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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8963245 No.8963245 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best office snacks out there?

>> No.8963249

Stinks the whole place up and keeps the fucking sales team away from my god damned desk.

>> No.8963255
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buttered bread.
>mfw I cut them into circles with scissors so my coworkers think they're some sort of cake

>> No.8963264

You have severe autism.

>> No.8963408
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Ha, did enjoy your weekend? Hope so because you've got 5(five) more days before me.sheklestine gives you another 1(one) day for fun

>> No.8963421
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I own a business, I only take Sunday off. I DO close for the entire month of July though and shack up at our house on Kure Beach. Working 6 days a week up until that point isn't that awful. In 20 years I'll retire to that beach house, leave the business to my son so he too can understand financial independence.

>tfw so much disposable income I've been giving away product on 4chan for years.

>> No.8963422

What business are you in?

>> No.8963437


Have fun eventually being taken off medicade and dying of your self-inflicted heart failure

>> No.8963443

Looks like anon owns a liquor store/bottle shop.

>> No.8963444


Liquor/wine sales.

College town = 33% margins all around.

I'm a generous crook.

>> No.8963448
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Nice paragraph wagie

>> No.8963450

...do you live in western NC? Because that looks a lot like my favorite bottle shop in the town where I went to college.

>> No.8963453

Bet you meet some real fucking losers.
Like terminal alcoholics and stuff?

>> No.8963454


My hourly wage is probably $200 profit. I'd hire directly off /ck/ if anons were local. Sadly no one posts from this town or area besides me. Shame.


70 miles north of Manhattan, 3 miles away from Marist College and the Culinary Institute of America.

>> No.8963456

Daaang, i need a second job, too..

>> No.8963461


Yup, one daily customer works in the septic industry, apparently they use diesel fuel as part of their work? All i know is he comes in twice a day for a mickie of Grey Goose and stinks up the place so badly i light an inscent, or spray air fresheners.

Only robbed once in 15 years, gun point, empty chambers, locked him inside with me by pushing the panic button knowing he held an empty gun and was frantic to leave. Turned off the circuit breaker to kill the cameras, then trashed my own shop and blamed it on him when the police came. Insurance paid a lot for the fiasco.

>> No.8963475

Reported to HR, you're never eating at your desk again dickbag.

>> No.8963630

Are you Indian?

>> No.8963643

>I'd hire directly off /ck/ if anons were local.
If your judgment is that bad then I doubt you will be in business much longer before going bankrupt or even landing in jail.

>> No.8963647
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200 an hour

>> No.8963652

They already tried that, nowhere in the employee handbook does it state I cant eat stinky food at my desk, just that I myself cannot be stinky.

>> No.8963654

hearing other people chew their food and slurp their drinks like the apes they are

>> No.8963656
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>> No.8963677

This lady at my office had a mini crockpot at her desk with an entire pantry in one of her drawers. A big wig walked by one day and shut her the fuck down. No more reheating gluten free frozen dinners for her.

>> No.8963680

My dad ran a small business from his house and his hourly wage came out to around that.
Shop owners can make serious fucking bank, especially if they have few to no direct employees.

>> No.8963685

He's complaining about poo smell, so no.

>> No.8963693
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>> No.8963807

I had a coffeemaker at my desk for the longest time until HR walked through one day and told me "that has to go in the breakroom"
Which is when I stopped drinking coffee at work, because fuck if I'm gunna let other shitheads drink my coffee or fuck with the machine

>> No.8963868

Don't forget the tax Jew. I hope that anon underreports his cash income like we all do.

>> No.8963923

Also, if he has very small debt to service. That's what kills a lot of small businesses.

>> No.8963927

What do you think? He's running a fucking liquor store, ffs.

>> No.8963940


I bring home $500,000 a year. Wines courses are MANDATORY at the Culinary Institute of America, just them alone pays the bills. They don't "get off" during the summer either. School operates year round, with the exception of 3 weeks in July, which I take as a personal vacation. Then we're forgetting all the frat and sorority kids from Marist and Vassar down the road, and Bard college up the river...and the local community college with dorms for ghetto trash on scholarships from the city.

Recession proof business friend-o, actually the worse the economy gets the more people want to drink. In New York you can't even buy wine at the grocery store or walmart, just beer. People HAVE to come to shops like mine to get booze.

Look into it one day, there's a reason all the chinks and arabs do it too.

>> No.8963950


Liquor is purchased on consignment through distributors, most of the time. I very seldom purchase on credit, only for New Years and Christmas when I NEED the extra inventory of luxury items. Everything is cash, I report 40% of my actual earnings. This state rapes me on relicensing fees every year and quarterly luxury taxes. So fuck them.

>> No.8964199

The cookie lady.
Comes in at 3pm, bakes cookies for the office.
Usually there's enough for everyone.