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File: 443 KB, 962x672, Cigars25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8944156 No.8944156 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly don't know where else to post this.

I'm getting into cigars. Cigarettes are fucking gross, but I love me some cigar. I'm only into Nicaraguan at the moment, but thinking Dominican might be good to branch out into. Cubans are ass these days, I've had one and it fucking sucked shit. Can't hold a candle to what I've been smoking.

Anyone else a cigar guy? Even a beginner? Post here and tell me of your experiences.

>> No.8944163

I quit smoking cigarettes when I got married a year ago.

Wifey is strangely okay with cigars, though.

I would also appreciate any info any friendly anon wishes to give.

>> No.8944170


Cigars smell better and, in my experience, girls enjoy kissing a guy who has smoked a high-quality cigar. Something about the taste. My ex loved smoking cigars with me and got me into the hobby. If I can call it a hobby and not an addiction.

>> No.8944183

nothing like puffing on a phallic brown cancer cock that you pay premium price for huh
just smoke weed lol

>> No.8944189


Dunno if you're trolling or serious. Damn. We need Quentin back.

>> No.8944191

ur the troll my men

>> No.8944192
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Place is like a sweat shop. Rows of people rolling cigars by hand, no AC and just endless shelves of different blends. For me, I don't like smoking cigars but I love the smell of one being smoked.

>> No.8944208

As a Cubano, the reason they're shit now is bc everyone wants one, so quality goes down to push production up since its legal to sell to Americanos now.

Avoid the memes as best you can (like you would with beer/whiskey). I rather like Arturo Fuente's Opus line, specifically Perfection 4 and the Robusto.

>> No.8944216


I heard that the reason they suck now is because all the tobacco growers and cigar producers fled Cuba to Central America.

>> No.8944266


>> No.8944308
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I fucking love cigars. I smoke like once a month, but it's always a pleasure. Just bought pic related after reading lots of good reviews, going to use it for the first time tomorrow.

Cuban cigars are a fucking meme.


Neck yourself immediately.

>> No.8944335

she's getting you used to prepping the BBC
Just keep trying different ones. i love Rocky Patel and Romeo y Julieta. I also love green cigars (can't remember the proper name) but unfortunately they are very unpopular and hard to find

>> No.8944341

I fancy dominicans.

>> No.8944347

I've only ever smoked a few cheap cigars some friends brought while drinking, don't know what they were though. Don't smoke cigarettes at all. I'd like to get into cigars some more, so my question is are there any "light", for lack of a better word, cigars to start with?
Also, Black & molds are gross.

>> No.8944354

yeah i also dropped ciggarettes for cigars, but i smoke cheap shitty ass cigarillos that cost 50 cents each so i'll show myself out

>> No.8944369

What's a good beginner cigar? I think I've had one cigar and I remember not enjoying it.

>> No.8944389

Haven't smoked in a few years but Ashton Cabinet #4 was my go to. Light and pleasant smelling.

>> No.8944398

If you want to know one of the main differences between cigs and cigars: cigarette tobacco is cured to be acidic, while cigar tobacco is cured to be alkaline. Acidic smoke is absorbed in the lnugs, alkaline smoke in the mucous membranes.

>> No.8944476


This video has some good suggestions:

I would also recommend just going to your local cigar shop/lounge and asking. They'll give you something good to start. Make sure to go to a real cigar shop with an actual humidor.

People always talk shit on this cigar, but if you can find an ACID Kuba Kuba, I recommend that. I'd argue that it's a good beginner cigar because it's an infused cigar with a really sweet taste, so it's a bit more palatable.

>> No.8944840

>girls enjoy kissing a guy who has smoked a high-quality cigar

You are a walking meme.

>> No.8944847

>I'm only into Nicaraguan at the moment

I've tried the Nicaraguan sampler from famous-smoke.com and they were God-tier.

>> No.8944855

Backwoods wild/mild. Better than any cigar non virginians have access to.

>> No.8944867

I've tried to get into smoking cigars a couple times, but I never had any idea where to start. I bought and smoked one once, but I felt like I was doing it wrong, it didn't really feel good, nor did I notice any taste. I figured the problem was in my lack of experience.

>> No.8944882

I purchased a box of San Cristobal Elegencias about two years ago. i smoked a few of them on and off, but reserved ten of them in my humidor. Just a few weeks ago I opened them up and tried them out. I must say, they did taste considerably better after two years of aging, but I am not sure the benefit was worth the wait. They are a fine smoke whether you have them right away or allow them to age. Would recommend.

>> No.8944886

Any man who smokes cigarettes or cigars needs to go to Mike "give 'em a shock for loving the cock" Pence camp for latent homosexuality.

>> No.8944895


>> No.8944897

I also think the ACID blondes are good for someone who has never had a cigar before.

I think a good second cigar is a Baccarat Rothschild Natural. Honduran smokes in general are pretty good, I think.

>> No.8944900 [DELETED] 

Good quality, cheap, very sweet, very very buttery cigars?

Have you seen one by chance?

>> No.8944987

i bet u look cool with a cigar and ur trusty fedora lol
seriously like that other guy said just smoke weed hahaha u dweebs

>> No.8945005

>Cigarettes are so fucking gross

Well Johnny when you get a real fucking job you'll dip and chain smoke cigarettes like the rest of us.

>> No.8945019

whats the point of smoking cigars and cigarillos? surely it has to have some health effects and no real benefits

>> No.8945023

>saying 'wifey'
>quitting smoking because your wife doesn't like it

Change your ways or get steamrolled by life, cucko.

>> No.8945034

I have the exact opposite problem, where I'm such a stubborn narcissist I don't change anything for anyone. There is a certain amount of compromise you need.

>> No.8945045
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I smoke a pipe, I like it more than cigars because while the smoke time is the same for a full bowl I dont need to pack a bowl all the way unlike smoking the entire cigar after you have lit it.

That much aging time on cigars results in a worse smoke, 6 months to a year at most is what you want for aging cigars.

>> No.8945048

>cancerous cigar smokers pretend the faggot nicotine high is worth a shit

How big are your fedoras? Be honest. I've never seen a cigar smoker that wasn't an enormous faggot ass muh mascululinity fedora.

>> No.8945051

Sheltered life.
You a flyover?

>> No.8945075

I've come to believe that things such as food, drink, drugs, etc are just simply different for everyone & how they experience it. Some people try smoking tobacco and they think it tastes fucking awful, and others find it delicious. It's out of the individual's control, but tastes can also be acquired for some.

>> No.8945085

Cigars smell revolting. Much worse than cigarettes. I've never actually smoked one, but I hope you do it far away from other people.

>> No.8945125

>That much aging time on cigars results in a worse smoke, 6 months to a year at most is what you want for aging cigars.
That is not true, there is not a fixed time on how long cigars should or should not be stored. As long as it is proper humidity, you are fine.

>> No.8945149

>That is not true, there is not a fixed time on how long cigars should or should not be stored. As long as it is proper humidity, you are fine.
I havent heard of people aging cigars as long as pipe tobacco nor would I bother with it myself given the space a humidor takes up much less how much space the cigars you are attempting to age would.

>> No.8945187

>Cigars smell revolting. Much worse than cigarettes.
>I've never actually smoked one


>> No.8945289
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Butthurt tasteless pleb detected.

Gaze thee eyeth uponeth my fedora and squander yee! xD

>> No.8945504

>Cigarettes are fucking gross, but I love me some cigar.

Oh look, it's this fucking guy.

Christ, faggots like you were the most obnoxious fucks in college ever.

>Hey I'm going out for a smoke.
>Oh cool I'll come out with you.
>Okay, did you wanna bum one?
>Oh no, cigarettes are bad. But if you ever smoke cigars, lemme know. Id be all in on that.

Cigars are babbys first drug. Prentious faggy college guys use them as a fucking affectation while simultaneously trying to look down their nose at ciagarette smokers because mommy and daddy said those are bad for you. But not cigars, no! Those are the choice of le classy gentlememes everywhere. Theres enough information and culture around them that you can pretend all the wikipedia facts about them that you emmorized are genuine knowledge, while at the same time pretending you have actual tangible taste preferences when you smoke 2 bottom bin shits that the arab at the smoke shop in your hometown told you were "premium Argentinian tobacco." All the while pretending that because cigars have a less negative marketing aura around them, they are somehow less harmful than cigarettes.

Grow up and inhale like a big boy, you leddit tier fedora grubbing cargo short wearing fuck.

>> No.8945512
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>> No.8945521


how many cigars were shoved up your urethra as a child

>> No.8945551

i guarantee you that 99% of females do not, in fact, like kissing a mouth that has had a cigar in it for 40 minutes.

>> No.8945560

not as many as were shoved into your ass and lit fagboi

>> No.8945664

My kinda thread.

Avoid rocky Patel. His edge and vintage sticks are ok but not worth the price.

Arturo Fuente, pardon, davidoff, my father are good stuff. The pardon thousand series is more affordable and still some fantastic sticks.

601 red and green are great.
Drew estate puts out the ever popular ligas.

Nicaraguan is spicy peppery powerful stuff. Dominicans tend to be more mild, unless we talk in a brand like la flor dominicana who makes skull crushingly strong cigars.

Honduras puts out nice cigars. Talking about your Camacho for starters.

Ecuadorian wrappers are used a lot.

Cheroots are fantastic. Look ugly as shit but it's like smokin a campfire. Want us made go for de nobili toscani longs. Italian made you got Toscano.

Already smoked a cao brazilia piranha, 601 steel robusto and a baccarat robusto today. Probably gonna have a 7 or 8 cigar day today. Got some oliva connecticuts waiting to be smoked.

Fuck the nigs who hate in connecticuts. I don't want to smoke an opus x at 7am or before sleeping.

>> No.8945673

Who the fuck is moot?!

>> No.8945761

I use this myself.

I smoke minimum 3 cigars a day.

>> No.8945795

That fag who stole Facebook.

>> No.8945823


r u trying2kill urself

>> No.8945827


Squadron leader ftw.

>> No.8945850


To add to this, I'd recommend an arturo fuente short story. One of my favorites when I'm short of time. For a cheaper smoke, CAO Black and brazilia are also nice.

>> No.8945871

Never tried the black. How does it compare to the brazilia. I go to either the toro or petit corona in the brazilia.

Short story is good yeah. Papas fritas by drew estate are also not bad. Popular as all hell.

Forgot to mention perdomo. Probably my favorite brand. Started with the 10th champagne, smoking the champagne noir a lot these days.

The Camacho triple Maduro and bourbon barrel aged are also fantastic. The triple maduro is like smoking a chocolate bar. I'm fond of the corojo as well, love the taste of corojo tobacco.

>> No.8945885


Black is thoroughly medium bodied, vanilla and leather, peppery finish. For a fairly cheap stick, what I love is that they are always consistently good. Sometimes you get an uneven burn, but I tend to smoke a torpedo, so maybe that doesn't happen with regular shapes.

>> No.8945892

Do you also wear a bowler and pinstripes

Pls say yes

>> No.8945899


Redwings and a hard hat.

>> No.8945917

I picked up the cao brazilia in a torpedo the other day. I dig the pointy tip. Can smoke a bigger rg without having a giant stick in your mouth.

Don't get the hate with CAO. All the ones I smoke have excellent construction. Are consistent year after year.

The gold is a nice morning smoke. The Italia is good with a steak and some red wine in the evening.

The America looks interesting, want to try one.

And no I wear cowboy hats and work boots. Here in the south. Never seen a bowler down here.

>> No.8945964

I once had a nat Sherman that was the only cost I liked. it tasted delicious, almost like they put baking spices in it. does anyone know which one this was? or can anyone recommend something similar?

>> No.8945983

Cigars are just as degenerate as cigarettes.

I get that it's a status symbol, but there are better ways to show off your wealth nowadays than sucking on tobacco dildos.

>> No.8946227
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Should I try to get it?

>> No.8946596

Found the virgin. I'll bet you're masturbating right now, aren't you? You're not even looking at porn. You're just spanking your dick at the computer because it's the only way you can feel anything anymore. Open sores on your dick be damned, you're just gonna keep on fapping till you're shooting blanks. Have fun witht that!

>> No.8946628

I was in Cuba a while back and got memed into trying cigars, picked up some Romeos and Punch. I liked the Romeos but wouldn't go for a full-size cigar again, what would you guys recommend?

>> No.8946684

I like smoking cigarillos

Fatties are just too much and too time consuming unless I'm not working the evening which is

>> No.8946792


If you can. Tins sell out very quickly, since it's made in small batches in the original factory. I bought 10 when I could, have 4 more aging.

>> No.8948161
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Got my first today. finally of age

>> No.8948334

Nice. What you smokin there? Gonna get more?

Smokin a cheap Alec Bradley bundle Connecticut robusto. It's a cigar. It's mild. It tastes like tobacco. It's like 2$ a cigar. Probably gonna keep these around for drunk friends who want to smoke.

Construction is good, burns straight. For the robusto you can get 45 minutes more or less depending on your speed

>> No.8948354

I smoked around two thirds of it, was starting to get bored. Just went into the local expensive tobacco shop, which is apparently the best in the country according to many, and got one for eight dollarydoos. Pretty good, although it kept on getting semi-extinguished, tasting foul and all. But when it was (I assume) properly lit, it was pretty nice, mild flavour.

I have completely forgotten the name but it had a blue label and was some kinda latino in origin, so that's at least something.

Probably won't get another one, but that's because I'm a pleb that's probably doing it wrong.

>> No.8948367

Why do you guys always think this is for /ck/? It's closer to drugs, it's far from food.

>> No.8948378
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Sounds real specific bro.

>> No.8948382

I know guys who have been smokin half their lives and they still don't know how to light or cut a cigar.

Interested in smoking again, check out videos on YouTube.

Looks like a mild smoke from the picture and what you described, which if lit wrong just tastes like burnt tobacco.

>> No.8948390

>which if lit wrong just tastes like burnt tobacco.
Yep, tasted very similar to a put out cigarette you light again. No real idea how that could happen in a lit cigar, but yeah. Could be that I didn't know how gentle to be when ashing it, and thus ended up with a solid two centimetres of dead tobacco that maybe blocked the air flow or some shit

>> No.8948404

Don't ever want to chat or blacken the wrapper. Keep the flame away from the foot of the cigar when you light it. Don't touch flame to tobacco. Use the heat not the flame itself.

Smoke slower. You don't want a big red cherry. Hot smoke is not good. You want the smoke to be cool. A draw every 30 seconds to 1min depending on size of cigar is aite.

The ash staying on the cigar for awhile helps cool the cigar down and most people keep the long ash on just for style. When removing ash, gently roll the ash off. Don't flick at it or stamp it.

Cigar starts tasting bitter, try blowing through the cigar. Then let it sit for a bit before taking another draw. Getting the cigar too hot builds up tar inside, as you draw on the cigar you draw that tar throughout the stick.

>> No.8948408

Thanks, I had no idea about any of these. I'll definitely try all the above. Sounds like a time consuming hobby though.

>> No.8948416

Tried to get into cigars earlier this year and just simply could not do it. It tastes like complete shit.

And I am not one of these faggots that quits something because its 'yucky'. I love whiskey, had a small stint with craft beer (quit because i realized its for betas), and pretty much any other autistic obsession out there.

but cigars....the taste is shit. the smell is shit.

>> No.8948439

Can be. Or it'll relax the tits off of you. I dunno how many cigars I've smoked just this last couple of months cutting my grass every week.

Hey ya like what ya like. I'll drink just about anything as long as it gets you drunk.

>> No.8948464

Also if you want to stick with mild look into trying:
Perdomo 10th champagne, Olivia Connecticut, baccarat (has a sweet tip).

Medium you have your padrons and other guys. Ask around.

Full body can't go wrong with 601 sticks, Camacho, la flor Dominicana. Can find recommendations for what suits you online. The Reddit guys know their stuff, YouTube is also good, cigar advisor, stogie geeks, cigar authority, cigar federation, cigar journal, cigar coop. All good places to learn.

>> No.8948646

Are H. Upmann's good or are they a meme? I figure if they're good enough for Kennedy to ship into America the day before he had the trade embargo placed on Cuba, then they must be good enough to smoke.

>> No.8948859

you can spend your money on better things than an H Upmann.

Cubans have consistency issues and have had a weird soapy taste to em the last few years IMO. With the weakening of the embargo, the demand for cubans has gone up and the supply has increased, which lowers the quality of the sticks comin out of cuba.

keep in mind that every cigar commin out of cuba uses only cuban tobacco. There's only so much of it to go around.

Want a good cuban, better fork over large amounts of cash.

If you do buy cubans, buy em from a government approved cuban shop. Habanos has a website where you can check the serials of the boxes.

Want something stronger with some oomph, go for nicaraguan.

More mild? Dominican.

Stuff by Eiroa has good old cuban seed tobacco if you like the flavor of the oldschool cubans. A lot of his stuff comes out of honduras which is a fantastic place for tobacco.

If you really want that oldschool cuban taste, go for an atabey. They're made by nelson alfonso, one of the big guys from the old cuban industry. i believe he played a big part in making cohiba. they're pricey though. like 30$ a stick. But it's like smoking a piece of heaven.

Other good stuff you can try if you don't care about what country it comes from
>My Father
>Arturo Fuente
>Drew Estate Liga Privada lines
>La Flor Dominicana
>La Aurora

Check out various lines and see what the flavors are like. If it sounds interesting, pick up a single or a fiver and try em out.

>> No.8948973

So why not pipes guys. Why not?

>> No.8949213

A fuente Hemingway are my favorites. I don't know why I bother buying anything else

>> No.8949217

My dad always smoked a pipe. Mom hated it - that's probly part of the reason. Anyway, it smelled strong and sweet. Miss the ol' guy.

Now I want to try it some day.

>> No.8949244

I fucking love pipes. The variety of tobacco, the variety of pipes themselves. It's all just amazing. And hey, if you just get a corncob pipe, then starting smoking a pipe will be cheaper than cigarettes or cigars from the beginning

>> No.8949254

I've been wanting to try them for quite a bit, but 1 I'm pretty concerned with my health desu so I don't feel like risking an addiction too much 2 the smoking taboo was chiseled in me so hard as a kid that now I think I would feel uncomfortable even just trying to buy tobacco. This last part unsettles me quite a lot actually.

>> No.8949263

>My Father
>Arturo Fuente
>Drew Estate Liga Privada lines
>La Flor Dominicana

>> No.8949267

Pipe tobacco contains much less nicotine, and since you don't inhale it (just hold the smoke in your mouth, like with a cigar), you don't really have much chance of acquiring health problems except for mouth cancer and maybe heart disease, but at the same levels as if you drink a moderate amount. There are even a few studies showing that those who smoke pipes have as long as or even longer lifespans than non-smokers.

>> No.8949311

>Pipe tobacco contains much less nicotine
That depends entirely on the variety of tobacco you are smoking and how it was prepared. An average pipe bowl will have 300mg of nicotine up to 600mg if you are smoking a perique mixture.

>> No.8949317

That is a good point (I sometimes smoke perique straight and that knocks me on my ass), but most pipe tobaccos are low in nicotine vs cigarettes, and the pipe bowl is smoked over a much longer duration than the equivalent amount of tobacco in a cigarette or cigar

>> No.8949318

That's what bothers me about feeling so strongly the tabooooo because I know in this case it has no real basis. Oh well, I'll have to give it a try one of this days.
The fact that I have often told off my gf for smoking a cigarette and having to tell her "oh yeah I'm smoking now" probably doesn't help as well.

>> No.8949329

Hey, I was in the same boat when I started, and I started off worse because I started with cigarettes, then cigars, and now pipes. Seriously, pipes are fine, and the time they give you to just chill for a while while you're smoking it is worth all the risk in my book. Pipes really put you in a meditative state that cigars and cigarettes don't, which is one of the reasons people like Albert Einstein, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and many others smoked them. My state of mind has substantially improved since I started smoking a pipe, and I think that it's something that everyone should do, at least a little. It's one of the best stress relievers you can imagine.

>> No.8949332

A cigarette has 1.8mg to 3mg of nicotine, they aren't even comparable.

>> No.8949339

But all that nicotine is going directly into your bloodstream through your bronchi vs slowly and incompletely absorbed through your mucous membranes in your mouth. The nicotine hit you get from cigarettes is much more potent because much more enters your bloodstream vs an equivalent amount of pipe tobacco. So yes, I was incorrect in my previous assertion that the amount was lesser in pipe tobacco, but it is less pronounced of an effect when you are in the process of smoking. That's why pipe smokers aren't as likely to become addicted to nicotine.

>> No.8949358

Do you honestly think that incomplete absorption matters when it's a minimum of 100 times more nicotine?

I smoke a pipe now, I used to smoke spirit blacks and when I started smoking a pipe I got nicotine buzzes until I got used to the fact that I was getting more nicotine per bowl than 4 blacks chain smoked.

>> No.8949360

Thanks man, encouraging words. How much do you recommend smoking? Knowing myself I think it would be easy for me to give in to the temptation if it turns out I like it a lot.

>> No.8949367

I think it does matter. I can smoke two full bowls of perique before it starts hitting me, and while it hits me hard, a single cigarette hits me like a god damned MAC truck at full speed. I can't even finish a cigarette before I start shaking, sweating, and feeling like I'm going to throw up.
I recommend anywhere from a a bowl every two days to two in a day. It really just depends on how much you feel comfortable with. Just make sure you brush your teeth a little more often.

>> No.8949368

Not that anon but I think that given the fact that the average bowl takes 40 minutes and the average cigarette 5 they are pretty comparable.

>> No.8949591

Then it isnt the nicotine that makes you feel that way. You adsorb much more from a pipe bowl than any cigarette.
If each cigarette had 7mg of nicotine they would be, but even with the time difference it still doesnt make up for 100 fold increase in nicotine.

>> No.8949612

>You adsorb much more from a pipe bowl than any cigarette.
This is incorrect so says wikipedia and pubmed.

>> No.8949636


you're even a faggot too huh

>> No.8949667

Yeah girl.

Traded my friend an illusione candela for a rocky Patel ocean club toro. Thought I was making a bad trade but it's not too bad. Box pressed too which is neat.

>> No.8949702

I sold cigars for several years. Don't fall into the trap of smoking by country, and don't fall for gimmicky marketing. All Gurkha is garbage, don't pay for their crap. It's OK to find a shape you prefer and stick to it, but be aware that the same blend in a different size or shape can taste radically different. I prefer smaller ring gauge stuff, coronas and lanceros.

Some of my favorites:
>Padron Anniversary 1964 Monarca Natural
>Padron Anniversary 1926 No. 6 Natural
>Illusione Epernay Le Ferme
>Illusione MK Ultra
>Fuente Opus X Petite Lancero
>Tatuaje Black Label Petite Lancero
>Headley Grange Drumstick
>Room 101 San Andreas Papi Chulo (gimmicky, but a good cheap smoke)
>Curivari Petite Cafe (unobtainium)
>A. Flores Gran Reserva Half Corona
>Fuente Hemingway Short Story Maduro

>> No.8949742

lol Gurkha. That was the very first cigar I ever smoked. A big Gurkha toro. I was like wtf am I smoking a log of leaves and horse shit?

Took me two years after that to get into cigars.

You tried anything by aging room or swag? Hear good things.

Thinking of picking up some Camacho connecticuts in the corona size. 20ct at 50$ on closeout at holts.

I know a guy who smokes padron 26s as his daily smoke. Should hang out with his ass more ah?

>> No.8949754

Montecristo no. 5

>> No.8949777

I've smoked a few decent Aging Room, mostly rep samples back when that was legal, but we didn't carry Oliveros products. I didn't care for the Swag samples we got either, but most of them were large ring sticks which I generally don't like anyway.

Be really careful with the Camacho connecticuts. The newer ones, with the big orange label are decent. The older generation with the white ring are pretty garbage.

If you want a solid Connecticut look at an EP Carrillo New World Connecticut or Perdomo Champagne.

I bought an entire box of Padron 1926 No. 6 for myself once. Even at wholesale it was still pricey. Turns out, smoking the same thing every day gets boring for me. If I had to do it again, I'd smoke two and let the rest sit in my humidor for about 5 years.

>> No.8949805

I mostly stayed away from the swag because of the idiotic name.

Will look out for some aging room though, thanks.

Yeah I love the champagne. I always say I never met a perdomo I didn't like. The noir I'm smokin a lot these days.

Yeah it has the new macho ass orange band. I really dig the corojo and triple maduro, figure the conny is next.

Ep carillo huh? Keep hearin that name. I tried the oliva Connecticut earlier today. Awesome stick.

Funny thing about Connecticut broadleaf, I keep getting told to try a topper machine made. Mixed filler I believe. Famous has em for like 5ct at like 8$ last I checked.

>> No.8950140

Everyone in this thread, go smoke a big fat skin cigar. Fedoras, faggots all fuckin REEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee n shit. Weeds alright though

>> No.8950184

Weed is for philistinic plebeians

>> No.8950255

Says the guy on 4chan

>> No.8950297

holy shit this describes some of my friends perfectly, it's hilarious
it's just like how retards try to justify drinking wine saying "it's gud 4 u XD" when it contains the same escapist poison as any other alcoholic beverage

>> No.8950308

hahaha are you for real dude
deep throat another cigar you fucking fag lmao

>> No.8950511

I never understood people who look at a thread and say to themselves, " I don't like that thing. Let me go tell everyone that I don't like that thing, and they are wrong and stupid for liking that thing."
I only smoked a cigar once, on my senior trip in highschool. I think I remember enjoying it, but I have no idea what it was or anything. I might go buy one on Sunday. I have some black and milds I got for free a year or so ago somewhere around here; should I try to find those?

>> No.8950517

black and milds are complete shit and the only reason most people would ever consider buying them is because they can be converted into blunts pretty easily and even then fucking swisher sweets are better for that purpose

it's safe to say pretty much any """cigar""" you can get behind the counter at a convenience store is guaranteed to be shit

>> No.8950595

>85°F today
>Went to the butcher shop, put in an order for a nice big brisket and a pork shoulder
>Bought spices and assembled my rub
>Picked up some decent beer and gin on the way home
>Have cured white oak, apple wood, and hickory

Saturday will be a good day. Going to do the pork shoulder first for pulled pork, then do the brisket. Just need to decide on my smoke. I'm thinking a Connecticut in the morning, then something spicier later in the day after the meal.

>> No.8950755


Hi gents. /ck/ isn't a bad place for talking about pipes, but i'd like to mention that /out/ frequently has threads about smoking, especially pipes.

I started smoking one a few years ago; my dad has smoked one as long as I can remember. He's a grizzled fuck (digs graves, works on boat engines, licensed forensic anthropologist who studied under Emily Craig, the inspiration for the show Bones) and even though he's getting older it hasn't slowed him down.

>>8949267 mentions the studies that pipe smokers tend to live longer, and it's not entirely false. As with all things like this, your risk of lung/mouth cancer WILL go up. However, even burnt bread can give you cancer. Don't take it to seriously. Pipe smoking is a super chill activity though, and it de-stresses the fuck outta you. That's probably why they tend to live a bit longer. There is a significantly smaller intake of nicotine (especially compared to hookah or a vape) and the smoke isn't entering your lungs. Don't be super concerned about health worries. Besides, you'll at most smoke a few bowls a week. I smoke maybe once a week, more in summer when i'm camping.

Also, chicks love it. As long as you're not a fedoralord, pipe tobacco smells great and you'll get people asking you what it is or complimenting your scent. I take cheap-old Captain Black Gold to the bar and get a ton of compliments about it (i'm also a bearded blue-collar kinda guy so it fits with my character).

Go smoke a pipe, anons. It's good for you.

>> No.8950762

Except backwoods.

>> No.8950811

Laaaad I just smoked a nice bowl with tobacco my coworker gave me, I gotta ask for the brand because it was smooth. Nothing like a night smocc

>> No.8950827
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I started pipe smoking last October. I've started taking it with me to work, and it's gotten a bit battered.
I've got a little Squadron Leader making its way to me. Should be good.

>> No.8950849

I'm going to stop posting because talking about pipes on 4chan is always pointless, but it really is simple. I don't think it's as high maintenance as the guides or the people at the tobacconist make out. Everything I learned when I started out pipe smoking reading guides online, I realised weren't necessary.

I pack the bowl, I light it, I sit back and relax. Watch a movie, read a book, walk to work. I got addicted to nicotine vaping, but with a pipe, I take weeks off and I only ever get slight withdrawals, and that's smoking 1-3 bowls a day.

The main thing with pipe smoking is just make sure you don't smoke a shit tobacco. I have Borkum Riff and Erinmore on my black-list of tobaccos that attack my tongue.

>> No.8950855

Well duh it's simple.

Only an idiot takes tobacconist seriously.

>> No.8950863

How would you suggest a newbie realise the tobacco he bought is shit? If I were to start I'd probably have no clue if that's what pipe tobacco tastes like or if it's actually shit.

>> No.8950870

I mean, it's really up to preference. I personally think aromatics are horrid, but other people swear by them. Just look for tobaccos you like and if you don't like it, feel free to toss it. Pipe tobacco is amazingly cheap, so it's very easy to find out what you want through trial and error without a lot of expense.

>> No.8950882

Lane 1Q or Carter Hall. You can't go wrong with those. They're ubiquitous and they're pretty good. These tobaccos are usually alright to smoke as you bought them. Most tobaccos, you'll have to let dry for a few hours.

If you have a tobacconist that has pipe tobacco in jars, you can take a smell of each tobacco and decide which one appeals to you.

I would avoid tobacco in pouches. Not every tobacco sold in a pouch is bad, but a lot of the brands that are sold in pouches are.

The last bit of advice would be, pipe smoking isn't a main event. A pipe could last as long as an hour. It's something to enjoy as you do other things. If you puff at it incessantly, it'll steam your tongue. Just gently puff to enjoy the tobacco as you're doing whatever else.

>> No.8951733

Picked up a pipe and some tins of tobacco.

Got your drew estate ryujin, seven seas white, dunhill flake, and a Kentucky fire cured.

So for they all taste like air. I can't get any flavour at all. Occasionally the bowl gets hot and my tongue starts feeling fucked.

>> No.8952060
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Now I want a cigar. Work doesn't get out for another five hours. Damn you /ck/

>> No.8952100

You're smoking too fast. Too much air = hotter embers = tongue burn. Too much heat kills the flavor.

Slow down. The Kentucky especially should be very notable.

>> No.8952199


Sounds like you are going too fast and maybe didn't pack your bowl enough.

>> No.8952894


Yeah, sounds likely.

Tip on packing a bowl: fill it loose all the way up, then tamp it, then fill it back up with loose and tamp, then once more. That should work fine. And you don't need a tamper tool, finger works fine.

>> No.8952925

spiral packing works well, too (when you put some baccy in your hand, then swirl the bowl over it until it fills up, then tamp down, then repeat until full)

>> No.8953382
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>hold a candle to what I've been smoking

a chortle manifested

>> No.8953831

I can't really do the large ones unless I've got a large supply of cold beer or liquor at arm's reach.

About once a season I pick up a small handful of bullets - either Dominican light or Nicaraguan dark.