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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8983378 No.8983378 [Reply] [Original]

What's your food that stops you from losing weight because you keep eating it?

Pork rinds for me.

>> No.8983381


I'm so happy my tax dollars won't fund his healthcare.

>> No.8983386
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You can go fuck yourself.

>> No.8983388

Saw a video yesterday or something where he said he was approved for a gastric bypass or some shit whatever it's called.

>> No.8983389


Except he was on the ACA and leeching medical resources due to his addiction to food.

>> No.8983391

Yet he's probably payed more tax and contributed to american society more than you ever will. Keep enjying your third world tier healthcare system though

>> No.8983392


This is post ACA repeal btw. NOW he is paying his own way, rightfully so. Fat useless manblob.

>> No.8983397

>when the /pol/dittors don't know what their alternative facts of the week are
Which is it, lads? ACA good for fatass or not? lel

>> No.8983398


My employer pays for me to have luxury healthcare. Eurotrash also elect to purchase private health insurance (when they can afford it), because it's better.

Get a job worth a shit.

>> No.8983405


The ACA reduced his healthcare payments to essentially nothing, because eating yourself to death is apparently a handicap (other than mental) that requires even more coddling than he's already demanding by crying about bullying and fat acceptance issues. I am very VERY happy the burden of his addiction rests on him and I am no longer financially responsible to enable his poor lifestyle choices.

>> No.8983411

You aren't financially responsible anyway, neetbux mcscrooge.

>> No.8983426


>Hurrrrrdurrrrr NEET

Nice argument fattie.

>> No.8983430

I pay like $20 in taxes per hour that I work.

Fuck off.

>> No.8983433


>> No.8983436
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Chicken nuggets. I can get 2LB of them for $5 and I end up eating the whole fucking bag in one day.
But god damn if I don't love me some nuggies.

>> No.8983450


>> No.8983456

on wednesday the 10th I resolved to lose weight. I was 228 on that day
I've decided saturdays are my restaurant days so I will go have a nice meal somewhere and not be concerned with the calories or anything. The rest of the week I just make meals for myself

as of today I'm 211

its weird..its almost like...losing weight isn't hard at all??

>> No.8983474

How can someone get that fucking fat? I felt suicidal if I ate fast food twice in a day working construction, living sedentary and eating enough to get that huge is just...bewildering.

>> No.8983478


>> No.8983481

>Lost 17lb in 17 days
>1lb per day
You have a parasite or cancer.

>> No.8983494

So if he can afford care without ACA why is complaining?

>but muh /pol/

lol triggered fatty.

>> No.8983495

What did he mean by this

>> No.8983502
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I don't really enjoy eating food that much (because I'm poor as fuck and can't afford any good shit).

Thus I am 6 foot 4 and 130 pounds.

>> No.8983503

Boogie is low key bragging about his wealth.

>> No.8983504

>that thing is married

>> No.8983523


>still didn't want to pay his own bills

Truly the obese are universally selfish mass consumers of goods/services.

>> No.8983549

That goes without saying so I didn't feel the need to point it out.

>> No.8983555


>> No.8983556

>Truly the obese are universally selfish mass consumers of goods/services.

This has been my observation as well.

>> No.8983558

In this day and age either you're bragging about your wealth or you're virtue signaling. Boogie somehow manages to do both at the same time.

>> No.8983561

no, I have dedication
meals between 11am and 7pm only which gives me 16 hours a day where the only thing my body is living on is stored energy. I usually only end up only eating until 4 though because after I have lunch I'm just not really hungry anymore.
work out every day. And I don't mean fat guy work outs where I walk around the block after dinner for 20 minutes, I'm hitting the weights and running sprints and shit. I'm easily hitting that 3500 deficit with those methods

I feel great. I have lots more energy, I can feel my body is easier to move and more limber already, and most importantly all the inflammation problems I have with my joints haven't been flaring up at all.
I was always afraid to exercise too intensely because of a pinched nerve in my neck and I have arthritis in my ankle and knee from an old injury. Who knew the answer for getting rid of that pain was to exercise?........probably a lot of people I guess

>> No.8983564

Bread, it's my curse, all kind of bread, either small or petty, either doughnuts or pita, on the chocolate hostess cupcakes or the simple yet amazing flour mexican tortilas.

>> No.8983570
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Even trips cannot dissuade me from my spooky ways

>> No.8983575

>no, I have dedication
No, you have a problem.
Losing 1lb of weight a day is insanely unhealthy, I don't care if you think you're doing it from exercise. You're putting your body through an insane amount of stress.

>> No.8983582

Thanks mr. Skeltal

>> No.8983595

my only problem is summer is upon us and my body is a mess, and there's no way anyone will ever take me seriously looking like this

if achieving greatness comes with a cost, then I will accept the consequences later!

>> No.8983646

Boogie was on disability for DECADES, fuck that resource hogging fat fuck.

>> No.8983647
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No problem bb

>> No.8983666

I wanna rub me dick across ur teeth

>> No.8983673

Damn satan.
Didn't know you rolled that way.

Well tell you what, if you wash up first, throw in $20 bucks, and say no homo before & after it's a deal.

>> No.8984004

What if the balls touch?

>> No.8984077

Throw in another $20 and I'd say that'll work

>> No.8984147


>fatass detected

is this literally what fat people believe? having extra weight puts far more "stress" on every system in your body.. the first 30-430 lbs will melt off for this person then it gradually tapers off.

that's not unheard of for fatasses to drop the initial weight very quickly.

>> No.8984148

Ask any doctor anywhere on the planet. Losing weight at that rate is insanely unhealthy.

>> No.8984157


i like to lick the grease after cooking

>> No.8984299

I'm literally incapable of gaining weight.
I've been at 45kg for the past 5 years.

>> No.8984323


>> No.8984677

remmeber when he was happying he lost 8 pounds in 5 years.?

>> No.8984701
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>I stopped gaining

>> No.8984830


Go low carb.

You can eat all the pork rinds you want.

>> No.8985377

That's bad.

>> No.8985415

I fucking love bread
I eat like half a kilo every day

>> No.8985501

It's just water weight guys.. when you stop eating what you're body is used to, you shed a fuck tonne of weight initially. If you're doing things properly It'll quickly taper off to a more reasonable 1 to 2 a week. If you're still losing a pound a day in a few months, then yeah, that's really not good.

>> No.8985528

Damn, son. I'd treat you to dinner if I lived near you

>> No.8985534


What's your PayPal? Surely you're not such a gigantic loser where you don't have a bank account, right? I'll hook you up with some dosh to hold you over until the 1st, booze money included.

>> No.8985543


>> No.8985563

I went down from 270 to about 150 over the course of a year and a half or so.. and yeah.. that. For all the whining people do about how it's some kind of huge journey or whatever, it's really not that fucking hard. Eat better, get more exercise, that's basically it. Nutrition is really complicated and highly disputed, but unless you are going for athlete status, it's not really rocket science either. I did the calorie counting thing and just tried to kinda get a good variety of everything.

Honestly the hardest part of the whole thing was that it takes fucking forever and there's not much you can do to really speed it up. As everyone else has said, sustaining a pace beyond 1 to 2 pounds a week is almost universally understood to be a bad idea except in certain extreme conditions (in which case you're usually under a doctors supervision). That said, like you, I initially lose the first like 30 or so pounds really fast. I went from eating like frozen pizzas and other shit to chicken and broccoli and yeah, the result was like immediate. After that, it was just a slow grind..

That and counting calories is a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.8985584

>just give me your bank account number and I'll be happy to help you out!


>> No.8985792


A PayPal address isn't a bank account number. Confirmed 13yo.

>> No.8985860

the biggest challenge is people around you. I come from a fat family of "I'll start tomorrowers"
I can make good choices, I wont buy things I shouldn't have, I'll avoid it easily. But then they tempt you by having it in front of you
when they sit there and polish off two packs of cookies or snack cakes in one night and guzzle can after can of soda.
They eat takeout every night, fried chicken and pizza all the time. Then they offer it knowing full well you don't want it and you're trying to be healthy

they go out of their way to sabotage you "YOU HAVE TO EAT YOU CAN'T STARVE YOURSELF!"
I'll eat, I'm just not going to eat that trash you keep trying to feed me so stop asking

They are the ones that got me fat, but now I need to be accountable for myself, They ruined my past but the future is up to me!
this is the difference between me and them. we had a family member that suddenly just died from a heart attack. Had 99% blockage and later died from complications.

I look around and see my family members on diabetes and high blood pressure medications, I witnessed the inevitable future of the path of fatness as did they.
I took it as a wake up call and decided I want better for myself, I'm not sick yet, it's not too late to fix this. And they took the other path and decided to comfort themselves by binging on desserts and gigantic meals for weeks on end, and just double down on the behaviors that lead to his death

>> No.8986893

Can kinda relate, though with a lot less hostility.

My family means well and are actually accommodating to the point where I sometimes felt like a killjoy. They're not land whales, but yeah, they don't eat great. These days I'm a lot less anal about counting my calories and just generally try to minimize the damage when I visit.

Christmas is the absolute killer for me, because I fucking love pretty much all the horrible things that are everywhere. When I was still losing the weight I found all that temptation painful. Last few years I've said fuck it and just let myself gain 4 or 5 pounds over the Christmas season, then just lose it again in the following months.

>> No.8987586
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lol Thanks I suppose
Yeah I got a bank account & paypal.
If you're serious about it (and if not no worries either, I'll find a way to manage somehow lol) my email is decemberwyatt@hotmail.com

I'm presuming that's how I link my account.

Honestly I don't need much, I can be frugal, so don't feel obligated either way dude.

If you do send something though, thank you in advance.

Been sleeping all day today because I have such a lack of energy & nothing else to do.

photo is just proof I'm the same poster.

>> No.8987609

hacking your acc rn. brb ;)

>> No.8987628
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170528_215334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you succeed try not to buy anything amigo.
Overdraft charges can be a bitch, I hope you understand.

>> No.8987763

You're doing the right thing. You're taking accountability and action. That's the most important thing you could do. You're truly being an adult by doing such. Don't hate your family, pity them. They've fucked up so much. They've given in to stress, and they wish to have someone support the life style tar they intrinsically know is wrong. Don't give in. Keep doing what you know is right. Don't fold to their emotional tantrums, just be humble and pity them. Don't be condescending, no matter how tempting it may be. You share space with these people. Humility goes a long way in such a situation. A confrontational attitude will only worsen things. If they continuously approach you with that sort of attitude, ignore it. Don't let anger control you, though in that situation it is tempting.

Speaking as someone who escaped obesity that my parents supported since I was young. I've actually gotten through to my mother and she's doing much better. My father left, and my step dad (who only in the past 3 years became my step dad) is also very accepting of my diet. He takes pointers from me. My actual father is dying slowly of a poor lifestyle. Things are much better now, but it took a decade.

Keep going!

>> No.8987799

Senpai pls eat a burger

>> No.8987806

Chicken wings, BOGO fast food sandwiches, and random shit late at night.

>> No.8987807

Can you punch me in the throat

>> No.8987859

Sadly I can not afford to buy any.
I would if I would m8.
As in am I physically capable of doing so or you would wish me to?

>> No.8987874

There are threads about this guy on v, tv, ck, fit, pol, b, and I'm sick of it.

>> No.8987890
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>I payed in 40K.

>> No.8988390

fuck food
i eat little to survive and keep myself occupied with something

>> No.8988399
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>I paid 40k in taxes on my YouTube moniez last year

70% of people who get bariatric surgeries relapse, like all addicts, and revert to their super morbid obesity state within 2 years of surgery. Lost cause.

>> No.8988400

you are a very handsome skeleton

>> No.8988401
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>> No.8988510
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>> No.8988515
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>> No.8988521
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I'm a black teacher, and educating our kids & parents is by far the most difficult problem to solve.

> African American adults are nearly 1.5 times as likely to be obese compared with White adults. Approximately 47.8 percent of African Americans are obese (including 37.1 percent of men and 56.6 percent of women) compared with 32.6 percent of Whites (including 32.4 percent of men and 32.8 percent of women).2 More than 75 percent of African Americans are overweight or obese (including 69 percent of men and 82.0 percent of women) compared with 67.2 percent of Whites (including 71.4 percent of men and 63.2 percent of women).3

> Overweight and obesity rates also tend to be higher among African American children compared with White children, with obesity rates increasing faster at earlier ages and with higher rates of severe obesity. From 1999 to 2012, 35.1 percent of African American children ages 2 to 19 were overweight, compared with 28.5 percent of White children; and 20.2 percent were obese compared with 14.3 percent of White children.4

>> No.8988523
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>educating our kids & parents is by far the most difficult problem to solve.

And contrary to liberal stereotypes and myths, the Obesity problems we're seeing is not directly tied to Income.

>> No.8988529
File: 3 KB, 355x222, African American Diabetes Epidemic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>educating our kids & parents is by far the most difficult problem to solve.

And it's not just obesity... heart disease, diabetes, etc...etc...

More blacks die from Obesity related diseases than ANY other race... by a large margin.

>> No.8988538

>I'm a black teacher, and educating our kids & parents is by far the most difficult problem to solve.

If Black Lives Matter actually cared about saving lives, they'd be protesting african american Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease.

But BLM is about blame and hate, not about saving lives.

>> No.8988601

> Carrying around those extra pounds increases the likelihood of developing type II diabetes and high blood pressure — two diseases that disproportionately affect African-Americans. Being overweight also increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, arthritis and certain cancers. In fact, obesity could become more dangerous for your health than smoking cigarettes.

Yet, in the African-American community, the so-called normal body image is skewed toward the unhealthy.

Studies show a strong tendency to deem larger body sizes as acceptable, particularly for women.

“Many African-American women view being obese as part of their culture,” says Thaddeus Bell, M.D.

>> No.8988605

> Studies show a strong tendency to deem larger body sizes as acceptable, particularly for women.

>“Many African-American women view being obese as part of their culture,” says Thaddeus Bell, M.D.






>> No.8988687

Wow thanks for opening my eyes. I did not know this.

>> No.8988702

>Wow thanks for opening my eyes. I did not know this.

More food for your brain:

> The Black Body Count Rises as Chicago Police Step Back

By Sept. 8, nearly 3,000 people had been shot in Chicago in 2016, an average of one shooting victim every two hours. Five hundred and sixteen people had been murdered. Gun homicides and non-fatal shootings were up 47% over the same period of 2015, which had seen a significant rise in crime over 2014.

By Sept. 8, nearly 3,000 people had been shot in Chicago in 2016, an average of one shooting victim every two hours. Five hundred and sixteen people had been murdered. Gun homicides and non-fatal shootings were up 47% over the same period of 2015, which had seen a significant rise in crime over 2014.

The cops are just “driving by people on the corners,” Mr. Angelo says, rather than checking out known drug dealers and others who raise suspicions. Criminals are back in control and black lives are being lost at a rate not seen for two decades.

Chicago’s cops are responding to political signals from the most powerful segments of society. President Obama takes every opportunity to accuse police of racially profiling blacks and Hispanics. The media, activists and academics routinely denounce pedestrian stops and public-order enforcement. Now, as a result, black on black murders are at an historic all time high.

>> No.8988704

Obama isn't president any more, your information is out of date. I refuse it.

>> No.8988724

>your information is out of date

It's 2016 data retard. They're not even done collating the rest of the 2016 data.

>> No.8988727

What is this sentence

>> No.8988732

>your information is out of date. I refuse it.
wow... 3000 niggers killed by other niggers in Chicago and you refuse to acknowledge them.

are blacks not "real people" to you?

fuck you racist piece of shit.

>> No.8988733

No he's pro ahca because insurance companies can deny coverage due to preexisting conditions you chimpanzee

>> No.8988741

Thanks for pointing out the date. Not really necessary though.
Doesn't address my issue. President Obama's actions are described in present tense, so it's out of date.
Maybe nothing has changed, still out of date.

Doesn't alter the information's validity either, I just felt making you type something out because I'm bored.

Fuck you, you* racist piece of shit
Would have been the correct way to word that.
Do you for some reason think I'm objecting to the information?
My only criticism here is Mr. Brains over here feels the need to inform us about the truth regarding the black lives matter organization.
I'm pretty sure malnourished chinese rice farmers without access to the internet have caught on by word of mouth at this stage.
What is he going to tell me next? That Africans record lower IQ scores on average than other races?
Why is he telling me? Why isn't he selling his breaking news for top dollar?

>> No.8988760

>By Sept. 8, nearly 3,000 people had been shot in Chicago in 2016, an average of one shooting victim every two hours. Five hundred and sixteen people had been murdered. Gun homicides and non-fatal shootings were up 47% over the same period of 2015, which had seen a significant rise in crime over 2014.
>The cops are just “driving by people on the corners,” Mr. Angelo says, rather than checking out known drug dealers and others who raise suspicions. Criminals are back in control and black lives are being lost at a rate not seen for two decades.


They're getting exactly what they wanted and deserve.

>> No.8988762

>The cops are just “driving by people on the corners,” Mr. Angelo says, rather than checking out known drug dealers and others who raise suspicions. Criminals are back in control and black lives are being lost at a rate not seen for two decades.

How much you want to bet the blacks will turn right around and blame whites for "not providing enough police in bad neighborhoods?"

Its like these niggers take ZERO responsibility for their own actions and just blame everybody for every one of their own failures.

>> No.8988773

You are like a little baby. I did 25 in a week and a half once.

>> No.8988777
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Is this you're waifu?

>> No.8988791

I swear you cunts are more boring than SJWs.
At least they invent some new gender and preach about how shoe size conventions are oppressing them or some shit.

You lot are like a bunch of mongoloids taken out on a field trip where you just look up at the clouds.
Every now and then somebody gurgles out that the sky is blue. Everybody then enthusiastically agrees and they all share back-pats.

Don't take a genius to understand the failings of the brownos.
Does take an even more failed brain to feel satisfied parroting the obvious ad nauseum.

>> No.8988809

Anything that takes you over your TDEE

Fat people are just stupid.

>> No.8988861

No you dumbass if he keeps losing weight like that it'll be dangerous. The first few weeks people drop insane weight, mainly just water weight. After that he'll be lucky to lose even 2 pound a week.

>> No.8988902
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>amerimad getting riled up because his life sucks
>amerimad getting madder and madder

>> No.8988907

Are you my architecture teacher?

>> No.8988933

Typically doughnuts.
I'm not a cop.
I wish I was, I want to meet the cop I saw a couple of years back.
Best as I have ever and will ever see.

>> No.8989073


I'm too poor for food too. It's why I got a job at a restaurant.

>> No.8989085

Literally nothing. I have a bad metabolism.

>Deep fried foods
>Fatty meats
>Sugary drinks
>no butter or oils

I will stay the same weight, because my body decides that it needs to burn every calorie it takes in rather than burning the fat around my body.

>> No.8989089

You only teach black kids, is that even legal?