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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8995221 No.8995221 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my mom doesn't believe in salt and keeps none in the house
>tfw can't ever make even fried eggs properly because of it

did/do your parents ever do stupid shit like this?

>> No.8995239

Nope, they didn't needlessly restrict anything, but they were still very unenlightened culinarily speaking. Sorry I can't contribute to your thread in a more meaningful way.

>> No.8995273

My mom won't eat
>Spicy foods
>Soy sauce
>Peppers other than red bell peppers
>Beef that isn't ground
>Seafood of any kind
>Any dish with onions you can taste
But at least we got salt.

>> No.8995296

mother did not allow steak sauce in the house because it masked the flavor of the steak

I get the reasoning but she cooked shitty steaks and some A1 would have gone a long way

>> No.8995349

Fried eggs don't need salt you pleb.

>> No.8995351

Why don't you move out of your mother's basement then?

>> No.8995359

Mum hates mayo so we never had plain mayo in the house ever, just garlic mayo on the very odd occasion.

My dad hates cheese and tomato so we never had family pizza night or anything... but always bought my own pizza if I wanted one so it wasn't a massive issue.

>> No.8995363
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Not a parent, but an uncle
>Came to visit
>I always keep my salt in a covered dish on the counter
>Wife said, "Better hide that. He'll put it in his coffee!"
>It's kosher salt. Looks nothing like sugar
>"He'll be fine," says I.
>Uncle comes to visit
>First morning there, I make coffee.
>Uncle gets some.
>"I think someone pranked you. Your sugar caddy is full of salt!"
>Have to clearly label everything now

>> No.8995370

>tfw hardly ever add salt to my food but dump pepper on it
salt on fried eggs sounds fucking terrible

>> No.8995371
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>> No.8995379

Global rule 2.

>> No.8995407
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>> No.8995419

>mom eats all kinds of dumb, shitty diet food like nonfat cheese and shirataki
>it doesn't affect me because I moved out when I grew up

Who else knows this feel?

>> No.8995462

I always salt fried or scrambled eggs or an omelette.

>> No.8995838

[spoiler] my mom eats too much salt and I'm worried for her health ;_;

>> No.8995850

Wow. These comments make me realise how lucky my house is. Nothing is off menu, just had to go through mum first and if there is something you want, just ask her and she will get and cook it for you.