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File: 118 KB, 1300x957, domowej-roboty-organicznie-mozzarella-ser-33884195[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8994381 No.8994381 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8994388


>> No.8994394

could be wiped off the earlth and there would be other cheese to take its place

>> No.8994414

why do you hate motz OP?

>> No.8994501

>probably gets cheap mass produced fake mozzarella
Get some DOP bufala nigger

>> No.8996159

image name is in Polish "homemade mozzarella"

>> No.8996177

Probably just found it when cleaning a toilet

>> No.8996181

Homemade?.... Why? Mozzarella is supposed to be good

>> No.8996191

good mozzarella is godtier, shitty mozzarella is shitty.
i challenge you to find a single ingredient that is great all the time

>> No.8996195

I have an auto translator on and OP's post is translating to "I'm a faggot." What'd he say guys?

>> No.8996197


>> No.8996482
File: 20 KB, 355x355, 5190vwFiSzL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8996490

>I'm a faggot
what did you mean by this?

>> No.8996496

salt-free salt?

>> No.8996497

>low salt, salt
What am I missing here?

>> No.8996508

what is the 34% then? And if you buy salt you just expect salt if you want to use less salt just use less. I don't get this.

>> No.8996514

Potassium instead of sodium, I keep this sort of thing around for hangovers, that's all it's good for unless you're on a diuretic for hypertension

>> No.8996549

>>low salt, salt
>What am I missing here?
They dilute sodium chloride (salt as we know it) with similar tasting potassium chloride. For people who have shit for tastebuds (years of drinking or smoking), and who much shake on salt right before putting a forkful of food in their mouth, it can reduce the sodium you intake.
The caveat is that its potassium, and really anyone with a true heart condition is watching their potassium as well. They might even be supplementing it.
In other words, it's a shit product that probably should be outlawed as a real health hazard, since high potassium can lead to kidney issues as well as cardiac issues.
Someone who is told to reduce their sodium by their doctor would be better informed to know that acids can mimic the senses better than a salt alternative. A squeeze of lime or lemon, or a splash of vinegaryness to a topping is a better plan not to miss the salt.

>> No.8996584

Don't kill me but I like shitty mozzarella. Even the chain grocery store shit is pretty tasty, obviously not as good as the real stuff but I'll eat it.

>> No.8996723

This has got to be one of the most brainlet posts I've ever read