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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 719 KB, 3024x4032, YMJQgK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8943067 No.8943067 [Reply] [Original]

so my friends keep telling me that i can use this storage space for cooking, but i dont see the point

also can i do it without having to move all my pots, not looking to spend an hour moving everything around just to make some bread or something

>> No.8943077

> red pill me

fuck off

>> No.8943082

is that a water purifier on the left

>> No.8943085

its my ice maker

>> No.8943140

im friends with a fat sorta jew and a fat slanty jew who are arguing over this. op is literally a fag

>> No.8943150

Go back to whichever asian shithole country you climbed out of you buck toothed gook.

>> No.8943166


maybe if you amerifats hadn't fucking lost to my grandfather and his drinking buddies in his tree fort we wouldn't be having this conversation

>> No.8943218

kek. Amerilards BTFO by sub-thirdworlders. B-but muh WWII.

>> No.8943221

You can use it as a storage space if you never fucking cook anything, sure

>> No.8943228
File: 113 KB, 472x354, 1489945102829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my white friends said i could cook with it, but i dont eat a lot of bread so i dont know what i could make with it

>> No.8943232

There was some anon on /v/ years ago who used to keep his games in the oven for some dumbass reason. One of his friends came over and started preheating it for a frozen pizza and, well, you can imagine what happened.

Can't find the fucking pic anywhere sadly.

>> No.8943237

No I mean if you never use your oven. Which means you probably rarely cook.

This is equivalent to saying "just keep your dishes on top of your stove!" which works great if you never use your stove

>> No.8943246
File: 18 KB, 552x576, MJhuvHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cook almost everyday, i cooked chicken with some vegtables yesterday

>> No.8943250

You know there's other means of cooking that's not in the oven right?

>> No.8943252
File: 139 KB, 865x1069, 1482123793456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you missing the core concept of this so hard

>> No.8943257
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 1493397093814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said i rarely cook when i cook like 70% of the meals i eat

>> No.8943261

If you're not going to use the space anyway and need places to put things, why fucking not

>> No.8943273

Are you autistic?

>> No.8943274
File: 93 KB, 854x600, 1456060456847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, my white friends gave me shit because it's supposed to be meant for cooking, but since I dont fucking eat bread every meal like they do why do i need it

>> No.8943290
File: 93 KB, 519x533, 1491958284982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be amerilard
>bake bread everyday
>waste empty space in oven when not using it
>calls others autistic

>> No.8943318

>Be europoor
>Have to clear out 15 pots and pans and lids every time you want to use the oven
>Pretend this is normal
Don't get salty because we don't have to put our washing machines in our kitchen

>> No.8943325

why would i clear out my pots and pans if i can just use my toaster oven

>> No.8943524

OP are you saying that the only thing ovens are used for is to bake bread?

>> No.8943534

what else would it be used for

>> No.8943637

>mfw this thread
>mfw no face

This is a legitimately great thread. OP is a genius and retards are arguing with him.

>> No.8943650

Shitty casseroles

>> No.8943665

i have a microwave i dont need an oven for that

>> No.8943687

redpill me on this reply

>> No.8943719

Honestly home ovens are only good for souffles and if you're really patient bread. I can guarantee you whatever ingredients you're using to make a dish in the oven can be used to make something better on the stove.

If you like making desserts however it's a different story.

>> No.8943875

Cute cat
I wanna fuck it

>> No.8944144

Put your head in it

>> No.8944690

don't lewd

>> No.8944695

I'm going to cum in your mouth while stimulating my asshole with that cat you faggot

>> No.8944925

that really makes me think