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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8940790 No.8940790 [Reply] [Original]

>be me home alone
>talking with friend on FaceTime
>I told him I was thinking about making some frozen pizza
>convinces me to turn on oven and take out a frozen pizza
>I start getting really worried and nervous
>pussy out and shut off the oven
>calls me a pussy for a while
>eventually gather enough courage to put the frozen pizza in the oven and set the timer
>feel anxious as fuck and keep checking the pizza
>I put it on 350 degrees for 20 minutes
>I think about my house burning down and al ost take the pizza out of the oven
>timer rings and I struggle to take the pizza out of the oven
>fuck up the pizza a bit and get foil on the bottom
>the pizza is raw as fuck but finish eating it
>mfw it only took an hour to gather the courage to put a pizza in the oven
>still manage to fuck up the pizza

>> No.8940793

I tried making coffee at work twice in one night and had it spill all over the place both times (the pot wasn't close enough to the brewing hole)

>> No.8940799

I'm autistic and I bake pizzas all the time.
Honestly dude, you're just a retard.

>> No.8940820

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8940827

Gotta agree with this anon and his dubs. You're retarded, OP.

>too afraid to use the oven
Seriously, what the fuck? Did mommy never let you use a vacuum cleaner or the washing machine or a toaster as a kid?

>> No.8940986

>be me
>trying to bake bread for the first time
>all going well, have it all planned out
>after the second rise, pull loaf out and do final shaping
>younger brother who's always teasing me comes into the (small) kitchen
>whatcha making anon? Warming up a watermelon to fuck?
>bread, I told you last night remember?
>Why not just buy bread? I bet it's gonna turn out shitty lol
>what are you doing, lemme see
>tries to pull back my shoulder so he can muscle in closer to the counter and look at my loaf
>I jerk the arm back, try to pull away from him since I dislike physical contact
>I stumble because he's so close to me and there's no room, loaf falls on the ground
>stoneface, spaghetti overflowing, and walk into my room, leaving it on the floor
>it sat there for at least an hour before somebody picked it up and threw it out

>> No.8941018

> love fried rice w/ egg at chinese places
> decide to try it cant be that hard
> put eggs & rice in water and boil
it doesnt look so good
> roomie comes in and asks me what the fuck i'm doing
> other roomie checks it out too and has a laughing fit
> retreat into my room with my eggricepudding and it eat in spite
> never cook anything again

>> No.8941025

> never cook anything again
why in the mother of fuck are you on this board?

>> No.8941032

You will never make it in the real world.

>> No.8941043


>> No.8941045

that wasnt me but good enough really

>> No.8941364

I believe this story 100% op is an autistic fuck

>> No.8941805

People like you were abandoned in the woods at a young age because you were literally dead weight on your parents and the tribe.

>> No.8941868

/r/4chan here we come!

>> No.8941968
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>> No.8942011

>displays no signs of autism
>LARPing on a food board
Should've added SAGE to your pizza faggot

>> No.8942056

I bet he used the vacuum cleaner all the time, but not with mom's permission

>> No.8942063

This isn't autism.

>> No.8942092

>few weeks ago
>going to cook rice for the 1000th time this quarter
>try something new and add a few splashes of rice vinegar
>add too much salt by accident
>panic, try to balance it by putting in sugar like an idiot
>as it's cooking, start to smell the vinegar in my apartment
>after it finishes it smells awful and tastes awful
>add cheese for some reason
>scoop some rice onto my plate
>take a bite
>dump all the rice and eat a pop tart instead
I don't know what compelled me to do this

>> No.8942103

Literally nothing that /ck/ thinks is autism is actually fucking autism.

These fucking faglords put such a heavy stigma around me that I've spent a decade homeless and jobless.
Do I sound like I can't lift a motherfucking box?

>> No.8942183
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You are supposed to add vinegar after you make it dummy

>> No.8942213

The best fast food sandwich :)

>> No.8942312

>Want to make baked potatos
>with shrimps
>buy expensive gourmet shrimps
>when i have drained the shrimps i look a ingredients
>from vietnamise farm
>3 difference flavor enhancer
>artifical sweetnet
>turn off the oven
>go to bed without even tasting them
>get up
>write email to the firm packaging the shrimps
>feel better

>> No.8942543
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>buy fish heads
>forgot about it and cook other things
>digging through fridge and find it a week later
>smells spoiled already
>decided to make fish head soup thinking the miso would cover up the stink
>forgot to put in leeks and gingers
>big mistake
>entire house smells like dead fish
>the soup is inedible
>one single gulp expelled everything in my stomach for the last 5 days
>dumped it out on the lawn for the crows and coons to eat
>haven't seen any of them in the neighborhood for weeks, presumably dead from food poisoning or repelled by the smell
>the spot where I dumped the soup has a bunch of green healthy grass thriving
>I call it "The Witch's Circle"

>> No.8942577


>> No.8942648

Why make scarecrows when you can make killcrows?

>> No.8942659

It's on an image board. By definition it can't be LARP.

>> No.8942660

Dude, if it smells rotten throw it away. You don't "cover up" rotten meat. It makes you sick.

>> No.8942680

>trying to make a pizza
>take the stuff out of the oven except for a plastic food cover for the microwave because I didn't see it as it was clear
>preheat oven
>smell a little burning but it didn't smell like plastic
>open the oven when it beeps
>goopy plastic all over the three racks in the oven (it started on the top)
I had to let that shit harden and scrape the stalactites of plastic off the racks with a putty knife. All I wanted was my pizza man. Now I am super crazy about double checking and using the helpful oven lights.

>> No.8942788
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>be me
>cook anywhere but my own kitchen
>proceed to fuck up without fail
>somehow fucked up microwaving water

I just completely lose my grove with someone else's kitchen and equipment and look like I've never cooked in my life.

>> No.8942873

>microwaving water

You don't have a kettle?

>> No.8942883

there's a lot of parents who just simply ban their kids from learning to cook in this way. I don't think its on purpose, they just always have a set rule that the kid can't touch the oven and so they never even learn how to turn the fucking thing on. I had a friend who had to convince his parents to let him use it when he was 18.

>> No.8942887

That's poor parenting really. My mum hates cooking, my whole family dos really, but she still taught me from a young age how to do it.

>> No.8942888

Why the fuck was there plastic in the oven in the first place?

>> No.8942891

>expensive gourmet shrimps


>> No.8942902

it is but I think it's more like they just tell their kids when they're really young not to touch the oven cause its hot and it'll burn you etc. and then it just kind of stays a rule without anyone really thinking about it. I've seen it a couple times actually.

>> No.8942907

welcome to america

>> No.8942912

Americans don't have kettles? What the fuck, how do they boil water?

>> No.8942914

That makes sense I suppose. I burned myself a bunch of times, it just makes you respect it and know what not to do.

>> No.8942921

Using the stove. They can get kettles but their power outlets don't produce enough power to make it any quicker than the stove.

>> No.8942927

That's weird. I'd hate having to switch the stove on just to make a cup of tea. Even outside of tea there's so much you can do with a kettle, and pouring from a pan is horrible.

>> No.8942945

for tea many burgers just microwave water or, if at office, get it from hot-water dispensing machines.

>> No.8942947

They can still use old-fashioned stovetop kettles.

>> No.8942954

Isn't microwaving water dangerous?

>> No.8942959

only if it's incredibly pure, or if you have a container without handles (because that shit's hot)

>> No.8942966

The electric chairs in Texas stealing all the freedom from the wall socket.

>> No.8942969

Throw everything together with the rice after the rice is finished steaming, when it goes into the wok/pan.

>> No.8943114

At least I wont be arrested for using electricity in the bathroom.

>> No.8943129

that is wrong though my kettle is strong af

>> No.8943308

I'm American and I have a kettle so I don't know what the other guy is talking about

>> No.8943437

You could have picked it up and cut the part that has touched the floor. Atleast you would've got a smaller bread.

>> No.8944279

Wouldn't you still learn the basics in home economics?

>> No.8944286

>pouring from a pan

it amazes me that an ass-backwards country like britain full of muslim niggers and people who cant brush their teeth thinks america doesn't have fucking tea kettles that sit on a stove burner

let me ask, just how much media have you consumed in your life, and yet somehow still don't know the image of a whistling kettle on a stove?

>> No.8944289

It needs to be cooled before you can fry it or else you will have starchy, disgusting fried rice. The only exception is if you used parboiled rice.

>> No.8944298

>making roasted beet
>usually takes around 70 minutes
>using pizza oven so its 200º hotter than normal oven
>probably take about 20 minutes less
>forget how much time it usually takes and think its only 30 minutes
>put beet in for 10 minutes
>surprised when its raw

>> No.8944315
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>Afraid of the oven

Hello kike friend

>> No.8944333

He could just put it in the oven, assuming he doesn't live in a toxic waste storage.

>> No.8944338

Murricans are leaders in overprotective parenting.

>> No.8944395

The Spanish are leaders in that aspect.

>> No.8944417

I'll take your Spaniard and raise you an Italian.

>> No.8944482

Living together with parents for a long time is only a weak indicator for that

>> No.8944493

No school does home economics anymore.
With all of the money that gets poured into the sports teams, they can barely afford the necessities for standard learning courses. Hell, people have to fight tooth and nail every year to prevent music courses from getting cut in favor of expanding the sports budget.

>> No.8944522
File: 97 KB, 450x679, pasta-roni-shells-and-white-cheddar-mix-6-2-ounce-boxes-pack-of-12_188978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 3 years ago
>Just moved into this apartment
>Constantly drunk
>Decide to cook some creamy pasta, pic related, not sure if it's the same brand though
>Pasta is cooked and ready to drain
>Instead of draining, add seasoning packet
>Realize I just fucked up and there's no other food here
>Sit in the corner of my empty living room eating bland noodles and drink more beer
>Pass out surrounded by empty beer cans

>> No.8944582
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that was a cool night
also it's called pasta, see how on the box it says pasta and not noodles?

>> No.8944629

>the spot where I dumped the soup has a bunch of green healthy grass thriving

>> No.8944660

but that's what frank costanza did in the korean war with the rotten meat

>> No.8945153

>roasted beet

>> No.8945240
File: 108 KB, 1080x1350, 18252130_417356778651191_7363182363351711744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to help around the house during holidays
>decide to boil potato
>forget about it and leave them in the pot for three hours

>> No.8945553

How does this even happen?
Wouldn't the tater just become mush?

>> No.8945555


The water would evaporate first.

>> No.8945574

Nice quads
I'll be trying this sometime, I'm skeptical about getting the lump of charcoal result like >>8945240

>> No.8945591

Literal Autist Role Play

>> No.8945646

>all the money poured into music programs

fixed it for you

>> No.8946155


That's not correct. I live in LA, and my electric kettle plugs into my wall and seems to boil a hell of a lot faster than using the stove. They just aren't popular here.

>> No.8946559

I have tears in my eyes

>> No.8946666
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>> No.8946707


That's an avocado you dimwit

>> No.8946712

Meme autism is social awkwardness and being very particular about shit you do and like.

>> No.8946716

Are you me? Pretty much half our school's budget went straight to its football program.

>> No.8946719
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>>the spot where I dumped the soup has a bunch of green healthy grass thriving
>>I call it "The Witch's Circle"
Holy shit that was funny.

>> No.8946737

>be me in Spain on military deployment
>locals in the airport terminal I work bought us mini pizzas and shit for lunch
>decide to have mine
>look at package
>can't read Spanish
>see something about a microwave
>good enough for me
>throw the whole thing in the microwave for like 5 minutes
>still wrapped in the plastic
>a minute later someone notices smoke billowing out of the break room
>leap over the counter and throw the microwave door open
>pizza is fucking charcoal
>fire alarms blaring
>grab searing hot pizza with bare hands and run it outside
>whole building evacuated
>fire department is not a quarter mile down the road
>still takes like 10 minutes to get there
>feel like absolute shit
>everyone laughing at me
>Air Force guys who work permanently in the building laugh at me
>SgtMaj rides over on his bicycle to check out the commotion
>says he doesn't give a fuck and that the Spaniards don't get enough training anyways so this is good for them
>feel intense relief

>be a running joke for months after we get home
>be chosen to give class on risk management
>reference pizza incident as a joke
>Sgt almost falls over laughing while everyone else is confused

I'd say it all worked out. Felt pretty stupid that I totally ignored/forgot all basic microwave safety because the package was in a different language.

>> No.8946747

Should also mention they had a toaster oven I probably could have used but one lady there says it sets the smoke alarms off every time they use it because it's shit or something.

>> No.8946801

way to get punked by your little brother, lol you loser

>> No.8946846


failed pizza thread when

>> No.8946903

Was the microwave in spanish? They work on a different frequency.

>> No.8946933

A microwave?

>> No.8947427

You handled it well, and now it's a fun story. I'm almost jealous.

>> No.8947443

Yeah, and he sent sixteen good men to the latrines that day. If you paid attention you could have learned from his mistakes

>> No.8947453

Why would anyone be afraid to cook a frozen meal? The directions are on the box and impossible to fuck up.

>> No.8947768

>try to cook
>fuck it up
>complain online
t. this entire thread

>> No.8947819

When I went to school, our arts and debate students raised the money we needed to keep them running because they gave a fuck and our school threw a ton of money at our shitty sports teams. We couldn't keep any foreign lamguage teachers around and our STEM classes were shit, so I can understand schools like that lacking any home ec. classes.

>> No.8948079

>be me drinking
>think "oh it would be nice to have some bacon & eggs
>start up making the eggs
>put the egg mix on the stove, fall down on couch for "1 min"
>close eyes
>asleep almost instantly
>wake up to burning smell
>egg mix is burnt to the crisp
>the pot i used to cook the egg mix with is ruined
>throw the entire shit into the bin including the burnt pot with the egg mix

>> No.8948104

90% of this board is about fast food, which is ironic really

>> No.8948132

>be me, very drunk for the first time ever
>for some reason, decide to cook homemade sauce for spaghetti to try and impress my mom
>she didn't know i had been drinking
>at this point, i thought i was fine. i just felt buzzed and a bit funny
>she notices i'm more mouthy and argumentative then usual, but seems to disregard it for the most part
>at this point in time, i spent a lot of time watching cooking shows like chopped, so got it into my head i'm some kind of master chef who knows what he is doing
>mom tells me my garlic is burning
>tell her she doesn't know what she is talking about, and that my garlic is cooking beautifully
>she tells me no, i shouldn't burn my garlic
>garlic is literally black and smoking
>she grabs pan and throws garlic in trash
>i get teary eyed and sit in my room
>she comes upstairs, asks wtf is wrong with me
>i am blacked out at this point, i just remember going into a fit of sobbing about how i can't do anything right
>wake up at like 2 am that night and heat up her tasty spaghetti she apparently made while i was passed out

>> No.8948141

Why have a separate tool that does only one thing when you already have two other ways to accomplish the same result? How do Europeans even have space for anything

>> No.8948169

Yes that would be the point of this thread put in a very simple way. What did you achieve by posting this?

>> No.8948180

It sounds like theres a lot more wrong with you than just being a little drunk

>> No.8948200

Well at least your drunk self is really honest. Also your mom must be retarded to not know how a shitty drunk person acts.

>> No.8948237

this is really some american tier problems
or problems a normal young man would have because
>backward slav family values

im pretty aspie but i enjoy cooking and ordering food

the hardest part is where i know the delivary human is coming and i like to be tipsy and its very uncomfy that short period and then its eat time

>> No.8948245

how old are you? i am really curious

i feel kind of sad now

i think you need a hug

>> No.8948295


>> No.8948310

how old where you with this pizza thing happened?

>> No.8948360

>Be me 10
>need food so start making mac n cheese
>mom doesnt see and tells me i need to get out
>go next door mom follows
>play xbox for 30 to 60 min
>go home with mom
>open door and a fucking blast of hot smoke hits mom
>run in with mom she sees pot of black "mac n cheese"
>mom yells "what the fuck anon"
>no cooking for 2 years

>> No.8948364

Actual poster here. I'm 23. I was like 15 when the incident I wrote about happened.

>> No.8948372

It needs to be cooled a little, it doesn't need to be cold.

>> No.8948377

One time I put baking soda instead of baking powder into pancakes and they tasted bad

>> No.8948400

oh 15 wew that makes sense now

still sad though and yes quite autismo

how does anyone over come autismis anyway

i even might wish i was 23 again jesus, it never gets easier

>> No.8948431

absolute madman

>> No.8948442

Not him, but I've always had an aversion to ovens and stoves. It's probably a combination of what could happen if you touch a burning hot piece of metal and the results of dropping your meal (no food + huge mess)

>> No.8948521

That's not how t. works
t. guy who knows memes and Finnish

>> No.8948539

t. newfag

>> No.8948544

t. faggott

>> No.8948591
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I have never cooked anything apart of boiled eggs and frozen pizzas and yet I visit this board for 3 years, do you have anything else to say?

>> No.8948601

That's not an answer you lazy worthless sack of shit.

>> No.8948630

I went to a football school and they had home ec

>> No.8948669

WTF is a "kettle?"

>> No.8948796

she is pretty retarded in the regard. she was raised in an extremely religious household though. she is like 53 now, and has never drank alcohol, smoked, or done any drug in her life.

>> No.8949081

Every time i tried to cook at home my parents would always interfere turning down the heat or moving pans about, adding spices or garlic to shit like mushrooms. Even though i was cooking for myself. Many times i just gave up, left everything on the stove and made a pot-noodle instead.

They thought that because i set fire to the oven once when i was 17 I was unable to function in the kitchen even at the age of 23, despite my living way for some years.

>> No.8949297

I bumped the thread.

>> No.8949309


>> No.8949336

Moms are so dumb
>smoke weed in the house for years
>she is convinced it's incense because me and my friend lied to her
moms are so dumb

>> No.8950671

when i was 11-14 i burned a bunch of box cake mixes and then ate the evidence... didn't take into account the fact the house smelled like cake .

>> No.8950733

>microwaving water
Well, theres your problem

>> No.8950738

Now that i think about it, ive never seen an american movie showing someone making coffee or tea at home