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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 1024x680, IMG_1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9000481 No.9000481 [Reply] [Original]

Which is your /rare/ soft drink?

>> No.9000489
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>> No.9000494
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This stuff. Can only get it on Crete, but it is so good.

>> No.9000503
File: 41 KB, 256x450, 5159yTlhvPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't drink soda much anymore, but damn this was the best thing I've ever had. Sucks that it's not sold anymore.

>> No.9000516
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Step aside

>> No.9000552
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>> No.9000566
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This shit is disgusting, but popular.

>> No.9000605
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Tfw I can buy this by the case year round

>> No.9001085
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>> No.9001127
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the moxie

>> No.9001137
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Only rare on the west coast. I've seen it only once. A lone bottle in the fridge at the 99cent store. It was like liquid bubble gum. Maybe it was a shipping error? I've seen big blue as well but only twice or so

>> No.9001160

I do t drink soda often.
I'll get a jarritos when I got to my Mexican place.

>> No.9001267
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It's the only thing i've found that recreates the good Fresca taste from the 90's that i would drink at my gandparents house (none of that garbage sugar-free nowadays). Everytime i see it at a Publix i have to buy like ten of them because they dont sell em everywhere

>> No.9001280
File: 208 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mein neger
pineapple crush a GOAT

crush birch beer is also good

>> No.9001304

Since childhood, my dad was buying 2L bottle of Pepsi every 2 days
And i had appendix, but now im completley cant live without it

>> No.9001308


>mah nigga

>> No.9001337
File: 139 KB, 639x1135, Kola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only had it once when I visited some family in Los Angeles, but I drank like 6 bottles of it in a day.

I can't find this shit anywhere and it's become that "seasonal drink I get to enjoy when I visit family."

>> No.9001356


>> No.9001880

man, i was in a pound shop sometime in the last year, and they had these energy drinks on sale, like 3 for £1 or something, i recall it had the word "red" in the name and it tasted like those euro shopper energy drinks except cherry flavoured. i havent really had a chance to go back where i got it and look for more.

>> No.9001889

Really? I'm military and have found cola champagne at the commissary at almost every base. Check your local grocery store in the Mexican aisle

>> No.9001904

dude just look for "cream soda"
its the white people version

>> No.9001908

they sell this stuff at bodegas and latino groceries
you just dont know where to look

>> No.9001909


>> No.9001949

C ya at the ICP concert

>> No.9001958
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>drinking anything but water

>> No.9002852
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It's ok.

>> No.9002855
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>> No.9002857

arizona grape lime ricky

people look at me like a freak if I ask if they have any

>> No.9002904

Crush made a birch beer!?

I myself have quit the soda, and I was never an aficionado, but I love some birch beer.

>> No.9002929
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>Actually drinking water.

Go Water or go home.

>> No.9002965


>> No.9003019

Freaking this, only one store around me sells it, and only ever so often.

Come to southern Kentucky senpai, it's everywhere down here. Try Ale-8 too.

>> No.9003031
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>> No.9003050
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That's the stuff right there fampai

>> No.9003053

Yup, it's fucking tops.

>> No.9003059
File: 120 KB, 196x297, Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 3.33.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes like delicious delicious battery acid

>> No.9003064

It is pretty tasty. Don't drink more than one or it changes your shit to red velvet.

>> No.9003313

Ginger ale.

>> No.9003317

>Not enjoying WATER

>> No.9003346


just move to the main line, you can find it anywhere

>> No.9003355
File: 158 KB, 2000x2000, 49339_XXX_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more of a tonic than a soda but damn if it doesn't go down smooth. I've also heard it's good for canker sores.

>> No.9003362

its my fave soda but damn it gets so sweet after a couple of sips

>> No.9003369
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>> No.9003569

That looks rad af

>> No.9003582


>> No.9003609
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Moxie tastes like liquid death

I only know one person to ever consume it and I'm pretty sure he only did it ironically

>> No.9003622

Its slogan is basically a dare. But its super herb tasting.

>> No.9003629
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>> No.9003825
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>> No.9003831

>battery acid
no that stuff is good
stop being gay please

>> No.9003834

jarritos are better than just ok you queer

>> No.9003839
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>> No.9003843
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i think this brand has a new can
stuff is pretty good last i remember

>> No.9003854
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Also live on the west coast, my first one was Big Blue, was amazing, I basically bought my small grocery store's entire stock (4 bottles) and then then never got more.

Big Red isn't too hard to find here though, I have a 2 liter bottle in my fridge right now.

Don't look for the cans, I'm usually able to find the 2 liters at Wall-Mart or Vons/Safeway

>> No.9003861
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Hands down best rootbeer.

I used to live in a town with a specialty soda shop that had it, I would pick a 6 pack up once a month and that would be all the soda I would drink.

Living in the middle of nowhere now, There's really no way i'm going to be able to get it again until my next vacation.

>> No.9003875
File: 66 KB, 598x336, Simba-598x336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This my shit.
Tastes great with rum.

>> No.9003908

>the golden kola

>> No.9003915

Redbull is releasing a cola flavored edition. Could be the new Jolt Cola for me

>> No.9003943

Saw that a couple of years ago, nice but really overpriced.

>> No.9003948

I'm sure one of the off-brand energy drinks will pick up on it and produce super cheap knock offs

>> No.9004087

Never had it but Pineapple Fanta is amazing.

>> No.9004094

I want this

>> No.9004097

>pound shop
It's called a dollar store, faggot

>> No.9004104

I miss getting this on tap in minnesomalia

>> No.9004114

I'm going to Cuba in October...can I get this?

>> No.9004174


You gotta give it time. First bottle basically slaps you in the mouth but every one after is great.

>> No.9004583

PepsiCo is aids

>> No.9004654
File: 78 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned by Coca~Cola and I can find it a Wal Mart, so not rare.

Still my favorite soda, probably.

>> No.9004771
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>> No.9004831

we don't use dollars here in bongland, shithead.

>> No.9004864
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it's rare to me cause they stopped selling it in my part of the country years ago and I was very sad

>> No.9004895

It's called a dollar shop you cunt.

>> No.9005225

its called a dollar boutique you poof

>> No.9005286

Do you requires kisses for your boo-boos and the crust cut off your PB&J?

>> No.9006506

No this is a swedish cola.

>> No.9006507
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>> No.9006513

Fuck yes

>> No.9006525
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>> No.9007082

It taste like fake flavours. It got wierd ingredients. The bottle looks cheap. But it's ok.

>> No.9007089
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Then why the hell is it called Cuba?

>> No.9007098

Culturally enriched with communist semen imported straight from Cuba. Just the way Swedes like it.

>> No.9007102

Don't know. Swedes wanted cola but coca-cola hadn't come here yet. So this stuff was made to satisfy the publics need. Coca-cola started selling a couples of months later but cuba cola is still produced. Now go be racist somewhere else

>> No.9007117

this goes really well with rum

found in most parts of the UK due to our Caribbean community

>> No.9007137

>It taste like fake flavours
its naturally flavored you retard
>its got weird ingredients
like real sugar instead of corn syrup
weird i know
>the bottle looks cheap
well so does your mom but here you are

its better than just ok you faggot

>> No.9007301

That first sip of the day.

>> No.9007343
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Pic related is a coca cola i ordered at a restaurant when I was in Afghanistan.

>> No.9007372

How am I in any way racist for wonder why a soda is named Cuba?

>> No.9007382

your oppressive hate speech won't be allowed here

>> No.9007445
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>> No.9007475

Just come at me bro

>> No.9007486

Yizz cola?

>> No.9007609

>found in most parts of the UK

I've never seen that anywhere here. I think you mean London.

>> No.9007623

They sell it in bulk at my Costco along with Bundaberg, I had to stop going or I would just get a case every time.

>> No.9007627

Apple soda is cool. Not sure why it's not more popular in the States. I usually only see it in Mexican groceries.

>> No.9007630

The birch beer and pineapple crush are only available in Newfoundland as far as I know.

>> No.9007718
File: 3.53 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170603_110403922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as a Jew I think you're the one spreading hate speech. How dare you deny the 6 million. Over 8 million people died you monster. Now back to the subject on hand coke is great.

>> No.9007825
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>> No.9007835
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Not soda but good af

>> No.9007839
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>> No.9007841

yea havent had one of those in years
you should try one of these if you never have>>9003839

>> No.9007842

thx. I'll look for it. Are they in mexican grocery

>> No.9007849
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>> No.9007853

yea im willing to bet it is at your local supermercado

>> No.9008158

Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.9009298
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>> No.9009312
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Thank you friend

>> No.9009320

Look for Inca Cola

>> No.9009325

It's quite literally ambrosia.

>> No.9009332

That sounds so good.

>> No.9009340


fuck off kike

>> No.9009352

they dont taste alike at all

>> No.9009391

Best flavor

>> No.9009520
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>> No.9009539

Spics and Newfoundlanders love that shit. It's the sweetest liquid besides simple syrup I have ever tasted.

>> No.9009626

Wouldn't cider be roughly the same anyway? I've never had apple soda but apple cider is pretty nice.

>> No.9010308


>> No.9010339

Tastes like drinking bubblegum, it's gross and discomforting.

>> No.9010359
File: 906 KB, 1564x2086, green-river-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the fucking GOAT.

>> No.9010381
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>not exclusively drinking microbatch craft soda

>> No.9010765



I remember sitting on the beach drinking these, beeral is the best one i'd say

>> No.9010796

>being this much of a faggot
no thank you

>> No.9010906

I used to love Cuba Cola. I can barely drink soda anymore though, I get sick because I'm not used to the sugar.

>> No.9011557
File: 120 KB, 474x700, 12ozdreherbrnd09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can fucking beat it. If you ever stop at a gas station in the wasteland of 423/276 please get some.

>> No.9011974


why live?

>> No.9012323

I drink two sips and pour the rest in the sink. Soda is shit but good for the digestion.

>> No.9012513
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Shame I can't enjoy it as much as I used to anymore.

>> No.9012520

I thought that was a 3 liter bottle at first. Why are your hands so small?

>> No.9012531
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Local place sells this, it's decent.
Rude, kola champagne is like a more sugary cream soda with almost no vanilla. Vanilla is what makes cream soda fucking delicious.

>> No.9012538
File: 14 KB, 220x409, Sioux_City_Sarsaparilla_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best root beer variant I've ever had. Way too much sugar to drink on any regular basis though.

>> No.9012566

This shit is just piss colored big red

>> No.9012578

ctr + f "chinotto" 0 results.

I'll come back when you guys get it.

>> No.9012612

Oh shit baby! Is that dad's cream?

>> No.9012636

They got these baby's at big lots picked up prickly pear and birch beer

>> No.9012648

You pretty much nailed it. Used to buy the glass bottle at lunch break back in elementary school from the sandnigger corner shop across the street every day.

>> No.9012841
File: 363 KB, 1000x595, pack-florina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get those only in greece in the name its says florina dont get it wrong whith florida

>> No.9013048

Best Root Beer AND best Cherry Cola.

Sprecher is the true GOAT

>> No.9013162
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>> No.9013467

lomo saltado yummy

>> No.9013486
File: 48 KB, 200x426, coolah_energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these so much! It's been like 10 years! I don't even drink energy drinks anymore but I would pound one of these!

>> No.9013510

Easy to get in stores runed by Cape verdians, still its great

>> No.9014931

AW sarsaparilla

>> No.9015081

Everyone always buys this for my Grandfather at family get togethers yet I have never tried one

>> No.9015093
File: 93 KB, 680x946, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le Cola

>> No.9015189
File: 192 KB, 683x1024, 26388900072_44a3cddc20_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elderly lebanese man near me sells this from his shop
it's from saudi arabia

>> No.9015190


>> No.9015194

>dr enuk
i'd rather not be castrated by a fucking soft drink

>> No.9015207

>I know that exact peruvian restaurant
That's from Mario's Peruvian in LA

>> No.9015234
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>> No.9015307
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>btfo regular cola

>> No.9015354
File: 27 KB, 514x386, the_bant_special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be trending on >>>/bant/

>> No.9015391

>most popular drink in all of scandinavia
>available year 'round with påskmust refill

>> No.9015511
File: 290 KB, 341x497, IMG_1947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give him a break asshole

>> No.9015730

What the fuck is that in the bottle?

>> No.9016161
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>> No.9016412
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>> No.9016456

Whoop whoop senpai

>> No.9016460

Peanuts, no joke

>> No.9018332
File: 261 KB, 500x500, canfields-diet-choc-fudge-500_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had this, but I can't think of any rare sodas I get, so: Anyone have this? It any good? It sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.9018350
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>specialty soda shop

>> No.9018370

I can't believe they still sell this shit
I vaguely remember having a can of this when I was a kid in the 80s, IIRC Yoohoo was better

>> No.9018377

I had it back a few years ago. Its pretty disgusting: Imagine pouring a bunch of unsweetened cocoa into barely carbonated water. One of the worst things I ever tried.

>> No.9018633

Caffeine free since 1919
And before that?

>> No.9018650

You can get them in Fort MacMurray as well.
Which of course, is full of Newfies.

>> No.9018662
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One of the only good thing about this shithole

>> No.9019007
File: 249 KB, 542x1813, villa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole 1.5 L bottle goes for 30 fucking NOKs in Norway, why is everything so fucking expensive there?

>> No.9019040
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>> No.9019045


You're meant to mix that with milk.

>> No.9019080
File: 8 KB, 220x184, Fiery-IRN-BRU-HP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so lit

>> No.9019108

Chateau Kullsyre?

>> No.9019115
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>> No.9019119

Not that anon but I'm both of those things and it really explains why I love it so much

>> No.9019131

Ooo, interesting. What does spruce beer taste like? Retsina? Slightly different birch beer or a whole different thing?

>> No.9019269

That sounds even worse.

>> No.9019294

I used to bring this stuff to college in my suitcase across the country
>Fuck you Pat its good

>> No.9019358
File: 35 KB, 503x415, JOHNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That file name. Everytime.

>> No.9019468

they are practically the same flavor
stop being a nigger faggot
you need to go back

>> No.9019805

I feel bad for people who've never experienced birch beer.

>> No.9020131
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>> No.9020147

Then you must know about loux

>> No.9020161

fuck off scot

>> No.9020255

Scotland is bestland

>> No.9020797

Ting is absolutely GOD TIER.

Literally the best fruit-based soda ever made.

>> No.9020814

They sell it at every Sheetz (gas station) I've been in.

>> No.9020819

>"We want the hipster audience"

>> No.9020848

Coke and Peanuts is a classic tradition in the southeastern United States.

>Take a few swigs of the coke
>Pour in some peanuts

Then drink quickly - it tastes the best when the Coke is still cold and the peanuts are still crunch and salty.

It's just another example of salty and sweet going together.

>> No.9020849

Jones is not new at all, you fucking retard. And the labels have been customer submitted photos for years

>> No.9020863

Publix sells the 2L bottles, but I only ever found the cans once.

>> No.9020869
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>> No.9021341

i normally find it in the world foods sections in supermarkets and i live in wales

>> No.9021478

That is not a thing here

>> No.9021516

Bu that's soy sauce Anon.

>> No.9021565

Are you trying to meme on me or are you being retarded?

>> No.9021591
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 000208464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit.

Most everyone seems to hate it though.

>> No.9022163

What does it taste like?

>> No.9022176
File: 84 KB, 500x500, Thums-Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fan of this stuff, wish it was more common where i am

>> No.9022733
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This is prob tied with Baka Blast for best drink.

>> No.9022758

My old vato coworker brought a 6 pack of this stuff in one morning. Not terrible, but definitely weord.

>> No.9022782

Cuba cola isn't rare. I can get it basically any time at hemköp.

>> No.9022889

>mfw I can drive a mile down the road to the Menards and grab a couple crates of it

>> No.9022903
File: 143 KB, 1050x1050, brands-kinnie-containers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinnie is pretty good

Vimto is British m8

>> No.9022947

kinnie is kino

>> No.9022948

I was hoping for this.

>> No.9022950
File: 57 KB, 500x375, IMG_1537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still fairly easy to locate in my area, definitely my fav soda. Chalk up one good thing to living in the south.

>> No.9023018

They are rare tho

>> No.9023153

It's a two dollar shop, you forgot the mark up

>> No.9023154

Who /POG/ here?

>> No.9023161
File: 21 KB, 485x272, Blenheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post this on every fucking soft drink thread I ever see.

>> No.9023193

Its like sweet unfermented beer. So if you've ever had malt (like in a malted milkshake) it tastes like that (or I suppose similar to whoppers/malted milk balls without the milk), and kind of bittered because they add hops to it.

I haven't had it in years because I don't usually drink soda, so this is from memory.

(Its a German thing, but apparently Africa and the Caribbean picked it up later?)

>> No.9023524
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>> No.9023525

sweet south african nectar and I can't get it anywhere

>> No.9023901

>the fresh taste of a village in fucking kamchatka
I miss being able to get this

>> No.9024888
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Get these bad boys (although typically in bottle) every time I'm in Argentina

>> No.9024908
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Middle one. When I was deployed the durka cokes were so much better than american coca cola.

>> No.9024947
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i can't be the only one, right?

>> No.9024949
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vacation in sweden first thing we kids did was get a crate of all these different little bottles.

hallon soda, sockerdricka, äpplepäron and of course champis!

>> No.9025555
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>Plebeyans in MY fourchan?

Cinzano is good too

>> No.9025565

No... no, you are not.

>> No.9025588
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I used to drink this when I was younger. Absolutely loved it.
Don't drink much soda now. Maybe a coca-cola when at a family get together or other social gathering.

>> No.9026281

How can there be so many when people only drink coke?

>> No.9026301
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Leave cola to me

>> No.9026337

No fucking Cheerwine? Anywhere? Jesus

>> No.9026341


Shut up, Carolina. Your soda is overrated.

>> No.9026352
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>> No.9026441

Jarritos is where its at nigga

>> No.9026453

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>> No.9026463

>It has been over a decade since non-diet Quatro was discontinued

>> No.9026470
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-4c coca cola

>> No.9026477

Robbaz plz

>> No.9026483

Rumor has it it sold better than Coke so they had to get rid of it

>> No.9026499
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Not a soda but super good and kind of rare on mainland

>> No.9026502
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>> No.9026566

my nigga

>> No.9026659

I absolutely love Fentimans even if it is overtly expensive am I gay

>> No.9027076

Have your (((you))).

>> No.9027093
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Curries Red Kola, Barr can get FUCKED

>> No.9027148

Does it come out fully frozen?

>> No.9027285

>cactus cooler

>> No.9027482
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Kofola is so fucking good

>> No.9027771


>> No.9028869

>drinking tobacco spit

>> No.9028879

Coke or Pepsi with cane sugar. I limit myself to two a year.

>> No.9028905


>Not enjoying the fine, smooth yet powerful taste of genitan


>> No.9028930

>only ok
Ayos mio baka desu gringo

>> No.9028947
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>mfw live in Milwaukee and can just go down to their brewery and get smashed and take home some amazing sody pop after

>> No.9030796

Oh fuck we had this in a vending machine at my high school. I tired one once and it was utter shit

>> No.9030866

It's thick almost like syrup. It tastes like vaguely sweet beer without any alcohol. Very bready/malty

>> No.9032254

Back when my dad lived in Madison we decided to try their root beer on tap at one of their restaurants and it was the best soda I've had the pleasure to taste. They don't sell the 4 packs where I live though they go in singles here >>9020814 and on occasion I buy one.

The hard version is also great.

>> No.9033387
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We have that in sweden too. Hated it as a kid but loved it when I tried it later. One sweet drink that works well with food!

>> No.9033451
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Used to see this even in fountain machines when i was a kid, wonder why it fell out of style, so good

>> No.9034103

lots of it.

>> No.9034947

Lived off this while I was in Scotland, it's stronger than the whiskey.

>> No.9034954
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My favorite orange soda, better than Orange Crush or Fanta, fite me

>> No.9035024

Where are you from here in India you can get like a thousand if you want

>> No.9035292
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>> No.9035493
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I've never drank it. all I have is this picture saved on my phone.

>> No.9035510
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>> No.9035518

this is true

>> No.9035543
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>Barreh's Red Kola

>> No.9035661

not him but it doesn't necessarily have to be frozen.
considering the amount of shit dissolved in cola I would be genuinely surprised if it's freezing temperature was like water's

Kind of like saline doesn't freeze at 0 either.

>> No.9035663

Fucking revolting, and it's not rare.

t. non czech

>> No.9035768

nice cum rag

>> No.9035993

Damn good, hardly find it out of the area

>> No.9036002
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Whoops, pic related

>> No.9036014

Neck yourself

>> No.9036021
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>> No.9036047
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it really is
very refreshing
i think they have a new can though

>> No.9036126

PA holla

>> No.9036137

This is the real shit right here. Jamaican people know what's up when it comes to soda

>> No.9036156

>Saudi Arabia

What the fuck are you talking about? Vimto is a British institution

>> No.9036157

I was joshing, like neck yourself as in have a northern neck.

>> No.9036170
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The only right answer

>> No.9036186

wtf is malt anyway?

>> No.9036208

Yankee detected

>> No.9036314

>>9002852 My nibba this is THE guuudest one

>> No.9036324

My nigga its like the only rare soda in Sweden

>> No.9036678

Any Italian style cherry maraschino or black

>> No.9036982

I like pepsi and lime cola

Don't have much of a choice here in Latvia, as I don't loke the traditional soft drinks (except Limpo, have a giggle at that why don't you)

>> No.9037324
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Allow me to enlighten this thread.

>> No.9037576

good goya

>> No.9037995

>Not extra fiery
come the fuck on

>> No.9038005

Even though San Pel is fucking everywhere now, still can't get it.

>> No.9038041

i came

>> No.9038132
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a lot of patricians ITT, some soft drinks that are pretty rare around here

>> No.9038136

Oh yea, are they going to bring this Green Tea ginger ale back?? I adored it.

>> No.9038188

Never had the Cream Soda, but I do know the Green Apple Soda is great, hipsters be damned!

>> No.9038191

I remember getting a Green River at the soda fountain of the small town drugstore when I was a kid.... ahhhh, memories of a simpler time.

>> No.9038211
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get on my level

>> No.9038250

Were there any colored folk allowed in that drugstore grandpa?

>> No.9038254

Don't know, I have been blind all my life.

>> No.9038261

What's it like typing on a Braille keyboard and hearing the robo voice saying baka desu senpai?

>> No.9038269
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Enjoy rotting your teeth away.

>> No.9038283


>> No.9039003


>> No.9039295

Truly the best drink there is.
Perhaps the only good thing soviets left.

>> No.9039426
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>> No.9039751
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>Dr. Brown's

>> No.9040900
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>never drinking anything else
You sound like loads of fun.

>> No.9040909
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>not drinking the healthier alternative