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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8961536 No.8961536 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to say this as nicely as I can... if you decline to get a drink and just request a water cup with your meal, it is for water ONLY.

Not for water with some lemonade in it, because -oops- you depressed the lemonade level by mistake while you pressed the button for water.

Not either for lemon wedges and sugar packets -- those are for the brewed ice tea customers, not the free water consumers!

Thank you sincerely,
The Management

>> No.8961545 [DELETED] 

Notice how most places give clear cups for "water" customers now. I'll give you one guess which race is to thank for that.

>> No.8961553

>which race
the Boston Marathon? Those runners get mighty thirsty during that...

>> No.8961559
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i'll just get something clear like sprite or 7-up.

>> No.8961569

As if you really care. Most of that "soda" is just water with syrup anyway. You should be happy they're taking the sugar drink anyway. Killing them faster so you won't have to deal with that shit for long.

And really, do you make more or less depending on what the customer takes? You're still earning minimum wage and the higher ups don't give two fucks about you anyway.

Oh wait, this is bait. Good job, OP. Ya got me. Have a sage

>> No.8961586

I pure the water into my cup splash splash

>> No.8961687
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It's not like the employee ever watches you fill the cup. He's busy with the next customer in line. Put what you want in it, they won't know. They never know. Even then they figure half of everyone takes what they want anyway. Go ahead. Take the plunge.

>> No.8961736

The McDonald's near me doesn't even have one of those for water. Is that even legal?

>> No.8961744

7-11 store near UT Austin campus doesn't have a water one on their fountain machine, either. What the fuck? It is just about saving money. Nothing free.

>> No.8961782

the profit margins on soda are ridiculous anyways. a pallet of 12 oz coca cola cans cost all of 19 cents to produce.

just follow McDonald's example and sell any size drink for $1. as long as it is fountain/tea.

>> No.8961827 [DELETED] 

I am going to say this an nicely as I can... you are a faggot and if you can't handle this "problem" put all that shit behind the counter away from the patrons.

>> No.8961840

Who gives a fuck.
>t. Anybody that's worked at a restaurant.