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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9006866 No.9006866 [Reply] [Original]

empirically objective rankings:





>> No.9006872


pick one

>> No.9006875
File: 63 KB, 361x333, 1ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexican not being on the same tier as french and italian
>greek being above chinese or indian
>greek appearing anywhere in the top 10
>no malaysian
>"american" existing at all
>vietnamese and korean on the same tier as thai

>> No.9006876

italian is the only god-tier cuisine on earth

>> No.9006879

Top Tier:
> Portuguese
> Italian
> Japanese

Good Tier:
> Spanish
> Indian
> Vietnamese

Ok Tier:

> Lebanese
> Mexican
> South American (Generic I know, but can't really pick one right now)

>> No.9006881

>never been to greece
literally dont know what the fuck malaysian food is
american is bbq from the south, fried chicken, hamburgers, american pizza, etc.
vietnamese is dope

>> No.9006884

btw lebanese is lumped in with greek under 'med' in the correct rankings and i forgot to add peruvian, which would come after spanish

>> No.9006885
File: 193 KB, 1920x1152, 2933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a "passportless flyovers try to have opinions about foreign food based on Fazolis, PF Chang's, and Patel's Scary Curry Slurry" edition

>> No.9006886
File: 443 KB, 1600x1360, DSC_0177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAOing @ ur life bro

>> No.9006894

Learn to use the catalog, newfag.

>> No.9006907

not a terrible list, but why do you faggots not like franch food

>> No.9006908

Never ever had it, why is it good? They have access to top tier ingredients but that wouldnt make it good per se.

>> No.9006914

Not really.

>> No.9006916

Why? Is meat on rice that much of a revelation? Or better, uncooked food on rice.

>> No.9006926

it's just a dope combo of european and native american flavors/techniques/ingredients. it's at once more european and more native american than mexico somehow. ceviche is dope. ive only been to one restaurant in america which wasnt great - but the food in lima is god-tier. might also just be that there are some heavy-hitter restaurants there, like 3 in the top world 15 or whatever that list is. not sure if that's a result of the cuisines strength or not.

>The US food critic Eric Asimov has described it as one of the world's most important cuisines and as an exemplar of fusion cuisine, due to its long multicultural history.

>> No.9006943

>Eric Asimov
>opinions on anything other than stemmy, noxious, brett-infected "natural wines"
Peruvian food got memed up by some clever Limeños who early on realized that nobody gives a shit about Peru but everyone wants to seem "With it".

It is the real-life version of the "Xingu" short story by Edith Wharton (you uncultured plebs can google that, there are web versions floating around)

Nobody wants to admit that (a) they haven't had it or (b) they've had it, and it was extremely pedestrian. They secretly think it's on the same tier as Mexican food and are afraid their facade of being cultured will come crashing down if they don't hop on the "Peruvian food is the up and coming best of the James Beard UNESCO world heritage cuisine" meme.

Joke's on them. In 10 years the bubble will burst and Peruvian food will be looked at the way we looked at "Fusion" at the turn of the century.

t. actual person with a passport who has been to Peru unlike Asimov

>> No.9006983

I'm always perplexed by weeaboos ranking jap food high. We get it. You like anime... I like getting drunk, but I don't come online and give cheap booze 10/10 rankings.

>> No.9006990

Actual Japanese food is consistently ranked high because it is legitimately a high tier cuisine. It doesn't translate well to other countries because it is completely dependent on seasonality and locality. Btw your Pocky and California rolls are about as representative of Japanese cuisine as your Fazolis and Sbarros are representative of Italian

t.actual person with a passport who has been to Japan unlike you. Go back to your McChicken threads

>> No.9006991

did you go to iquitos and do ayahuasca

>> No.9006993

No, I have very little interest in narcotics or disrespecting other people's religions

>> No.9006994

seriously overrated tier

>> No.9007004


>> No.9007005

Go back to your Kratom thread

>> No.9007012
File: 257 KB, 1199x795, TMS-Statler&Waldorf-BalconyBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hot garbage, and has little to no standards. I'd put Thai above Italian.

>> No.9008221



Overrated/shit tier:

>> No.9010224

I've traveled a fair amount, and don't eat fast food. Not even from USA either. I still think the majority of people posting to this board watch anime, and due to that like Japanese food, which is what my main point was.