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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8979237 No.8979237 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate, waffles v pancakes v french toast.

Which do you prefer /ck/?

+1 to French Toast

>> No.8979249

Waffles are more reliably good, but pancakes are better when they are cooked well (have a higher texture and flavor sealing).

I've never had french toast.

>> No.8979270

you're not missing anything. it's dumpster tier garbage

>> No.8979284
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>> No.8979299

waffles. french toast is garbage

>> No.8979300


>> No.8979303

what makes you say that

>> No.8979308

crepes. if i can't pick crepes, i pick french toast. never had american style pancakes in my life and i don't like waffles

>> No.8979314

Say that to my fucking face and not online, punk.

>> No.8979320

waffles > pancakes = french toast
waffles are better because of the crispy outside and fluffy inside you can achieve on a good one
>pancakes are better when they are cooked well (have a higher texture and flavor sealing)
this is debatable because waffles have pits to hold more syrup/butter and hold up better to more toppings because of its crispyness

>> No.8979330

Good waffles > Good french toast > Pancakes > Bad french toast > Bad waffles

>> No.8979335

All three of them.

>> No.8979344
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pancakes, because thiccness
those other skinny bitches don't mean shit

>> No.8979364
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>> No.8979373

home made french toast.
use home made bread, or a loaf of french or Italian bread, sliced thicc. And make the egg mixture a custard rather than just eggs.

basically give it a sear and finish it in the oven. good shit.

>> No.8979457
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none of the above

>> No.8979458
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french toast +1

>> No.8979461

Give me great American pancakes, not this faggy European waffle garbage

>> No.8979496
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>> No.8979515

I just ate this for dinner, and holy shit, it was amazing.

>> No.8979540
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I'll just have a crumpet

>> No.8979545

Cat vomit on a muffin?

>> No.8979551



>> No.8979579

Generally I'd go with pancakes, since they tend to come in more varieties than french toast. French toast also tends to be too filling for me, since I sympathize with socialism.

Jalapeño waffles aren't too bad, but the average waffle I come across in the wild tends to be mediocre.

>> No.8979607

Your's looks better than most. Usually the gravy is far too thick. I thought last weekend I'd do an OC from homemade biscuits to the final product but I got tied up. This long weekend I might try to do it. I really suspect there are some yuropoors who are salivating at this strangely addictive combination of fat and starch. A verbal description in no way does it justice. It's just godtier brunch or breakfast food.

>> No.8979612

I don't eat cake for breakfast.

>> No.8979626

it's no different than eating cake at any other time of day. what do you eat instead?

>> No.8979634


You can eat these during lunch or dinner as well.

>> No.8979674
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I've never seen frozen french toast or pancakes. The people have spoken.

(I'm sure they exist, but they aren't nearly as ubiquitous.)

>> No.8979686
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pillsbury frozen pancakes are pretty good.

>> No.8979713

Toaster waffles, specifically. I've never had a homemade waffle that was better than an Eggo.

Toaster waffles > pancakes > french toast > waffles > toaster pancakes

>> No.8979749

Wait, what? Do they come in a tube like Pillsbury crescents and biscuits?

>> No.8979790

I think I would agree here. Maybe flip flop good waffles and french toast depending. Sometimes when I make french toast, especially with brioche, I put a cinnamon crust along the edges and it adds a really good texture. Put some honey on it and I'm in fucking heaven.

But with waffles, I like to do different berry compotes. I think it just goes better than with french toast. Plus you get the added bonus of built in syrup traps.

>> No.8979797

waffles > french toast > pancakes

this is not up for debate

>> No.8979841


because they're fun

>> No.8980255
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>> No.8980307
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Pancakes are never satisfying. Eat them alone and blah. So they are characterized more by their toppings.

Waffles are much the same, but often incorporate more into their batter, chips, fruits. Pancakes can too, but to get big fat pussy pancakes you need to excluded berries and chips t make sure they shape right.

French toast? The best. Texture, firmness, absorption, All the additions, vanilla, cinnamon - they blend perfectly with the egg.

>> No.8980317
File: 286 KB, 700x467, belgiansugarwaffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belgian pearl sugar waffles shit on everything else

>> No.8980342

>Waffles are more reliably good, but pancakes are better when they are cooked well (have a higher texture and flavor sealing).
>flavor sealing

>> No.8980350

That only applies if you have a fission reactor in your stomach.

>> No.8980836
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You don't?

>> No.8980847

Pancakes require the most skill, and therefore can be the best -- that said, they can also be pretty bad. Waffles are all right. French toast is for children.

>> No.8980853

>Pancakes require the most skill
Crumpets are literally the hardest batter food I have ever attempted. I have tried it probably 5-6 times and still havent perfected it. Pancakes are easy as fuck.

>> No.8980944


>> No.8981027

>Pancakes are easy as fuck

If you get 3 things right, which most don't: Don't overmix batter, get grill temperature correct and flip at the correct time.

>> No.8981041

>Don't overmix batter, get grill temperature correct and flip at the correct time.
Implying that's difficult at all
Quick tip: If you fuck up the first one you can fix your mistakes by the second

>> No.8981044

>not eating all three for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

kys already

>> No.8981053
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But do they form a complete protein?

>> No.8981060
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That's what toppings are for.

>> No.8981069

Good french toast>Good pancakes>Good waffles>Bad waffles>Bad pancakes>Bad french toast

>> No.8981086

chicken n waffles

>> No.8981445

Looks like pancakes win my shitty strawpoll.

>> No.8981462

Waffles, but they have to be the light and crispy kind.

>> No.8981844

Though it's tricky to get the way I like it, a a thin delicate buttery pancake with syrup can be one of the best things ever. So I'd go with that.

French Toast is in second place, but I don't really care for waffles. I have this idea on what I want to waffles to taste like, but it never tastes as good as I want it to. They're also rubbery way too often regardless if you make it or you get it from a restaurant.

>> No.8981860

French toast with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and a dash of salt.

>> No.8981875
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I like them all in before how fat are you.

>> No.8981879
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>> No.8981884


>> No.8981885
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>French toast also tends to be too filling for me, since I sympathize with socialism.

>> No.8981922

>I have this idea on what I want to waffles to taste like, but it never tastes as good as I want it to.
I feel the same. Idk why it is, but I have this expectation whenever I eat waffles that I don't feel is met. Happens occasionally but less often with pancakes, and almost never with french toast.

>> No.8982015

French Toast = Waffles = Pancakes

There's no resolving this debate. There are exceptional entries in each category

>> No.8982050
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Boi, that's a copout and you know it.