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8959835 No.8959835 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee shops in the city are so impersonal. Everyone is on computer or phone, no one is chatting especially with strangers.

In small hip towns, people come to coffee shops to chat and meet friends.
If you are a new face people are curious and ask about your life.

Why is there none of this in the city?

>> No.8959856

>small hip towns
I live in one. And you know what I fucking hate?
Dipshits like you who have to have a conversation with EEEEVERYBODY you see.
This isn't god damn church, Martha, shut the fuck up. I want to sit here in peace and drink a coffee while I read the news on my fucking phone, I don't want to have to have a polite conversation with a stranger repeating every single thing my family asks me at thanksgiving every fucking year.

Mind your own fucking business.

>> No.8959862

You would fit right in in Denver

>> No.8959886

>$1200 for 500sq ft apartments
no thanks

>> No.8959899

depends on the coffee shop. The one I go to is thoroughly impersonal and the one I go to while I'm at work for withdrawal emergencies only is full of friendly interesting people. One of the regulars is even a sufferer of autism like you

>> No.8959915

Believe it or not I actually have good social skills. Its just in the city, no one is interested. I had a large social circle but gave it up to move to the city and MGTOW my own way. Making lots of money but feel pretty isolated.
Cant even find a restaurant to be a regular at because its the same story as the coffee shops.

>> No.8959922

> Its just in the city, no one is interested
Literally nobody anywhere that isn't just idly gazing out the window is interested in listening to you talk at them in a coffee shop.

Go to a bar if you want to talk to strangers.

>> No.8959932


I read all that in his voice with the appropriate intonation and smug existential angst.

>> No.8959933

I swear to fuck if i was at a restaurant and someone i didnt know on another table tried to talk to me id kick off.

>> No.8959936

Because people in cities have more specific places to go to if they want to socialize. If you want to hang with people who like indie music, you'll go to a hipster concert venue. If you want to hang with gymrats, you'll go to a gym. If you care about sports, you'll go to a pub specific for your favorite sport or a sporting event. If you want to hang with cocaine fueled dudebros, you go to a club, etc etc. You don't have to start an awkward conversation in the most basic-ass public place of all. Therefore a coffee shop in a city is just a place to get fucking coffee.
The only people who think a coffee shop is a good place to meet and chat with strangers are the people who watch those pick up artist videos usually made by and for stinky indians doused in paco rabanne.

>> No.8959941

Its not easy being a cabbage head.
That honestly is a big part of my problem.

>> No.8959957

In smaller towns it is not like this at all.
People come to the coffee shop for a break from their day and to socialize.

>> No.8959974
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Oh! It's not a cucumber, it's a gherkin!

>> No.8959975
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>"I actually have good social skills"

>> No.8960459

So out of 3 million men you think none has any social skill?

>> No.8960527

Sushi bar downtown at happy hour

>> No.8960548

>Why are outsiders in podunk towns of 1000 people noticed
>Why is one person out of a million strangers not given any special notice

Real fucking mystery there.

>> No.8960561

Coffee shops USED to be a place (also in small towns) where people would gather and talk. Now, it's for creative writing majors and soccer moms.
As someone who grew up with cafe culture in a small town, (german and american with dual citizenship) the best places to find that now are in small, individually owned wine bars that offer flights and charcuterie and cheese plates. The reason I say that, is because those options offer a chance to interact with both other customers and staff because people will be comparing and contrasting the pairings. Coffee shops (in the US) have become a fast food type of operation. There's only 2 coffee shops in my current city (of 760,000) that offers that casual interaction with other people anymore.
Just my two cents, take it or leave it.

>> No.8960566

>Go to a bar if you want to talk to strangers.

Pretty much this. People are more relaxed and willing to bullshit. Just don't act like a faggot and you can have some good conversations that aren't just womanish smalltalk shit like you'll get at a coffee shop. You're MGTOW, you should already realize coffee shops are a more feminine kind of atmosphere where the socializing, if it occurs at all, will be on the level of a smarmy daytime womens talk show.

>> No.8962104

OR maybe you're a creepy fuck and nobody wants to talk to you

>> No.8962112
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Excuse me sir. EXCUSE ME.

Do you see this in my hand? Yes it is exactly what you think it is.

Look inside. It is empty?

Well if not then PLEASE do not disturb me until I've had my morning Joe.

I will NOT ask again, I will not be held responsible for my actions if you proceed to talk to me beforehand.

>> No.8962118

I don't know man, I live in a smallish town and we have a few hole in the wall coffee shops and its just not the place for that kind of thing. No joke, be a regular at your local Applebee's or any better than fast food place with a bar. I've met lots of cook people back in my early 20 at fucking Applebee's of all places.

Bars are great for meeting people too, but after around 25ish, in a small town, the only other people there are on drugs or drinks chasing nostalgia. The divorced prove tend to leave early too.

Eh, that's my experience.

>> No.8962122
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I'm at work, forgive my phone posting.

>> No.8962154

>talking in church
God will smite you degenerate.

>> No.8962167

>want to quickly stop and get a coffee
>people with fuck all to do in their lives have for some reason turned this coffee shop into a meet and greet
>look for next shop

>> No.8962197

Isn't it time for your daily haircut? Don't want to waste your time drinking coffee, you've got a busy schedule ahead of you!

>> No.8963017

Not a people person?

>> No.8963449

But thats really cheap

>> No.8963463

I pay $800 for a 950sqft 2 bedroom with included washer and dryer and a dope tub with jets in it.
Denver can eat my ass.

>> No.8963467

I came to live in Bumfuck, Nowhere so I can have peace and be alone.
Fuck you.

>> No.8963637

What flyover state is that?

>> No.8963718

Do you live in the middle of Kansas?

>> No.8963801

I'm not telling you otherwise you faggots will keep infesting it and bring all your shitty city ideas to it

>> No.8963903

filename irks me

>> No.8964052

No one wants to join you in idaho

>> No.8964158

If they didn't have such brutal winters, I wouldn't mind. Otoh, that cold keeps the nignogs at bay.

>> No.8964418

That brutal cold would freeze my cabbage head

>> No.8964437
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h-how did you know

>> No.8965332
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There's actually several good reasons why you don't see it in the city.

1) Cities are packed with people. It's the defining trait of being a city. You cannot have a formal meet 'n' greet with even half of the people you cross paths with, you would go insane.

2) Smartphones also happened, whether you wanted it to or not. 10x the volume of reaching out to folks, 1/10 of the effort. Video killed the radio star, the living room is obsolete, etc.

3) Where do you get the fucking time to do sweet fuck nothing in a barista shop all day and spit cheap chatter at random strangers. Stop burning your grandpa's inheritance money and get a job you lazy hippie bitch.

>> No.8965392

yes. it's not impossible to think 3 million men have no social skills

>> No.8966075
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>look it up

>mfw all the autists of the chans have turned the reason they'll never be apart of the gene pool into a movement

>> No.8966100

If I were in that age group or ever got divorced I'd join that movement. It isn't worth it to compromise your freedom for what you get out of it or stand to lose when the inevitable divorce happens nowadays.

>> No.8966117

This op

Go to a fucking bar, i don't want you encroaching on my coffee over small talk.

>> No.8966214
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Back in my day no one has their heads in cell phones or laptops.

... They had their head in magazines and newspapers. If a person doesn't feel like speaking with strangers then leave it alone.

>> No.8966218



>> No.8966293

No way i am playing those odds.
You would have to be crazy

>> No.8966555

That number includes all marriages even the old codgers over 60. Divorce rate among those under 40 is astronomically higher than 50%. My guess would be somewhere around at least 80%, probably more like 90%. And you don't get to blame the nignogs because they don't even bother with marriage anymore.

>> No.8967002

So what are we supposed to do?

>> No.8967087

Two choices: MGTOW or look to Asia. Asian women are diligent about maintaining a harmonious family.

>> No.8967093
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>probably more like 90%
You're doing some serious mental gymnastics to justify your solitude
Just accept you suck and get over it