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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 900x602, kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8953185 No.8953185 [Reply] [Original]

Mother's Day is over but busy season is just beginning. Are you ready?

>> No.8953327

Just started in the industry what am I in for babee

>> No.8953349

Sadness, dispair and substance abuse

>> No.8953420

>busy season is just beginning
Its over and it ends with Mother's day since everything starts to cool off.

>> No.8953454

What do I need to do to get a chef job on a cruise ship?

>> No.8953461

Brown skin and bad English a large family to send all your income.

>> No.8953479
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Season is just ending in Florida, we deal with you flyover q-tips for months out of the year. Hope you enjoyed your down time, because the hand off is coming and coming now.

It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.

>> No.8953508

damn man, that shit looks really good.

I have heard of a lot of chefs from Florida who end up moving around the country. Is Florida some sort of culinary capitol?

>> No.8953511

Florida is busiest May-October. All you've had so far are snowbirds and spring breakers.

>Living south of the equator

>> No.8953512

I can see the peking duck
looks pretty cool

>> No.8953518


>Is Florida some sort of culinary capitol?
Not by a long shot.

>> No.8953525

Yeah kinda. Florida, the Keys, Cape Cod and surrounding islands. Shit's pretty elite if you find the right establishment.

It's still just food, but you can find good stuff.

>> No.8953526

Do chefs burn out when it comes to what they themselves eat? Do they get to a point where their diet is just hard liquor and toast? Or do you get more into eating the good shit no one knows about?

>> No.8953528
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Florida is SLOWEST between Man-October. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.8953532
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Most chef's are grazers as I've observed. They pick at food all day to make sure it's good and tastes correctly and is plate worthy.

On maybe 1 or 2 occasions I've seen a chef, like a real chef, sit down and eat an actual meal.

>> No.8953536

Depends on the cruise line and what ship/position. Decent experience/resume and good interview skills should get you on at a low level. You really have to be a certain kind of person to do it for any length of time. You are below deck most of the time and the schedule is a lot worse than a typical restaurant job. Most people I've talked to didn't last very long but I've spoken with a few that really enjoyed it. The line and ship you get on with has a lot to do with it.

I've got a friend who used to work on cruise ships. He is a chef for a fishing boat now and has been for several years. He really enjoys it and says its a lot better than working on a cruise ship.

>> No.8953542

reading this make me glad I decided against becoming a chef. I would hate to work with food so much that the pleasure of eating it is taken away.

>> No.8953544

Not true at all most of the business is May-October which is why hotels are cheaper there in the off season and more expensive during those months and why there are less vacancies in those months.

The only people there aside from the occasional person on vacation are the locals and people that live there during the winter.

Cape Cod isn't even in Florida.

>> No.8953552

As someone who has been in the industry for 12 years I can tell you my favorite meal is a deep dish pizza from papa johns and a fifth of smirnof

>> No.8953559

I cook breakfast for myself every morning before I go into work. We have a meal everyday between lunch and dinner service for the staff and then I'll usually either make something at work and take it home or I will fix something when I get home.

On the other hand I have guys that almost never cook at home except for dates and special occasions so it really just depends on the person.

>> No.8953581

>Not true at all

I judge busyness by traffic and the number of out-of-state plates. Perhaps you're busy, but the rest of the state is kicking back.

>> No.8953637

I don't live in Florida that is just the impression that I got from talking to people at the SE Conference who did work down there and usually summer when everyone is out of school is when people go on vacation. FWIW most of those guys did run the high end hotel restaurants so that could have something to do with it.

Clearwater used to have a really nice Jazz festival in October I think it was that was a lot of fun but I haven't been in years and don't know if its still a thing.

>> No.8953668
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>Hudson Valley Food/Wine fest is right around the corner
>Restaurant week as well
>Restaurant I work at featured as "most desired" destination in restaurant week
>Lost 2 commis the other day, literally to I.C.E
>White culinary school kids don't want that position
>Can't trust indigenous black people because they're baseless crooks
>Foreigners attending the CIA down the road have language barriers too wide to have a functional kitchen
>CIA kids in general are "too good" for the work I'm currently hiring for

Just fuck my entire life up senpai.

>> No.8953698

To that anon who was helpful about my personal chef questions, thanks bro. We have a gentleman coming in to talk about a test menu, but just based on talking to him I think he'll be perfect.

If he works out I'll try and post some good photos of the dinner.

Also on a related tangent, America needs more personal chefs, the social order is shifting and we have a generation of well-off people who's time is worth more than cooking for themselves who are also tired of eating out all the time. I think its a huge niche in the market if you know how to advertise yourself properly.

>> No.8953723

I don't know where they were working but SW Florida is just dead at that time. Maybe somewhere like Orlando gets busier during that time.

>> No.8953730

Glad to hear it, man. I hope they work out for you.

I do it some as part of my business but its not something that I would do full time by any means nor something that I advertise. For me its just not worth it. I have a few clients I do it for but that's because I've know them a long time and they give me a lot of business both at the restaurant as well as catering gigs and consulting work. I mostly just do restaurant and menu dev/consulting work with private instruction here and there on occasion if the person and pay is right because it can be a lot of fun but PC work just isn't for me and I don't have much time for it anyway with everything else going on.

>> No.8953736

I would say that is probably true. I'd image the more family friendly/centric locations as well as the college kid party spots do more business during the summer when school is out.

>> No.8954008
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Who are the most fucking obnoxious customers to deal with and why is it white housewives?

>> No.8954016

yuppie housewives are certainly annoying but come on, black family groups are way worse.

hispanic families are also shit if they have a hoard of little half-naked shits running around being nasty and obtrusive and never being scolded.

>> No.8954047

If I'm going by sheer numbers and not quality. Housewives are the most cancerous people to encounter.

>in rush hour
>"umm hello when will my order be ready"
>"I want to speak to the manager"
>"I want to order this but substitute with x y and z"

>> No.8954055

fair enough. nothing triggers me more than fucking substitution for some cunts delusional diet.

I would love to open a restaurant if only for the pleasure of denying service to anyone asking about gluten or fat content.

>> No.8954746


>> No.8954758

>Who are the most fucking obnoxious customers to deal with and why is it white housewives?

white women fucking princesses are insufferable.

They need to be eliminated or bred with other races to get that white girl entitlement out of them.

>> No.8954761

If you want to be happy, marry a latina or asian woman.

Self centered White girl princesses are the worst fucking mothers of any race.

>> No.8954762

Hello fellow industry monkies! Baker master race reporting.

One of our wholesale accounts up'd their order, plus it's finally a nice weekend in Washington which means made business at our farmers market stall today, which meant that tonight was a record breaker. And I still managed to get done early! I fucking love being a baker. Ready for the weekend tho.

Hope y'all are having a good time with It! The next few months are going to be fucking nuts.

>> No.8954765

I'd argue hispanic/latino or white families are worse if they have kids. Black families with kids have always had really well behaved, quiet kids compared to white and hispanic/latino people who let their brats run around everywhere.
I once turned around in the kitchen, near the stoves, to see a little girl who just ran in from the dining room. She wasn't related to anyone who worked there, it was a customer's child, too young to talk well, old enough to run .

But when i was a server I lived in a predominantly white area so the odds are probably skewed.

>> No.8954767

>If you want to be happy, marry a latina or asian woman.
>Self centered White girl princesses are the worst fucking mothers of any race.

I've dated 5 different white girls in my life, they all can't cook worth shit and are utterly dependent.

White women are good for jizz buckets. Marry a good black or asian woman if you want a happy life.

>> No.8954775


Looks like your kitchen got put on ICE

>> No.8954782

>Self centered White girl princesses are the worst fucking mothers of any race.


>> No.8955130

>Self centered White girl princesses are the worst fucking mothers of any race.
This is why I've sworn off white girls entirely. Either I find an asian cutie whose parents taught her to fucking COOK, or I find a boyfriend.

>> No.8955152
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>marrying outside if your race

Enjoy your Elliot Rogers-esque offspring.

>> No.8955161

That's because you faggots have not embraced Christ as your savior (or at least LARP like you give a shit about religion like me) and get into a relationship with a conservative-religious qt. They're basically the same as Asians, though you don't get the free scholarships for your kids so thats a negative.

>> No.8955198

Only then you have to put up with their family and their prejudices and their hangups.

At least if I date a man, I can fuck him in the ass. Not so much a fundie princess.

>> No.8955233

>not sitting through an Easter dinner with her family and then fucking her once you get back home to relieve the stress of social gatherings

>> No.8956078

Daily reminder that your customers would leave and never come back if they saw the state of your kitchen.

>> No.8956836

We don't allow any substitutions or changes. We will sometimes make something for someone with certain dietary restrictions but only if its clear they aren't lying. When someone says they want something gluten free but don't have a clue what gluten actually is. Almost always they end up saying that its fine.

We also don't usually allow children in as a general rule so most of our clientele are late 20's and up, white, and fairly well off.

>> No.8956860

>not keeping your kitchen clean

Customers come back to the kitchen all the time and our Chef's table, which is really more of a room, has a large window directly into the kitchen.

FFS even the pizza restaurant in our RG has an open kitchen. You're chef needs to be fired if he lets you guys get away with having a nasty kitchen.

>> No.8956920

>We don't allow any substitutions or changes.
>most of our clientele are late 20's and up, white, and fairly well off.
How many are 'never coming back here again' or barred in a week due to your policies?
Also, do you accept 'without the X' as a valid change if it's not subbed for anything? I despise mayonnaise with a passion.

>> No.8957298


>How many are 'never coming back here again' or barred in a week due to your policies?

Very few, we get a lot of repeat customers and very rarely do we deny service except in extreme cases and when that happens I'd rather not have their business anyway. People come here to eat our food not simply to have us prepare whatever they like.

>Also, do you accept 'without the X' as a valid change if it's not subbed for anything?

It depends on what it is and why but not usually unless its a special customer or something.

We only offer a prix fixe/table d'hote menu that rotates daily with three courses at 2 options each and a tasting menu so there really isn't a lot of room for substitutions and removing, adding, or changing one thing can throw off the whole dish.

>> No.8957320

I am also from hudson valley, cook at a fancy golf course, very busy so far

>> No.8957372


Mohonk Mountain House offered me a 50hr week @ 73k. Might take it. 30% salary cut though, BUT I'll actually have free time with my family, which is nice. Their golf course is only 9 holes though. Weird.

>> No.8957405

>>Great place, a friend of mine plays a few piano gigs there. I'm down near Newburgh.

>> No.8957519

Do you seriously not recognize that kitchen? What exactly are you pointing out in that pic that grosses you out?

>> No.8957531


Campbell Hall is nice, we used to live there before relocating to the Poughkeepsie area.

>> No.8958534

I had to say SOMETHING to bump the thread.

Otherwise, no work environment stays as clean as the OP pic for long.

>> No.8958540

>We only offer a prix fixe/table d'hote menu
Oh, I see. You're a restaurant for pretentious fucks. That's not the sort of place I go to; if I can't get a nice thick burger, it's probably too upmarket for me and I'd probably offend half the clientele by my sheer presence.

>> No.8959003

Lol just making sure. Id give my left nut just to stand in that kitchen.

>> No.8959005

....well i guess it no longer exists in that form. The new one looks even more amazing.

>> No.8959061

yah, ready to fucking kill myself

>> No.8960254

We've got 4 other local restaurants in our RG so I am sure you'd probably enjoy at least a few of them. We're pretty spread out to cover most of the market in our area.

>> No.8960304

cruise ships fly the flag of the bahamas, so you will be subject to the laws of that nation.

be prepared to not get overtime, safety protections, and be forced to work 18 hours a day. you will never see the light of day on any of those cruises.

is it worth it?

>> No.8960346

Pay, hours and on-board conditions are negotiated beforehand. The rules and customs of the Bahamas are irrelevant - what's in my contract matters. If we can't agree then they're welcome to hire Bahamians instead.

>> No.8961347

Depends on the cruise line.

>> No.8961407

Nah man, you have to sign like a 3 year deal to even get a job and it's pure misery. No creativity, just cook THIS NOW kinda environment. Then you go back to your double bunk cabin like your on a submarine.


>> No.8963200

Go back to pol faggots

>> No.8963265

Daily reminder that tits mean tips.

>> No.8963624
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Holy fuck

>> No.8963697

>yes she wants the pasta primavera
ok, do you want to start wit-
>but no mushrooms
>no tomato
>no basil
>no bell peppers
>and no crushed red peppers
*eye twitch*

>> No.8963699

good white women are the best of all though

>> No.8963717

>good white women are the best of all though

Modern millenial white bitches are fucking useless.

Can't cook. Can't clean. Shitty, self centered, self entitled mother. Only ability is to complain about how she's underpaid compared to men.

There is a reason why all your white men prefer Asian women. We make tiger mothers AND make money, without all the self entitled bullshit.

>> No.8963721


White women are only good for jizz buckets cause they'll let you do whatevah to them and they'll swallow. Hell no, I aint never marrying one tho. kek

>> No.8963723

there is nothing better than the love and care from a selfless white woman who knows how to cook and keep shit clean.

believe it or not they do exist (none of them work in restaurants lol), sorry you live a deprived life

>> No.8963725

>White women are only good for jizz buckets

100% this.

>> No.8963727

jews detected

>> No.8963730

>there is nothing better than the love and care from a selfless white woman


holy shit...

Virgin detected

>> No.8963735
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>White women are only good for jizz buckets


>> No.8963744

I've fucked more cunts than I can count on my fingers and toes
they were all white
only three of them would make decent wives

sorry jamal, white women are still the best

>> No.8963788

>white women are still the best

White women ARE the best jizzbuckets, cumswallowers, and ass tossers I've ever met. That is true.

Just remember that next time you're worshiping some dumb White girl's pussy. That's my day old jizz you're lapping up.

>> No.8963839

>a selfless white woman

"Selfless white woman" is a contradiction in terms. Asian or GTFO. The new masterrace is the asian/white combination. Combines physical strength and an acceptable level of intelligence with superior intelligence and fierce dedication and loyalty to the family unit.

>> No.8963852

ok schlomo

asian women are the most cutthroat evil cunts alive and spiclets are full-power screaming nags with the worst cholo families in existence

i won't even talk about nigger bitches

>> No.8963856
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srs tho

>> No.8963865

> ITT Triggered white girl princesses can't cope

>> No.8963870

>a selfless white woman

lol. that's a good one.

>> No.8963872

How did asian females buttblast you so badly? Did the hotties you asked out laugh in your face or something?

>> No.8963930

Black girls are beautiful as fuck though
>dem lips, eyes, hair, body and skin
Hnnngggg i wish all women where black desu

>> No.8964041

It didn't go well. Taking a break to re-think my life. Only option left is basically culinary school students at a local college. Until then I think I am ok with just sucking it up and cooking myself, it actually is less stressful compared to paying for another bad trial run and avoiding hurt feefees (I'm a faggot I know, I hate being mean in person)

>> No.8964149

Are there any feasible alternatives to coughing up several grand for a pacojet when it comes to making premium ice cream?

>> No.8964184

This is the start of our slow season. Of course that means the few of us who stay on staff are part of the skeleton crew and it's a lot more work for each person. On the bright side, it's usually when we weed out the FNGs and the atmosphere is more chill.

>> No.8964200

Anyone have advice on importing executive chefs to work in America who are trained in their home cuisine? Of course with visa sponsorship and all that jazz. I can't find any resources online on the employer end for international options.

>> No.8964512

the day people where i work leave the place a dump when they go. feel zero need to clean up, as soon as it's 2:0000000 they're like OK BYE
the first thing i have to do when i get in is tidy up, dirty kitchen gives me anxiety. i don't even like to come in when the day shift is still here bc of the anxiety
also they get mad at night peeps for falling behind on prep when they do ZERO prep, like ho maybe you would have time to set yourself up if you weren't chismosando the entire morning!!

>> No.8964516

>spent the whole day picking herbs for a 112 pax 3 course dinner

Such is life.

>> No.8964545


I wouldn't say that the pleasure of eating, or of food in general, is taken away. You have to be really into food to have the motivation to go anywhere in the business/become a chef.

It's just that after spending your entire day in a kitchen cooking, you really, really don't want to go home and cook even more.

>> No.8964561


Different anon, but, how big of a repertoire do you need to be a PC? Do you constantly need to be developing ideas and recipes, or do you kind of get into routines?

(I know it probably differs by chef/gig, I've just never considered that avenue, but like money)

>> No.8964576


>tfw my kitchen is completely open to the dinning room

Some people glance over occasionally to catch the action, but most people don't give two shits about what's going on when their food when it's being prepared.

>> No.8964589


>50hr week @ 73k

That sounds pretty comfy, but how the fuck can the guarantee your hours?

>> No.8964634

I'm that anon and not sure if my opinion counts for shit as someone seeking a PC but;

I think you really only need to be versed in general cookery and be able to master all the "standard" cooking methods and techniques as well as be able to adapt to recipes and special requests and tastes.

Also in my case I need a chef who is PUNCTUAL!, organized both mentally and physically and a quick learner.

Also don't bullshit me about your comfort level and how well you can cook X or Y when really you plan on fudging it and looking at google the night before and seeing what you can get away with.

Also, again, be on time. Dinner needs to be at the time you say its going to be, you have complete control give yourself wiggle-room if you are unsure. Show up on time, bring your shit, don't ask me to find a replacement for something you were supposed to prepare.

>> No.8964662

Oh and also I would add you shouldn't charge on an hourly basis like a wagecuck. You are your own boss and probably an "independent contractor" so you set a fee based on the difficulty and time you expect to spend on however many menus and charge by the week or month. If you charge by the house I am going to be pissed when you spend 3.5 hours on a single entree that should have taken half the time if you were more organized and time efficient.

Get a feeling for kind of cooking the family expects and set up a flat rate, and if they ask for something thats outside that rate let them know how much extra it would be a more elaborate or time-consuming menu.

>> No.8964699

qc or france?

>> No.8965484

holy fuck speak english

>> No.8965685

Sorry to hear that. I know there isn't a lot out there but maybe someone will come along down the road.

Also, I used to be like that about people as well but not so much anymore. Years ago when I was still pretty new to the industry the chef who I was training under used to make me fire everyone. He said it was good for me and that it as something I needed to know who to do. It was absolutely terrible at first. One of the first few he had me fire was a really good guy, had a wife and kids and was literally bawling and begging me please not to fire him and I just kept telling him there was nothing I could do. The chef was watching me the whole time. That one was the worst by far.

Forums maybe? Depends on what your requirements are and where you are wanting to bring someone in from. It was the other way around for me and I just sent a lot of email and letters, made phone calls, and talked to people I knew/worked for in the past and got on that way.

>> No.8965948

all that copper hanging on the wall and a hobart n50. Damn they really didn't hold back.

>> No.8965966


Contract, like all their workers. My idea was to write a contingency in it stating that if I am required to work over 50hrs, $50hr is my fee.

>> No.8966401

Kitchen supervisor reporting in. Work in a busy hotel with a sports bar, banquet department, and steakhouse. Line Cooks are a bunch of lazy entitled cucks. Chef is a drunk, watched him have a grand mal seizure at work a couple weeks ago. They fired him a week before mother's day. I made it my bitch though. Got ourselves a new chef last week, and I'm going to be promoted to banquet chef. Hope this new guy turns out good. My eye has been twitching for the past month. Need a fucking vacation. Cheers lads.

>> No.8966413

lol at all the white girl tears in this thread when they realized they are no longer "hot shit" and the most desired race.

>> No.8967938

I find the hotter months (May-September) to be the slower months as far as industry goes. I don't live/work in or near any vacation destination though, so that could be part of it. It seems like if you work near a vacation destination you'd be more busy during the summer and less so during the winter, but I find the opposite to be true for most "domestic" locations.

>> No.8967951

Is this man about to break that baby's neck?
Because that's what I feel like doing to most kids who end up getting dragged along to my restaurant. We don't even have a kids' menu and everything is ridiculously overpriced. Don't even get me started on niggers who walk in and order side dishes because they can't afford the real menu.

>> No.8967955

I live in Florida and work at a barbecue restaurant in Jacksonville.
Our most busy time of the year is in the summer. Lots of people stop here on their way to the rest of Florida south of us. We also attract a lot of old people and despite what might make sense, they travel more (at least from what I've seen) in the summer.
Tons of fucking tour buses come in.

>> No.8968029


I'm sorry, bro.

>> No.8969329

rescue bump

>> No.8969819
File: 84 KB, 500x334, cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry, anon
>it's your turn to clean the burnt pot
>dishpig is on the phone to his asian wife again

>> No.8970248

what is oven blaster

>> No.8972056

Jesus, that pot.

>> No.8972151

How would one even clean such a nightmare? I've never had a pot get that bad, but I'm kinda wondering what to do if it ever happened.

>> No.8972157

sugar gone wrong?

>> No.8972643

Looks like it.

This is one of those, mix everything you've got type of situation. Degreaser, sani water, and a whole hell of a lot of scrubbing.