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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8969523 No.8969523 [Reply] [Original]

Tell about your current diet. (And past if you feel it's important.)

Tell what's wrong with it and what you want to change.

Tell why you haven't changed it and how long you've been thinking about it.

Have been a neet for the past 4 years, recently got a job but I'm a fat fuck from never leaving the house. My diet was actually mostly cheesy potatoes, with no fruits. I plan to not eat at all during the week ideally, but I will cave in and eat an orange or an apple twice a day probably, and binge on either Saturday or Sunday with 1 fast food meal and a cup of ice cream.

>> No.8969536

I eat shit.
Not enough vegetables, berries, nuts and fish
More fish, less fried shit and more berries and vegetables
>i plan to not eat at all
Thats a stupid idea.

>> No.8969540

>not eat at all

Way to set yourself up for failure.

I just got my own place. My diet at my parents' was fast food, prepackaged dinners, and food from work. I started cooking for myself about a year before I moved out. Now I eat a shit ton of veggies and chicken. I would like to eat more fruit and cut down on carbs. I have fast food once or twice a month, but I still eat at work. I've lost 20lbs in the last three months but it's a struggle sometimes to eat healthy because cooking takes a lot of motivation. I do enjoy it, though, and I do okay at it. Tonight I made chicken braised in tomato sauce with yellow squash, zucchini, onions, garlic, jalapeño, and orange pepper with some rotini pasta. Would love to start making smoothies before work and eating less bread and pasta.

>> No.8969977

Just went keto after finding out that in the last few months my body has gone diabetic on me. It feels absolutely awesome.

>> No.8970087

When I was poor and living alone and had the bare kitchen supplies I ate mostly scrambled eggs and sauteed vegetables which in retrospect wasn't bad. Now that I make more money and own these nice kitchen toys I definitely eat more calorie heavy food like bread rice and pasta. Not even mad tho what else is there to live for. Also eat a lot more cheese and yogurts and fruits. Vegetable intake is roughly the same.

>> No.8970097

I've been eating a lot of raw veggies lately but the problem is I drown them in ceasars dressing or thousand Island, shit like that.

>> No.8970117

If speaking about food my usual day is like:
Breakfast: cup of homemade kefir with psyllium and chia seeds
Snack: nothing just tea
Lunch: each day is quite different but its mostly raw veggies + hardboiled egg or fruits and nuts or just veggies
Snack: just a tea
Dinner: big bowl of salad and then some meat/fish/eggs and some Carbs with veggies (roasted, steamed)... sometimes I make some sandwiches but it is always good, filling and healthy. I do not eat sweets at all.

>> No.8970167

If I'm working from home:

Breakfast: a shake of plain yogurt, a banana, a tablespoon of psyllium husk, and a tablespoon of Horlicks. And a double espresso

Lunch: a cucumber and/or misc veg salad with poached chicken breast. Or a miso soup with tilapia and mushrooms chucked in. A mug of black tea.

Snack: a serving of fruit, maybe some crackers or whatever. Several mugs of black tea or houjicha to last the afternoon.

Dinner: Chicken and veg stirfry, carrot and lentil soup, or some other way to get a pile of veg with some meat, like sauerkraut and sausage. A few times a week, some kind of rice or pasta dish. Several pints of beer to wash it down.

I'm reasonably satisfied with my diet, but I have to cut back on alcohol.

>> No.8970292

>I have to cut back on alcohol

Same here anon...I like to drink beer after dinner but I think I drink way too much

>> No.8970318

you should reconsider that diet, you will never ever be able to keep that up, itll also be fucking unhealthy and probably make you pass out.
why dont you buy cheep vegetables or frozen ones and chicken breasts like any other person trying to loose weight.

>> No.8970330

What does it feel like to be diabetic? How did you know? Asking for a friend.

>> No.8970334

High protein cutting diet atm:
Meal 1: 3 eggs + toast + big pot of yoghurt
Meal 2 : protein shake
Meal 3: 1.5 pound of lean protein, either chicken, turkey or beef. + rice / veggies
Meal 4: Protein shake
Meal 5: Steak, raw veggies + egg on top.

>> No.8970342

Note I workout 3 hours 6/7 + walk around all day for my job.

if you replace the shakes with fruit, half the quanitites then you have a pretty healthy diet.

>> No.8970343
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Just go to /fit/ and read the sticky please. For your own sake. An apple or an orange once or twice a day will surely make you lose weight but not healthily. Lemme crunch some numbers for you.

The average human has a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) of about 2000 kcal or Calories per day, and that's just basal with no activity. One pound of fat is 3500 kcal/Calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat you need to have not eaten 3500 kcal over a given period of time. The easiest, healthiest, and most effective way to do this is to subtract 500 kcal from each daily caloric intake, adding up to a deficit of 3500 kcal weekly, ergo, you lose 1 pound per week. Any more and you are moving into dangerous territory.

So, realize that fat loss does not happen overnight OP, it's a sucky process because you had sucky eating and exercise habits over the past 4 years. If you truly want to lose the fat you've gained and keep it off, eat at a deficit like I told you, and exercise multiple times per week. That last bit is just to keep you healthy in general.

Best of luck dude.

>> No.8970494

Been poor for the past 2 months and living off 0-1000 calories a day

Been drinking more water because of it.

Lost about 30 pounds.

Never was able to give in and cheat day like I usually would because I literally can't afford to.

Much happier for it, my face isn't chubby mode anymore. (was never particularly fat, I just have stupid fat distribution on the bit I do get)

>> No.8971112

My diet is really good, 1200-1500 calories per day, balanced macros, lots of veggies, losing about 2 pounds per week regularly.

My problem is that I want to go vegetarian/vegan, but I'm deathly allergic to tree nuts and protein powders make me vomit. I can't figure out how to get protein without meat.

As of right now, my protein comes pretty exclusively from seafood.