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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8988739 No.8988739 [Reply] [Original]

So we can all agree that scrambled eggs are the best way to have your eggs?

>> No.8988743

What is the point of these threads? Do you feel good about yourself OP?

>> No.8988744

I agree, but I also only know me who can make them perfectly.

I'd take fries eggs over scrambled if it's being made by some random pleb.

>> No.8988746

I like crispy fried with a runny yolk

>> No.8988747

I prefer a runny yolk to have with my potatoes and toast, actually. But scrambled is nice when hungover.

>> No.8988749

how do you make yours?

>> No.8988752


Butt ravaged sunny side up fag detected

>> No.8988766

4 well whisked eggs. Melt good butter in your pan. Add eggs. Leave on the heat until they begin to set, then use Ramsay's on/off the heat when stirring. Don't overcook (sounds obvious but most people still do). Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

>> No.8988770

On the heat.
Off the heat.

>> No.8988781


>4 eggs

All for you? I mean, I use 2 and that keeps me pretty full for a while.

>> No.8988783

4 eggs, 1oz butter, a splash of milk, salt, pepper. Start them all in a cold pan, and then use the Ramsay method taking them off the heat as they begin to set, then back on the heat. Repeat until they appear to be *nearly* cooked and then take them off the heat until they cook to perfection with the residual heat.

It takes a little practice but once you recognise the points where you remove it from the heat you get excellent eggs and it's very difficult to overcook them.

>> No.8988785

Fuck yeah all for me. I'm skinny and can easily devour 4 scrambled eggs with a couple of slices of toast.

>> No.8988792

Most chefs agree milk isn't the way to go. You get all the creaminess you need from using butter. It's good for getting more out of them but as far as maximum quality goes, no milk.

>> No.8988796

>Most chefs agree milk isn't the way to go

Good for them.

>> No.8988798

Salty about your inferior eggs huh. Nice.

>> No.8988807

Not salty, I prefer them with pepper.

>> No.8988814
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>> No.8988874

I prefer mine fertilized

>> No.8988890


Yeah I was waiting for someone to say that

>> No.8988897

Cue that guy who got a shotgun wedding at age 17 screeching about how eating eggs is an abomination against nature because it might turn you into a trannie

>> No.8988999

>no runny yolk
enjoy your baby food

>> No.8989029

scrambled is french omelette for kids or people with parkinson

>> No.8989038
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Meme food desu.

>> No.8989083

>Melt good butter in your pan
do you often have bad butter?

>> No.8989088

Hard scrambled only

>> No.8989095

Over medium with sun dried tomatoes and American sauce

>> No.8989139

u monster

>> No.8989154

You're right. There's no difference between $0.89 and $3 butter.

And since for the sake of your argument you'll say there isn't - okay, I agree :)

>> No.8989156

how poor and stupid do you have to be to specify using "good" ingredients in your cooking?

>> No.8989170

Not him but now you mention it; what differences do exist between the $0.89 and the $3 butter?

>> No.8989174

That's not what he asked at all

>> No.8989180

>how to make chicken
>use a GOOD chicken
literally you

>> No.8989192

One will taste noticeably bland compared to the other. The richness of it is easily more noticeable in something like eggs when using something more expensive.

You guys should know the fact that I triggered you all so hard with a single word gives me a massive erection.

>> No.8989193


>> No.8989198

Think about what you're saying for a minute. People with Parkinson's wouldn't want to eat fucking scrambled eggs.

>> No.8989199

It's more buttery

>> No.8989205

You hold know that even pretending to get sexual gratification from shitposting is more of a reflection on you than us

>> No.8989211

you're a beta faggot that knows nothing about food and simply buys the more expensive thing thinking it makes it higher quality

>> No.8989272
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>> No.8989286


He said 'good butter' anon, calm the fuck down. You millennials get upset way too easily.

>> No.8989301

so namecalling is the first thing for you mr. mature pants?

>> No.8989347

this is my fav


chop veggies, fry a bit in butter, lower heat and scramble eggs, stirring constantly

>> No.8989650

how do you scramble

>form big sheets by scraping the bottom only occasionally
>low heat, big lumps
>constant stir
>dry as fuck

>> No.8989874


>get distracted after I put the eggs on
>start stirring more constantly after I realize they're cooking too fast on the bottom
>eggs end up unevenly cooked

I don't actually mind though cause I like having some of it more well-done than the rest. Textural contrast or something.

>> No.8989926

scrambled eggs is the "willing to do this every day" method of cooking eggs.

I'll take shakshouka or a spanish tortilla if I've got the time to make it.

>> No.8989945

You weren't asking me but I whisk them, add a splash of milk, butter or bacon fat to the pan, a couple dashes of salt, maybe a dash of pepper, and then fry the shit out of them until they don't look good anymore and are nearly rubbery.

I blame my childhood psychological scarring from my friend who liked to undercook them "creamy" which i knew meant "undercooked" and I was repulsed by it. Yet I eat raw cookie dough like a savage because my mind doesn't see the "raw eggs" in that equation and thereby deems it safe to eat.

>> No.8989961

I know a guy who is skinny and eats 6 at a time. I usually have 3 myself but most omelets are 3-4 eggs. 4 eggs isn't that outrageous.

>> No.8989966

tablespoon of butter, cold pan, whisk three eggs, pour in, put on low heat and constantly stir until it looks slightly undercooked.
Super fluffy creamy eggs.

>> No.8989972

Thanks for the horrifying and repulsive image right after lunch!

>> No.8989978

spanish omlette is the best but it is too much effort to do so often

love this recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JceGMNG7rpU

>> No.8989979

He meant good quality vs average, not unexpired vs moldy. Though, I question the likelihood of tasting good butter over regular grocery store butter once it's fried in a pan with eggs. On bread, sure.

>> No.8989981

>American sauce
Do I dare ask what you mean by this?

>> No.8989983

lol whisking them first

>> No.8989990

I think you're confusing multiple stereotypes.

>> No.8989997

>good butter over regular grocery store butter

>> No.8989998

Well... I just realized also - I hope you are talking about "average grocery store butter" versus say "Perry's Irish Gold Butter" and not "MARGARINE" versus "ACTUAL BUTTER". I would hope if you meant that you would have said that but I've seen a lot of people talk about "margarine" and call it "butter" (I used to do that myself as a kid). I was just wondering where you are finding real butter for $0.89 assuming you buy it by the lb.

>> No.8989999

Safeway and Whole Foods. Otherwise none.

>> No.8990012

Are you a masochistic beta male cuck to get that turned on by arousing (what you perceive to be) someone's temper? Are you hoping for someone to dig out the whip?

>> No.8990087

still using trans-fat got 2 make money 4 stockholders somehow

>> No.8990726

>Not having your own dairy cow

Kek, what are you, poor?

>> No.8990754

When I tried to take /fit/ seriously a few years ago and gain weight I'd eat 6 eggs a day with breakfast.

I really don't like eggs much now. That's too much eggs.

>> No.8990771

over easy or bust

>> No.8990775

I'm an over-easy kind of guy desu.

>> No.8990780

Like mother, like son

>> No.8990786


>> No.8990811


If you're not using white pepper with eggs, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8990815

Scrambled dry