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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 492x336, historyOfChicagoDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8970742 No.8970742 [Reply] [Original]

>Currently visiting family over in Chicago
>My family takes me the best hotdog stand in the neighborhood
>I was pretty enthusiastic because I had never tried a hotdog before
>My excitement was immediately met with disappointment
>"It's okay.........I think it would taste better with a kielbasa instead of hotdog meat"
>My family reacts like I personally insulted them
>They now passive-aggressively make jokes about my poor taste is
>They are now reluctant to take me to any of their favorite restaurants
>Over the past couple of days they gradually became less butthurt
>Today I managed to convince them to introduce me to more American food
>Tonight are take me to the best Chicago pizzeria in the city.
>Never tried it before and have no clue what to expect
>but I am a fan of Italian Pizza so hopefully I'll enjoy it

I have no clue why you wouldn't eat a bratwurst with ketchup and mustard instead of shitty hotdog meat.
Apparently, hotdogs are loved in America and Murricans become very upset when you criticize them.

>> No.8970750

none of this happened kek

>> No.8970755

Holy shit I hope your family doesn't kill you.

>> No.8970766

Just because I have a thread on /bant/ about it doesn't mean it isn't true. I realized this would be a better board to post it on.
Why do you think that would happen?

>> No.8970774

probably bait but,
Chicago-style hot dogs are shit, most of the ingredients involve a pickle brine at some point, the meat is full of sodium itself, and then it's sprinkled with seasoning salt. too much sodium, horribly unbalanced flavors.

the unsung Chicago hero is the Maxwell Street Polish, a polish sausage on a roll with grilled onions and mustard, optionally peppers.

and if you are a real person, I'm interested to hear which pizzeria your family is planning on taking you to. Lou Malnati's, with the optional butter-crust, is the best. Giordano's is watered down bullshit. Gino's East isn't up to snuff.

>> No.8970777


Don't you mean /glim/?

>> No.8970794


Gave yourself away

>> No.8970801

I dont get the joke.

>> No.8970809

I never said the hotdog I ate had ketchup on it.
I said why wouldn't Americans prefer a bratwurst with ketchup and mustard
I was referring to regular hotdogs.

>> No.8970812

>Lou Malnati's, with the optional butter-crust, is the best. Giordano's is watered down bullshit. Gino's East isn't up to snuff.

Good taste. I consider myself a bit of a chicago pizza enthusiast, tried all the big names and a lot of the noteworthy smaller ones, pequod's, my pi, etc, and i honestly think no one tops Lou's.

>> No.8970820


I've never had pequod's yet, though the way their crust looks fascinates me, I really wanna try.

Ever had Aurelio's? My hometown south of the city is the original location (really beautiful place) so that's what I grew up eating, thin-crust, and I still think it's among the best pizza you can get. But I don't know that their franchise locations are of the same quality.

>> No.8970836

American here. Hotdogs are shit and meant for shitty people; don't feel too bad.

>> No.8970860

Pequod's is worth trying at least once just for the crust, for sure. The rim is like a cracker of super savory caramelized cheese. Nothing else quite like it, other than Burt's obv. Not much else about, the sauce, toppings, etc, are very memorable though. Well, other than the fact that it's bready as fuck. Like an inch thick layer of spongy bread with a relatively tame amount of sauce and cheese on top. Not really to my taste, but don't get me wrong it's a great pie. The original location in Morton Grove is cozy as hell too.

Not tried Aurelio's deep dish, although im pretty sure i've had their thin delivered before. Will keep it in mind.

>> No.8970891

los mejores panchos son los de constitucion papu

>> No.8970899

Americans are like that. They honestly believe their shit is the best shit, their food is the best food, and their country is the best country.
They've all been fucking brainwashed.

>> No.8970900
File: 74 KB, 300x256, 1446532129021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting ketchup on a bratwurst

>> No.8970914

>putting ketchup on anything
There's almost always a better option.

>> No.8970916

Niggah, even the germans make a currywurst out of bratwurst and that shits ketchup based.

>> No.8970919


>> No.8970925

Ketchup is good as a base for better sauces. That's really it's true purpose.

>> No.8970956

Ah yes because no one in europe or especiall britain thinks that way...

>> No.8970968

British food is genuinely better than most American food.
Excluding BBQ, Soul Food and Cajun/Creole

>> No.8970996

Yeah ok, besides fish and chips everything you guys eat comes in a small plastic pouch

>> No.8971009


Most of our traditional foods tend to be sold individually packaged now, yes.
Pasties and sausage rolls are our equivalent of hotdogs on rollers, or corndawgs.

>> No.8971017
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>> No.8971046
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Showed pic related to a frenchie. She wept for humanity.

>"what kind of cheese is it?"
>"uhh... processed"

>> No.8971055
File: 12 KB, 262x192, 'MERICA! FUCK YEAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their shit is the best shit, their food is the best food, they've all been fucking brainwashed.

Fuck ya'll racist eurotrash haters.

'Merican niggas rural the world bitches! Don't hate. Appreciate.

>> No.8971064
File: 101 KB, 1200x630, sundayroast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this vs. a hamburger or hotdog or mac n cheese.
British food is superior.

>> No.8971076

Brats are delicious. Hotdogs are cheaper. Fuck Chicago style dogs, fuck mustard. Also fuck Chicago deep pizza.

>> No.8971283


Americans eat roasts too, though

It's a bit out of fashion, but it's done.

My Mexican-American family swore by the sunday roast.

>> No.8971992

you're joking, right?

>> No.8971995

Nope. Name one American food that doesn't come from the south that is better?

>> No.8972049

He's pretty much right if he threw in Tex-Mex food which still counts as american because central america is still america. Everything else can be had better in other countries.

t. Well travelled amerifat.

>> No.8972087

I'm mad our national food is Hamburger instead of Southern food desu.

>> No.8972279

>bbq is a joke, right?
fuck off

>> No.8972309

>bratwurst with ketchup and mustard

Your family is right about how poor your taste is.

At any rate, don't get all butthurt and blame the entire city of Chicago because your family took you to a bunch of meme-food places. There's lots of good food in Chicago that isn't hotdogs and deep dish pizza.

>> No.8972311

Why do hotdogs always taste so raw in the middle

>> No.8972327

>germans make currywurst
>they don't just use straight ketchup
because that's the fucking point

>> No.8972350

I had a similar poor experience at a hotdog joint in Chicago.
The owner scoffed at me and gave a backhanded insult when I asked for ketchup and said he didn't have any and pretty much banned me from the other condiments so I had to eat mine plain.

>> No.8972428

Chicago fucks have the biggest inferiority complex in all the US. They try to be east coast but fail miserably because they're just a bunch of midwest yokels who built a city off of slaughterhouses. The most impolite, rude locals I've ever met were on 3 visits to Chicago. In 10 visits to NYC I never had one negative encounter with a local. Chicago people are assholes through and through. Those people are seriously fucked up with a negativity that destroys any possibility of enjoying yourself.

>> No.8972464


Hotdogs are just a skinny Knockwurst, which is widely consumed in Germany. If you like Polish sausage, and HAVEN'T managed to find it in Chicongo, your relatives are retarded, as Polish and German immigrants built that entire city.

Tell them to take you to Graham Elliots place if they're looking to blow dosh to impress you.

>> No.8972473



I wish I was there to have seen it

>> No.8973217
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puts ketchup on his bratwurst
>posts in /ck/

>> No.8973231

America doesn't have a cuisine, it has a travesty.

>> No.8973245

Please don't think all of us are like that. Some of us prefer to source real food instead of the monsanto frankenfood, garnished with hfcs and msg.

Only flyover yokels eat that crap.

>> No.8973247

I just googled that and the crust looks burned to fuck.

>> No.8973258

Most soul food is British, like macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, "biscuits" which is a mispelling of scone, etc.

>> No.8973575

You can get those in individually-packaged plastic packs, too.

Although the best way is to go to a pub carvery. You get a set amount of meat, but then all the vegetables and gravy you want. If you can ignore the screaming children and the slow-shuffling old people and the fact that the carpet is coated with old gravy stains from people overestimating their plate's capacity.
But, y'know, you're there with friends/family, they wouldn't dare fuck up the food for risk of losing their customer base, and you all end up feeling good, if a little overstuffed, from all the heavy carb-laden comfort food.
You don't get better comfort food than a roast dinner. Chin up, luv, have another roast potato.

Triggering the french is fun as fuck.

>Only flyover yokels
So, 99% of your land area and population? 'Coast' is anything within 20 miles of the sea. Two tiny strips of USA, one each side.

>> No.8974041

OP couldnt handle a single hot dog

>> No.8974053

>what is international soccer

>> No.8974070

Really depends on the hotdog but brats arenusually better. If you gotta go hotdogs, beef is usually the go-to for most since regular hotdogs are chicken/pork mix.

>> No.8974192

>Regular hot dogs are chicken and pork
What boat did you step off from?

>> No.8974449

>rural the world

>> No.8974677

>real food instead of the monsanto frankenfood, garnished with hfcs and msg.
Won't defend HFCS but using "Frankenfood" and falling for the MSG meme makes me think you haven't studied any nutrition or genetics courses in your life

>> No.8974838

In the UK, you never trust ANYTHING labelled as a 'hot dog'. If it's not 'sausage; or 'drankfurter', there doesn't have to be meat in it.

>> No.8974844

* frankfurter

>> No.8974878


It's called the Maillard reaction you fucking pleb
Burnt cheese is the greatest of life's pleasures

Do you not like the corner pieces of brownie?

>> No.8975287

Post pic of your passport with timestamp with your current visit.

>> No.8975320

The food in chicago is all shit
You will fucking kill yourself when you see the pizza
Escape while you can

>> No.8975339
File: 272 KB, 500x333, chicagopizza2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8975386

>look at me repeat /ck/ memes about a place I've never been to!

>> No.8975444

I'm so fucking triggered that you guys eat shit on a daily basis you wouldn't believe

fun fact : no one gives a fuck, if anything, you're pitiful at most.

>> No.8975460

Only the poor our the guys who don't give a fuck eat spray cheese
Chicago used to be good now its a meme

>> No.8975536

i can tell you're a yokel who's never left his swamp

>> No.8975541


most /ck/ are teenage suburban fags who eat fucking frozen meals every day

>> No.8977027

>Tonight are take me to the best Chicago pizzeria in the city.

Which one? Malnati's?

>the unsung Chicago hero is the Maxwell Street Polish,
This, sort of. In Chicago, even Costco has polish sausages (but not with grilled onions and peppers, alas), and they are far better than Costco's hot dogs.

>> No.8977032

>other than Burt's obv.
For those who are unaware, Burt Levin founded Pequod's before he sold it off to some dingbat who hung lingerie in the kitchen and thought it was edgy to spraypaint "no beating" all over the men's bathroom walls.

Burt later started a new place a few blocks away, called "Burt's Place". Unfortunately, he died recently, and someone else has now taken that over. Don't know how it is yet.

>> No.8977036

Grilled salmon, from the Seattle area.

>> No.8977039

Chicago style pizza.

>> No.8977060

You have a bait-y tone but I agree with you. The standard hotdog really has no place in anything. There's no dish, nor any way to prepare it where a proper sausage like chorizo, bratwurst, kielbasa etc isn't superior to the "hotdog". I ate a mexican styled hotdog with guacamole, salsa etc and while the condiments where good, the whole thing still didn't reach very high because she used the palest, most basic hotdog you can find.

>> No.8977068

Bratwurst with ketchup is still better than "hotdog" with ketchup. Every sausage with ketchup is better than "hotdog" with ketchup. It's the fucking worst.

>> No.8977072

None of the foods you just said are "southern food". You wanna talk about southern food. You gotta talk about what the slaves got to keep after the masters got the best picks. Lots of pork fat, gizzards, greens, black eyed peas, rib meat, pigs, ears, feet and tails.

>> No.8977076

Brat with sauerkraut simmered in a good stout beer and yellow mustard is the bomb.

>> No.8977416


>> No.8977444

A hot dog is kind of the pinnacle of unpretentious American food and the way it's dressed up is almost religious to some American regions like Chicago. I think by having an unrealistic expectation of it and openly complaining about it wile comparing it to it's Euro cousins kind of puts you firmly in the pretentious snob pigeonhole that a good amount of Americans believe. Then again, you said you post on /bant/ so you're pretty much a fucking dipshit memeposter and this thread is probably bait anyways. If you truly go on international boards you're probably well aware of the pride that cities have over their local food scenes and iconic dishes, and you're shitstirring. (insulting Chicago hot dogs and pizza to Chicagoans)

Seriously. Visit family who takes you out trying to get a fun local American experience and you complain. When they get annoyed, you say "gosh I guess Americans are just sensitive and butthurt over my supreme foreign taste :^)" Go fuck yourself if you're being earnest. And if you're not, then this was truly ebin and you got me.

>> No.8977446
File: 373 KB, 1200x841, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Coast' is anything within 20 miles of the sea. Two tiny strips of USA, one each side.

Coastal states would like a word with your geography teacher.

>> No.8977448

A hot dog traditionally is a bratwurst you fucking retard.

>> No.8977562

>reading comprehension
meme spouting won't compensate for your inability to use your brain senpai

>> No.8978104

>some dingbat who hung lingerie in the kitchen
I read linguine at first, but this is just weird

>> No.8978158
File: 272 KB, 378x366, 1494971671490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clam chowder from muh Rhode island home state friend. We also allow the smoking of weed so all our food taste better anyways.

>> No.8978195


>> No.8978207

> He unironically defends sausages in buns as 'cuisine'.
> He thinks Chicago hot dawgs are 'unpretentious'

>> No.8978252

You are an autistic social retard who visits other countries and the first thing he does is start shitting on it, the people, their mentality and traditions and then pulls the bitchass crybaby victim card when he isn't met with warmth and enthusiam.
>is a German Hans-Wurst cuckold who lets his mother, sister and daughter get fucked by muslim shitskins and niggers and will be bred out in 70 years in his own country
I'm not surprised in the slightest.

Germans are the true Untermenschen. You fat autistic shit breathers always want your Weiner Schnitzel and Prezel and Bier wherever you go on holidays, be it in Thailand, Morocco, Egypt, Vietnam - it doesn't fucking matter. You always expect the host countries to adapt to you and suck your dick.
Get fucked to death by Muhammad.

>> No.8978267

Nobody even mentioned "southern".

>> No.8978271

Some yank shite.

>> No.8978273
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>> No.8978277

That's caramelised, you thick twat. The pictures are straight up burnt. Burnt food tastes terrible to anyone with a palate that encompasses more than chicken nuggets covered in ketchup.

>> No.8978290

You're easily the most pathetic fuck in this thread. You need to finish puberty before posting again.

>> No.8978308

>Complaining about low quality mystery meat sticks makes you a snob

I know it's the bigotry of low expectations, but Americans never fail to disappoint.

>> No.8978312

You mean football

>> No.8978315

>Tries poor quality food to be nice
>Doesn't like it
>He is now labelled all that crap you just spat out
Americans are truly pathetic.

>> No.8978328

>you germans are cucks gettin fucked by muslim shitkins and niggers because you let them into your country and stomp your culture
>you germans always go abroad and shit on their culture and people and expect them to adapt to you

calm down kid, you're not making any sense and your shit's all over the place
this is a food and cooking board, your playgrounds are somewhere else:


now go

>> No.8978337
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come on now, you know you can only pick one

>> No.8978338
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>> No.8978343

I went and got the food. now I just need to get someone to fix it.

>> No.8978351
File: 356 KB, 479x472, completo italiano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't add avocado to his hotdogs!

>> No.8978353

it makes perfect sense you autistic Kraut.

>> No.8978355
File: 231 KB, 1500x694, pop_lg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anything within 20 miles of the sea. Two tiny strips of USA, one each side

which contain almost all major cities and metropolitan areas of the country

>> No.8978358

the humanity should look for a way to push the andes until chile is covered by the sea
disgusting subhumans

>> No.8978366


Go away, butthurt argaytino

>> No.8978433

Yeah, Chicago hot dogs ARE unpretentious. They're street food. But they like them fixed up a certain way.
It'd be like going to Britain and your family taking you to their favorite chippy and you say things like "Ugh why are the fries so fat and limp? Why can't they serve them thinner and crispier like the shoestring fries I get back in the states? Why do they put vinegar on their fish, they would like it better if they used ketchup" They would treat you like a rude foreign dingus and would tease you mercilessly for it, rightfully so. Not like a chippy is the height of serious British cuisine like a Chicago hot dog stand, but it's still part of the culture and the locals are particular about the way it's done.
Anyone coming in from the outside attempting to criticize and whine about it when it's clear that they didn't get what it's all about in the first place is going to be silly to them. I think a guy from Naples coming into my favorite pizza joint in Manhattan and complaining that it's not the way they do it in the old country and offering 'ways to improve' is pretty much asking for rude behavior from his hosts.

>> No.8978486

Inland lakes are not seas, chucklefuck.

>> No.8978492

Have you BEEN to chicago? They're really fucking pretentious about their hawt dawgs.

>> No.8978550

Chicago dogs and people from Chicago are the epitome of pretentiousness and saltiness (salty both literally and figuratively)

They pile a bunch of salty shit, a small amount of onions, a little bit of tomato, shitty mustard and radioactive relish and parade it as the best shit ever to happen to sausages and then they get all salty and shitty about ketchup if someone asks for it.

>> No.8978722

>even the germans make a currywurst out of bratwurst and that shits ketchup based
And it's shitty trash fast food that's just #wifestatus level throwing premade shit together just like any midwest flyover abomination.

>> No.8978742

British are so delusionally self-centered and still stuck in their bygone "mighty empire!" mindset that they think that they invented and perfected the concept of a roast and nowhere else could possibly roast a piece of meat and serve it with complimentary sides.

This is the level of education that produces these "american fastfood versus superior english cooking" shitposts.

>> No.8978843


Also? Hotdogs are truly the wurst form of fast food.

>> No.8978861

No one in Britain gives a fuck about the empire.
Most kids today wouldn't even even know it existed.

>> No.8978943

this post reads like pure bait
but honestly, hotdogs kind of suck, especially with the awful meat you usually find

>Never tried it before and have no clue what to expect
>but I am a fan of Italian Pizza so hopefully I'll enjoy it
it'll be different, and probably deep dish
but I like deep dish

really wish I lived up north still, you can't get anything approaching good deep dish down here in Florida

you know, we really do fucking suck at teaching fractions as a nation here
or hell, math in general

>> No.8979232


>> No.8979305
File: 40 KB, 220x312, 220px-Colonel_Blimp_cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ol' Col Blimp would like to have a few words with you youngster.

>> No.8981098

No dude he's right, enjoy ahmed fucking you granddaughters you cowardice piece of shit. Fuckin fake german with your commie cunt leader, i hope you get more trucks of peace in your markets you fuckin dindu

>> No.8981106

Hotdogs are party foods. Literally no one goes home and makes a meal of hot dogs

>> No.8981121

>Hotdogs are party foods

Glad I'm not invited then.

>> No.8981138

Well its just because theyre cheap and easy to heat up. It's like putting a bowl of bean next to a bag of chips

>> No.8981199

Has it occurred to you that there might be a reason that hot dogs are sold only in stands and they can't afford a fucking building to run their business in?

>> No.8981426

This didn't happen.
All good hotdog joints in Chicago have the option to replace the hotdog with a kielbasa. Or just get a fucking kielbasa with peppers and onions, shit's good.
T. Chicagoan

>> No.8981437

Chicago food regulation is very strict, we don't have many stands or food trucks. Shoo you flyover fag, it's clear your only experience with a city is GTA4.

>> No.8981446

You've never met a frenchman then.

t. butthurt kraut

>> No.8981447

>not flyover

>> No.8981449
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You wanna know what true irony is? Listing all of the fusion friendly cuisines America has brought to the international table, while also being the only country that knows how to get them right, only to point out that British food is "better".

Quick history lesson, we were British ourselves for a goooood portion of our short but rich history as a nation and without debate the most valued asset of your former empire, and you guys fucked that up, royaly. Ha.

We spoke and wrote with British accents up to the Civil war era. Not far from being the underdeveloped nation who got pissy about taxes on tea and usurped "the greatest army" your country had to offer and took back Little Britian. We have all of the recipes you have the traditional food you enjoy is mostly shared with us, we had the good sense to bin that shit alongside tea and explore our own varieties of food. We can always fish out a British recipe to jazz up a bit but honestly most of it is pretty bland spin on food found around Britian like say your arch nemesis France. Not as original as you think.

We also have quintessentially, Native, American dishes. Overall a large pool to draw inspiration from. We popularize most food fads and trends, pop culture is just a facet of American culture, not to confused as the only side of our culture. Immigration has introduced a lot of flavors as well. Most of the interesting spices and flavors you enjoy are from yesteryears Asian spice exploits, old (World) news really in that department. I noticed that not as many people want to move to your constipated supercities. I wonder why. Your bastard child has placed you in its shadow for what two centuries now? Time to play catch up

Come eat this Spotted Dick, fatherland.

America out

>> No.8981451


>> No.8981463

TL;DR: We don't have our own cuisine, just a mixup from older countries whose immigrants brought in their recipies

>> No.8981508


Except Muslim dick is your national dish so it belongs on a food board

>> No.8981536


Chicago is flyover you pleb

>> No.8981545
File: 21 KB, 500x332, IMG_1139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had to turn to the French to win your independence from the bongs.
That's fucked up.

>> No.8981548

Muslims are more of a problem in the USA than they are in Europe.

>> No.8981551

I've been in the Chicago and the surrounding area all of my life. I generally have thick skin when it comes to 4chan but I take every thread bashing Chicago food as a personal insult.

But hey, everyone has their own hometown cuisine. Like, I'm sure they love whatever shit they have in Ohio but I'm sure it's shit cause it's Ohio.

>> No.8981554
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>talking shit about Ohio

>> No.8981556

none of this happened. the part about the pizza really gave you away, especially because you went out of your way to specify you apparently know nothing about it (but knew enough to mention a pizza it's nothing like). should have just left it at the hot dog part and maybe it would have been believable

maybe if you didn't crosspost this on other boards too

>> No.8981569

I'm from chicago and I think that the hatred for ketchup is retarded, and so are you.

>> No.8981573

Portillo's doesn't make good dogs, the shakes and burgers are why you go there. Superdawg is a better choice for hotdogs.

>> No.8981576

I just dislike the taste of ketchup on sausage. I'll eat it on burgers and meatloaf and shit like that. Just not sausages. Never been a fan.

>> No.8981579

>I've been in the Chicago and the surrounding area all of my life. I generally have thick skin when it comes to 4chan but I take every thread bashing Chicago food as a personal insult.
iktf. Whenever there's a go'za bashing thread I feel compelled to dump appealing images in it. It is just sad to me that ppl would arbitrarily resign themselves from appreciating and trying such a delicious food because of some dumb internet meme :(

>> No.8981586

Unfortunately Chicago pizza is too easy a target to make into a meme because it's so different from the norm. We just drew the short straw

>> No.8981589

but that's wrong. Portillo's actually gets a special higher quality hotdog from vienna beef that you can't get anywhere else. 90% of the orders there are for the hotdogs and the italian beef, and those two things are what their reputation is based on. Who the fuck goes to portillo's for a burger lmao.

>> No.8981595
File: 58 KB, 610x458, lou-malnatis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Portillo's sausages with the peppers and onions. But I still get a dog all dressed up there every time I visit Chicago because they're all over the place. It's just a fun place when you go on a weekday and avoid the big crowd. My hometown hot dog is Gray's Papaya and it's a different experience for sure.

Stay strong Chicagofags. I'm a Manhattanfag and I still crave deep dish at least twice a year. People here shit all over New York all the time, you just gotta let it slide off your shoulders.

>> No.8981596

The last two times I got a hotdog from Portillo's I got food poisoning. I might have some personal bias.

>> No.8981597

NY/CHI soldarity my man. We gotta stay strong against LA

>> No.8981604

Reading comprehension. Learn it Englishman. We have flavors and regional styles that are unique to us. Immigration brought some dishes, typically eaten in their own unadulterated state or in an Americanized state for better business. In the end you only have British food, period. Your regional dishes have yet to captivate tastebuds anywhere else, most likely including your own cuntry. I need not say more. You have already lost, still a bag full of losers with an America shaped sore.

Mutual hatred and similar ideologies, who could have ever expected us to become allies when our representatives made a publized trip to France to capitalize on the similar revolution. Long story short, you made powerful enemies and none of us feel bad for you. I shudder to think of what the world would be like if we never gained independence, food would have never been the same. We would not being here bullshitting about food on an online image board had history not been in our favor. Rewrite it how you will, but remember only the winner's copy gets published

>> No.8981607

Don't get me wrong, I still like LA. A lot of the California transplants have made a big demand for decent Mexican food here in the city, and it's gotten to the point where you can get a decent taco without going to the Bronx. But yeah, Chicago tourists are much easier to deal with than the SoCal crowd. They know how to fuckin walk on the sidewalks.

>> No.8981942

I'm not a brit.
Also you have variations of existing recipes at best. A Frenchman putting froglegs on his pizz doesn't make pizza a french dish

>> No.8982092

epic meme dude!! XD

>> No.8982322

Many barbecue sauces are kechup based
That doesn't make them ketchup

>> No.8982340

A L M O S T all

>> No.8982410

I'd take a good hamburger over a roast any day
and potatoes are a shit-tier side

>> No.8982436

A hotdog with mustard is better than a brat with ketchup
Every sausage with ketchup is worse than every other sausage with a halfway decent topping

>> No.8982460

this is the best pizza. fight me

>> No.8982647
File: 253 KB, 640x425, curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what about currywurst?

>> No.8982659

Curry ketchup is not ketchup
Doner is the superior street food anyways. Only time I ever got currywurst in germany was if I was coming home after 2am when the only thing open is the currywurst place thats open 24/7

>> No.8982673

Joke's on you. You're just not used to eating our food with rat droppings but once you get used to the taste, it's addictive.

>> No.8982702


I guess that's right. Curry ketchup doesn't taste anything like regular ketchup. Wonder why they call it ketchup anyway, because it's a tomato base sauce?

And hell yeah doner is bae af. I remember visiting Munich and grabbing some, it was all gone in 5 minutes.

>> No.8982711
File: 16 KB, 180x192, 1492622156814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and the stand I got from, they put feta cheese on it. I wanted seconds but we were in a rush.


>> No.8982736

Anyway, 'go 'za isn't real pizza, kinda like how Cincinnati chili isn't real chili.

>> No.8982812

Ketchup is the kike of all condiments. Only used by cucked, immature degenerates, it tricks the common man into destroying his heritage. Real Aryans use ragü.