot dogs, you buy chunk of meat and work with it at home.
Fuck the processed meats, most is loaded with chemical shit and all crap body parts mixed together and it looks so fucking good on display.

>> No.9009781

>few bucks more than your average decent press
For the 18oz model. A 34oz Bodum Brazil is $19 on Amazon right now. They're also at Target for $20
>The P5 is like +$10-15 more
$19 more. $63

>> No.9009792

I'm a black fag

>> No.9009797
File: 58 KB, 900x900, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.9009803

I hate white and black fags equally.

I don't discriminate

>> No.9009820

instant coffee is the best

>> No.9009835
File: 571 KB, 2088x576, Very burnt_garlic bread+Very_burnt_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>burnt bread
>don't bring him here
Dark roasted burnt charred coffee is cancerogenic, it causes cancer.
Dark roasted coffee is poison.
Medium roast is OK.

its a big dirty secret of the coffee industry of the roasting houses

>> No.9009838

But it's not

>> No.9009853

The real vacuum walled one is. Isn't that the point of having the filter cut off extraction, so you can leave it in there and preferably keep it warm?

>> No.9009922

>$120 to get rid of some of the fines
>jk it's $120 to get rid of some of the fines AND keep it warm
Or, use a $50 press and store the liquid in a $20 insulated receptacle you could drink and/or pour out of. Still just a little over half of

>> No.9009926

drugs =/= food.
delete this.

>> No.9009929

i got a porcelain pour-over drip thing. How do I use it properly? I already soak the grounds a bit and wait before pouring, but then am i supposed to keep a steady stream, fill it up with all my water and wait, fill it about 1/3 of the way and wait multiple times until i'm done?

>> No.9009956

Depends. If you need more extraction, pour slow. If you need less extraction, pour faster.

>> No.9009968
File: 176 KB, 1096x1096, Espro P5 Glass French Press Coffee Maker ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or, use a $50 press and store the liquid in a $20 insulated receptacle you could drink and/or pour out of. Still just a little over half of
if you on the budged yes do it that way.
But there are people who have money and like to buy better quality devices, so stop bitching and whining constantly.
The Espro coffee Press has several advantages over standard french press and the price difference for glass model is very negligible as the other anon told you so already.

French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafe.

>> No.9009976

What am I supposed to be tasting in coffee? I'm not sure if I ever had a good cup, I just drink the crappy free coffee they offer at the office I work at to help me wake up. I just kind of got to drinking it black and lukewarm.

>> No.9009978

Or you could just buy a clever dripper

>> No.9009987

>is very negligible as the other anon told you so already.
I AM that anon. I was shitting on his shifting goalposts. I like how coffee comes out of the P3 but seriously you're sounding like a shill. I bought the P3 because I saw it here so congratulations, you got yourself bought.

>> No.9009991
File: 59 KB, 750x826, coffee stained yellow teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like to have stained ugly yellow teeth yes drink coffee.

>> No.9009992

Hangovers often make me anxious, I get an increased heart rate that gets worse with coffee. I'd attribute it more to that than the caffeine.

>> No.9009995

Google coffee roaster, click maps, go and have a cup of coffee there

>> No.9010011
File: 112 KB, 1500x1500, Espresso Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google coffee roaster, click maps, go and have a cup of coffee there
Better yet start with the 'Golden Standard in coffee' and brew cup of instant coffee but go for the high quality stuff, like this

>> No.9010073

I dont think it's as simple as pouring faster/slower for weaker/stronger what i mean is if i dump all my water, it'll kind of bath in the grounds longer, but might also be more diluted since it's all in there at once. Alternatively, if I pour it as fast as it goes down all the time, the water might not be in the grounds very long.

>> No.9010093

Anyone play Persona 5?

How accurate was their info on coffee?

>> No.9010094

fuck off weab

>> No.9010530

Spooky thing is that this is real person, real photo, real face

>> No.9010576

in general you bloom at the beginning (that first pour, ~2-3x the mass of the beans), then either do a few small pours or one continuous stream, both of which should keep the water level at a constantish height as coffee extracts through
but what you should do also depends on the cone (angle/channels/opening will vary) and filters. your best bet is to look up other people's setups on brewmethods et al, and vary based on how it comes out by https://baristahustle.com/blogs/barista-hustle/the-coffee-compass
there's not really a sure shot to a constant good cup, sorry if this wasn't helpful

>> No.9011661

I don't know about USA but here in Brazil you can have shitty burgers that costs more than a burger produced at home or go to nice places and maybe have a really nice burger. Problem is that I don't have money for this. Since I like cooking and, most important, have time to cook it is the perfect opportunity to eat better food.
Now I'm trying healthier and more balanced meals. I plan to try burgers only once a month. The idea is to have nice balanced food and avoid craving burgers and cake.

I think now I'm gonna in controlling my eating habits. Today I just noticed that coffee only is better than breakfast + coffee. Feeling empty feels good and I'm just gonna fast today. I've been eating complex carbs and more protein. Feeling full is nice but not feeling full all the time not.

>> No.9011685

I don't understand the "Brazil is good coffee now" meme

I've had Brazilian coffees from Daterra and Fazenda Dutra, from multiple different roasters, brewed in a variety of different ways, and in no case was it anything more than ok

Granted, ok is better than shit, and Brazil coffee has historically been shit (see >>9001244)

But I mean, the way people talk it up (despite being low altitude hot climate coffee), you'd think it was the second coming or whatever. As far as pulp natural process coffees go, I'll take a Tarrazu over Brazilian no question

>> No.9011699
File: 39 KB, 375x431, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feeling full is nice
for the first five minutes
During the weekends if I wake up late I just make coffee and eat a protein bar
>mfw that first sip
>mfw sipping while having a piece of protein bar in your mouth

>> No.9011797

no that's perfect thanks for the help

>> No.9011827

I mean, I brew it in the most normal way possible, and I want to try out different things but don't know where to begin.

>> No.9011850
File: 83 KB, 1300x866, 8477739-Coffee-and-cigarettes-Stock-Photo-coffee-cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better combo

>> No.9011873
File: 1.35 MB, 3088x2056, donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diabeetus > lung cancer.

>> No.9011880

I'm not even able to buy these one and probably you would consider cooxupé even worse. Anyway I really enjoy cooxupé. One day I hope I'm able to try coffee from other countries too see if they really better.

I just gave up trying to pair coffee with anything. I know you can enhance both the beverage and the food by pairing but I prefer to drink coffee alone.
I stopped drinking for the caffeine and when I need caffeine and prepare coffee in a rush it feels like an incomplete experience now.

I want to go back to fasting but it will impact in my performance during the week. I'm probably do some caloric restriction for 10 days, fast for 2 and try to cut water weight just before going home to look even more skinny just too see my moms reaction.

>> No.9011890

are you trying to lose weight? Just eat properly (under caloric requirements) for 5 days a week then waterfast during the weekends.
I do this and I'm not really looking to lose weight, just to adjust body composition to lean towards more lean muscle mass vs. fat

>> No.9011902


coffee + bread and butter
coffee + anything chocolate

Man I won't be able to be a smoker even if I wanted. I bought a cigarillo in december to remember how it tastes (had the last one 4 years ago) and never ever want to try this again.
Don't know how people pair coffee + cigar. Tastes are too similar, you can get smoke notes from dark roast.

>> No.9011907


Pão de Açúcar has a lot of those. Also, my girlfriend is from Poços de Caldas, so it's easy to go there and buy some coffee.

Generally I buy 250g because I prefer fresh beans, so I don't keep mine for longer than a couple of weeks.

>> No.9011922

I'm very skinny, my BF probably under 12 (I can see too many abs veins) and I have boxing class monday morning so sunday fasting is a no no. Can't fast during sat because I feel weak on monday. My cardio load for the week makes me eat a bit more now otherwise I feel weak and I suspect it makes recovery harder.
While I was still trying to fast sometimes I had a sprint session then took me 3 days to fully recover my knees. I prefer to sacrifice fasting than performance/exercise sessions.

>> No.9011936

I have a Hario Mini Mill and the piece of shit broke after only one year and a half of usage. The metal where you put the handle simply wore out because of the cheap metal they used.

Which manual grinder should I buy now? I have no money for a Lido and I was thinking about getting a Porlex.

>> No.9011937

does it have to be your finger, or can I use the shitty kmart version?

>> No.9011939

are you trying to drop a weight class? Otherwise why. Fasting has natty anabolic effects

>> No.9011943

unless you're using a $500 grinder you are wasting your time

>> No.9011988

who said anything about cigars?

>> No.9011994

mini mill / skerton is by far the best option until you hit the $200+ range unless you are only grinding for french press

even if only press, you can buy a cheap mod for the skerton that significantly increases the consistency of its coarse grind

>> No.9012005

Buy replacement parts or a regular sized skerton with the upgrade so it doesn't give you shit

>> No.9012031

Grounded? Whole beans?

Pão de Acuçar in my city only has qualitá, pilão and leão in beans. Then they have 10+ brands of "speciality gourmet coffee" but all pre grounded.

>> No.9012109

>$200+ range
I think you're talking about oe/knock grinders here, but both are sub $200

>> No.9012141
File: 501 KB, 887x969, Arabica vs. Robusta coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feeling empty feels good and I'm just gonna fast today.
Fasting is very beneficial to human body and mind, intensifies your spirituality (if you are inclined to explore spirituality).
When I made very similar decision to yours to stop spending money on food in restaurants, to eat the moment I started to feel hunger in my stomach, when I conditioned
my mind and my body not to panic just to wait till I get home and made my own food that will be much cheaper and I will know exactly what I'm eating it was very rewarding both financially
and peace of mind on food quality on health and hygiene of food workers that many times could be extremely questionable and gross.

And sometimes when I run out of most of my regular food items I wait for day or two or three or four and eat very simple things I have left and experience mini fasting or at least less food intake.
Allows your body to relax and slow down, enables your mind to refocus. Definitely beneficial on few levels.

>Starbucks sources coffee from Brazil
>I don't understand the "Brazil is good coffee now" meme
is it Brazilian coffee mostly Robusta beans and that's the reason for lower quality, tho I know that there are good high quality of Robusta beans as well as there are low shitty quality of Arabica beans,
but the general taste differences and very significant caffeine levels between the two of them are remaining despite of quality level.

>> No.9012146


I'm trying to stay in the lowest weight possible without losing muscle/performance.

I have scoliosis and I suspect that aditional weight will fuck up my right knee since the unbalanced load is greater in my right leg.
Also I just like being skinny for some reason (maybe I'm a bit anorexic). Looking in the mirror and seeing my skinny body feels to good to the point it makes me nervous during a cheat day. Seeing my college friends going to >20%BF through the years didn't help too. I don't want to go the same route.

But I plan my mini cutting before going back home just to freak out my mom and grandma when they see me.

>> No.9012163

>unless you're using a $500 grinder you are wasting your time
Exactly, and that's before taxes $500.
Otherwise you are poor pleb that should not even look at the coffee beans or use some cheap (under $500) coffee grinder.

>> No.9012166

I've had a cup of coffee once from a local restaurant and it tasted like concentrated pepper. How the hell did they even make that?

>> No.9012178

Yeah I pray 2 times a day, go to church every sunday and today I'm decorating a hat with real flowers to attend a procession later.

I don't know if fasting did anything to my spirituality but indeed it brings peace of mind. Makes easier to appreaciate other aspects of life other than food. I remember sometimes where I was basically just waiting for the next meal (without noticing). I binged on something and even while I was eating my mind was focusing on the next meal. Luckly I'm cured. During these anxious days weekend fasting (also genetics) prevented me from getting >15%BF. I consumed twice my TDEE very often.

>> No.9012470

height and weight?

>> No.9012488

What's the best espresso machine I can get for ~$2500? I already have a good grinder etc etc. I've been eyeing the Alex Duetto but it seems a little outdated.


>> No.9012608

>spending $2500 on a bean water machine
Kill yourself hipster fag

>> No.9012646

>I already have a good grinder
how much did you pay for your grinder?

>> No.9012652


>> No.9012655

>more than +$500
not pleb

>> No.9012659
File: 103 KB, 1023x768, 72abad6bcadde60ce4dae4043c71ce71417113dd00fc56cc4ced54a89697ed80 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself hipster fag
His money his business what he does with it you poor jealous shit bag.
Stop whining constantly.
Maybe you go and kill yourself so we can be FREE from your constant crying bitching whining complaining

>> No.9012668

OK, IT'S OVER $500

>> No.9012690

I'm actually the guy who posted the request. I have a $700 MSRP grinder (got it for much less)

>> No.9012693

>What's the best espresso machine I can get for ~$2500?
>how much did you pay for your grinder?
why you are willing to pay less for your espresso machine than you paid for your coffee grinder.
I would actually double my budget for espresso machine.
you are presenting yourself as a cheap pleb with this ~$2500 budget

might as well go and buy it at Walmart you pleb

>> No.9012702

>I have a $700 MSRP grinde

>> No.9012705

People who spend lots of money on espresso machines are stupid nu-males who live in Portland or some other shitty blue city. Also just because I don't want to spend absurd amounts of money doesn't make me poor. I'm actually saving up with my $80k salary so I will be eventually richer than that stupid hipster in a couple of years

Going back on topic, the only thing you need for good coffee is an Aeropress. You guys could learn a thing or two from /r/coffee when it comes to gear and stop spending all your money (I seriously doubt this guy can afford to spend $2.5k on a coffee machine) on steam toys

>> No.9012708

That wasn't me, I am

>> No.9012716

Yeti is not a meme. But they don't seal completely, which I like but it might be a problem if you like to gesture aggressively with your mug

>> No.9012747
File: 83 KB, 828x768, soldier-drinking-coffee-have-you-punched-a-nazi-today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Yes AeroPress is good but some people like espresso machines to make coffee with.
Relax and be nice to those who have different coffee making ideas.

>> No.9012859

I make my coffee in a Keurig with medium roast Seattle's Best grounds.

>> No.9013068

and ..what would you like others to tell you because of that?

are you bragging
looking for a fight

>> No.9013087


5'9'' and was 130 lbs last time I checked but now probably a bit little since few people said I'm skinnier than ever.

>> No.9013089

how much did you pay for your grinder?

>> No.9013128

it come with the Keuring its part of the whole machine

>> No.9013134

is it more than $500?

>> No.9013183

Light Roast Master Race here

The rest of you may as well be drinking your own urine.

>> No.9013195
File: 525 KB, 2075x1158, Carimali Armonia Coffee System-ITALY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it more than $500?

>> No.9013199
File: 76 KB, 768x768, piss carafe-french press coffee maker .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest of you may as well be drinking your own urine.

>> No.9013202

patrician detected

>> No.9013216
File: 385 KB, 574x460, facepalm larger than your torso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>$12,000 keurig
>for seattle's best

>> No.9013221
File: 63 KB, 1024x427, Carimali-Armonia-Soft-Plus-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CARIMALI Armonia Soft Plus.

>> No.9013228

>patrician detected

>> No.9013245

That is clearly not a K-cup machine

>> No.9013259
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, faggot barista .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going back on topic, the only thing you need for good coffee is an Aeropress.
Anon shove your Aeropress deep up your ass, there is a new toy new kid on the block,
CARIMALI Armonia Soft Plus

>> No.9013278

>touchscreen coffee machine
Why don't you just go to Starbucks and order your milkshake sweetie

>> No.9013307
File: 395 KB, 1024x684, Aeropress .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Carimali Armonia Coffee Machine Overview

anons you can suck on your Aeropresses, you can give a blow-job to your Aeropress.
there is new way to make coffee you plebs

you can use your Aeropress as a cock pump from now on

>> No.9013343

I was at rush one time going through a shopping then saw the reflection of my ankles in a mirror. It is gay as fuck but that vision keeps me very worried about putting on weight. Sometimes I feel like I'm too weak then I see a group picture of myself and remember why I need to resist the temptations of food. Being skinny probably one of the best feelings I know, fuck women or money.

>> No.9013361
File: 167 KB, 700x700, tea_ball_mesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who likes to brew my coffee using one of these?

>> No.9013367

Watch this video and you will never buy Aeropress,
and if you have Aeropress you will never be wanting to use this two pieces of plastic pipes with rubber seal made from recycling car tires again to make your coffee.

>> No.9013380

Are you drunk

>> No.9013395
File: 67 KB, 1037x931, 61MEeFqB3uL._SL1037_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used a finum brew basket before. It was a really muddy cup

>> No.9013472

how does it taste anon?

>> No.9013571

>how does it taste anon?
it's metal

>> No.9013707
File: 14 KB, 245x266, it is impossible my homosexual friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the resulting coffee.

>> No.9013713
File: 45 KB, 940x450, bialetti-moka-pot-5-2225287554539607aaebe85c4c540597026d4ffb683414a7c1638348e9463857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that moka pot>French press

>> No.9013734


Drinking a coffee from Nicaragua right now. A gorgeous medium roast grown on a microplot.

Nutty, full-bodied, oily. Very low acidity. If you brew it just right, it tastes like chocolate ice cream.

>> No.9013741

>If you brew it just right, it tastes like chocolate ice cream.
this kills the crab

>> No.9013749
File: 3 KB, 123x125, 1410902038830s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I eben make it in a french press

>> No.9013756

try it yourself faggot

>> No.9013768

>the only thing you need for good coffee is an Aeropress
>You guys could learn a thing or two from /r/coffee
what a fucking joke, go on back

>> No.9013789

He is just some stupid unhappy fuck with nothing worthwhile to contribute.
Fuck him

>> No.9014138

/r/coffee isn't bad, but shilling the aeromeme like it's the be-all and end-all of coffee makes you look like an idiot

>> No.9014208

that horse has a pronounced distended asshole

>> No.9014378

How much am I realistically looking to spend on an espresso machine for not garbage coffee? I just want a damn cappuccino, black french press brew is good but gets old.

>> No.9014410

Why not just get a milk frother then anon?

>> No.9014438

Actually making the espresso. If I bought a machine I'd make other things anyway

>> No.9014512

>Coffee blend of choice?
Been drinking a lot of this recently:

>Brewing style?
Almost always french press. Occasionally pour overs on the weekend when I have some single origin stuff on hand and some more time to brew/deal with equipment.

>> No.9014558

Okay let's try this another way. Let's say there's a $250 machine that beats the hell out of similarly priced ones and a $500 machine that does the same, what benefits am I looking at to warrant this $250 difference?

>> No.9014572

Stop being so annorexic. I had to watch myself on that edge

>> No.9014581

Red pill me on moka pot? I'm a French press fag.

>> No.9014602

Can you take it somewhere else? Jesus christ

>> No.9014606

>Started using instant coffee since french press got too moldy
>Now the instant coffee has molded

god fucking damn it

>> No.9014611

clean your shit, faggot.

>> No.9014626
File: 19 KB, 450x450, b60d57f3-1a5a-42b5-a041-6fe8be23ac69_1.28d7b35952f396a15efc96cb9179d696.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeti is not a meme

It's a meme in that the Walmart brand is the exact same thing with a different logo for 1/5th the price.

Vacuum insulated stainless steel isn't a meme.

>> No.9014631

massive homo detected

>> No.9014643

Either you live in the most humid place on earth or you are doing something wrong. Set up?

>> No.9014666

>or you are doing
massive bullshitting

>> No.9014986
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coffee can suck my cock

>> No.9015006

God damnit, I just bought a huge bag of it at Costco.

>> No.9015012


>> No.9015017

>French press fag.
ur whole life is a lie. moka is patrice, french has aids.

>> No.9015134

my name is coffee, does the offer still stand

>> No.9015137

Eat shit.

>> No.9015222

only if it's your shit, but i'd be down for that, when and where?

>> No.9015575
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My favorite because I'm a sick lazy bastard

>> No.9015889

My BMI is normal man. Also can't be anorexic because with my cardio load I MUST eat otherwise I get really weak and recovery takes forever.

Sorry, not gonna talk about weight anymore. I promise.

Back to coffee, having my first sip of the day right now. Brewed very nice today. I don't use a thermometer every time I brew but from time to time I like to check if my instinct is right. Later night I'm gonna boil water and see if I'm getting closer to 90º C.
Yesterday I tried to find these cheap gourmet coffee some supposed brazilians here said they buy but couldn't find any websites. I still have 1,5 kg of beans that gonna last for 2 to 3 months. I have R$48/month for coffee so after I run out of beans I can invest in something more expensive.

>> No.9015900


Well you can try brewing a stronger french piss and adding real chantilly. I don't know about USA but here we have chantilly containing 100 ingredients that tastes like shit. Order a cappuccino and you get nice coffee + shitty chantilly. Or you can buy real cream and make real chantilly at home then add to your stronger coffee.

>> No.9015937
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Any disavantage if I get a moccamaster cup one versus the regular moccamaster?

Other than that it only makes one cup

>> No.9015948
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gnooryblows the shit eater

>> No.9015973
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whats the deal with turkish coffee? is there anything special about the beans or is it literally just the preparation?

Went to a local coffee shop and they had this tin out as a decoration. I thought the turkish coffee was real good, and am thinking about brewing it at home, since it was 5$ for a 6oz pour, and its 12$ for 500g of the stuff.

pic related. If I put it in a cup with some boiling water will it taste similar to putting it in a pot and boiling it over 3 times?

>> No.9016001
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>buying bulk Starbucks coffee

>> No.9016006

Is getting a grinder worth it if I only drink decaf?
I've been drinking some shitty preground decaf with a pourover cup for years now.

>> No.9016024

>Is getting a grinder worth it if I only drink decaf?
Only if it cost at least $500. Otherwise you are poor pleb that should not even look at the coffee beans or use some cheap (under $500) coffee grinder.

>> No.9016028

no for decaf is OK to go under $500, but not below $350

>> No.9016044

Taylors is shit.

>> No.9016056


>> No.9016061

coffee goes well with drugs

>> No.9016070

I'm new to this whole coffee thing. Should I be avoiding Starbucks!

>> No.9016072


>> No.9016074
File: 91 KB, 808x768, No_Starbucks_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9016075

Drink it if you like it, avoid it if you don't. Doing anything else is irrational.

>> No.9016097

Kona beans are fucking amazing though

>> No.9016157


They burn the shit out of their beans. It makes their espresso good for mixing and their mixed drinks are good, but for coffee at home there are far better options.

>> No.9016193

I genuinely don't understand by what metric you quantify that.

>> No.9016228

its just shitty nothing special coffee
there is nothing to quantify here

>> No.9016362

So the thing that makes it bad is that it doesn't let you feel like you're special for drinking it?

>> No.9016363

at last you truly see

>> No.9016457

Which mass market coffee is best, just get Folgers?

>> No.9016469

Buy a moccamaster

>> No.9016801
File: 80 KB, 300x300, Ma_che_freddo_fa__Nada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /coffee/

I want to try making coffee ice cream and it asks for instant coffee in milk, and i'd like to try it with actual coffee. I've read that if you put warm milk on coffee in a french press (which is what i've got) it will over infuse and be disgusting. However, I was thinking about putting cold milk and coffee, leave it to rest (maybe stir sometimes) and after a couple of hours filtering the milk with the french press. Is it a good idea or should I give up and buy instant coffee?

>> No.9017258


Milk doesn't have the solvent power of water. I'd say prepare some cold brew coffee, instead. Make it extra strong, and then add it to your ice cream mix (make sure to account for the extra liquid in the recipe).

You could just brew the coffee hot with the same methodology and let it cool as well.

>> No.9017593

That sounds disgusting. How about making normal ice cream and a shot of espresso? Buy a shot of espresso or however many you need over ice (so it doesn't burn)at a coffee shop you like. Unless you have an espresso machine at home which probably isn't the case.

>> No.9017620

New coffee general

>> No.9017634

I would do cold brew like the other anon said or just use beans ground to a powder like turkish

>> No.9017873

thanks guys I think I'll do a cold brew or a very concentrated hot one, seems like the best way

>> No.9018260


buy local roasts