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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 289x175, mburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8951616 No.8951616 [Reply] [Original]


>you will never enjoy a tasty mosquito burger
Why even live?

>> No.8951658

Mosquitoes should just be fucking exterminated from this planet. The blood sucking ones, not the pollen feeding ones

>> No.8951688

>the comments

>> No.8951808

Like Black Pudding, but you don't know where the blood comes from.

>> No.8951812

Fucking vile

>> No.8951827

The females are blood suckers to get the protein needed to make babies. The males are pollinators.

>> No.8951830
File: 461 KB, 569x559, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, Joseph, and Mary

>> No.8951855

no, mosquitos contribute to the deaths of 10s of thousands of Africans every year. its one of the few things keeping their populations from exploding out of control. Now if we could figure out a way to get christian groups from cucking out to help them.

>> No.8951887

>living next to CLOUDS of mosquitoes just so you can make shitty mushed up bug burgers from them

Africans are beyond help.

Any other race would have pulled themselves out of living in this state by now.

In every other nation on earth, the top say 5% or 10% in intelligence are capable if motivated of improving things and advancing things for the rest of the mediocre people in society.

But with Black african people, it is only like the top 1% or top 0.5% who are intelligent enough to improve their situation, and there are so few of them that any good work they do is probably gonna be undone, so the only intelligent africans realise that their efforts to improve things will come to naught and realise they might as well just be corrupt and at least get a good life for themselves and their family, or move to another part of the world.

>> No.8952077
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>> No.8952090
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It's because they're unable to cease their charity (more like extortion from their neighbours) to make any long term advancements.

>> No.8952102

And potentially starve the thousands of species of insect predators that feed on them, leading to further knock-on effects? Ecology's a tricky bitch.

>> No.8952131

Really interesting post. Good to see people sensible enough to realise Africa is backward not because of empty words like 'race', but because of archaic culture, poverty, and lack of education.

>> No.8952139

I'd definitely try it

>> No.8952146

Who's responsible for archaic culture, poverty and lack of education?
Could it be the people living there?
Or are you saying Africa was remotely civilized before colonization?

>> No.8952154
File: 298 KB, 634x800, Thomas-Sankara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on Thomas Sankara when you have time my man. This man ceased Western charity and his country began to immediately see huge improvements in the health and economics of the people. Unfortunately he was killed because he threatened economic interests in the region

>> No.8952164

It's almost like a metaphor for something

>> No.8952375

>None of them tiny ones either. Gimme them BIG motherfuckers you find at the swamp!


>> No.8952380

And I wonder why they're so uneducated, poverty stricken and have a barbaric culture. Really makes you think...

>> No.8952506

me too.
Lot's of cultures eat insects, so it can't be that bad

>> No.8952661

Almost nothing eats mosquitoes. Look it up.

>> No.8952668


>eating a blood parasite on a Continent rampant with HIV/AIDS


>> No.8952712

those are midges, not mosquitoes

>> No.8952724

Yeah, only various birds, amphibians, reptiles, dragonflies, spiders, fish, etc. You know nothing.

>> No.8952726
File: 5 KB, 251x171, midgemosquito.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so GMO free and organic!!

>> No.8952729

>archaic culture, poverty, and lack of education
> if we would just teach them Detroit would be paradise

>> No.8952735

>black people literally have no concept of morality and can only understand things in pragmatic terms i.e. avoiding corporal punishment

>> No.8952743

they arent mosquitoes, oh knowledgeable one

>> No.8952768
File: 50 KB, 1326x2008, nobody does research on ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8952817

It just boggles the mind how nasty niggers are. If they all died, no one would care.

>> No.8952869

Really makes you think

>> No.8952878

That's actually pretty creative for them. Wonder how it tastes?

>> No.8952898

Nutrition Facts:
Protein: 6000g

>> No.8952947

>Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara (French pronunciation: [tɔma izidɔʁ nɔɛl sɑ̃kaʁa]; 21 December 1949 – 15 October 1987) was a Burkinabé military captain, Marxist revolutionary, pan-Africanist and President of Burkina Faso from 1983-87.[1][2] Viewed by supporters as a charismatic and iconic figure of revolution, he is commonly referred to as "Africa's Che Guevara".[1][3][4]
>marxist revolutionary
>"Africa's Che Guevara"
He was probably going to be lining people up against walls for fire squads in pretty short order.

>> No.8952971


That... was actually a very interesting read. Is there more of this guy? I want to read his stories.

>> No.8952973

>doubling wheat production by redistributing land from feudal landlords to peasants
Oh boy.

>In order to achieve this radical transformation of society, he increasingly exerted authoritarian control over the nation, eventually banning unions and a free press, which he believed could stand in the way of his plans.[5] To counter his opposition in towns and workplaces around the country, he also tried corrupt officials, "counter-revolutionaries" and "lazy workers" in Popular Revolutionary Tribunals.[5] Additionally, as an admirer of Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution, Sankara set up Cuban-style Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs).[1]
That's a textbook commie.

>Sankara's régime was criticised by Amnesty International and other international humanitarian organisations for violations of human rights, including extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detentions and torture of political opponents.[29]
Right down to the wanton murder and torture.

>The British development organisation Oxfam recorded the arrest and torture of trade union leaders in 1987.[30] In 1984, seven individuals associated with the previous régime were accused of treason and executed after a summary trial. A teachers' strike the same year resulted in the dismissal of 2,500 teachers; thereafter, non-governmental organisations and unions were harassed or placed under the authority of the Committees for the Defence of the Revolution, branches of which were established in each workplace and which functioned as "organs of political and social control."[31]
It sounds like this guy was turning it from one shithole to another.

>> No.8953099


>> No.8953118

those are male mosquitoes, they feed on nectar.Might not even be mosquitos at all, considering the place isn't a water pond.

>> No.8954562

Tastes like burnt food and iron.

>> No.8954600

whats so wrong about this? now im curious about their taste

>> No.8954602

eurocentrist, positivist autists, please; >>>/pol/

>> No.8955168

Really fires up those neurons.

>> No.8955542
File: 168 KB, 1795x1013, skam6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8955647

I'm making some burgers, do I fry the onions and mushrooms before I put them into the patties?

>> No.8955656

Yeah sure, roll up every known African disease into one patty for dinner. This is why Africa is shit.

>> No.8955665


posted on /pol/ a year ago no doubt.

>> No.8955686

really activated my almonds

>> No.8955773

that one black dude in the gooby pls reply chain

>> No.8956751

>using a parasite that feasts on blood in an AIDs/HIV-infected country as a food ingredient
You really don't see what's wrong with this?

>> No.8956766

Britfags eat blood pudding... arguably way more disgusting. Eating filthy pig blood.

>> No.8956979

Those aren't mosquitos, moron. Stop getting upset over your own wrong conclusion.

>> No.8957007

>Blood from an animal that doesn't feed exclusively on potentially disease-carrying blood, and probably has access to a veterinarian to treat whatever health problems come up
>The whole, chitinous body of a blood-sucking insect that lives on an area full of human blood-borne dieseases

Yes, I'm certain that a valid comparison might be made here, Mr. Abdul Goatfucker.

>> No.8957077

FFS, they're not mosquitoes, they're mayflies swarming from Lake Victoria.

>> No.8957371

Are they still starved since banning whites from owning (farm)land?

>> No.8958581

I'd imagine this isn't an issue since the cooking process will kill any pathogens. Unless they like their bug burgers medium rare

>> No.8959039

I'm surprised these niggers can make a fire

>> No.8959048

>he doesn't know about bats, fish, birds, or amphibians

>> No.8959049


>> No.8959062
File: 61 KB, 540x720, 1485006487388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a retarded question, but how are they catching these bugs? Was that little motion moving the pot to catch them enough to kill them? Is the pot heated or coated with poison?

>> No.8959151


Wew, lad.

>> No.8959526

t. married to their first cousin

>> No.8959603

I believe that the pan is slightly wet and the movement is enough to catch the bugs.

>> No.8959830

niggers are so fucking pathetic

>> No.8959838

>But with Black african people, it is only like the top 1% or top 0.5% who are intelligent enough to improve their situation, and there are so few of them that any good work they do is probably gonna be undone

the rest of the tribe will kill them

>> No.8959931

Really razzled my berries.

>> No.8960023

>they are apparently human

>dumber than most animals