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File: 1.04 MB, 1793x1019, litterally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>co already hates jack 3 episodes in

you fucking contrarians

>> No.8961

not contrarian, just good taste

>> No.8962

...and this surprises you, how?

A time machine could be invented that's only purpose is to take you back to the exact moment in which the silver age of comics peaked and /co/ would still find a way to hate it.

>> No.8963
File: 82 KB, 280x328, 1490980941432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I see what you did there blue Jack

>> No.8964

Shitposting started before the first episode aired.

>> No.8965
File: 970 KB, 4000x4000, 1480807994567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/co/ doesn't hate it.

Anything you've seen that would seem otherwise is a result of pic related.

>> No.8966

It's a vocal minority.

The majority of /co/ likes it

>> No.8967

Oh no you don't blue jack.

>> No.8968

Did /co/ hate early 2000s cartoons when they aired? I didn't think so.

>> No.8969

/co/ is a cesspool of retardery but I still c9me here anyways because it's the only place to talk about how much I hate SU and Korra

>> No.8970

Yeah, because Jack isn't going down EXACTLY THE SAME path as Korra. I've seen this movie before, noob anon, and I know how it ends - it ain't pretty, let me tell you that.

>> No.8971

What are you talking about? I've been on /co/ since 2014 (still somewhat new I know), and I haven't seen the board unanimously enjoy anything the way these new Jack episodes have been.

>> No.8972

/co/ was a nice place with up until about 5 years ago.

>> No.8973

What happened then?

>> No.8974

The episodes were great until it was spoiled that Jack and Ashy are going to be in a relationship and working together, and the reason people loathe that is because Ashy is voiced by Tara Strong, whom the majority of /co/ hates for an amalgam of reasons, from the practical to the petty.

>> No.8975

That's the most contrarian thing i ever read in my life

>> No.8976

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

>> No.8977

Live action made /tv/ think they where at home here

>> No.8978

>/co/ is a single person

And that's how we can tell you're retarded

>> No.8979

>the reason people loathe that is because Ashy is voiced by Tara Strong
Your post is bad, and you should feel like shit.

>> No.8980
File: 207 KB, 1273x717, Excalibur_Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>co already hates jack
Says fucking who? Season 5 is great so far

>> No.8981

It pretty much is, though. Or a hivemind at least.

>> No.8982

The release of the Avengers was the beginning of the end. The whole board cheered at seeing such a spectacle hit the big screen knowing nothing of the dark days ahead.

>> No.8983
File: 3.51 MB, 600x338, post-28555-Jesse-Pinkman-WHAT-gif-HD-Brea-2SXe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first episode airs
>it is blatantly telegraphed that Ashi is going to defect eventually
>/co/ still loves it
>leaks allegedly confirm that Ashi does defect
>/co/ hates it now

I don't get it, we've known from the start that Ashi was going to switch sides. What's changed? And why are we mad about Ashi defecting, anyway? Would have thought /co/ would be all over it and embrace her as the new flavor of the month.

>> No.8984

>Jack and Ashi sitting in a tree
That's what's changed.

>> No.8985

>/co/ hates Jack meme

Threadly reminder that /co/ knew and had been calmly discussing the inevitable Jack-Ashi(though at first we didn't know her name) team up before the first episode even aired.

Threadly reminder that Season 5 kicks ass in a way no Western cartoon has in a decade.

Threadly reminder that all live-action needs to be banned so /tv/ will go home and stop trying to force epic 4chin maymays.

>> No.8986

>shit that never happened: the post
i dont know what board youre from but you need to go back there

>> No.8987

Jack and Ashi will have a "burgeoning relationship". That much has been confirmed.

>> No.8988
File: 110 KB, 530x370, Jack_and_Ikra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time Jack shacked up with someone intending to kill him, /co/ loved it. The only difference I can see here is that Ashi might actually mean to stick with Jack, and I can't think why anyone would object to that unless they just happened to like seeing Jack suffer.

>> No.8989

/co/ objects because Ikra was an awesome alter ego of the villain we all love to hate, while Ashi is just one of 7 stronk female character Mary Sues.

>> No.8990

and no one who is actually from /co/ is surprised at all
go shitpost on your own board

>> No.8991

>what is an allied relationship

>> No.8992


>mary sues


>> No.8993

Really? I saw quite a few anons terribly upset just yesterday, when that info was first revealed.

>> No.8994

It's great though.

>> No.8995

>Daughters of Aku
>Mary Sues

Playing fast and loose with the bait, I see.

>> No.8996

>what is the only type of relationship that the phrase "burgeoning relationship" is ever applied to

>> No.8997

>7 stronk female character Mary Sues.
Are you that same dumbass who has no idea what a Mary Sue is?

>> No.8998

/co/ is just jealous that Jack is going to lose his virginity

>> No.8999

trolls from other boards, just like you
ashi has been a topic in Jack threads since S5 began, no one who isnt a sperg is actually mad, we all knew it was coming

>> No.9000

Such a contrarian

>> No.9001

Dude, I literally saw people raving about the show who turned around on a dime when the description was posted. One guy even read the descriptions backwards at first, thinking it was no big deal.

>> No.9002
File: 14 KB, 480x360, jack vs ultrabots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what a Mary Sue actually is. They're self-inserts that force the story to revolve around them and the fact that they don't ever lose, even in situations where it makes no sense for them to win.

Hell, that's closer to what the Ultrabots were than what the Daughters of Aku are. The Daughters are skilled, but every time they've gone up against Jack, they've come away weaker and worse for the bargain. The Ultrabots, on the other hand, basically had a whole episode about how unbeatable they were and how much Jack sucked compared to them. One wonders why Aku didn't just build more, they very nearly killed Jack.

>> No.9003

Aku didn't build them in the first place. Why does everyone keep forgetting this?

>> No.9004

you can see individual anons from through the screen, huh? saw all those username to know those anons loved it then turned on a dime, huh?
youre bad at this

>> No.9005

In slower threads, it's not that difficult to tell who is who. There was also that moment with the one anon I mentioned - when he found out he had been reading them backwards, he was PISSED.

>> No.9006


>> No.9007
File: 1.54 MB, 320x180, 1488877477631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9008

>That one-two punch of Iron Man and Dark Knight returns within months of each other.

If only we had known this was the beginning of the end.

We were so happy then.

So young.

>> No.9009

He commissioned and empowered them.

Thing is, I'm pretty sure he had Ultrabots KILL the guy who built them, because Aku.

>> No.9010

I kind of want to look into what really caused the large decrease in quality of 4chan content but its likely a combination of things relating to its exposure after several school shooters, the increasingly viral nature of meme content, /pol/'s rise in popularity after Reddit's mass removal of boards related to racism and discrimination, and specifically /tv/'s involvement with /co/ material (which I still attribute mostly to /pol/ taking over /tv/ because of the former reasons)

>> No.9011

> A hivemind
> a board that's made up of /tv/fags with absolute garbage taste, wanna be nazi basement dwellers, and shipping obsessed tumblrinas

First day here eh?

>> No.9012

The shift happened when /pol/ cooled down from political /x/ to /stormfront/ and then spread like AIDS.

>> No.9013

I hate the retarded fanbase who pretend every mistake Genndy made, even if they're minors, was "planned" and you just "don't get it".

You can't criticize that fucking Tara Strong line where the character clearly looks like she's screaming but the delivery make it sound like she's whispering in rage withotu people making up headcanon like
>She has trouble finding the right words cause of the way she was raised! (even though everyone complain about the delivery, not the text)
>She's meant to sound pathetics because she's not used to being angry (even though her sister did a much better job screaming when Jack was hiding)

And another bunch of headcanon that have no basis but it's either this or Genndy approved the most pathetic attempt at sounding angry on modern television.

Serie is still 9/10 tho.

>> No.9014

Mary Sues who don't even know that a deer is.

>> No.9015

Nah, he escaped and built Jack a powered armor arm so he had the strength to break their armor.

>> No.9016

Only half of /co/ are contrarians. The other half are dumb denialists who couldn't tell they're being held at gunpoint even if the barrel was shoved up their nostrils.

>> No.9017

This is stupid and OP is trying too hard, let's talk about how cute jack is

>> No.9018

majority love it
tiny vocal minority shitpost about it

you really can safely ignore the shitposting

>> No.9019


Deniers, you retard

>> No.9020

>co is one person or a hive-mind
OP is a faggot false-flag shit-poster.

>> No.9021
File: 3.27 MB, 292x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've been on /co/ for 3 years now
What the fuck anon I wasn't even ready for that

>> No.9022

the fujo people have quickly killed my hype and made me mildy uncomfortable instead. I'm just going to try to not pay attention to the things I dislike, and enjoy the show for what it is. That's a really popular thing to do on /co/, right?

>> No.9023

At this point in time, /co/'s sheer incapacity to see red flags and embarrassing inability to learn can be attributed to a willful, conscious desire to be in denial every time. I guess so they can act like innocent victims once they get suckered for the nth occasion.

>> No.9024


Maybe they have a good reason? Either way you HAVE to respect their opinion, specialy since its the opinion of the mayority on /co/

Its just one or two guys samefagging saying they like it anyway, always filling these threads defending their shitty show

>> No.9025

>he let's gay porn ruin his excitement for a cartoon
>and it makes him 'uncomfortable'
You're probably the biggest damn weenie I've ever seen.

>> No.9026

>Did /co/ hate early 2000s cartoons when they aired? I didn't think so.

/co/ didn't exist until like 2006.

>> No.9027

>spent 20 years of their lives training
>died within two days of fighting Jack
>Mary Sues

Are you an idiot?

>> No.9028

No, dumber. He burned down that guy's home and pissed him off enough that he made Jack a weapon to destroy the Ultrabots.

>> No.9029

I'm dreading this direction because it means a brand new character is going to play a very major role in the end of Jack's story, which has had nothing to do with her since all those years ago. It feels gross that a cliched love interest is suddenly being forced into Jack's narrative.

>> No.9030


>> No.9031

Shut up Mind-Jack, stop being such an edgelord.

>> No.9032

show me one thread that disapproves of jack

>> No.9033

I'm still holding out hope that Jack will get help from the Sctosman, and all the other people he helped over the years in the final confrontation with Aku.

If this happens, then I don't mind Jack boinking Ashi.

>> No.9034

The whole board was filled with them yesterday. I expect we'll be getting lots more tomorrow.

>> No.9035

Don't get too worked up. Either OP is pretending to be demented mindscape Jack who is a total asshole, or OP is being a giant faggot and hating on Samurai Jack before it's popular(/co/ does have a tendency to sprout a hate boner for shows that spawn 4+ simultaneous threads when a new episode airs)

>> No.9036

It's a april joke, man.

>> No.9037

That's 9 hours from now stupid

>> No.9038
File: 33 KB, 1313x135, 1490698766472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELCOME TO /pol/and

>> No.9039

Except literally nobody has used any of those terms. Nice try, /pol/.

>> No.9040

According to all the polls and all the discussion right after an episode airs it seems the vast majority of /co/ loves the new Samurai Jack.

There's just a handful of very very loud faggots who shit on everything /co/ likes for (you)'s

>> No.9041
File: 61 KB, 590x332, 881344901_thumb5_Fernando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Jack looks like Fernando the Manwhore

>> No.9042

Are you fucking stupid, man? The new info came out well after the last episode aired.

>> No.9043
File: 890 KB, 1340x895, Jack here's jacky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's less than 10 shiposters.

>> No.9044

And /co/ has been hating on the show before the show even aired with stupid shit like "he doesn't have his sword! The show is Samurai Jack, SAMURAI Jack! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

They'll find the most insignificant bullshit they can and make at least four threads about how shit the show is because of it, the new info just added fuel to an already blazing fire.

>> No.9045

/tg/ here. You know bro, I know we don't talk much any more, but any time you need a couch to crash on...

>> No.9046

I found it again, it's the comment chain starting here: >>91161773

>> No.9047

Humor me, why does /co/ hate Tara Strong?

>> No.9048
File: 400 KB, 1136x640, IMG_0905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9049

>a relationship that utterly ruins the show
>insignificant bullshit

>> No.9050


>> No.9051

I've hated Samurai Jack since 2001, OP.

>> No.9052

eh give it some time. Shitposters are predictable.

>> No.9053
File: 120 KB, 500x500, 1483474237160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has been no confirmation of the relationship being romantic mi amigo

Now of course, we all know you're just shitposting so why not vent your rage/boredom onto a board more your style? That is, endless shitposting and sperging.


>> No.9054

I've given it a full 24 hours already, how much more time do you need /pol/?

>> No.9055

Something something attention whore, something something pastel colored horses and she's also extremely ugly.

>> No.9056

/co/ doesn't, other anon is an idiot
the actual reasons for the SJ hate are spelled out elsewhere ITT

>> No.9057

>/co/ hates samurai jack
>/co/ hating pure kino
is op a downs syndrome baby? this is some low quality bait, desu.

>> No.9058
File: 49 KB, 161x317, 1490245026014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying their relationship won't be romantic
please, if it wasn't going to be romantic in this day and age why would it even be there?

it's like you don't know how cartoons are today. do you think Star actually needs a love triangle subplot?

>> No.9059

who the fuck are you even talking to, anon? get your low tier autistic garbage out of here.

>> No.9060

Need some Ashi r34, now

>> No.9061
File: 2.42 MB, 480x270, thats pretty dumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9062

shit, Jackie looking good

>> No.9063

>not liking SVTFOE's love triangle

>> No.9064
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 1488821081390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd episode
the wolf shit was dumb and not clever at all

>3rd episode
Ashi's autistic screech made me look away from the monitor.

>mods deleting anti-Jack posts
fucking shits

>> No.9065

wasn't mods desu

>> No.9066
File: 166 KB, 1280x926, ashi nose rub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, nose rubbing, anyway.

>> No.9067

even the page image fits

>> No.9068
File: 126 KB, 339x307, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like shitposting trolls

this could be called jockposting

>> No.9069

Nice tits though.

>> No.9070

I agree SO MUCH on the 3rd, yes, that's exactly the reaction I had.
I liked doggo's story though, it felt quite poignant even if it was a bit cliched of a parallel.

>> No.9071

I'm not gonna lie, I hope we get a nose rub and mutual red-faced confusion.

>> No.9072

I hated that show from day one

>> No.9073

What did you think of the 1st episode anon?

>> No.9074

This. Enjoying anything means you have shit taste.

>> No.9075

Well, you've got me there.

>> No.9076

Why are you here then? You can't be enjoying 4chan, either...

>> No.9077
File: 95 KB, 325x325, scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon, but
>implying anyone likes going on 4chan

this is just the only place we can autistically screech about cartoons without being publicly ostracized. only the most autistic people on planet earth could actually enjoy this level of undiluted cancer.
like me, desu

>> No.9078

From what I can see of this thread and others, is that some really liked seeing Jack violently murder autistic female children. I can't exactly say why, but i would hazard because of some sort of irrational hatred of women, possibly steming from constent rejection. So when their woman slaying hero was revealed to maybe side with a female later, they lost their shit because Jack betrayed their He-Man Woman Hating club.

>> No.9079

You need to lower your standards if you consider her extremely ugly senpai.

>> No.9080

You're completely delusional. Jack killing them was probably THE biggest single complaint until the recent reveal.

>> No.9081
File: 8 KB, 480x320, 1490419784000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the introduction of the daughters was a dead giveaway that nuJack wasn't going to be like olJack, that killed my expectations of a simple, to the point finale.

the rest was great at introducing Road Warrior Jack, what made me cringe is how /co/ forced the scaramouch guy into a meme.

>> No.9082
File: 883 KB, 1085x827, ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP RETARDED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've literally never felt the need to post this on /co/ but, fuck man
go back to tumblr

>> No.9083

Why would we complain? It was an awesome action sequence.

>> No.9084

>autistic female children
Not autistic stupid, they were just only taught a single goal in life.

>> No.9085

Is there a source for your image? I love Battle Network

>> No.9086
File: 88 KB, 389x594, Cartoon+Network+Teen+Titans+Go+Press+Line+PvnZnioZW8Sl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087
File: 572 KB, 422x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jack killing
why would anyone complain? like what's the big deal?

obviously Jack was shocked at this revelation, he didn't go Coldsteel or made a joke about cutthroat business. that would have been a valid reason to complain.

none that I know of. BN is my jam.

>> No.9088

Now I'm really curious: what did you think of Aku's part in episode 2?

>> No.9089

>BN is my jam
that's some good taste you got there, anon.

>> No.9090
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x563, 1490827998205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're pic related?

>> No.9091
File: 6 KB, 249x213, 1456278501812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a few people samefagging in threads that stay up for days about the daughters being a mary sues and nitpicking tiny details from episodes like they somehow ruin the whole show when they don't even actually understand those details most of the time and if they actually knew what a mary sue was they'd realize Ashi is far from one. Also Jack meme threads have been like rampant if I didn't like the show so much I'd probably be trolling people for flooding the board as well.

>> No.9092

>why would anyone complain?

Same reason people bitched about poor Harambe. They didnt want to see something they saw as innocent be killed for things it didn't understand.

>> No.9093
File: 27 KB, 625x436, SUFFERING MAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this to the hundredth power

This shit's exactly what happened to Undertale on /v/, except the majority of people on that board are impressionable newfags and the hivemind was forged form there on in to exile it form that board

Hopefully, that doesn't happen here.

>> No.9094

There's threads 24/7 and most people are extremely into it, where did you get your info from?

Besides, people have to complain about potential future episodes with Ashi and if 4chan needs to dig that deep to shit on something, thats like the highest honor possible.

>> No.9095
File: 33 KB, 500x313, HDN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/co/ isn't /co/ until we see an endless amount of thread of constant bitching how a show is bad.

>> No.9096

hi evryone it gendy

samuri jak kills aku in da past n it stops da futur frm happenin

ty 4 wtchin da show pls dun tell anyone else da endin

>> No.9097


Can you tell me the end of symbionic titan too genndy?

>> No.9098
File: 340 KB, 480x360, snusnu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an oldfag browsing /co/ since, like, 2006, I can say definitively that /co/ has rarely, if ever, treated a show like it treats Samurai Jack. It has honestly shocked the living shit out of me to actually see the board so unanimously happy about something for once. It's been like going back in time here these past few weeks. It makes me feel like a kid again.

I know it's going to end once SJ is over, but fuck, I really don't want it too.

>> No.9099

It's too late genndy, I've alrealy contacted my friends in the mainstream media.

>> No.9100
File: 13 KB, 480x321, 1394399126728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mind the new voice or his characterization. my beef is with Aku's appearance



he lost his broad shoulders, nuAku looks like an adventure time character now. there's probably more to point at like the bigger horns or how high the shoulder spikes are but the lack of attention to Aku's design doesn't bode well for future episodes.

>> No.9101

ya but dat show was gey lol

i want da titen to hav girlfrend so in end we get symbionic girlfrend

n dey liv hapy evr after

i rly lyk dat ending n it brught a tear 2 my eye

>> No.9102
File: 8 KB, 194x260, 1489820724265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truly you are the King of Kings Genndy

>> No.9103

What's your favorite work genndy?

>> No.9104
File: 102 KB, 800x800, jackie porrige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a fair number of people still like it

>> No.9105

wel all mi works hve a place in mi hert but dere is 1 dat sticz out

i mde dis pilot calld scoopy doopy baby 4 carton netwerk

it was abut bby dat poop a lot n sav da world

if it get pickd up it wuld be mi magnum opos but sadly it ddnt

>> No.9106

This board loved rick and morty until s2 was halfway over

>> No.9107

OP I haven't seen anyone hate it

>> No.9108


Look at thread

>> No.9109

I don't hate Jack. I am, however, apprehensive about a newly established secondary character getting a lot of focus with a very short timeframe. I also find love plots with newly established characters very cheap and unsatisfying, and I'm worried that's the direction Jack will take. If handled incorrectly, my emotion will range from disappointed to pissed off, depending how bad the damage is.

Basically, I'm worried, and if the show does turn more Ashi-centered with romance, I won't be happy.

>> No.9110

That's exactly where I'm at, too. I love what is out so far but I am afraid for the rest of the series.

>> No.9111
File: 237 KB, 945x800, 1490381834538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 stronk female character Mary Sues.

>> No.9112
File: 33 KB, 702x479, samurai-jack-drinking-with-concerns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mary Sues
>When they only know about Aku and killing Jack
>They even are really dumb to know about deers or love or sex
>They get BTFO'd by Jack in the 3rd episode.

So, you're saying they're the complete opposite of Mary Sues, right?

Are you fucking with me or are you honestly that brain damaged? Wait, this is /co/, you could be that stupid.

>> No.9113

>Jack gets his shit wrecked by literally whores
>the motherfucking samurai from the past who fights robots, now with 50 years of preptime

yeah they mary sues, being autistic doesn't excuse their lack of originality.

>> No.9114

Credit where credit is due. OP used troll Jack as troll bait, props man that was actually smart

>> No.9115

Jack has on several occasions been defeated by less impressive or comparable enemies.

The Ultrabots.
The Imakandi.
The Greaser bots.
The Clenches.

>> No.9116

The ratings say different.

>> No.9117

Dude, that was FIFTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. And they all had their own special reasons to boot, which the Daughters just don't.

>> No.9118

Jack lost their first battle for the same reason the Daughters lost their next conflict. He had lost his sakai, and thus the battle all came down to numbers and equipment and the element of surprise. In episode 3 once Jack had recovered his samurai spirit, which the brainwashed assassins were lacking, he was able to win against the odds.

>> No.9119

was that mentioned in the episode?

>> No.9120

Of course not. It's fanwank.

>> No.9121

That has literally nothing to do with /co/'s opinion on it, what. That being said, it's probably just a few samefags and people from /v/ and/or /pol/ trying to be contrarian, the posting styles are a dead giveaway.

>> No.9122

The ratings will drop like a stone by episode 8, if the description is anything to go by.

>> No.9123

No, I thought that was plenty clear though. The exact word "sakai" or "samurai spirit" is not mentioned, but during that panel Genndy himself had said that Jack had "lost his way". And just by watching the show it is clear that this is not the same Jack we know from the original series, he relies on technology, he is losing to despair, he does not feel like he has the support of his parents and all those counting on him.

In episode 3 before fighting the Daughters he seemed more like his old self. He found some support in his father, even if it was just in memories, he used simpler weapons along with techniques he had learned, and overall he just seemed more confident and determined.

>> No.9124

Yes. Visually.

This isn't Steven Universe.

>> No.9125

As long as during the Tabletop session we use a dice tower and /toy/ brings models to use for enemy and player locations.

>> No.9126

explain pic related

>> No.9127


>> No.9128

I think what's even worse than people shoehorning diversity into media is the constant fucking paranoia that literally every female or black or whatever fictional character is part of some massive jewish conspiracy to destroy society.
The second a show starts to include a girl as a character it's suddenly some feminist treatise about how mary sues are great and men are shit.
I want to write a story one day that might include a gay or a woman without getting called a cuck.

I think the general formula for any given Samurai Jack episode is
>jack meets villains
>jack loses to/is almost beaten by villain
>jack leaves, thinks about it, trains, realises where he went wrong, etc.
>jack comes back more confident this time, wins the fight

>> No.9129

we had the whole thing spoiled with zap2it episode descriptions. there are no surprises, the entire thing is predictable.

>> No.9130

There's no general formula for SJ. The one you mention isn't used often enough.

>> No.9131

The last 2 eps aren't up yet tho.

>> No.9132

I've seen way more people here singing this season's praises than I have detractors. I've loved every episode so far.

>> No.9133

Are you fucking 6 years old?

>> No.9134

Thats still in the middle of samurai jack

>> No.9135 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9136

You spelled shit wrong

>> No.9137

You have to agree that you are 18+ to use this site. Do you think someone is violating that agreement?

>> No.9138



>> No.9139

>Mary Sues.
You see, someone was finally about to say what I've been feeling but then they throw in this controversy phrase and ruins it to hell.

You're the reason I can't hate on Ashi in a thread without being misunderstood.

>> No.9140

>die some of the most brutal, visceral deaths to ever bless animated tv
>Mary sue

Yeah, Mary sue if you were a aging kunochi looking for a beautiful death

>> No.9141
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>> No.9142

This, except it being a love interest or not still is bad.

I feel like they brought in a female to be important in the grand finale because 2010+, but even if it isn't it doesn't change the fact it's a sudden inclusion and takes away focus in some aspects

>> No.9143


There's an astounding lack of site-scapegoating whenever the show is mentioned.

The only time site-insults are thrown is within discussion of the show, not the shows itself.

But now that I've said something one fag is gonna do it because it's funny and I'd be "wrong" then.

>> No.9144

Why include them anyway? They don't need attention. You can just have a simple-angled story. I don't hate gays/trans whatevers but I can't see putting them in a story or just having something happen to show the viewer they're gay working like I can just having a black dude be an ally to the main or something. They're very different levels of diversity-using. Want to do it? Fine, no bickering from me, but I just can't see even the best damn writer in the world making it work fair and simple. Again
>black guy in the picture
works without any after-speech
>gays kissing in the picture, not focused on and might even be slightly obscured by someone/something
just isn't the same effect

I typed all this out and realized i did a shit job of putting my thoughts here but I'm posting anyway

>> No.9145

>Jack and Ashy are going to be in a relationship
That isn't confirmed

>> No.9146

It might as well be

>> No.9147

The motto here until 2011 was /co/ is love. Then the summerfags came and never left, the Arkham games brought over the worst of /v/, the growing cinematic universes brought over the worst of /tv/, the nu52 turned DC to absolute shit which made for a lot of angry posters, and also dragged in a slew of casuals, then Marvel turned pure SJW garbage around the same time MOOT turned into a SJW cuck and sold the site, which caused /pol/ to double down and escape their containment board. And now you have the bitter, miserable, contrarian shithole you see here today.

>> No.9148

>implying it won't be a Shinobu/Travis situation

>> No.9149

>implying the specific phrase "burgeoning relationship" can mean anything but romance

>> No.9150

>its a anon projects his fantasies on the MC

>> No.9151

That has nothing to do with our little game.
Congratulations, you lose.

>> No.9152
File: 2.62 MB, 496x368, Classygtfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/co/ still likes S5, and OP is a shitstirrer. Go back to your board of residence, and resume sucking your own dick.

>> No.9153

none of this was a thing until we found out the episode 8 synopsis

>> No.9154

That's really pathetic, congrats you win

>> No.9155
File: 893 KB, 287x216, 1489124985042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care how old or ugly she is. her tits make up for everything

>> No.9156

Mary Sues no longer need to be self-inserts to be Mary Sues, just unbearable perfect so that viewers hate them. Of course, everyone in universe loves them.

>> No.9157

Eh, the anger was just beneath the surface, and that caused it to come to a boil.

>> No.9158

>letting a woman let herself go just because tits
fucking whipped

>> No.9159

Last I checked, we only knew up to episode seven. Where can I find eight's?

>> No.9160

>[board] is a one person

>> No.9161

>being trained literally from birth isn't a valid reason for being able to best a mentally fucked up and tired warrior
>being this retarded
The DoA were placed in a similar situation as Jack when he was a kid: raised and trained from birth to fight one specific thing. The only difference was that jack had overall better training and was trained to fight alone, were as the girls were taught to (sort of) fight as a unit and go for the kill immediately. Then there's the issue of Jack himself; The guy is almost at the end of his rope after five fucking decades of wandering in a land that almost never ceased to try and kill him. He has a death wish so insanely strong that it literally manifests and tells him to commit sudoku because of how sick of being there he was. He wasn't at his peak, and he got fucked up as a result. It was only after he had a chance to recover and get his game face back that he actually managed to slap their collective shit.

>> No.9162

i agree. it is going in a weird direction though. i hope we have a satisfying ending

>> No.9163

This was my problem with The Dark Knight Rises.

>> No.9164



>> No.9165

It's basically Jack getting laid with female Aku.

>> No.9166


Season 5 was a great idea but it is stuck in TV-14 guidelines.

>> No.9167

That would be a MUCH better story. I'm not even joking here, sadly.
What the fuck? You want explicit sex, or what?

>> No.9168

I can't say I am too excited at the rumors for the next episodes, but the last few episodes have been top teir Western Animation that I havent seen in years.

So I will wait and see, either the rumors are false or it is executed in a way that works.

>> No.9169

pretty sure you're missing an option there desu senpai

>> No.9170

>no one does jokes early

You can't be this fucking stupid.

>> No.9171

Anyone have a link to the newest episode?

>> No.9172

You mean like the original?

>> No.9173

They're all up on rarbg.to

You want the amazon webrips, they're the highest quality

>> No.9174

why does this pic of Jack turn me on?

>> No.9175

But jack's hotter?

>> No.9176

Have you forgotten your purp... I mean childhood?

>> No.9177

Honestly, that doesn't sound bad to me.

>> No.9178

I love the new season.

>> No.9179

I recognize the art style from the Battle Network LP way over on Something Awful. Think that's MissEchelon's work.

>> No.9180

I'm kind of hoping instead of romantic relationship with Jack, it's actually a father-daughter type.
The whole reason for the wanting to kill Jack is to win Aku's favor. That love a father has for his daughter because she honored him.
She'll redeem herself and find a father in Jack

>> No.9181

i like samurai jack.

>> No.9182

Is new episode today or tomorrow?

>> No.9183

>/co/ was very nice for a while
>Then people ruined it
Sounds about right. That's why a community shouldn't be too nice.

>> No.9184

You realize she's going to become the new Samurai at the end, right? That's where this is going.

>> No.9185

That would literally destroy the show as we know it

>> No.9186
File: 122 KB, 1152x854, jack wasn't actually naked the whole episode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, remember that one time Jack beat the shit out of some mexicans wearing a dragon costume while in a drag?

>> No.9187

I don't hate it, I'm scared that the series will be underwhelming by falling into the "father/daugther bond" meme.

Like holy shit let's give Samurai Jack a female side-kick, right guys? No. What the fuck.

>> No.9188
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>it's a "/co/ is one person" episode

>> No.9189

If i doesn't happen I'm gonna write several angry letters and maybe a death threat or four. You know, to really seal the deal.

>> No.9190

I'm actually concerned about both of this outcomes

>> No.9191

You think we're on 4chan because we LIKE IT HERE?

>> No.9192

No one on 4chan has good taste.
>But I-

If you post here you inherently have shit taste as only someone with shit taste would possibly post here.
Any normal person would give good taste would never post here.

>> No.9193

It would end it, yes.
Considering it's the ending, I would hope that would occur.

>> No.9194

Including you?

>> No.9195
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You know, there's a middle ground between liking something and not posting a couple dozen threads spread out across the entire site.

>> No.9196

I foresee her as more of an apprentice-master relationship than anything. More than anything so far she feels like a parallel story to Jack's more than a genuine blossoming relationship.

If anything, she is like an opposite of Jack as she's young and he's old, he is a man and she's a woman. Both were trained from a very young age to fight the nemesis of their "parents". Jack was trained for the forces of good and righteousness and she was trained by the forces of evil. However in this new season Jack is being corrupted by the weigh of his burdens as we've already see him killing people and abandoning people in need early. Aki, however, will move to see good and value to the world.

I believe that the core of their relationship will be that Jack teaches Aki that there is value in good and peaceful world where Aku doesn't reigns with terror, and Aki will rekindle Jack's determination he needs for his quest.

One thing that I'm mostly concerned about this whole series since I was a kid is how they're gonna treat time travel shenanigans. If Jack goes to the past and kills Aku will he erase the current future, and therefore killing everyone in it? Will it be timeline based and does he need to slay Aku in the future to ensure peace in the current future before he returns back to the past?

>> No.9197

speak for yourself

>> No.9198

It's actually fine when you take into consideration that the last season of SJ is actually just a single very long episode that has been cut into separate chapters to fit TV standards or in other words it's a movie JUST AS GENNDY HAD INTENDED IT TO BE ORIGINALLY

>> No.9199

/co/. /co/ has changed.

On one hand, comics (superheroes in particular) and cartoons are more popular than ever, which is good, the more the merrier. However, the resurgent popularity of the material that this board is dedicated to is occurring in the middle of a particularly heated political climate, in which some have gone as far as to declare a full blown culture war, between two sides loosely defined as "The Left" (represented by their oppostion by Tumblr) and "The Right" (represented by their opposition by /pol/).

/co/-related material makes up a huge part of the cultural landscape in the west, and now that landscape has turned into a battlefield. We're stuck in the middle of it. But I make it sound way more important than it actually is. Just watch your cartoons.

>> No.9200

People can't control their autism and need to insert politics into everything. Over here on /co/ you can get both /pol/ and the tumblr style ultra progressives inserting their political views into everything /co/ related, though /pol/ is more numerous on 4chan so you'll see them much more often.

>> No.9201

I don't know why people are making this about politics.

I don't want Ashi to become Jack's partner, not because she's a woman, but because Jack shouldn't have a fucking partner.

>> No.9202

Jack has had partners throughout various episodes of the original run and also

>> No.9203

That's the thing though, Jack shouldn't have partners for long periods of time.

It was never "Jack and the Scottsman", it's fucking Samurai Jack, one of the main charms of the original was that characters like the Scottsman were kept to a minimum despite of being great characters, that's what made their episodes fan favorites, what's the point of calling it Samurai Jack if the show becomes Jack and Ashi?

>> No.9204

I mean that the original was great even though it was super restricted by ratings.

>> No.9205

What episode will he make his return in?

>> No.9206
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I get the feeling that it'll either go the DBZ route and make an alternate time line or it'll remake the history into an alternate version of the future where things are similar. People like the dog scientists, emoji dogs, liberated mammot people, "jump good" monkey people, monk fighters, spartians, all the different aliens, and so on still exist, but if they lived and grew up in a world without Aku. Doesn't make the most sense but we're talking about a universe with god dang elephant fairy people, sentient robots, lion alien people called Imakandi, and gods from several religions and myths all exist in the same universe.

>> No.9207
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Just dropping this is in, enjoy Anons.

>> No.9208
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What the hell is this stupid forced narrative that /co/ hates Jack all of a sudden? Are the stickies not an indication of shit all? Or the countless threads in the catalog?
It's completely retarded, it's like some weird false flagging to get people to actually dislike Samurai Jack. Actually, that's probably exactly what it is. Some autist pissed off a show other than his is getting attention.

>> No.9209


>> No.9210

Been having a blast with it. Even when its silly, it's visually just such a treat to watch.

>> No.9211

t SEAnig

>> No.9212

>which is good, the more the merrier
You are the problem. Unilaterally accepting newfags is what allowed /pol/ and tumblr.
This is you hurting yourself. Had we just endured and or developed a sense of identity we'd have been better off for it. All the other boards that are even slightly like what they were or retain any quality have done so. /co/ was foolish and popularity was the death blow.

>> No.9213
File: 47 KB, 560x321, 1372629194125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, so people are hating it over what they fear is coming over what we've actually seen?

The first 3 episodes have been great and you're a faggot if you're saying anything different. /co/, and pretty much everyone else for that matter, has loved them

>> No.9214

>somewhat new
>three years now
If you haven't been here for more than 5 years chances are high that YOU are the cancer people are complaining about.

>> No.9215

They figured out they'd never be able to get MLP fans to stop loving their show through shitposts, so now they're trying it with Jack.

>> No.9216
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That got me more than GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS.

>> No.9217

>Unilaterally accepting newfags
I'll take shit that never happened for $400.

>> No.9218

>/co/ is love
>spoonfeeding doesn't exist just tell them [...] and stop being an asshole
I'll take pretending you haven't fucked up for a cold $600

>> No.9219

/co/ is love, newfag.

>> No.9220

That idea has been buried for a long time and dead for even longer. The only people who stick to it are newfags learning about the board through memes and screen caps.
In anycase, it was that mentality that allowed other groups to muscle in on the terf. General fags, and through them tumblr. Tumblr and in response /pol/.
Tell me how I am wrong here? You don't see this shit else where, faggot.

>> No.9221

>if it failed before, it'll definitely work this time!

>implying shitposters ever need a reason for anything

>> No.9222


>> No.9223
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As far as assassins go, who do you think had the best shot at Jack over the series?

>> No.9224

Although sisters had that tense scene in the grave site, sisters got pretty fucked over all so they're out.

>> No.9225

Yeah but... Jack actually had motivation then.

>> No.9226

Yeah, I get the feeling that the only reason they did so well was because of Jack's mental state and the element of surprise. The Minions of Set rank high given that Jack had to phone Ra for help

>> No.9227

without the scientist's help jack would have been wrecked by the ultrabots

>> No.9228

ashi is necessary so that someone protects the future timeline when jack returns

>> No.9229

Think of the situation he was in. He fought only robots that posed no match for him, he thought they were robots, he was at first distracted by the big scarab robot and he was having a PTSD flashback at the time. Remember when the Imakandi captured him immediatly when they met him because of the element of surprise? He had his guard down and wasn't expecting it, but then when he got motivated, he started putting up a fight.

>> No.9230

To be honest I'm surprised how much /co/ is liking it. It's got a very vocal minority of contrarian people, but usually made to shut the fuck up. I was expecting Korra levels of hate. Maybe helps that it's pretty Damn good so far.

>> No.9231

How would Punished Jill looks like?

>> No.9232

Does anyone have the mega for the new episode?

>> No.9233

The show gets better with every episode.

>> No.9234

Yes. Retard.

>> No.9235

You are a husk of what you used to be, /tg/. Your death hurt me, but I learned to live with the fact the mods were normies.

>> No.9236

Sombody post the how many levels of kino are you on pic with genndy please.

>> No.9237

>Silver age

>> No.9238

He needs the help of Rong more then ever

>> No.9239

There is no way to prevent a boards growth though.

>> No.9240

So far new Jack is okay but predictable.
The problem is the hype. So far I haven't seen anything worth the dozens of threads a day and the "OMG AFTER 15 YEARS ITS BACK SO HARDCORE NOW" rhetoric.

It's serviceable certainly but I feel like it would've been just as good 10 years ago and maybe the longer wait means it has more to live up to I guess?

>> No.9241

inb4 for this April Fools Toonami is taken over by Aku and Perfect Hair forever is played in place of Samurai Jack

>> No.9242

/pol/ must then have the best taste on the site

>> No.9243

Aww, shucks, anon, we'll gas you last.

>> No.9244

It's because there were hardcore anons who kept denying that would be the case and called people who told them this liars. And now they're just spazzing out. Does it surprise you?

When retards blow up, it becomes a spectacle.

>> No.9245

Samurai Jack gets worse and worse with each new episode, thats the truth.

>> No.9246

People love it when good guys or anti heroes are good fathers/father figures because it's an ideal most people would wish in real life. But truth is most of us menare awful and I love being terrible.

>> No.9247

I like it when people on 4chan hate what i like

>> No.9248

That's not much of a spoiler. This was in the first trailer of SJ's return. Am I missing something here?

>> No.9249

I'm enjoying the new season despite all the floaty, weightless flash animation.

>> No.9250

Let me tell you what's going.

Season 5 is so fucking good this is what trying to trash talk it looks like >>8989

/co/ loves samurai cock.

>> No.9251

Im not saying its worse than the rest of the series yet, but the next few episodes will decide whether its great or terrible, so I am definitely worried

>> No.9252

Episode 1 was amazing.
Episode 2 was a huge letdown, but still had some very decent moments.
Episode 3 was absolute garbage.

>> No.9253

why CN freeze jack for 12 fucking years anyway?

>> No.9254

>/co/ hates sj
what the fuck are you talking about? Every time a new episode drops there are 10 threads at once talking about how great it was. I've seen more people saying /co/ hates it than people actually saying they hate it.

>> No.9255
File: 217 KB, 1119x1086, i seriously hope you don't choose this path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/ is a single being

nice b8 thread senpai

>> No.9256

wheres the maga for the 4th episode?

>> No.9257
File: 224 KB, 715x704, The Hack should fear the Kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grease robot bounty hunters in the Totoro tribute episode, they really fucked him up

>> No.9258
File: 2.82 MB, 650x488, 8836262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating on ecstasy of steel
>Hating on Jack's bromance with Amaterasu and complete wrecking of the enemy
>Hating on Emperor being a great dad

>> No.9259

Aren't the sisters pretty much /fit/ sticc?

>> No.9260

the maga for the still yet to be released episode? Here:

>> No.9261

Not really. They are too full-figured to be sticc. Then again, they are lithe enough to not be considered THICC. They basically are just average bodied with great hips and muscular bodies.

>> No.9262



>> No.9263

?? april 1st on 5 am man, am i fuckin stupid

>> No.9264

Maybe "absolute" was a bit of a stretch, but I thought the Emperor part was shoehorned in, and somewhat cliche to boot.
I liked the other two things you mentioned, hence this part:
>still had some very decent moments

>> No.9265
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>> No.9266

I'm a bit confused over that ep, actually: if Jack had the power of his ancestors all along, why did he need the scientist's help at all?

>> No.9267

I'm pretty sure LOK was adored by /co/ when the first few episodes came out.

>> No.9268


>That idea has been buried for a long time and dead for even longer

I agree but

>You don't see this shit else where

On all of the the non-niche boards (/tv/, /v/ etc) the /pol/ vs tumblr thing is becoming the new norm. It's not just /co/, it merely happened here first.

>> No.9269

Lurk more, faggot, people where shitting on Korra and the shitty world since square one, but the promise of a massive, deep conflict kept hopes alive... until the nice boat scene, people thought the show might even be more mature.

>> No.9270

I'm pretty sure that's exactly like SJ right now (except I'm not sure what boat scene you're referring to, and why).

>> No.9271

The live threads on Saturday nights say otherwise.

>> No.22079


>> No.22244

This fucking post EXEMPLIFIES what the fuck is wrong with /co/ nowadays

>> No.22346

Well, /co/ is split between people who browse /pol/ and people who browse tumblr.

Its our biggest issue because we don't have our own culture anymore it feels like.

>> No.22379

The first few episodes were fucking amazing.
Every last episode after that was 'oh gee I really need to return to my time soon OH SHIT PROBLEM HOLD ON A SEC'

Samurai Jack is a pro blueball-tier series.
>you will never see Jack beat Aku's face in, and the writers intended it that way

>> No.22532

Oddly enough I hope the opposite but I'd be fine/respect your opinion.

Father-daughter type is really good but I feel we have been getting it a lot in today's media so its becoming a bit stale for me. An old-fashion romance would be equally fine as a father-daughter relationship for me as long as it is well-written.

>> No.22550

>/co/ doesn't hate it.
/cock/ does tho

>> No.23064
File: 61 KB, 321x619, Samurai Jack Releasing Rope Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me for fucking ever to do but from the guy that made the Samurai Wojack that gets posted every hour here (I made half of it technically some other anon edited and made it better again thanks other anon wherever you are) and I have made this

>> No.23763


>> No.23918

the mega doens't work anymore, anyone to post a new link pls?

>> No.24807

Lads, I've just caught up with the episodes and I want to watch it live. At which time does the new episode air today?

>> No.25560

That's how the original show was like too

>> No.25645

11pm i think

>> No.25718


>> No.25774

How the fuck can any person with eyes dislike season 5?
Ep 2 was literally the best thing ever

>> No.25775

/co/ only fotms characters with next to no personality so they can project onto them. Ashi is very likely going to have a strong personality and a lot of screen. Not a lot of room for projection.

>> No.25896


>> No.25931
File: 300 KB, 247x397, 1439865810687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, see you later then. Cheers mates.

>> No.25938

How much is that in hours from now

>> No.26151

If it's really 11pm, then it's 11:25 from now.