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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8939743 No.8939743 [Reply] [Original]

do you know where it is?

>> No.8940336

What grind size do you use for a moka pot?
I've been doing just a tad bit finer than drip but even then I get some grinds falling through the filter

>> No.8940411

Shouldn't you be using a more course grind then?

>> No.8940416

I actually just brewed a pot with a coarser grind, will report back.

>> No.8940444
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I use fine grind, yes you can get few grinds in your brew but I feel that finer grind it makes better testing coffee, better more complete extraction.
I tried several times switching from finer to coarser and I settled on finer.

>> No.8940484
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Sometimes there are more experienced coffee freaks posting in Coffee Threads and let's hope they can give you more theory why finer grind is more preferable.

>> No.8940491

as I said here
I did it by experimenting after reading theory behind it, but yes there is side effect of getting few grinds in your brew, but that is not a big deal in my opinion

>> No.8940961

>I actually just brewed a pot with a coarser grind, will report back.

...and he's never to be seen again

Funny, because for me, I found the perfect grind to be between drip and French press. So rather coarser. Do you drink lighter or darker roasts?

>> No.8940974

For more flavour obviously.
Dice an onion/garlic w/e then finely chop it and see the difference.
Same shit with coffee.

>> No.8940976

It was just a slight bit overextracted and on the verge of being too diluted.
Probably the best I can get on an electric stove

>> No.8941029


im not gonna even bother posting in this cancer

>> No.8941040
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>he washes his french press after every use

>> No.8941308
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>Do you drink lighter or darker roasts?
After reading articles and scientific studies on health danger of dark burnt charred coffee beans (or any other food) that will cause cancer
I stopped using dark roast coffee beans. They are carcinogenic, (causing cancer) but coffee industry is hiding this information from coffee drinkers.
Besides dark roast coffee is deprived from all delicious flavors, it's just burnt charred taste.

There is a reason why roasting houses roasting green coffee beans to dark roast level.Very dishonest practice on behalf of the coffee industry.

>> No.8941363

Please chug dark roast coffee for the rest of your life, faggot

>> No.8941734
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Does anyone else enjoy the process of preparing coffee more than actually drinking it?

>the rich aroma that emanates from a freshly opened bag of whole bean coffee
>the thicc golden brown foam head that forms when you pour 200F water on top of your freshly ground coffee
then you swirl it around to submerge all the coffee grounds, and the foam starts cascading different colors
all the while the smell fills the whole kitchen, it smells so nice~

>> No.8941739

And then you just pour it down the sink and start over, right?

>> No.8941743

Oh no that would be a waste.
I like the coffee too, but making it is the best part!

>> No.8941747

>muh acrylamemede :(

There ought to be a word invented for your specific breed of nu-male.

>> No.8941804

What roast do you guys prefer? I generally stick to light roasts, but the best cup of coffee I ever had was a dark roast. I still get hard when I think about it.

>> No.8942211
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whats /ck/'s preferred brewing method? I've been using a chemex for a while now and I love it, but I wanted to try a french press since I hear a lot of people talking it up.

>> No.8942226

i'll sing the french press's praises all day, but if you don't like sludge at the bottom of your cup, get a really good burr grinder, because the metal filter will curl up with repeated use and always let some mud through

>> No.8942249

Potatoes cause cancer.
All processed meats cause cancer.
"Causes cancer" when it comes to food is generally just media scaremongering for clicks.

>> No.8942251
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couldn't agree more anon, the whole process for making coffee is sometimes more exciting than actually drinking.

True patrician here

>> No.8942333


>> No.8942396

French Press and Vietnamese Filter

>> No.8943033

Can anyone recommend a good canned coffee

>> No.8943041
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>French press Joe's Coffee
>keep it in freezer to keep it good

>tastes bad when I make it

>> No.8943112

How in the fuck do you stop sucking at latte art

I've been at this shit five months and I struggle with even a basic bitch rosette

>> No.8944039

sensitive much
call your momy

>> No.8944068
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do you eat burnt charred bread or meat?
I don't thinks so, no normal self respected person is, so why do you consume burnt charred coffee that is known to give cancer,
in case of many people because they are not aware of this dishonest gimmick by coffee industry, in some cases people know but do it anyway,
same as those who smoke cigarettes or eat fast food hamburgers or drink coca-colas and other crap soft drinks

>> No.8944119
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, burned charred dark roast coffee in the middle .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case of burnt charred food (including dark roast coffee) you have a choice not to consume carcinogenic foods.
just think about it, that green coffee bean was heated to such hight temperature that now is like soil after nuclear bomb explosion, all dead,
all the living elements in that green coffee bean are totally dead now, they are charred, they become carcinogenic now.

if you have any brains you would understand that, I don't give a shit what you consume, it's your life your body.
some anons here will make changes to type of coffee they consume,others will not, that's normal reaction.

coffee roasting houses laughing all the way to the bank selling you substandard coffee beans roasted to dark roast level only level those low quality coffee beans could be roasted to have some kind of taste to them,
if they were roasted to medium level they would taste like shit, so genius solution was to burn them to charr them & sell them at the same price as good quality medium roasted coffee beans, & they bullshit
you that this dark roast taste is desirable. BULLSHIT, it's just scum to sell low quality coffee beans.

If dark roast was the best roasting level why then not all coffee is roasted to that level, because is not true, best level is medium or even lower in some cases, at medium level the coffee bean is not dead yet,
medium roasting temperatures are not high enough yet to destroy all that is alive inside of the green coffee bean,all the sugars,proteins,oil, & other elements
DARK ROAST TEMPERATURES ARE CHARRING BURNING KILLING everything that is valuable inside of that green coffee bean.

but that's the only way they can sell those substandard low quality Robusta coffee beans, the better quality Robusta beans can be roasted to medium level and they taste good,
but low quality shit can only be sold if roasted to dark roast, medium roast makes them taste like wood chips.

that's the dirty secret coffee roasters are hiding from naive uneducated consumers.

>> No.8944145

I've never seen dark roasts that looked like charcoal.
Even the darkest oiliest roast I've ever had had a prominent shade of brown and was glistening in oil.

>> No.8944152

>and was glistening in oil.
glistening in oil is very bad sign for coffee beans

>> No.8944184

i don't care, it tasted good

>> No.8944196

Your level of bootyblasted is astounding.

>> No.8944206
File: 110 KB, 717x516, 421812_360564437295429_1940113474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientific medical facts.

yes it feels great exposing dishonesty of coffee industry.

>> No.8944215

how old are you?

>> No.8944217 [DELETED] 

16 almost 17

>> No.8944233

Fellows will fall in line.

>> No.8944257
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oh lawdy

>> No.8944745

I'm 1 year old

>> No.8944774

coffee coffee coffee

>> No.8944874

and sprays Chanel No.5 on it

>> No.8945221

does anyone else have the experience of a bag of coffee tasting significantly better near the end of the bag compared to the beginning?
I mean, I know taste is supposed to improve and reach a peak after roasting, but I never notice a decline, and I only use enough for 1 cup per day.

>> No.8945280

I've never gotten that.
Coffee always starts smelling more acidic after the 1 month mark, but it seems to respond well to boiling water, maybe you're just burning the coffee and it only becomes tolerable after the beans have started going stale.

>> No.8945362

Well, I never buy a big enough bag to last over a month. Around 3 weeks at most.
What do you mean burning? I don't do the roasting myself, and experience this with both light and dark roasts, though I have to say the effect is I think more noticeable with darker roasts. E.g. I just finished a bag of dark roasted Costa Rican coffee that I got from a local roaster, and the last few cups were significantly smoother and more "chocolatey" than earlier ones. Not to say the earlier cups were at all bad tasting.

>> No.8945461
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I never get grinds in my coffee with a Moka pot, the only thing is I wish I knew how to make my coffee come out with a nice caramel brown crema all the time instead of just black as fuck.

A brikka pot is cheating.

>> No.8946663

I prefer espresso

>> No.8946722

All this taste differences might be due to different foods you are eating those days.
As with vine foods affect taste of it, same vine on a day or days when you eat different foods might taste better or worst.
Same could be with coffee.

>> No.8946770
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>caramel brown crema
crema crema crema

>> No.8946820
File: 89 KB, 768x1024, How To Make Moka Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only thing is I wish I knew how to make my coffee
She can teach you how to make a perfect cup of moka coffee

>> No.8946888

I read some coffee threads like six months back, I come to check them out again, and this faggot is STILL scaremongering

>> No.8946904
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Nasty truth about dirty coffee industry secrets never die, faggot

Like for example use of toxic chemicals to spry coffee plantations to make sure there is a profit to be made from coffee crops.

>> No.8947060

yes some coffee can make you ill, very ill.
you have to make smart choices buying coffee, it's a huge business full of many dishonest suppliers

>> No.8948136

Tad finer than drip is fine just don't pour the last dregs of the pot into your cup.

>> No.8948142

Please don't respond to this. It starts a stream of shitposting that invariably ruins every coffee thread

>> No.8948148

French press is okay...imo it brings okay coffee up to a good level but it brings great coffee down cause the heavy oils from the mesh filter block some of the more delicate tastes in the cup.

Stick with Chemex. If you want to try something else go for beehouse, kalita wave, v60, or if you're really looking to spend money get a siphon pot.

>> No.8948320
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cray me a river you weakling, afraid of truth about nasty coffee business secrets, same story as it was with cigarette companies trying to hide facts about cancer caused by smoking cigarettes.

>> No.8948480
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Have you guys ever tried adding salt to instant coffee? I was skeptical but it makes it a lot better.

>> No.8948486

I've been using an aeropress for the past few months, from a French press. I really like it, the end result just tastes much better to me, no sludge at the bottom, extremely quick ~2 minute cleanup.

>> No.8948604
File: 35 KB, 720x767, akari ugggh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ran out of coffee
>found dusty bottle of nescafe instant
>follow directions (1tsp per 6oz)
>it's faintly colored piss water
>add more
>color and viscosity actually resembles brewed coffee
>taste it
oh god it's like the worst burnt diner coffee

>> No.8948870
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I'm out too and decided to try a Keurig for the first time in a while. I wanted to say it was at least drinkable, but I ended up not finishing it. It wasn't offensive, it just wasn't pleasant.

>> No.8949188
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>decide to get a bag of some gourmet coffee after drinking folgers and maxwell hoise for several months
>its fucking amazing
Can /ck/ recommend me some gourmet coffee that I should try out? I want to see what I've been missing.

>> No.8949319


>> No.8950093

Is cold brew coffee just a myth?

>> No.8950565

It exists and is great in the summer.

1:4 ratio coffee to water and leave in French press over night. You can use whatever container you want as long as it can be strained easily in the morning.

Very course grind.

This makes a coffee concentrate with very little bitterness that can be watgered down with ice or cold water for a smooth brew.

This method works great with mediocre coffees or coffees that can be overly bitter when brewed traditionally with hot water cause the slow extraction does not agitate the grounds as much.

>> No.8950688


>> No.8950721

Not to instant, but i add some to the grounds in a standard old drip-pot that makes my workhorse coffee (i.e. the shit i'm drinking early in the morning to warm/wake up and not for comfort). A little salt makes Folger's columbian a lot better.

I wondered if I was just fooling myself, so I decided to start doing it at work. I usually make the coffee in the mornings there anyway. My coworkers actually started asking me if I brought my own coffee from home or something, saying it was really good.

Alton Brown mentions it on an old Good Eats episode. Idk, something about chemistry.

>> No.8950744

how much salt to how much coffee?

>> No.8950967

>When you're so bored you start snacking on instant coffee granule

>> No.8950984

Strangely enough I just found a pretty good tutorial. It's on chefsteps.

>> No.8951146

I love the taste of a good cup of coffee, but I can't justify the expense or the effects it has on my body. Does anyone else know this feel?

>> No.8951151

Since buying a bean-to-cup espresso machine I've been drinking double espresso throughout the day. I must get through at least 6/7 but I've not been counting how much I drink.

Do I have a problem?

>> No.8951372
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My keurig keeps giving me trouble so I finally tossed it for a french press. So far it's more fun and I think the coffee turns out smoother. Anyone have any tips or anything? I'm new to coffee not made with a keurig. I might even buy a coffee bean grinder to turn this into a fun science experiment every morning.

>> No.8951383

I just got my French press. I just wash it with hot water. Is this the correct way?

>> No.8951407

Yes buy a grinder.
Usual ratio for coffee is 2 tbs per 6 fl oz of water.
Course grind.

Don't use boiling water, use water that is just under boiling 205F or so

4 minutes of extraction and then pour. Try not to keep the coffee in the brewing vessel because it will keep extracting even after you press the plunger.

>> No.8951412

Use some soap every once in a while because coffee is very oily and the oils will impact the taste eventually if you let them build up too much.

>> No.8951567

Everything I've seen online seems to indicate that light roast has higher amounts of acrylamide than dark.


Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.8952088

How often do you use soap?

>> No.8952271

I use hot water and a rag to wipe the oils off after every use. Every few weeks, I take it all the way apart (especially the plunger) and get it all with dish soap

>> No.8952900

EH it's not a hard-and-fast measure. I have a salt well in my kitchen with kosher salt (i'm a big AB fan, sue me) and sprinkle in like a pinch or two for four cups of coffee (four cup line of water on carafe, which for me is two tbsp grounds). At work, I just grab the salt shaker and go until it seems right.

Too little and you won't taste it, too much and it's inedible. That said, not hard to figure it out yourself.

>> No.8953302

I for ten years drank moka pot coffee and would tell you, that you are doing something wrong. But after moving and having gas stove in my current home and new moka pot I will say the following. Every moka pot is different, and depending on what you have, it may actually be shit to make coffee with. If you are getting grounds in your coffee, either the moka pot is shit, or your coffee is to fine, and I would almost bet on your moka pot be shit.

Problem number 1 - your moka pot
You are safer spending the money on a real bialetti stainless steel pot, and not one made in India, the aluminium ones are OK but you will have to be more careful with the heat control on those. After you have a moka pot that you know will produce good moka pot coffee you will have another problem depending on your stove.

Problem number 2 - Heat control
For years I have been using your standard electric US stove, now in Europe I am using gas stove, and even on the lowest setting on the lowest stove cap, its still well above the heat I was using on a electric one. Lower heat will produce a smoother fuller body cup of coffee, a regular extraction with either cold or regular temperature water, should between 12 and 15 minutes, any less than that and you more likely will receive an extremely bitter cup, play with the heat and time it until it takes at least 12 minutes.

If you hear it gurgle, your coffee on the upper chamber is already burnt, which means, bitter, undrinkable sludge. Turn the heat off before you get to that point, and don't pour it all in your cup, you will leave a ounce maybe two in the moka pot.

Follow those tips and it should help you.

>> No.8953381
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67 year old Coffee Instant.

>> No.8953936
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>can't even drink decaf without feeling jittery now


>> No.8954058

Those are very interesting tips, especially with temperature and gurgle. Thank you very much anon.
I'm going to adjust my moka technique.
Can you please post a picture of that Stainless Steel Bialetti model that you have.

>> No.8954109

>should between 12 and 15 minutes, any less than that and you more likely will receive an extremely bitter cup, play with the heat and time it until it takes at least 12 minutes.
yes I'm almost shocked at what you are saying about that long extraction time, usually people suggest and when I'm doing is around 4-5 minutes, electric stove temp set at max high,
so you are suggesting to do it at lower temp. OK I will try that, but in next 2 days because I have to buy new rubber washer for my moka pot.

>you will leave a ounce maybe two in the moka pot.
now I have a problem with that. Why to leave it, I'm paying good money for my organic 100% Arabica medium roasted locally coffee beans so I'm not going to waste it, what's the reason for leaving it out.

>> No.8954236

Try any new brands lately?

>> No.8954399

Looking to move beyond drop coffee and deciding between a moka pot and a french press: anyone who's been in a similar situation, recommendations?
Would also appreciate advice on where to start looking at grinders and kettles, but that part is probably easier

>> No.8954422
File: 76 KB, 768x768, urine carafe _french press coffee maker .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a french press
I moved my french press from making coffee duties to collecting my urine at night when I'm too drunk and too lazy to walk to the bathroom to piss

>> No.8954557

bed side french coffee press used more properly.

>> No.8955046

When I remember, it's usually about once or twice a week.

>> No.8955074

explain why you would live anywhere but melbourne if you like coffee?

>> No.8955219
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>> No.8955267


Anyone know about this meme? I stopped drinking FP because I didn't want my cholesterol to go up

>> No.8955499

>I stopped drinking FP
what's FP?

>> No.8955581

french press

>> No.8955687
File: 94 KB, 700x768, conversions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stopped drinking FP because I didn't want my cholesterol to go up
OK, but are there any real normal informations how that translates to cholesterol levels per cup of coffee, (assuming that standard cup of coffee in NorthAmerica is 6 oz).
Is that level really that high that you would give up on those coffee oils, don't they have any beneficial properties, and is that cholesterol really that bad for you.

Many times in my opinion people use word cholesterol as a scare word, and any mention of cholesterol creates huge panic.

>> No.8955714

OK, let's look at this:
Cafestol is a diterpene molecule present in coffee.
A typical bean of Coffea arabica contains about 0.4-0.7% cafestol by weight.
Cafestol is present in highest quantity in unfiltered coffee drinks such as French press coffee or Turkish coffee/Greek coffee. In filtered coffee drinks such as drip brewed coffee, it is present in only negligible amounts.
Studies have shown that regular consumption of boiled coffee increases serum cholesterol by 8% in men and 10% in women. For those drinking filter coffee, the effect was only significant for women.

Cafestol has also shown anticarcinogenic properties in rats.
Cafestol may act as an agonist ligand for the nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor and pregnane X receptor, blocking cholesterol homeostasis.
Cafestol also has neuroprotective effects in a Drosophila fruit fly model of Parkinson's disease.
>that you would give up on those coffee oils, don't they have any beneficial properties,

>Cafestol has also shown anticarcinogenic properties in rats.
An anticarcinogen (also known as a carcinopreventive agent) is a substance that counteracts the effects of a carcinogen or inhibits the development of cancer.
so there we go, coffee oils are beneficial after all.
maybe people who are trying to scare us from drinking unfiltered coffee are coffee places serving coffee made using filters in their coffee makers, especially for high volume sales.

>> No.8955973

did you know you can develop black and white film with coffee? name a more patrician beverage, im waiting.

>> No.8955982
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>> No.8956109

>people in this thread actually think keurig coffee is shit

>> No.8956254
File: 388 KB, 768x768, Melitta® Natural Brown® Paper Cone Coffee Filters .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe people who are trying to scare us from drinking unfiltered coffee are coffee places serving coffee made using filters in their coffee makers, especially for high volume sales.
Second conspiracy theory might be that the coffee filter makers are spreading this scare tactic info about cholesterol in unfiltered coffee being so bad for you to simply maintain and increase sales of paper coffee filters, (and non paper)

>> No.8956281

Also question should be asked what kinds of chemicals (if any) are being transferred to our coffee from various paper filters.
I'm sure some brands of paper coffee filters contain more bad toxic chemicals than others.
And are those chemicals are not worst for our health than the cholesterol in coffee?

It could be yet another dirty ugly secret of coffee industry besides bullshit marketing of Dark Roast coffee that is medically and scientifically proven to be carcinogenic,
similar thing could be with paper coffee filters but is tightly guarded secret by the manufacturers and by the coffee industry.

>> No.8956377

how do you demagnetize metal parts in french coffee press

>> No.8956491
File: 181 KB, 400x324, life is shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying others to brew.

>> No.8956499

typical barista
>complains about life being shit
>doesn't know the difference between your and you're
>can't get a job because he's a dumb as fuck dropout

>> No.8956503

I'd demand a refund for that grammatical error

>> No.8956526

I'd tip extra.

>> No.8956533

Adress: 錦二丁目8-15, 名古屋市中区, Aichi Prefecture 460-0003, Japan

>> No.8956545
File: 296 KB, 1276x1600, this model pic not mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you please post a picture of that Stainless Steel Bialetti model that you have.

I had a pic related, now mine is off brand stainless and it is absolute shit, I am going to dip into my non replished funds to buy a proper bialetti pot I know will produce OK coffee.

>yes I'm almost shocked at what you are saying about that long extraction time

Listen people, this shit aint a science here. What works for me is that sort of time, I highly suggest you play with it one day, make different batches some high temp (short extraction time) some medium some low (high extraction time). See what the differences are for you.

For me, 12 mins is best, specially when paired with Lavazza Gold label or Illy when I have madman level cash for coffee. Otherwise I go for black label Lavazza which was available where I lived. Play with it try different coffees different grinds, It doesn't always work with all coffees.

>what's the reason for leaving it out.
The reason for leaving it out is simple, you will always have grounds in your coffee, and unless you are pouring like a madman, the grounds will be on that 1 oz left in the upper chamber. If you are ok with drinking them, don't let me stop you.

>> No.8956571

>keep it in freezer
And that's the problem anon, you don't put coffee in the freezer unless you wanna drink it cold later, reheating cold coffee kills all it's flavor.

>> No.8956572
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>> No.8957343
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>Listen people, this shit aint a science here. What works for me is that sort of time, I highly suggest you play with it one day, make different batches some high temp (short extraction time) some medium some low (high extraction time). See what the differences are for you.
OK thanks anon.
I checked on Bialetti site and they are saying that also,

"If the heat is too high, coffee may have a burnt taste. Getting the optimum temperature for brewing may take some trial and error."

Interesting I was checking other models beside stainless steel and in the Bialetti Moka Crem unit aluminum is described as being "food grade aluminum alloy", so it looks that those old style aluminum moka pots were made from straight aluminum
and newer models are made from food grade aluminum alloys. Good to know.

>> No.8957615
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>regular consumption of boiled coffee
>boiled coffee

>> No.8957726

>>regular consumption of boiled coffee
>>boiled coffee
WTF are you talking about

>> No.8957746

>Really like coffee
>Buy a french press with a milk frother because I can't seem to find a steamer anywhere
>Buy the first bag of ground coffee that kinda convinces me; it's coarse enough that the particles won't pass through the filter, at least
>Start making coffee following these directions:

>>Boil water
>>The press came with a spoon enough for one person's worth of coffee; add that much amount
>>Fill the press one inch below a mark with the water
>>Count 4 minutes to let it sink; apparently stirring doesn't make any difference
>>Boil milk
>>Add up to a mark in the frother
>>Pump 20 times
>>Slowly press the french press piston and filter the coffee
>>Pour the coffee to a cup
>>Pour the milk on top of the coffee, froth included
>>Serve and sweeten

>Somehow the result doesn't convince me

Where am I going wrong here?

>> No.8957750

>Where am I going wrong here?
>>Buy a french press

>> No.8957763

Why am I not surprised that the first response is a shitpost?

>> No.8957816

honest opinion is a shit post for you,OK.
you must be an idiot in that case,
you don't think that french press is a very mediocre way to make coffee, it's OK but grossly overrated.

>> No.8957827

See, you said it, it's okay. I wasn't looking for anything expensive because it's my first time buying something to brew my own coffee. Of course I don't think it's a very mediocre way to make it: my alternative is instant coffee.

>> No.8957831

>buying preground cawfee

>> No.8957838

What's wrong with that? I don't have a grinder (which I'm looking to buy once I'm done with this bag), but even when I thought this coffee would be too fine the particles don't get through the filter so I suppose it's coarse enough.

>> No.8957869

OK maybe I'm bit harsh in my reactions to french press.
>my alternative is instant coffee.
no that's drastic, don't do it anon. Good quality instant is OK but still in my opinion you can get much better cup from your french press.
>Where am I going wrong here?
could be few reasons.
Type and quality of coffee beans,how they are grounded, your water, soft or hard.

As it was stated before is better to have bit finer ground for french press to obtain better fuller extraction, course grinds don't release that good.
Don't be afraid and paranoid about getting few coffee grinds on the bottom of your cup.

>I don't have a grinder (which I'm looking to buy once I'm done with this bag)
what type of grinder are you looking to buy, manual or electric?
If you can buy from the store that you can return it if you don't like it.
And coffee grinder it doesn't have to be expensive for french press brewing style.

anon, if you can explore moka pot coffee, tastes much better in my opinion than french press.

>> No.8957889

>Type and quality of coffee beans,how they are grounded, your water, soft or hard.
Wait, this doesn't explain why coffee shops have better results, at least if we just consider water. Um, as for the beans, it's apparently a mixture of different types of ground beans.

>As it was stated before is better to have bit finer ground for french press to obtain better fuller extraction, course grinds don't release that good.
>Don't be afraid and paranoid about getting few coffee grinds on the bottom of your cup.
It's all fine, it all gets filtered anyways.

>what type of grinder are you looking to buy, manual or electric?
I don't know, maybe manual as long as I can control how coarse the particles get to be?

>If you can buy from the store that you can return it if you don't like it.
I don't think we can do that but sure!

>And coffee grinder it doesn't have to be expensive for french press brewing style.
I'm looking forward to something affordable.

>anon, if you can explore moka pot coffee, tastes much better in my opinion than french press.
I could, but for now I will just stick with this press. I will consider it though, it looks interesting if anything.

>> No.8957921

>I don't know, maybe manual as long as I can control how coarse the particles get to be?
yes there are manual that you can adjust them.
also electric are not that expensive and will do good job for your needs, do some reading on grinders in your price range.

>Um, as for the beans, it's apparently a mixture of different types of ground beans.
the widely accepted thinking is that 100% Arabica coffee beans have much better taste than Robusta coffee beans, maybe for your next purchase explore this option.
but be aware that (as with all foods) there are different levels of quality of 100%Arabica beans, not all Arabica beans are of good high quality.

>> No.8957950

im a barista at honolulu coffee. ama

>> No.8957956

>yes there are manual that you can adjust them.
>also electric are not that expensive and will do good job for your needs, do some reading on grinders in your price range.
Really? I will check on what's available for my price range. Thank you!

>the widely accepted thinking is that 100% Arabica coffee beans have much better taste than Robusta coffee beans, maybe for your next purchase explore this option.
>but be aware that (as with all foods) there are different levels of quality of 100%Arabica beans, not all Arabica beans are of good high quality.
Hm? This is weird as shit. It doesn't say anywhere whether this is one or the other. How do I visually tell?

>> No.8957961
File: 151 KB, 1024x652, 5299970271_9ae3144fa3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so start spilling the beans, give us the dirty secrets of the coffee industry

>> No.8957965

what do you wanna know bud

>> No.8957971

>It doesn't say anywhere whether this is one or the other. How do I visually tell?
if your coffee is already grounded you cannot tell, and if doesn't say that means in 99% that is Robusta.
Coffee packing/roasting houses like to brag and advertise that they use more expensive Arabica coffee beans.

>> No.8957978

Oh shit that may be the weird flavor, the fact it's robusta and not arabica while everyone else uses arabica.

>> No.8957982

I'm not sure if you had chance to read this thread, there are some strong claims here, like this:

and this,kek >>8954422

>> No.8957992
File: 198 KB, 389x397, 1493094315606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark roast coffee sucks ass and is only for people who think theyre tough for drinking strong coffee.'
thats why we only offer medium roasted beans at honolulu coffee.
you heard it here first folks, dark roast is fucking asshoele.

>> No.8957994

>while everyone else uses arabica.
not everyone uses Arabica, some do others don't, but even if they do not all Arabica are of good quality, as it was said here;
>the widely accepted thinking is that 100% Arabica coffee beans have much better taste than Robusta coffee beans, maybe for your next purchase explore this option.
>but be aware that (as with all foods) there are different levels of quality of 100%Arabica beans, not all Arabica beans are of good high quality.

>> No.8958002

>thats why we only offer medium roasted beans at honolulu coffee.
what coffee beans and brands do you guys serve.

>> No.8958008

Okay let's assume I don't have arabica. How do I achieve better results with robusta?

>> No.8958012

just to make it clear,
there are some Robusta coffee beans that taste good, depends on where they are from, how they were roasted, their quality and so on

>> No.8958015

>How do I achieve better results with robusta?
how do you brewing, what method

>> No.8958019
File: 20 KB, 432x324, 1333368966368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lokahi, a 7oz bag is $24
We use this for our espresso drinks. It's a mix of el salvador beans and columbia i think.

>Makahiki a 7oz bag is the same price as lokahi
We use this for regular drip coffee. It's got brazil and maui beans.

>100% Kona Beans a 7oz bag is $66
This is for our $8 pour over. It's all kona beans.

All medium roast btw. There you have it, the insider info.

>> No.8958020

>Hm? This is weird as shit. It doesn't say anywhere whether this is one or the other. How do I visually tell?
does it say what roast is it, dark or medium?

>> No.8958021

this >>8957746

>> No.8958024

Do two revolutions around the outside before you start doodling

>> No.8958026

so you are high end coffee joint then, nice.

>> No.8958032

Sorry lad but crema is something you'll only get with espresso

>> No.8958033

maybe this dude can help you, he will have more expertise than I do

>> No.8958034
File: 17 KB, 250x250, ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah not really. most of our customers are mainland chinese who order large cappuccinos.

>> No.8958040

What should I expect to pay for 1 lb of good-quality beans?

Closest roaster to me has stuff ranging from ~$14/lb to 40.

>> No.8958042

I guess I was assuming by the prices but then I realized that you are in Hawaii where everything is expensive, lol

>> No.8958044

It doesn't. I even tried looking at their website and it literally says nothing. All it says it's how the beans are from high altitude places at Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. It also mentions how the coffee has a soft flavor and strong aroma (yes it has a strong aroma, can testify).

>> No.8958045

I use a medium grind because I enjoy bitterness in my coffee. Only thing is it needs to be filtered through filter paper because a French press won't be enough

>> No.8958050

>It doesn't.
that's very strange, hard to believe actually, must be really cheap stuff, can you post name or picture of it or their web site

>> No.8958053

no im in vancouver. honolulu coffee is a franchise and the flagship is in hawaii.

>> No.8958055

>must be really cheap stuff
Eh... Yeah. Maybe the brand isn't very good after all.

>can you post name or picture of it or their web site
It's all in spanish.

>> No.8958101
File: 194 KB, 517x768, coffee up your ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like your coffee anon is good to be used as a coffee enema, take it up your ass and be done with it.
next time buy better quality coffee and grind it at home

>> No.8958111

I asked them to see if I could get a better quality coffee. If I don't get a response or if it doesn't work I will buy coffee beans and will grind them myself.

>> No.8958114
File: 150 KB, 1024x681, Starbutts_COFFEE ENEMA DETOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8958128

any company that doesn't post info what type of beans they use and what roasting level of the coffee they are selling is, for sure they sell lowest quality coffee, simple as that.

>> No.8958137

also coffee that is grown using tons of toxic chemicals, fertilizers and pesticide
stop buying cheapest shit please, think of your health anon

>> No.8958144

>>Lokahi, a 7oz bag is $24
fuck, that is so expensive
fuck $24 for a lb (16 oz) is expensive, but for 7oz is fucking insane

>> No.8958146

Something to consider in the future. Thanks anon.

>> No.8958153

You welcome.

>> No.8958399
File: 81 KB, 768x768, lovely-coffee-and-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thread

>> No.8958487

Who else is decaf masterrace here?
I fucking love coffee but caffeine withdrawal is a bitch.
I started drinking decaf a year ago and never looked back.
My tastebuds are shit so i don't really notice any difference in taste.

>> No.8958526

You have to be pretty autistic to brew French Press coffee perfectly. Are you taking the water off the boil for a minute before pouring it in the press? You can also try measuring your beans and grinding them fresh. That makes a lot of difference.

Honolulu Coffee Company has some great blends and iced drinks.

>> No.8958757

I just make filter coffee and make tons of it. I really enjoy drinking coffee and making it like this seems like the most efficient way to drink a lot

>> No.8958761
File: 3.62 MB, 5312x2988, fb6a6737-509a-4876-ab68-7286a7d5bae9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro got back from holidays and gave me these he bought from Jakarta. Left has more body and right more acidity according to the package. Which one to choose first lads? I'm using an aeropress as some recommended it a few threads back.

>> No.8958773

That looks like tea. I've never seen coffee that color.

>> No.8959499

>I've never seen coffee that color.
if you mix coffee with milk or cream it will change the color from dark brown to this, believe me

>> No.8959553

Fine, but not espresso fine.

>> No.8959555

>There is a reason why roasting houses roasting green coffee beans to dark roast level
which is?

>> No.8959561

same. I use an aeropress and like to experiment each day

>> No.8959565

I use soap once a week or so. Old stale coffee dust doesn't taste good.

>> No.8959570

French press has multiple uses, great for teas, good for shandys/infusions, and makes a damn fine cup of coffee. That and a moka pot, and you can create most any coffee creation that you want and make it still acceptable.

>> No.8959574

>I started drinking decaf a year ago and never looked back.
what do you know how decaf coffee is made?
do you know and understand the differences between them?


Is decaffeinated coffee safe to drink?

Not many people are aware but the Arabica coffee beans contain almost halve of the caffeine that the Robusta coffee beans contain, so for many people switching to Arabica beans could be good choice to reduce the caffeine intake.


What’s The Difference Between Arabica And Robusta Coffee?

Also remember as I said here >>8957921
>the widely accepted thinking is that 100% Arabica coffee beans have much better taste than Robusta coffee beans, maybe for your next purchase explore this option.
>but be aware that (as with all foods) there are different levels of quality of 100%Arabica beans, not all Arabica beans are of good high quality.
So if it says on the package 100% Arabica that is not automatic assurance that you are getting good tasting beans, same as with cars or computers or phones, you understand the drift.

>> No.8959575

Get a better mesh and use a coarser grind.

>> No.8959595

I am a big fan of my French Press. Own a small one for single cups and a larger one for when I have company. Brewing this way is one of the most relaxing parts of my day.

Was recently given a Moka Pot and have been experimenting with that a little. Mostly trying to learn how to make Cuban and Vietnamese Coffee but I keep fucking them up the ratios.

With the weather getting hotter in my region I have mostly been drinking cold brew kept in mason jars. Can't find my Hario Burr Grinder so I have been grinding my beans with a cocktail muddler. Seems to get a decent coarse grind.

>> No.8959640

Do you guys add anything to your coffee? If so what?

I add a splash of cashew milk and two cubes of brown sugar.

>> No.8959655
File: 84 KB, 800x427, Roast-Coffee-Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a reason why roasting houses roasting green coffee beans to dark roast level.Very dishonest practice on behalf of the coffee industry.

>which is?

Dark roasted beans have no flavor at all, except flavor of burnt charred asphalt.
There is a very good reason why roasting houses roast coffee beans to a dark roast level.

Lowest quality beans are roasted to dark roast level, because they taste like shit if roasted to Medium roast level.
So to deal with it and still sell the low quality coffee beans at the same price as the much better quality beans that are roasted to blond or medium roast levels, the "coffee geniuses" come up with this cleaver trick
to roast the hell out of the beans (making them poisonous at the same time, giving you cancer) but that dark roast level gives the "uniformity" in taste, because at that dark roast level all coffee beans taste the same -they all taste like tar.
And the nice complexity of flavors and all the oils and the sugars all that is good in coffee is burned is charred in dark roasts.

Coffee is the only product that you can take lowest quality of it that normally should be sold at much lower price per pound and by Dark roasting process you trick customers to pay the same price per pound as for the higher quality product.
And as a bonus you are getting charred coffee beans that were proven by medical scientist to cause cancer.

So there you go next time when you are forking out your money on Dark roast coffee beans think about what you just read.
It's a little dirty secret that coffee industry hates to talk about.

>> No.8959661

>cashew milk
do you buy it or do you make it yourself?
I never had cashew milk but it sounds delicious

>> No.8959669
File: 29 KB, 512x512, Silk-Cashew-Milk-Unsweetened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy it. It's less calories than almond, but only by like 5. Thicker than almond milk too.

>> No.8959686

and for those asses who will crybaby here that I'm spreading false news about Dark roasted coffee, tell me faggots why then not all green coffee beans are roasted to Dark roast level if dark roast improves taste or does some special shit to the taste of coffee.
If that was the case all green coffee would be roasted to Dark roasts charred burnt level.

Ask any reputable roasting house or good barista and they will confirm that dark roasted coffee is shit and a dishonest marketing scam,
as this anon said here

>> No.8959695

Thanks, I will try it.
I guess making yourself should be easy also, same as making almond milk at home I guess.

>> No.8959744
File: 501 KB, 887x969, Arabica vs. Robusta coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to add to it,here is another nice article;

Differences between Arabica and Robusta Coffee

>> No.8960462
File: 471 KB, 928x522, https-2F2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com2Fuploads2Fstory2Fthumbnail2F463142Fc2ed8045-095e-499f-9b00-96d5f484b625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the avolatte, the perfect marriage of fruit and bean.

>> No.8960508

insanity reached new level.
share more details of this grossness

>> No.8960513

what do you prefer? blonder fruitier 3rd wave espresso or darker/chocolate italian style espresso?

>> No.8960517

>tfw using a scooped out fruit to drink your coffee is more expensive than buying a ceramics cup and throwing it away

>> No.8960583
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this... anyone ever brew a geisha?

>> No.8960621
File: 108 KB, 300x449, [confused scratching].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee newfag here
Where should I start with making my own coffee? Only been using instant shit but I want to make the good stuff. I usually take my coffee with a dash of milk and some sugar.

>> No.8960638

Get a v60, cheapo goose neck, scale, and a hario skerton or porlex... if you have money to burn get a Lido. Then find a local roaster and enjoy good coffee black

>> No.8960662

Any reason to take a hand grinder over a electric?

>> No.8960669

can you post a picture of the other side of that bag,please. Thanks.
like to read more of the info there

>> No.8960676
File: 40 KB, 640x515, 1478968258516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8960684
File: 141 KB, 794x768, Bicep-muscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to develop biceps muscle, and to save environment from producing electricity needed to run your electric coffee grinder

>> No.8960689

dark roast coffee and french press.
and you?

>> No.8960691

I'll take that advice then. What kind of beans should I get if I'm a pussy that enjoys milk and suger with my instant shite coffee?

>> No.8960713

I would suggest getting a French Press, an inexpensive burr grinder (Hario makes a good one, though if you're on a budget you can get a cheap NorPro brand), and a kettle. Hell even a sauce pan will work in a pinch so long as you're careful pouring water into the press.

Once you get the hang of it, go with the suggestions from >>8960638. I do not like to suggest people buy anything moderately expensive starting off since they may not get into it that much. That said a burr grinder is much better than getting a blade grinder if you want a consistent coffee grind. Blades tend to lead to what I can best compare to lumpy flour which leads to a poor extraction.

I would definitely look into different roasters as well. If there are local roasters in your area, even better. I fortunately live an hour away from the original Counter Culture Roasters, so plenty of grocers in my area carry their stuff. Whole bean is important as they have the freshest flavor, so avoid any pre-ground bags. If you're feeling adventurous buy a different bean when it's time to restock so you can compare flavors.

Last suggestion is trying different brew methods and see what you like best. If you have an airtight container like a mason jar try going for a cold brew. That style is less acidic and tastes more sweet than bitter even black.

>> No.8960737
File: 191 KB, 500x550, Melitta_Molino_grinder_800x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't take me seriously, there are good/decent electric grinders that will make coffee grinding a breeze, manual grinders are fun, but Hey! we have the technology.
if you are into really sophisticated coffee machines and zen like approaches some fags claim that $200 hand grinders are the only way to go, but if you are a normal human being
mid priced electric will do very well, just do some reading on them or maybe some coffeefags here will share their opinions on models,I have this Melita and works OK for me.
I'm not paranoid (as some here are) about bit uneven grinds that are coming from my cheap electric grinder,
we are talking NANO PARTICLE size differences that even CERN in Switzerland would let pass.

pic related/ model I use

>> No.8960747
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference here's my autism kit

>> No.8960758

True, i prefer hand grinders cause of how good the Lido burrs are. Imo way better than an Encore or Vario, plus it doubles as an espresso grinder. When I save enough (investing in ETH) ill buy a lambo and a Mahlkoenig

>> No.8960770
File: 162 KB, 1200x953, Espro-Press-instructions-gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would suggest getting a French Press,
I personally don't like french press coffee makers anymore, I prefer moka pots, for me coffee tastes better from moka pots.
but if you are going to buy french press coffee maker seriously consider buying the Caddillac that has several advantages over standard traditional french press models.
EsproPress coffee maker.


explore and read about them, they are much better then the traditional models, besides few other things you can leave your made coffee in them,
not like in traditional models you have to pour made coffee out otherwise the coffee will be in contact with coffee grinds all the time and will get bitter.
I personally like the glass models, you can see the coffee in it and no metal (stainless steel) contact.

>> No.8960771
File: 2.14 MB, 3035x3022, IMG_0538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More autism

>> No.8960773

insanely insane coffee insanity.
nice junk, I must say.

>> No.8960779

why there is no info on the coffee bag what type of coffee beans and what roasting level,
or are they from Dollar store

>> No.8960780

so if geisha was one of the harder to get beans I've ever bought and was my all time favorite, does anything else I should be pursuing come to mind?

>> No.8960786
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its on the back one sec

>> No.8960787

Elefante from madcap... you have to time it right when madcap has it. Fucking better than geishas imo... tastes like biting into a crisp apple loaded with blood oranges.

>> No.8960789
File: 112 KB, 1500x1500, Espresso Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes of course try this, you massive coffee faggot

>> No.8960796
File: 1.47 MB, 500x282, 6887655456780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dining at a restaurant without seating or an "indoors".
>eating in your car.

I don't even wear outdoor shoes in my car. I keep a driving pair under the front seat. Fucking disgusting laziness to eat in a car.

>> No.8960799
File: 99 KB, 1024x389, Civet cats in captivity living in appalling conditions and being force-fed ripe red coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, does anything else I should be pursuing come to mind?
what about $500/lb coffee that comes from rat's ass
I bet you never tried drinking that shit yet?

>> No.8960808
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, Coffee lovers can now make an espresso from their car .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man I make and drink coffee in my car.
I'm fucking CCS, Car and Coffee Snob.

>> No.8960810

Tried it. It sucks.

>> No.8960815

how much did you pay for it, did you buy the whole lb of it?
>Tried it. It sucks.
at least you are honest, kek

>> No.8960819

>what about $500/lb coffee that comes from rat'
a civet isn't a rat and from the description I don't think it's popular among anyone who actually likes coffee

>> No.8960824
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, rat's ass-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they sell that in fancy London store to some rich snobs packaged like this.

>> No.8960832

A Geisha from a higher altitude than 1500masl, there is a significant quality difference once you get to 1.6k-1.7k+

>> No.8960842

For like 1oz, 20 bucks. Got it in the Philippines. Sucks ass, tho Philippine Arabica beans are starting to catch on especially the third species, Liberica. If ever in seattle look for Kalsada coffee

>> No.8960852
File: 46 KB, 1024x682, shitty coffee very expensive .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a civet isn't a rat and from the description I don't think it's popular among anyone who actually likes coffee
when I get time I will find an article that talks how this rat ass shit coffee got started.
basically it was poor workers who were not allowed to collect coffee on the plantation (don't remember the plantations name at the moment, but was owned by German dudes, I THINK),
so the poor workers collected the shit from the rat who liked to eat coffee beans and washed the rats shit out and brewed coffee for themselves, and the German fuckers when they heard about it
as a joke started to sell that coffee as a novelty claiming that digestive juices of the fucking rat improved the taste and flavor of their coffee to justify charging insane amounts of money for it,
and some stupid rich coffee faggots believed in this total bullshit, and here we are today, the most expensive per pound coffee in the World.

I'm sure the German plantation owners were high on some exotic shit plants like fuck when they come out with selling this rat's ass coffee idea thinking that people will ignore them,
but hey, no, there is enough rich suckers with no brains in this World.

>> No.8961127

Geishas are more expensive pfp

>> No.8961188

how much per lb
(just don't fucking give me a heart attack anon. kek)

>> No.8961294
File: 96 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8961419
File: 120 KB, 1080x1350, Eat. Drink. And be cozy. .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, very nice 1%-ter, nice score indeed.
Please share with us all the delicious reflections you had drinking this "thing",
it's a rare opportunity to chat with such coffee connoisseurs like yourself so grace us with some 'bragging' please.

>> No.8961446
File: 16 KB, 469x338, rofl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really thinking about buying a virtuoso after almost two years of using a skerton
>see it's getting replaced soon by the sette 30
>think "oh cool"
>watch a video of the sette 270 to get an idea
>sounds like rabbits being chewed up in a helicopter on liftoff

Guess I'm getting a LIDO, lads

>> No.8961455

>You have to be pretty autistic to brew French Press coffee perfectly. Are you taking the water off the boil for a minute before pouring it in the press? You can also try measuring your beans and grinding them fresh. That makes a lot of difference.
Oh look I have a response.

I don't, but you know what? It's definitely the brand. I tried brewing coffee by myself and it tastes... weird. It's much better without milk but it's definitely not the taste I'm going for.

I don't have beans, but I could buy beans and grind them myself.

>> No.8961498

first get a hair makeover,bitch

>> No.8961547

>hair looking like shit yet the bitch is willing to waste money on coffee gadgets first
>no fucking priorities detected

>> No.8961558

Recommend me a cheap electric burr grinder, my manual one is falling apart

>> No.8961573

I have this model and it serves me good.
main thing is in my opinion to buy from the store that you can return it if you don't like it.
you need to do some reviews reading, even if you get recommendations from here, anon

>> No.8962473

Geisha isn't that much, $30 for a 12oz bag is the most I've seen it go for

>> No.8963218

You must only be looking at shit-tier Geishas grown at lower altitudes, the good stuff is more expensive than that.

>> No.8963223

>Geisha isn't that much, $30 for a 12oz bag is the most I've seen it go for
no according to this anon

>> No.8963369

>$30 for a 12oz bag is the most I've seen it go for
at Dollar Store I assume

>> No.8964354
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Anything like this but not as expensive?

>> No.8964583
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8:00 AM is nothing anon I see 11:11
I see fucking 11:11 all the time anon

>> No.8964586

>Anything like this but not as expensive?
Dollar Store, did you checked Dollar Store anon

>> No.8964685


>> No.8964707

too expensive

>> No.8964718

Then go get a $20 Walmart special, ya goob

>> No.8964725

Correct the $30 geishas are usually Good Hard Beans grade which is grown above 1500 meters which is good quality.

The top tier geishas are competition grade/ VGHB very good hard beans, which are basically reserved at farms

>> No.8964750

few very negative reviews,
garbage device

>> No.8965055

Mother is looking to get a K-Cup machine for the household. I want to get her one for her birthday. What do you guys recommend? Looking for something that is the right blend of quality and affordability.

Also, we've used one of those Zojurushi hot water dispensers for years. Would this K-Cup machine essentially replace that or is the hot water going to have a coffee aftertaste to it?

>> No.8965331

How do they come up with the flavor descriptions they write on coffee bags?
I know different coffees taste different, but they never taste anything like the description on the bag.

>> No.8965380
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it's called CCB: Creative Coffee Bullshitting

>> No.8965437

Its taste by association. Literally like wine profiles.

However if you want full on blueberry flavor get an Ethiopian Sidamo or Harrar. Those taste like blueberries, due to sugars in those varietals having very similar chemical aromatics to blueberry sugars.

If anything look for La Mill Ethiopians, usually you'll find a blueberry one there

>> No.8965440

>Its taste by association.
Like taste of rats ass shit, see here

>> No.8965449

I never said I liked civet coffee. It taste's like ass, I've tried it. Its a literal meme.

>> No.8965475 [DELETED] 
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anon.I never suggested that you liked it, I just posted for lols to add to the selection of flavors. kek
didn't mean to jab you.

>> No.8965479

Best time to have coffee, after sex in the morning with a qt3.14 autistic waifu.

When I describe flavors i keep it as simple as possible, juicy, citrus, blueberry, etc. those are pretty easy to pickout

>> No.8965496
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anon.I never suggested that you liked it, I just posted for lols to add to the selection of flavors. kek
didn't mean to jab you.

PS. had to remove that attached picture because there is a crybaby snitch in coffee threads who got triggered couple of weeks ago about that picture because there was little bit of a nipple showing yet the girl on the balcony was drinking coffee,
so that crybaby snitch was crying for janitors and mods, but mod was cool and let that pic stay and I was not banned.
I'm glad you saw it

>> No.8965524

>I never said I liked civet coffee. It taste's like ass, I've tried it. Its a literal meme.
I'm not sure if you read this post about how all it started, true story
I still didn't look for that article but you get the idea from my post

>> No.8965547

I have one and it makes great fucking coffee, the best drip I have had

Perhaps the Moccamaster would perform better but I would just looking for a cheap alternative with the same performance

>> No.8965561

if you have one the original real mcCoy why defuck you are looking to buy cheaper alternative.
there is something that smells like bullshitting with your story, you post same question in almost every coffee thread.
you are promoting them here,that's what you are doing faggot

>> No.8965563

I posted it once before and someone recommended this other coffee maker of decency but then I lost the thread so I am back to ask again.

It looks like that certified coffee website answers my question though.

>> No.8965567

>It looks like that certified coffee website answers my question though.
post link to that site please. let's read it

>> No.8965572


>> No.8965576


>> No.8965753

think I'll buy a french press, is there anything I should know when buying them? should I spend a little more for a decent one or will a kmart one suffice?

t. coffee newbie and will probably use pre-ground beans to begin with

>> No.8965921

Ew. Haven't seen one of those in a while. Target has Bodum Brazils for twenty bucks

>> No.8965922
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Tonight as I was having a sipp, I suddenly thought to myself, "Is coffee the fidget spinner of food?". As you might notice, Monster Zero Ultra is a strange choice for an evening beverage, but I've completely abandoned coffee after it started reaching meme status thanks to normalfag facebook memes.

But think about it, coffee is so fucking autistic. Americans love drinking it all the time, they have to have their morning coffee everyday or they start convulsing and throwing retard tantrums. It's the perfect analog to fidget spinners. ADHD kids need their spinners or else they can't function, and Americans need their shitty Starbucks unicorn latte for their autistic ADHD tongues.

I recommend that you try the sipp lifestyle and see how it treats you. If nothing else, I can guarantee that it is a lot classier than being an autistic coffeefag.

>> No.8966273


>> No.8966405

>t. coffee newbie and will probably use pre-ground beans to begin with
I use instant coffee with my french press and Im very happy with the results

>> No.8966538
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>the thicc golden brown foam head that forms when you pour 200F water on top of your freshly ground coffee
>that TSHHH at the end

>> No.8966544

fuck that Clinton pedo

>> No.8966557

I've tasted civet shit coffee but I wasn't told what it was until I finished it. Unironically tasted a bit nutty. It was $6 (converted) for a cup slightly bigger than an espresso shot glass.
back to your board

>> No.8966751

>tfw suck at french press
I tried the recipe on my coffee bean bag
>280ml water
>20g coffee
>94 degrees C
>4:00 minutes
I left the coffee over 4 mins and it was very weak. Is it because i was grinding too coarse?

>> No.8966768

>Is it because i was grinding too coarse?
Very likely

>> No.8967206
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>> No.8967357
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Hnnng... lido e-t reporting

>pic related is meme shit coffee

>> No.8967363
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But anyway, my pour-over recipe is based of the 2016 World Brewer's Cup winner, Tetsu Kasuya. Its called the 4-6 method, where you break up your pours where the first two pours are 40% of the weight, and the next 60% is broken up over a bunch of pours. Pretty good if you dial it in right.


>> No.8967877 [DELETED] 

Anyone here ever look into chemically modifying the coffee they use to make water?

The 4-6 method is straight genius.How does the geisha taste?

>> No.8968663

which do you prefer?

v60 vs aeropress

chemex vs french press

>> No.8968666

moisturise my man

>> No.8968668

first 1:30 and I already must give this guy shit for luck of basic hygiene for not washing his hangs after shaking hands with all the judges, and he is proceeding making coffee.
fucking savage.

>> No.8968710

at 8:50 next shit must be given.
this presentation is total bullshit, barista is implanting in minds of judges how the coffee he brew will taste.
shut the fuck up faggot, brew the fucking coffee and let the judges write their observations, don't fucking influence them with your fucking bullshit stories.

this is total faggotory on the highest level. fucking bullshit.
why is not done the way vine testing is done, fucking total silence, you sip the vine and you write your opinion about it, not listening to a faggot selling you his version how great it is, how great it tastes.

>> No.8968735

TOTAL waste of time watching this whole video, 13:30 minutes fucking gone from my life.

>> No.8968838

Did not know y'all would get so flustered. Here's a cliffs video: https://youtu.be/pQ0OW_VnaKw

V60 for me, chemex is good if you want a cleaner cup with a lighter body since the filter is thicker.

>> No.8968850

not even clicking to find out what they are all about. Fuck it.

>> No.8968865
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Do they make extra wide pourover cones?
My mug is pretty big and I make 16oz for breakfast most mornings.

>> No.8968910
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Quick reminder that the only correct way to drink coffee is cafe au lait. Thank you for continued support.

>> No.8968918


This right here is the best proven method


>> No.8968953

brew instant and stop inventing craziness

>> No.8969032

oh look, it's the secret to tim horton's espresso

>> No.8969064

That particular instant coffee helped me to quit drinking coffee 5 weeks ago.
After I run out of my coffee beans I just bought jar of that and finished in 6 days and now I don't crave coffee anymore.
Instant miracle maker.

>> No.8970054

Coffee eeffoc

>> No.8970523

Is it better to add sugar first or cream, will it affect chemical reaction between coffee and sugar if cream is added last

>> No.8971461
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What a fucking beast this thing is

>> No.8971548

Holy shit. How long did you have to wait? Do they have them in stock right now?

>> No.8971559

>coffee chain
burned crap
>trendy local place
burned crap
>too poor to buy espresso machine

>> No.8971576

Two days. Ordered Monday morning from Prima Coffee and they had it packed and a label printed like an hour later. USPS Priority from Kentucky to Denver

>> No.8971588

use a moka pot, they're cheap and pretty good, similar to espresso too

>> No.8971594


Don't go to the ''trendy'' place and don't go to a chain, retard, go to an actual roaster who knows what he's doing.

>> No.8971607

Thanks... I've been looking at getting one but I'd heard that if you buy directly from Orphan Espresso it can take them a while to get to you.

>> No.8971763

Not really. I order a Lido E-T from them when they were in stock. Took 3 days.

Had to recalibrate a little due to a bit of burr rub, but its a monster. I'd compare it to a vario.

>> No.8971965

what is the thinking man's espresso machine?

>> No.8972079

Marzocco GS3 or Slayer or Linea

>> No.8972521


>> No.8972786

My ex's mom made a legendary cup of coffee. This cup had 0 bitterness, no creamer, no sugar. I hate coffee because of the bitterness but she made it delicious.
I sadly can't speak with her but I've been thinking about this cup for the last 5 years.

How did she do it?

>> No.8972837 [DELETED] 

Did he win?

>> No.8972850

Synesso MVP Hydra is up there too

>> No.8973081

>How did she do it?
what a stupid question to ask here.
ask her faggot.
>I've been thinking about this cup for the last 5 years.
fapping much?

>> No.8973092

there is so much info missing from your description, and there is so many variables as to her coffee making technique,coffee type, coffee maker, and several more,
so please anon don't get offended at this
but you are sounding quite silly

>> No.8974176
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>> No.8974236
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Literally every hobby has insufferable people that define themselves by it.

Just get the info you need and do your own thing

>> No.8974248
File: 226 KB, 640x444, Thank You!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, actually very good advice, good approach.

>> No.8974268

Brewed using 1:10 ratio for 4 minutes since last year and just now tried 1:15. 1:15 is much better since if you go lower then some notes get hide.

Next I'm gonna try 1:10 but brewing for a short time, I think 2 minutes.

>> No.8974294

>Brewed using 1:10 ratio for 4 minutes
for what for french piss?
1 is what?
10 is what?

>> No.8974349

At this point pretty obvious... can you imagine 1 kg of ground and 100 ml of water? you get paste not a brew.

Yeah french press using 10g of coarse ground to 150 ml of water (1 part coffee : 15 parts water). 1:10(c:w) comes too strong and has zero aftertaste. 1:18 is when you get the best aftertaste.

>> No.8974368

>At this point pretty obvious... can you imagine 1 kg of ground and 100 ml of water?
Don't you think that for 1 kg of ground coffee you should use 100 kg of water, obviously 100 ml is not enough. Simple math

>> No.8974392
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Yes. Anon brews his coffee per oil barrel.

>> No.8974678

you get a manual grinder because the burrs can be better at the same price as a comparable electric grinder, because you aren't losing a chunk of the cost to motors/electronics
>third wave water
absolute meme. if you care, make your own for a fraction of the cost
settes are reputed to break like crazy, you dodged a bullet
get a chemex?

>> No.8974998
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Found this for a discount, any good?

Wondering if it can stand up the verified coffee on that list

>> No.8975024

What is the cheapest burr grinder I could get?

>> No.8975117

it's common fucking sense
anybody who shies away from a hobby they're interested in solely because of its community is a moron

>> No.8975141

I just purchased this. What am I in for?

>> No.8975162

A path to memedom

>> No.8975170

I already fell for the aeropress meme, is this a more powerful meme?

>> No.8975435

Well, more expensive at least

>> No.8975804

you can find good hand-powered burr grinders for cheap, e.g. hario skerton is ~$30
Electric grinders will be more expensive, and I don't know enough to recommend one

>> No.8976006



>> No.8976268

If you did your research on it reading about it comparing to standard french presses you know the major differences and I think you will enjoy this type much more.
What model did you get, the stainless steel or glass carafe?
How did you made coffee before?, is this your first french press style coffee maker?

Please share your opinion about EsproPress, if this thread gets Archived please share it in the next >>8976006

>> No.8976489
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OP here,
with deep sadness I feel like it's time to say goodbye to this thread, I feel that soon the mod will proclaim End of it's Existence.
Fair enough, fair enough.

Thank you thread for giving us so many valuable lessons great posts and some shitty posts.
OK I must finish now because I'm getting all emotional, like every time when I empty my moka basket from brewed coffee grinds, I get all so emotional thinking about how that coffee was growing basking in the sun,
roots were providing water and nutrients,leafs were absorbing morning dew and midday sun, bees were pollinating the sweet coffee flowers, birds were sitting on it's branches singing songs to the plantation workers,
gentle hands of those workers carefully touched the ripen coffee cherries, truck drivers and sometimes seamen transported that coffee to the roasting houses and finally we picked up from the store and mercilessly grind it
at home and pour hot water all over it.

What an emotional journey and sacrifice to satisfy our desire to drink it.
So good bye thread, you were great friend and teacher.
Rest in Peace thread somewhere in the digital cemetery of pixels, 0 and 1.
Maybe I will visit you sometimes sipping on a cup of great coffee reminiscing your glory days.

Let's celebrate now anons, I'm getting teary-eyed now I better go now anons
see you in the next thread

>> No.8976677

Yeah you're right, but I cannot ask her we are no longer in contact. What are some general rules to get rid of bitterness in coffee? I could start with that.

>> No.8976744

OK, let's start with this, two types of coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta as you can read in this post,
>Not many people are aware but the Arabica coffee beans contain almost halve of the caffeine that the Robusta coffee beans contain, so for many people switching to Arabica beans could be good choice to reduce the caffeine intake.

>What’s The Difference Between Arabica And Robusta Coffee?
>Also remember as I said here >>8957921
>>the widely accepted thinking is that 100% Arabica coffee beans have much better taste than Robusta coffee beans, maybe for your next purchase explore this option.
>>but be aware that (as with all foods) there are different levels of quality of 100%Arabica beans, not all Arabica beans are of good high quality.
>So if it says on the package 100% Arabica that is not automatic assurance that you are getting good tasting beans, same as with cars or computers or phones, you understand the drift.

Anon your question can not be really answered in one simple sentence, because it depends greatly what type of coffee beans and what roast level you are using or planing to use.
For example Robusta beans roasted to dark roast will give you that bitterness, Robusta roasted to medium roast will be much less.
If you skipped reading this please read it to understand the symptoms, >>8959655
and here,
>Differences between Arabica and Robusta Coffee

Another reason coffee will taste bitter is extraction time and water temperature, but that is related to what method of brewing you are using.

>> No.8976823

I just looked at your first post >>8972786 and I understand that you are not brewing coffee now, so I understand your general questioning of this coffee bitterness topic.
So besides two types of coffee beans there are differences where they come from, like same vine grape variety grown in different countries will acquire different taste characteristics.

Generally is accepted that 100%Arabica coffee beans (of good/high quality) will taste much smoother than Robusta coffee.
But as I said before water temperature and brewing time and brewing method is affecting that as well.
It might sound complicated (and in a way it is) but is also quite easy to learn that and to eliminate possible sources and reasons of that bitterness.

For example this anon introduced different approach to brewing coffee in moka pot, >>8953302 very valuable info in his post in relation to brewing time.
So as you can see there is some learning curve, you can first by reading other posts decide what brewing method you are attracted to and what is your budget to buy the gadgets.
I own stainless steel moka pot, AeroPress and french press, but french press I don't use it anymore. Moka pot is my fav and AeroPress second.
I don't like using paper filters because I like to get the coffee oils, some people don't, so in my AeroPress i use metal filter, not the paper filters, and moka pot has no choice it has only metal filter.

This anon >>8975141 bought this press coffee maker that I suggested here >>8960770
so as you can see there is some variety not only in types of coffee beans and roasting levels but also in brewing methods and techniques with each method.

Sorry I can not give you simpler answer but as you can see it's not possible, same like answering what is the best car. But are we talking about sports car, SUV, sedan,truck, etc

See if anons in this new thread can be of more help >>8976006