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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8950400 No.8950400 [Reply] [Original]

>buy milk
>it gets chunky
>buy salsa
>it gets chunky
>buy pancakes
>it gets chunky
>buy honey
>it gets chunky
>buy fast food
>it gets chunky
only in america

>> No.8950402

>be you
>get chunky


>> No.8950406
File: 670 KB, 1247x667, merica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought you'd be use to chunky via all the semen you ingest.

>> No.8950411

>be american
>all food is processed, full of chemicals and other disgusting slop corn syrup
>have to digest that crap

No shit I'd be chunky. Surprised the average life span isn't lower.

>> No.8950422

oh god not CHEMICALS!!!!

strongly consider suicide

>> No.8950432
File: 351 KB, 702x542, fs_heart_disease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I killed myself right now you'd die of a heart attack right after.

>> No.8950434

>buy honey
>it gets chunky
People in America would riot and throw out their honey if it got "chunky". Most don't even know that shit CAN get "chunky" and would probably think it "spoiled".

>> No.8950452

this thread reeks of minority

>> No.8950506

>i want gormet boxed food to last long, be perfectly prepped and have no preservatives
>plus it's gotta be natural maaaan
Learn to cook, pussy or does your mom not give you enough allowance to buy your own groceries?

>> No.8950516

Who the fuck buys salsa like nigga get a blender

>> No.8950576


I am so goddamn tired of people claiming "it must be expensive (or difficult or unsatisfying) to eat well." It really, really isn't, friends. Most of the time, it's about portion-control and self-control: eat what you NEED (for the most part). Personally, i eat fairly light throughout the week (2 eggs or some kinda carbs for breakfast, sandwich or salad at lunch, and some meat/starch/veg at dinner), then have a cheat day come the weekend.

And no, all food is NOT processed. JFC, have you ever HEARD the term "organic?" Have you ever been in the produce aisle at a grocery store, or (godfuckingforbid) grown something yourself?

You're only fat because you LET yourself be; but change is possible, and it starts with small steps (like in the direction of the produce aisle).

>> No.8950735

>cheat day
who the fuck are you kidding