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8978815 No.8978815 [Reply] [Original]

Vegan thread, child abuse edition.

>> No.8978827

Best vegan hamburguer:

> deep fried falafel patty
> avocado humus
> spicy peanut sauce (salsa encacahuatada)
> one leaf of lettuce

>> No.8978884

Fucking hell, another one? Vegans are cancer.

>> No.8978889

> malnourished-baby-dies-after-parents-fed-him-vegan-diet

jesus fucking christ white people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

white mothers are the fucking worst.

>> No.8978900

>Both parents are both facing up to 18 months in prison for contributing to the death of their son

These retards should be executed. Worthless people who killed another person with their stupidity.

>> No.8978903

Making seitan tonight with a friend, probably with zoodles as a side or something

>> No.8978911

every time a fat amerifuck makes their child obese, remember to clap and be glad they aren't vegan

>> No.8978916
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>if you aren't a vegan you're obese

>> No.8978922

zucchini noodles sound stupid but they're great.

>> No.8979082

that's the case like 70% of the time, look at the statistics

meatheads are literally killing themselves and their kids but nobody cares

muh meat

>> No.8979106

>meatheads are literally killing themselves and their kids but nobody cares

Fuck you white bitches, thinkin you can tell other people what to eat n how to live.

You think you my massa now or something? fuck off... trynta tell a nigga how to live.

>> No.8979123

I support rendering every fat "person" down for tallow, including the vegan ones.

>muh Oreos

>> No.8979126

cringe the post

>> No.8979153

>85% of my countrymen eat an omnivorous diet
>12% practise some form of vegetarianism or semi-vegetarianism
>3% choose to be vegan, the highest percentage of any nation next to Israel (4%)
>9% are obese

Eating meat != not eating veg.

I don't think eating meat is what's killing people in the US, UK and other places. I think it's not eating vegetables. Despite enjoying a steak, fried chicken or pork chop, my country also eat a fucktonne of veg, the highest of any western diet, IINM. We also live to be old as fuck. Eat meat, just not too much, and eat some goddamn veg, too.

>> No.8979405

Processed convenience foods probably have a lot more to do with it than the amount of meat.

>> No.8979428
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Is breastmilk not vegan or something

I've heard arguments that it isn't but I just don't get why it wouldn't be
>Doesn't come from an animal (well, a human is an animal but you know what I mean)
>Doesn't hurt any animals
>Doesn't hurt the environment

>> No.8979462

My thoughts exactly. Up until like 7 months you should been giving him the tit.

>> No.8979507

100% yes (if the mother giving milk allows it). With ethical vegans it's more about the animal not having a say, but with humans consent is much easier to convey.

>> No.8979509

Dairy and eggs don't hurt animals nor the environment, but they're both non-vegan.

You could argue that they shun those foods because of the bad conditions found in some dairy farms, but even home-owned chickens and cows don't meet their requirements.
I can't imagine why such a product from humans would be any different.

>> No.8979537

The moral argument for not eating dairy, eggs, and honey is that the animals didn't voluntarily give their products to you. So either this cunt didn't feel like consenting to give her milk to her own offspring, or she doesn't understand why she's a vegan in the first place.

>> No.8979578

How do you know she's even vegan? Did you read the article?

>"The parents determined their own diagnosis that their child was gluten intolerant and had a lactose allergy,"

And then being retards who owned a natural food store, they tried to feed their kid buckwheat and quinoa milk.

That said, I don't see why you couldn't make infant formula out of quinoa instead of soya. (other than being stupidly expensive). It must have been either really weak milk, or not fortified. Babies need lots of iron and calcium and stuff.

>> No.8979596

>he died in 2014

Now that's a slow news day.

>> No.8979620

>fed vegan diet
>"determined" kid had meme nutritional conditions that conveniently prevented him from consuming the first animal product a baby would normally have
>natural food store
>evaded legitimate medical help because they know doctors would have alerted social services had they been honest about what they were doing
I'm sure they're not vegans, though. Probably had a steak to celebrate.

>> No.8979754

>pump everything full of corn syrup
>have people drink more soda than tap water
>wow why is everybody getting fat? must be the meat!

white people are so retarded lmao

>> No.8979765


happens all the time OP

vegans are dumb

>> No.8979777
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>> No.8979783

Western countries eat more meat than other places.
Of course non-whites in western countries have worse weight problems so maybe you would know what the main cause is.

>> No.8979794

What goons think quinoa milk is more natural than f-ing breast milk for a 7 month old.......?

>> No.8979803

They really are!! with a soy sesame dressing!!!!!! Yummmm

>> No.8979814

This is sad of course but child obesity is far more common, a bigger burden on the system, and clearly a result of parental neglect.

But people don't want to call it child abuse and shame the parents because it is normalized.

>> No.8979824

If lactose intolerant they should have been feeding it a formula based on high fructose corn syrup (which is also gluten free) but health nuts shun that.

I breastfed for 3 months both kids never liked
It I was working 3 jobs and stressed out as it was and I never found it empowering I always found it humiliating to do in public and extremely boring.
But I wanted my kids to have the important immune benefits etc. but nowadays formulas are very well made and I see a lot of formala fed kids that are healthier and stronger than breast fed kids.
The research is very biased thanks to the power of La Leche League.

My guess is
These people had given their kids formula and he maybe got constipated or something and they shied away from corn syrup alternatives (all people think corn syrup is evil now) and fed the kid with some weak milk substitute with no vitamins or calories.

They could have gone to a breast milk bank

>> No.8980065

Which is worse: living to middle age being obese, constantly out of breath and sweaty or dying before you learn that things don't suddenly blink out of existence just because they're no longer in view ('object permanence,' which is why babies find peekaboo so amusing).
I'd say the latter, but if you think the wrongful death of an infant is a-okay by you v. a life into the 50s, who am I to argue?

>> No.8980085
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oh my god you're so fucking stupid

>> No.8980105

Choosing between two bad options doesn't make one of them okay.

>> No.8980111


>Dairy and eggs don't hurt animals nor the environment, but they're both non-vegan.


>> No.8980131

Well, let's put a score on it. For every 8 months of life, you get a point.
Vegan baby who died: 0 points.
Obese middle-aged Walmart shopper with diabetes who thinks veggies are icky: 67 points.

Clearly, one option is superior, eh Anon? (^:

>> No.8980142


now which one is a bigger burden to the system?

>> No.8980153

I wasn't disputing that. If there is a worse option, logically the other option is better. Better does not mean okay.

>> No.8980155

>he wants society to be rid of its human burdens
I can understand killing NEETs, but Corky was absolutely adorable on Picket Fences, you monster.

>> No.8980161

He was on Life Goes On, not Picket Fences.

>> No.8980174

It's not just 'better.' It's 77 times better. I dunno about you, but if one option is 77 times better than another, I'd say that's a pretty huge fucking margin to judge shit on.

>> No.8980837
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Vegan food is fucking nasty, I'd rather die sooner eating great food than dying a little every time I have to eat.

>> No.8980865

>tfw used to be vegan
>start having stomach issues when eating tofu and beans
>doc says . i could have ulcerative colitis
now i gotta eat eggs and meat broths all day.

>> No.8980879

looks disgusting senpai

>> No.8981411

No, you cocksucker, it's sugar and carbs in general that's killing people or making them obese faggots.

>> No.8981543

Nope. Six of the ten countries with the longest average life spans are well known for eating huge amounts of white starch (flour, rice or pasta) and little to no whole grains. Five of these same six countries are also present in the list of the top ten developed nations with the lowest incidences of obesity.

Try again.

>> No.8981846

Nice cherry picking, nigger.

>> No.8981856

>it's being a lazy faggot who won't jog that's killing people or making them obese faggots

FTFY getting tired of ketofags looking for an easy way out to their life problems. Maybe if you retards jogged in the first place you wouldn't have these problems! Sloth is the grossest sin.

>> No.8982191

All muh black women geting so obese now,
Thanks obama!

>> No.8982857

Feeding children animal products is child abuse. The guilt they'll feel later in life, the disgust they'll feel towards their own parents when they realize they don't give a shit about animals being abused and killed for no reason, the plethora of negative health effects that could easily be avoided through a healthy vegan diet, and the fact that you're destroying the environment and increasing public health risks and they're going to have to clean your mess up when they grow up.

Non-vegan mother accidentally killed her child through malnourishment: https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/mom-says-pressure-breastfeed-led-210245847.html

"Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life-cycle including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence."

"Findings of this study show that both vegan and vegetarian diets are
associated with healthy pregnancy outcomes. In fact, our data suggest
that infants born to women who avoid meat during pregnancy may
have lower prevalence of low birth weight. Our findings also highlight
the fact that vegetarian mothers exhibit more desirable breastfeeding
pattern. This is especially true for vegan pregnant and lactating women.
The above-highlighted findings have important implications for physicians
and other healthcare practitioners. Several studies documented some
adverse health impact of ingesting meat during pregnancy. Meat intake
during pregnancy exposes the mother and the fetus to polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons associated with fetal growth retardation [9,10].
Furthermore, meat intake during pregnancy is associated with several
adverse health outcomes for infants and children including developing
brain tumors, allergies, rhinoconjuctivitis, and eczema [11-14]. "

>> No.8982862

Seba Johnson (Olympian) and Nyjah Huston (professional skateboarder) were both raised vegan from conception, and Joaquin Phoenix was raised vegan from age 3, and I've personally babysat for vegan children who could beat your IQ score.

>> No.8982864

>Vegans are cancer
Vegan diets actually fight cancer 8x better than omnivorous diets, and omnivorous diets actually cause cancer.

>> No.8982871

>Dairy and eggs don't hurt animals nor the environment

You really gotta learn not to make assumptions like this when they're so easily proven to be false.

Grass fed cattle are even worse for the environment than those raised in CAFOs.

And don't even get me started the harm dairy and eggs do to animals... Even "humane" farms severely abuse their animals.

>> No.8982873

t. Michael "Human death is by and large a dietary issue" Gregor

>> No.8982877
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Yes, so nasty.

>> No.8982878

>proven to be false
>has no arguments to disprove it (no, making base statements without an argument to back it does not count as an argument)

We'll all be interested in your barrage of blogspots as always local agof /ck/

>> No.8982882

>Implying most deaths in civilized nations aren't caused by shitty diet

Sorry if you live in Somalia and fear for your life from the roaming bands of pirates and warlords, but human death IS by and large a dietary issue currently.

>> No.8982886
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Vegans are such retards, it's probably a result of B12 deficiency. Thankfully vegan women are less able to get pregnant than normal omnivore women, but it is still sad to see parents murdering their children because they watched Earthlings Gnostic anti human propaganda.
>This is what happens when you embrace heretical presuppositions children.

>> No.8982889


>> No.8982891

I personally think everybody should be vegan, but not giving your baby its mother's milk is retarded. The arguments against people drinking milk are commonly that it has hormones in it, saturated fat, etc. But for a human baby, human breast milk is the #1 food it needs for growth. You WANT those hormones, antibodies, fat, etc.

>> No.8982899
File: 216 KB, 975x650, Walpig3-163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where was it proven to be false?

(11) Pierrehumbert and Eshel. “Climate impact of beef: an analysis considering multiple time scales and production methods without use of global warming potentials” IOP Science. 4 August, 2015, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/085002/meta..

And as far as animal abuse goes...humane farms still grind up male chicks on their first day of life:

They still castrate, dehorn, dock tails, cut ears, sear off beaks, toes, and brand without anesthesia. And yes, that's in "humane" farms as well.

Calves are still taken from their mothers shortly after birth, which causes severe distress, and there is still no real regulation of how the animals are treated behind closed doors. And they're still often slaughtered or scalded alive fully conscious.

>> No.8982900


This is all standard practice in animal agriculture:

More information:

Study: Cattle regain consciousness after being stunned, wake up to being skinned and dismembered in slaughterhouses
“…the best slaughter plants under the best conditions average 97% to 98% successful stuns. “Successful” does not mean that these stuns were irreversible or that the animal was killed. The animals were rendered insensible between stunning and death through exsanguination (stun-stick interval). In one study conducted in a controlled slaughterhouse environment, approximately 1.2% of bulls and cull cows returned to sensibility after captive bolt stunning, prior to being hoisted onto the rail. According to another study conducted in abattoirs in the UK, 6.6% of 1284 steers and heifers were stunned poorly; 1.7% of 628 cull cows were stunned poorly; but young bulls appeared to be particularly hard to stun correctly and 53.1% of 32 bulls in the study were stunned poorly.
Given the large numbers of animals that may have to be destroyed, even a low percentage of ineffective kills that lead to animals returning to sensibility is unacceptable from an animal welfare standpoint and undesirable in the context of efficient disease control operations; moreover, the sight of severely wounded animals regaining sensibility, showing coordinated movement, and even attempting to get up would be distressing for onlookers and for personnel who have to restun and kill such animals.”

>> No.8982905

>meat eaters severely abuse their animals
>thinks vegetables grow without animal input to the soil
>thinks bambi and thumper eat out of your hand in the garden of eden
> thinks chippy the chipmunk and ratatouille rat are your friend.

LMAO. Grow a 1/2 acre plot of vegetables and post again with a straight face.

>> No.8982909

Fuck you retard. I'm going to go eat dairy and meat from animals that were fucking tortured for my benefit, because animals exist to serve me. They are my fucking slaves. Fuck them.

>> No.8982912
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>> No.8982926

I think I have more respect for women who don't breastfeed because because they think it's gross or just plain don't want to than I do for women who don't breastfeed because they think it's not vegan.

>> No.8982931
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Humans are more important than animals. If you have kids I better not catch you withholding animal products from them in my neighborhood friendo.

You have been warned.

>> No.8982941

These radical vegans haven't even grown a patio tomato. I'm right now dealing with a chipmunk infestation stealing the planted seed.

>> No.8982945

Where do you draw the line though? At what level of intelligence is it unacceptable for you to eat a living being? For me it's if they can feel pain, I'm curious to what your limit is.

>> No.8982946

There are literally no vegans who think feeding human breast milk to human babies isn't vegan...

>> No.8982956

Is that actually you? lol. I'd be more worried about you hurting yourself. Looks like you cut your hair with a chainsaw.

>> No.8982960

>work with vegan
>claims it's her children's choice they are vegan as well
>kids are 11 and 4
>kids have no job
>kids have no car
>kids have no money
>kids never shop or cook

But it's their choice.

>> No.8982967

I mean it's conceivable that the kids are vegan, at least on a surface level. Even a 4-year old can rationalize that killing is generally bad, although obviously they don't have the mental abilities to properly analyze the situation.

>> No.8982974

>work with meat eater
>kids don't understand what they're doing by eating meat, dairy, and eggs
>parents feed it to them anyway
>kids are 11 and 4
>kids have no job
>kids have no car
>kids have no money
>kids never shop or cook
>kids develop health problems as a result of their shit diet
>kids grow up to realize they've been supporting extreme animal abuse and environmental destruction
>kids realize their parents knew about it all along
>kids cut contact with shit parents

But vegans are the ones "forcing their beliefs" on their children.

>> No.8983004

I believe it is acceptable to eat any animals. I would prefer that they are treated humanely and slaughtered in a reasonable manner. But at the end of the day humans are more important than animals.
>He doesn't know who Imam Al Sam Abdullah Hyde is.

>> No.8983020

What about animals that surpass the intelligence of certain humans? Like a dolphin that might be smarter than a retard?

>> No.8983022

"Hyde has also gained online notoriety for his vocal advocacy of alt-right interests"

lol, like I'm supposed to know who this loser is?

>> No.8983032

>>kids have no job
>>kids have no car
>>kids have no money
>>kids never shop or cook


No. You can simply ask a kid "do you want an animal to die so you can eat it or do you want to eat something that doesn't involve an animal dying". The answer they give you can determine their preference. I eat meat all day errrrrrrrrrryday, but the question and answer is simple, so fuck you.

>> No.8983039

My view on animals is derived from proper Christian theology. Humans in the Edenic state were vegan but after Adams fall the necessity for humans deriving sustenance from humans became mandatory.

Animals do not bear image of God, humans have dominion over them which implies that they should be treated with a certain level of dignity and respect but not worshiped.

Humans will no longer consume meat once Christ returns and all of creation is renewed and the hostility that animals have for humans will cease, a child will be able to play with venomous snakes and swim with great white sharks.

My view has nothing to do with their intelligence but is a logical conclusion of proper theology.

You aint a revolutionary nigga.

>> No.8983049

Understood, that's an interesting perspective. I still disagree with it, but I'll leave it be.

>> No.8983073
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>"do you want an animal to die so you can eat it or do you want to eat something that doesn't involve an animal dying"
jesus dude just ask the kid what they want to eat instead of being some faggy liberal parent

>> No.8983088

I'm a very conservative vegan. I strongly believe in the right to life, and I logically extend it to animals, which have some degree of sentience, emotions, and can feel pain. If anything it's the baby-killing liberals that would support eating animals.

>> No.8983101
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You're what's wrong with the world you Christan hypocrite. Christianity is precisely as evil as the other Abrahamic traditions. Give it up. You're only going to convert the poor, ignorant and disenfranchised while sucking their lifeblood. Go to your charnel house. And enjoy your death cult.

>> No.8983130


"""Well," said the animal, "I know many vegetables that are very clear on that point. Which is why it was eventually decided to cut through the whole tangled problem and breed an animal that actually wanted to be eaten and was capable of saying so clearly and distinctly. And here I am."

It managed a very slight bow.

"Glass of water please," said Arthur.""

- Douglas Adams. There's a quote for every situation.

>> No.8983160

I like the part soon thereafter where the cow announces it would 'nip off and shoot [it]self,' winking at Mr. Dent and telling him not to worry since it'd do it humanely.

How a hooved animal manages to shoot itself, however, I'll never know. Also, would you like a piece of faerie cake, Anon?

>> No.8983163


Why not just cut the tofu and beans if that's what triggers your UC? And what's the point of eating eggs and meat broth?

>> No.8983170


"""Look," said Zaphod, "we want to eat, we don't want to make a meal of the issues. Four rare stakes please, and hurry. We haven't eaten in five hundred and seventy-six thousand million years."

The animal staggered to its feet. It gave a mellow gurgle. "A very wise choice, sir, if I may say so. Very good," it said, "I'll just nip off and shoot myself."

He turned and gave a friendly wink to Arthur. "Don't worry, sir," he said, "I'll be very humane."""

Restaurant at the End of the Universe, chp 17.

>> No.8983176

Just cut two major sources of protein in a plant based diet? What's he gonna eat, peanut butter sandwiches all day?

>> No.8983178

I just remember peanuts are a "bean". So change that to almond butter sandwiches.

>> No.8983209

Can you please explain how, provided the chicken is free range and in optimal living conditions or whatever, eating an egg harms the chicken?

>> No.8983211

Dear me, do I miss his work. Great writer, Adams.

Haven't ever considered looking into And Another Thing. Am I missing out or is the book as horrid as I imagine it to be? Eoin Colfer wrote Artemis Fowl, for fucks sake.

>> No.8983237

That's an understatement of what actually happens to the animals though. The alternatives are ignoring the fact or lying to them. It has nothing to do with being faggy or liberal.

>> No.8983249

99.9% of chickens are not raised that way. Free range is a marketing term and means nothing for the animals, and every single farm is going to say they live in "optimal living conditions", even the worst of them...

>> No.8983278

Propaganda spreading meat eaters BTFO.

>> No.8983280

and an all beef burger

>> No.8983302

>grandma got scared watching low quality tv
>some diet expert said that meat was bad and was going to kill her
>stoped eating meat alltogether, didnt tell anyone
>fucked up her kidney, low red blood cells,etc
gee thanks vegans, you almost killed grandma

>> No.8983306

So it's only accurate to say that "most" eggs aren't vegan.

>> No.8983321

It was actually pretty decent, wasn't much like the artemis fowl books

>> No.8983332

Quinoa, nuts, spinach, etc. You don't really need that much protein at all. As long as you are eating non-refined foods you'll typically get enough.

>Grandma is too retarded to eat a proper diet
>Blame it on vegans

Sasuga meat-eaters. Nobody said you should eat a vegan diet with 0 thought put forth, you need to actually understand nutrition. Fortunately all of the info you need is available online.

>> No.8983342

Scale of 1-10?

>> No.8983347

I'd say 7 or so, it's been a while since I've read it though, was pretty decent from what I remember though

>> No.8983350

stop scaring old people on tv

>> No.8983372
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You forgot the image

Stop forgetting the image

>> No.8983829

Proof needed. I've never once in my life born witness to (or even heard rumors about) stories like this.

>> No.8983871

Some blacks do this too

>> No.8983940

I am one of those children. And if you ever join a vegan group, you'll see how many of them have family relationships destroyed because of it and they can never look at their family the same way again.

>> No.8983947

My cousins were raised vegan, they managed to sneak meat in their teens when out and using their own money against my aunts wishes.

They don't even talk to her anymore because she forced that shit on them.

They got grounded if she learned they ate meat.

Now she's alone and her kids hate her.

People shouldn't force their diet on people, even as a kid I knew meat was dead animals and did not care.

If my kid wanted to be vegan, I'd support them and make sure they carefully ate balanced, but 99% of humans are gonna wanna eat omnivorously.

>> No.8983968

Hows the single mother epidemic and the sexual revolution treating ya?

>> No.8983970

Why only diet? What is okay to force on your children?

>> No.8984000

>wah wah Won't someone think of the children? Bawwwwww.
Oh fuck off. The only reason we have kids raise them is so they can help us with work.

>> No.8984003

*and raise them

>> No.8984049

Why make it a racial issue?
Pretty sure you'll find more child abuse in Latin America, India or Africa per capita than amongst whites.

>> No.8984058

About to start babysitting for a black vegan family with a black vegan toddler....so...

And not all vegan diets are unhealthy for babies. It takes minimal knowledge of nutrition to keep a baby healthy on a vegan diet. The same amount that should be required for anyone of any diet to have a baby.

>> No.8984059

I, too, endorse unreasonably early deaths for vegans to ease the healthcare burden on 'the system'.

>> No.8985557

>all these idiots being triggered by what is no doubt a white person

>> No.8985576


because giving them koolaid and fried chicken is any better, there's stupid parents in every race

>> No.8985597

For a species to thrive it is always to the detriment of other species. It might make me uncomfortable but I accept this, so I still eat meat.

>> No.8985609

As a pescetarian... vegans are fucktards. People who refuse to have a meal with zero meat are equally disabled.

>> No.8985611

Someone PLEASE post that one article where this black ''mother'' severly injured her child by insering a dildo in its ass trying to ''make it feel good''.

>> No.8985613

Don't they cut the throat after stunning? Why would they skin a cow alive?

>> No.8985680

Worked well for Steve Jobs

>> No.8985712
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God, you people are arguing on who eats what

Be fucking glad you have something to eat