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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 640x537, t-mcdonalds-Hamburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8944667 No.8944667 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a Hamburger Guy, through-and-through. When I go to a new restaurant, I feel they can only be judged by their hamburgers. I've eaten hamburgers in Spain, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Holland, India, Ecuador (dirt cheap and always a fried egg on top!), etc. I drove 7 hours to Canada just to try a Harvey's last month.

I have a pug whose name is, I shit you not, Hamilton Edward Hamburgerwitz... or, for short, Ham E. Burger. Two years ago I started gaining weight and I have now been going to the gym 4 days a week for 1.5 years - all for the hamburger!

A long-term goal of mine has been the publication of a hamburger book. Sort of a travelogue-culinary work that documents my hamburger obsession/quest along with historical and cultural tidbits.

That said, I must admit that the plain old McDonald's hamburger is still one of my favorites. I actually hadn't had one for years, usually opting out in favor of the Angus or other varieties. But a few months ago, quite serendipitously really, I had one and fell in love with it.

I'm not sure why. I can't figure it out. I've had 25 cent hamburgers in Ecuador to a $60 hamburger in NYC. I'm not saying McDonald's is hands-down my FAVORITE one of all, but it is a comforting go-to burger that satisfies.

Am I alone?

>> No.8944680

>A long-term goal of mine has been the publication of a hamburger book. Sort of a travelogue-culinary work that documents my hamburger obsession/quest along with historical and cultural tidbits.
wow being a burger fan myself I thought I'd be interested in reading this
>That said, I must admit that the plain old McDonald's hamburger is still one of my favorites. but then i realised your a troll or a mong

>> No.8944686

I'm with you.
Cheeseburgers are too cheesey but the simplicity of a McDonald's hamburger is underappreciated.

>> No.8944704

I travelled around Germany last year and the hamburger is an amazing food. Say what you will about the krauts, their cuisine is amazing. The original and best burgers.

>> No.8944718

Have you ever been to the city of Hamburg, Germany, tracing the root of your passion?

>> No.8944757

Based OP. I judge every restaurant by their ham/cheeseburger.

>> No.8944781

There's something about the flavor of McDonald's burgers, I just can't put my finger on it. But god damn it's delicious.

>> No.8944784

>judging restaurants by the thing they keep on the menu specifically for manchildren who are incapable of ordering anything else, so their adult caretakers can enjoy the real menu in peace


>> No.8944799

The MaxDonalds thing has to be the childhood indoctrination.
I know they're bland, but I still crave them.

>> No.8944813


>> No.8944822

For me, its the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.8944825

for me its the chicken sandwich, its good

>> No.8944838

nah, that's always chicken breast

>> No.8944893

without cheese there is no burger. it's more important than the bun

>> No.8944910

What I dig about mcdonalds' hamburgers is that they're always made fresh since no one ever orders em. At least in my neighborhood. I'm with you though, burgers in general are the tits.

>> No.8944958

That's America fucked then.

>> No.8946513


normal mcdonalds hamburgers are bizarre

they are essentially topped like a hotdog even though they are obviously a hamburger

I have to wonder how this decision came about

>> No.8946923

McDonald's hamburgers are so satisfying

>> No.8946928

Who puts pickles and dehydrated onions on a hot dog?

>> No.8946940


pickles and onions are highly ubiquitous as hot dog toppings

>> No.8946968
File: 34 KB, 634x634, 1493065052342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is happy when they find out you eat seven cheeseburgers a night..

>> No.8946974

>All these shills
Mcdonalds burgers taste like ground styrofoam

>> No.8946977

why do you keep shilling?
how much do they pay?
mcd hamburger is one of the worst burgers ever, it's dry, tastes bland, the patty doesn't taste like meat at all etc
the only good thing about it is that it's relatively cheap.

yes, you are alone

>> No.8946981

Are you this guy?

>> No.8947009


I could only dream of being that man

>> No.8947389

Is there a map of the "mustard belt"? Where burgers come with mustard by default? I live in NYC and they don't here, but if you go to upstate NY or Pennsylvania, they do come with mustard.

>> No.8947425

Stay there you yankee faggot

>> No.8948497

I'll go wherever I want, you Okie flyover faggot

>> No.8948535

I'm not an enthusiast like you Op but I'm eating a Dave's single right now. It's pretty gud.

>> No.8948652

Honestly thought it was some copypasta when reading OP. Then checked replies and oh well it's just a manchild with poor taste and that trademark "the world caters to me" american mentality.

>> No.8948661
File: 131 KB, 640x960, 570b07f08e250a2e47a4385caa33b9d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Inbred Dixie trash. You'll never rise again.

>> No.8948670

>When I go to a new restaurant, I feel they can only be judged by their hamburgers.

I wouldn't say only, but a place's basic burger is a fantastic benchmark of its quality.
Each dish is going to vary, but the burger is almost always the middle point.

>> No.8948687
File: 55 KB, 800x550, 800px-Kkk-carpetbagger-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll go where I want

Welcome to MS, yankee.

>> No.8948693

When I made this thread I wasn't expecting people to take me so seriously, haha.

I just like mcdonalds hamburgers.

>> No.8948694



LOL no, not with all the hucklebuck trash living there from Dixie "workin' dat pipeline." Ohio is a blackhole full of failures from southern states, especially Alabama and Texas.

I had the misfortune of working in SEO for a year then skipped like a schoolgirl back to NY, where normal food and people exist.

I. Hate. Ohio.

>> No.8948697
File: 814 KB, 604x717, 1474757109103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normal food
>Normal people

>> No.8948704


>muh biskits n' gravy

I also hate southerners with a passion.

>> No.8948936

Who wants to read this Bullshit
Retarded people today

>> No.8948958

Yeah fuck those rural inbred retards. We're the only true Americans unlike southerners.