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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8991346 No.8991346 [Reply] [Original]

Beer is literally the worst alcoholic beverage

>> No.8991355


>> No.8991360

I actually hate beer. It just tastes awful. And if I go out to a party and they're serving beer I'll have one and just choke it down to fit in but otherwise I always go for cocktails.

>> No.8991368

>go for cocktails

What kind of bullshit is this? Just be honest and swig the wiskey

>> No.8991420

>Beer is literally the worst alcoholic beverage
You would get executed for treason in my country if someone catches you even whispering those words.

>> No.8991435

I've been drinking beer for almost 12 hours now and I can tell you it's absolute piss.

>> No.8991476

Adults typically find cold bitter drinks refreshing.

>> No.8991551

I drink beer on my lunch hour because it doesn't give me a buzz.

>> No.8991562

Bier Heil!

>> No.8991573

OP is clearly not cool enough to be apart of this crew:

>> No.8992376


Beer is haram in your country my german dudes

>> No.8992436

If I drink hard alcohol I'm out like a light after two drinks. Then I do a ton of stuff I don't remember and later regret. If I just drink beer, I keep the buzz going for however long I keep drinking. It's not that bad if you're feeling gluttonous

>> No.8992448

You're mistaken friend, wine is the worst alcoholic beverage.

>1 out of 100 bottles taste ok
>No fun games to play with it

>> No.8992471

>when the best wine is $6 a bottle

lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>> No.8992767

worst is objectively wodka

>> No.8992791

God is great, beer is good, people are crazy

>> No.8993099
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>> No.8993467

are you a girl or just taking estrogen

>> No.8993495

I used to be an alcoholic. I don't think I would have made it off the stuff without my parents. I am glad I made it off the stuff. I hope more people will wake up and get help to stop drinking.

>> No.8994283

This. I used to hate beer, but now I like a fair few kinds, and if I'm drinking soda I prefer grapefruit to most other citrus flavours.

>> No.8995195

>No fun games to play with it

Fuckin plebs, not knowing about awesome games like:
-How much wine vomit does it take to dye my ENTIRE shirt?
-Fight the sleeps
-Crying into my perfectly aerated red to release the tannis
-Guess what/who/why I did last night!
-Who can suck the most cocks (str8 guys only)

>> No.8995210

This is what I'll say to you. You might think you hate beer, but you don't. I'm not going to rage and hate, but one day, probably sooner than you think you'll "just try" a great beer that you love and you'll realize in that moment that you actually do enjoy beer, just a very specific kind of beer.

Everybody has that moment, I did too at one point. Be excited for it.

>> No.8995211

>Who can suck the most cocks (str8 guys only)
Yea :3

>> No.8995276

Why are the patrons of this website so insecure that they can't just not like something? They have to call the people who do rude names, or worse to claim that all people merely pretend to like it? You know that nobody here ever talks about things they actually like?

>> No.8995747


>> No.8995751

Fuck you, beer (and wine) is the only alcohol that doesn't make me want to puke my lungs out.

>> No.8995816

This. It took me years to get into beer, then I had a pint of Guinness. Now I love beer.

The same with whisky. I hated it or years, then I went on a distillery tour in Scotland and tried it. Now I love it.

I think with a lot of drinks there's a switch in your head waiting to be flicked.

>> No.8996071

This is called alcohol addiction anon.

>> No.8996093

Inshallah, brother. All alcohol is haram.

>> No.8996142

>love Black coffee/tea
>enjoy whiskey, wine, vodka
>never liked Beer

I dont get it either. Its a ancient meme.

>> No.8996185

Typical redditor preference. You only like meme drinks, nothing out of the ordinary and only things popular media told you to enjoy.

>> No.8996202

the only bad thing about beer is that it makes me go to the bathroom constantly.

>> No.8996215


And this dumbfuck mindset is why so many guys pretend to like the shit

>> No.8997554
File: 13 KB, 122x184, 1472912629292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always go for cocktails.
ohhh so youre gay, i see

>> No.8997576


lol, cocktails are the only non-meme alcoholic drinks
I bet you drink whisky on the rocks like a real redditor

>> No.8997592

how dare you

>> No.8997595

>lol, cocktails are the only non-meme alcoholic drinks
Do you wear your fedora when you sip your martini?

>> No.8997606

No, but I smile disdainfully when I drink my Negroni

>> No.8997645 [DELETED] 

Is this bait?

>> No.8997681

>best wine is 6$ a bottle
what kind of shit wine do you drink?

>> No.8997741

amerifat detected

>> No.8997749

I doff my cap to you, good sir. *eats guac*

>> No.8997757

>he thinks Carlo Rossi is "best wine"

>> No.8997784

As I said, amerifat detected. I don't think you even had average wine in your life.

>> No.8997789

Oh but I did, straight from your mom's quivering vagina you pretentious Eurotrash

>> No.8997797

So I was right, topkek

>> No.8998047

>I've only ever tried corona and keystone light, I hate beer yuck

>> No.8998051
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>$6 a bottle
>not going $9 for a cask
Fruity Lexia makes you sexier

>> No.8998063
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have you tried an actual good beer like pic related?

>> No.8998106
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>> No.8998107
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Literally OP

>> No.8998110

Somehow naive and arrogant at the same time

>> No.8998116

>He's never played CHARDEEMACDENNIS

>> No.8998117

>literally has a meme dangling off it

you millennials

>> No.8998132
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alright, how about this?

>> No.8998135

I've spent thousands on my homebrew setup at home, I guess I'm just trying to get used to the taste of beer though.

>> No.8998142


>> No.8998156
File: 109 KB, 890x501, meme_beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998170

got any szechuan sauce beer? wuba luba dub dub!

>> No.8998208

get a load of this fag

>> No.8998213

>shit water

You're drinking the wrong beer son, no hop in all the macro pisswater lagers. Try some Sierra Nevada or Sam Adams sometime.