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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 793 KB, 2048x1152, 20170522_110309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8963141 No.8963141 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your lunch.

Here's mine: Double decker bison burger on homemade bun with grilled onions, lettuce and pickles.

>> No.8963149

Looks 9/10
Good job

>> No.8963194

>cooked onion
Why would you ruin a burger?

>> No.8963207
File: 129 KB, 311x246, 7e96e2ba2760955f749c97d487a78d5a_f899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got held up at the store and wanted something quick and cheap. It's...pretty good for 90 cents

>> No.8963217


>> No.8963229

A burger should be nothing more than bun, patty, pickle, raw onion, sauce, cheese as an option. Anything more is ruining a good thing. Stop being a retarded nigger who just thinks 'cause you put more shit on a thing it's better.

>> No.8963230

> homemade bun
Don't you in the US buy everything pre processed?

>> No.8963235

I like to cook my onions in the same iron skillet I'm frying my burgers in. I think it adds a depth of flavor and sweetens the onion making it less likely to overpower other flavors of the burger. Lettuce is growing in my garden now so I use it whenever I can.

>> No.8963243

Can't speak for my compatriots, but I haven't bought any bread since I started baking my own 5 years ago.

>> No.8963257

You also haven't touched a vagina.

>> No.8963271
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just whipped this up after the gym

>> No.8963309

Pic related is my lunch today.

>> No.8963346

>Getting this butthurt because someone bakes their own bread

>> No.8963353
File: 19 KB, 620x576, I-Know-That-Feel-Bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8963360

Damn /fit/ why not put some kind of 0 calorie flavoring like maybe a soy sauce, lime juice, garlic, ginger, hot pepper mixture for your chicken? Maybe some kolchujang or miso for your rice?

>> No.8963366

Universally, the perfect burger from top to bottom is bun, mayo, raw onions, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, patty, bun. Anything extra will lower the quality of your burger.

>> No.8963371

Some people like anon like to bake, others have their own gardens for veggies, some have small livestock farms for personal use. I'd say a decent majority do tho, even then there's a big movement from the mass produced high fructose shit to more natural, smaller markets.

mcchicken cunt

>> No.8963372

I just had some scrambled eggs with sausages. Simple but tasty.

>> No.8963376

You're a retard

>> No.8963446

The onion is supposed to be raw, not cooked. I can assume you threw it out shortly after taking the picture.

>> No.8963469


>"sauce" as a necessity for a burger

Anon, I...

>> No.8963483
File: 1.88 MB, 250x277, 1479690452308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect burger
>anything other than soft bun, six to eight ounce patty ground from chuck/brisket/short rib with 80/20 meat/fat ratio, a slice of American cheese, and the crispest lettuce you can get

OP's burger looks good though.

>> No.8963487

what kind of unnecessary shot is this? fuck off back to /tv/ or /r9k/ or wherever you came from

>> No.8963489

What kinda weirdo prefers raw onions over caramelized on any kind of warm sandwich. Raw onions only work in deli sandwiches

>> No.8963491


A burger should be nothing more than a toasted wheat bun, a breaded chicken patty, shredded lettuce and mayonnaise.

>> No.8963496

I'm surprised none of you asked me what that stuff drying on the screen in the background is. Guess.

>> No.8963499

>not even pepper

>> No.8963501

>american "cheese"

>> No.8963504


I don't have a picture, but hummus on a bagel with a leftover chicken breast on it

>> No.8963507

>call it burgerland
>deny the fact that we have the best "cheese" for a burger

Pick one

>> No.8963531

but you dont even have cheese...

>> No.8963551

It's a milk product. The milky note complements the savoriness of the beef. Also, the processed cheese slice melts the best and provides the right texture. l2burger

>> No.8963553

American cheese objectively the worse kind of cheese for a burger though. Provolone is far better but pretty much any kind of cheese that melts is better than American

>> No.8963556

To be fair all cheese produced in the USA is objectively fucking shit.

>> No.8963567


>> No.8963570

Bet you still think beer in Europe can compete with America

>> No.8963573
File: 17 KB, 424x239, 009 2017-05-22, 13_45_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But seriously, being cold isn't a problem. Do you also warm the pickles on a burger? The lettuce? Tomatoes? No. Cooking onions not only changes the temperature, but also the sweetness and how they taste. Onions on a burger; never warm - always cold.

>> No.8963575

see >>8963553

>> No.8963585

Sure you can melt fancier cheese on a burger but the point of the cheese isn't to add a flavor of its own, but to complement the flavor of the beef. Something nutty like gruyere on a dry aged burger would be acceptable but if you put blue cheese on a burger, for example, you create a sandwich that's getting further from the point of the burger, which is the beef patty.

American cheese, again, has that milky note that complements savory and melts extremely well. Provolone does NOT melt the same way, by the way.

Yes, I see it.

"Objectively fucking shit" is wrong but it's true that we don't have the cheesemaking traditions of Europe.

>> No.8963592

I want to add that it is the mark of a "foodie" without serious knowledge to rant about how American "cheese" isn't cheese. Yes, it's not fucking cheese, it's a milk product. Yes, it's dyed. People who are serious about food and food science know this. It still has its virtues.

>> No.8963601

>implying it has to melt the same way american "cheese" does
>implying there arent a fuckton of other cheeses to choose from
>"milky note" memes again

real cheese > fake cheese
no additives > fake cheese

>> No.8963607

>Go to Burger King, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Go to McDonalds, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Go to Wendy's, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Go to 5 guys, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Go to Sonic, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Go to In-n-out, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Go to Whataburger, cheese burger has american cheese.
>Hardees, Checkers, Culvers, all american cheese.


>> No.8963614

He's right you know, american cheese and american deli cheese is unironically the best cheese for burgers. It's thin, melts easily, stays melted, and does not sweat. It's the standard go to burger cheese for a reason. Don't question American ingenuity when it comes to burgers.

>> No.8963616

>calls "milky note" a meme
>he doesn't know about the virtues of milk powder
>he doesn't know that milk products are umami

Do some more research

>real cheese > fake cheese
>no additives > fake cheese

The only thing that makes American cheese fake is that it is missing the key cheese-making additive: rennet.

>> No.8963623


Its pretty fantastic in grilled cheese as well.

I feel bad for "foodies" that can't handle the objective superiority of some processed food stuffs. There is a time and place for certain things...

>> No.8963628

>only have 2 of these in my country
>they're not even good compared to national franchise that doesnt buy shit from outside the country
>rarely even buy burgers with cheese

>> No.8963634

>0 calories
The opposite is true. They bulk like bastards.

>> No.8963641

I don't get cheese burgers either but I look at what they have for cheese because of being on this board. I'm lactose intolerant.

>> No.8963644
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do, Budweiser boy.

>> No.8963651

Asalam alaykum, Hasan. I am sorry to hear of the suffering you must endure, try to be strong in this difficult time.

>> No.8963653

You have good taste. Born and raised in U.S.A. and took me some time to realize that Belgian beer is best beer. Particularly the blonde stuff to my taste. Delirium Tremens is the perfect beer in my opinion

>> No.8963657

I don't think anyone under 50 buys Budweiser with any regularity. Occasionally it will be on sale so people buy a 24 pack for get togethers as a nice cheap way of getting drunk.

Also you obviously don't know shit if you think Budweiser in anyway represents American beer now.

>> No.8963659

>poo in the loo beer
kek I'd rather have bud

>> No.8963661


>> No.8963665

Yeah, Bud Lite is the best selling beer in the USA right now.