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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 580x317, headset-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8928600 No.8928600 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that every employee is wearing a headset and listening to you order?

>> No.8928630

>no. the people working the drive-thru side of line all have headsets, not EVERYBODY

>> No.8928642

>walk up to counter
>"hi can i get a ---"
>employee can't hear me, squawking coming out her headset
>figure she's busy and wait at the till
>after a few moments she lifts off one of the earpieces briefly
>puts the headset back on
>"mighty angus wi ---"
>she turns her ear
>she shakes her head and pulls out a whiteboard and marker from under the till
>give up and go to burger king

I know OP, it's probably one of the dumbest policies McD's has

>> No.8928664

You can see the prep guys in most fast food places and they clearly are not wearing headsets. What even is the point of this thread?

>> No.8928727
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>mumble my order intentionally
>shout when they ask me to speak up

>> No.8928728

are you deaf?

>> No.8928729

At wendys everyone has a headset

>> No.8928737

Then why do the bastards at Wendy's always give me the wrong order and no receipt?? Are they just fucking with me because I'm autistic

>> No.8928738

you're asking for trouble

>> No.8928740

>implying i pay
nigga I just drive off. I travel a lot so I never eat in that restaurant again

>> No.8928742

I think it depends on the location, my wendys is actually great, my local mcdonalds on the other hand is another story

>> No.8928760

My local Wendy's is a nightmare, the one a few towns over is great but obviously it's not convenient to go there all the time. But goddamn I've never seen a fast food place fuck up so much and so often, so I can only conclude that they just like to fuck with me in particular for my autism voice. :( Maybe I'm just paranoid

>> No.8928761

so what? the government watches me masturbate to hentai. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8928764

I recommend at those really bad fast food places you be the asshole who looks through his bag to make sure its right before you drive off

>> No.8928797

not really, only person that needs one is sandwich and person taking order. The rest stare at the screen or get told what to give.

>> No.8928814

You're wrong, that might be how other places do it but at wendys everyone has one

>> No.8928831

that's a qt negress.

>> No.8928832

if the manager is a white man then it will be well run

>> No.8928843

>all those qt frycooks and panini presser girls giggling at your abject embarrassment, disgusting habits and non-existent self-control

>He said "uh super size it p-pleaz"

>> No.8928849


Fast food is really only good south of the Mason Dixon line. The quality of human being, white or black, increases greatly. And the higher frequency of white fast food means the food actually looks quite like the pretty pictures.

What a joke that millions of Chicagoans experience abominations of McDonalds in arguably the flagship location

>> No.8929384
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and if you order something gay we all laugh at how much of a retard you are.

>> No.8929431

and yet they somehow manage to fuck up the order

>> No.8929497

when you crave the taste of body fluids

>> No.8929501

what are you going to do, kick my ass?

>> No.8929766

You work at a fast food restaurant. We're laughing at you.

>> No.8929797

>innocently asking what low paid workers can do to get back at you when they are preparing and handling your food

>> No.8929801


You cannot make fun of anyone if you have that mediocre job

>> No.8929809

Well, now that you mention it


>> No.8929815

>mfw due to this stigma I make 70k a year as a GM

This pleases me immensely. Feed me more whatabucks.

>> No.8929829
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>when your saying your order into the drive thru and it blares your voice so loud over a loudspeaker in the restaurant that it gets picked up by the cashier's microphone and is transmitted straight back out to you from the drive thru speaker with a one second delay

Welp guess I'll be getting the other half of my meal from the place across the street.

>> No.8929847

>Ill have two number 9's a number 9 large a number 6 with extra dip two number 45s one with cheese and large soda.

>> No.8929857

>said 6 combos
>and an extra drink
>did not bother mentioning what drink you wanted

You will get whatever I feel like making :^]

>> No.8929880

>tfw you are lying to yourself

Do you really feel superior for working on one of the shittiest jobs on earth?

>> No.8929954

Yep I'm a lier and it's all fake.


>> No.8930048

Yes. My brother used to work at a fast food place. He also said whenever they seem to get confused and have trouble correcting things, it's because the person typing in the order isn't the same person talking to me.

>> No.8930053

Whats the point of drive through, just go inside you nerds, they now have touchscreen order kiosks that people are scared to use so it's always free.

>> No.8930139

To be fair, people don't know how to enunciate (I'm looking at you black people) and we sometimes legitimately cannot understand what you're saying and yes, we do punish you when you get pissed off, though I've never seen or heard of someone spitting in food/drink/etc.

Ask a loser who dropped out of college 3/4th of the way through an accounting degree who is working at a shitty coffee shop at the moment whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.8930163

Solid pay, do you have a degree? How many hours per week do you work?

>> No.8930207

>black people
To think there are actually some white people left even in the US that have never had a irl interaction with a nigger. I used to be in the military with a few of these people, the first time they saw a nigger was in boot camp. Just imagine how great their childhoods must have been.

I went to a burger kang in a shitty neighborhood after work because it was still open after 10pm, a qt latina girl probably 17 years old was the cashier and bless her fucking heart I felt for her.
>silverback gorilla comes in while im waiting on my food
>I waunt tein chickin nuggets
>ok thatll be 1.61
>.....plus tax
she said with a sad look on her face, not even looking up from the register
>*sucks teeth* man *sucks teeth again
>pays in change while counting it out slowly in his paws
>finally pays then just stands there at the register, not moving while making snorting/nose clearing noise loud as fuck
>I get my food and give her a look of empathy

It made me stop eating fast food for months because it was so depressing/nigger fatigue setting in

>> No.8930279

>being a racist in 2017

>> No.8930287

I honestly have nothing against them, save for the 3 that mugged me (twice in NYC, once in NOLA when I was volunteering with rebuilding houses) oh and the ones who busted out my window and jacked all of my tools from my she'd, oh and the ones that heckled me while I was walking home from the bar a couple months ago, until I had to pull my pocket knife out, but beyond that they're as good as anyone else.

They do love their extra sugary drinks (even more than obese women, of all colors).

>> No.8930322

Its clear you don't live in a city
Living in the suburbs or a small town, everyone is usually fine.

But in the city, where the black community has the opportunity to be insular, its a fucking shit show. Its not just blacks, its every fucking race. Ill give the exception to Little Italy and Greektown, every other major non-white area of my city is a shit hole. When non-white cultures are allowed to be themselves in the western world, they are absolute shit holes.

>> No.8930328

I want to add, the white majority sections are also fucking garbage but for other reasons. Those sections are usually clean and I'm not likely to get mugged. But they are over priced and shitty stores.

>> No.8930368

>not knowing 2017 is the year when whitey starts to be realistic again
>pretending to be blind to race in the current year

i shiggy diggy

>> No.8930550

>I read a few anonymous stories and saw some infographs therefor my opinion is valid

>> No.8930567

even jayme?

>> No.8930572

It's probably not actually illegal for them to put the real price on the menu, (((they))) just want to trick people into thinking that it's cheaper until it's time to pay.

>> No.8930584

>obama's out, you can't hide now you dumb niggers!

seriously? you were always a piece of shit. the current year doesn't change that fact.

>> No.8930590

>70K as a GM
I'm assuming dollars but that's still bullshit.

>> No.8930596

>mfw ill just take it back and you have to replace it no questions asked
smd cunt

>> No.8930607

>Be dunkin employeee
>customer ask for a cup if coffee no extra info
>just give them a medium black to see what happens
>hirr durr i wanted a mocha choca latte
>just stare at them "I rung you up for a coffee you didn't ask for a latte sorry"

>> No.8930614


>> No.8930631

I lived most of my life at a crossroads between an Italian, a Syrian-Lebanese and a Japanese neighborhood. It was actually quite good, they all sort of kept eachother in check.

>> No.8930649

>go to McDs drive thru
>order a large coffee
>they don't ask for any extra info
>get to the window
>hands me a black coffee like that's normal
>"Can I have some cream and sugar please?"
fucking lazy shits

>> No.8930694

>what's your order, anon?
>gives coffee

you got what you ordered

>> No.8930737

>Go to McDonald's drive thru
>Can I have a large coffee
>Don't say anything else
>Usually you say "with 2 creams and 3 sugars"
>Don't say anything just give me a coffee
Ya, your the tardo friendo. It wasn't your first time ordering coffee from McDonald's was it?

>> No.8931098

work at mcdoogles

>can I get the chicken wrap
sure crispy or grilled?

>Can I get a coffee, 2 cream no sugar
Sure, 2 cream and I didn't hear the last part, how many sugar?

is your order the combo 2 with the sausage muffin on the side
>No, it's the sausage muffin with combo 2

I want these people to stop breeding

>> No.8931108

but that is normal
"coffee" is not the same as "coffee with a shitton of sugar and milk"
they should probably ask to be sure though

>> No.8931109

No one who is getting coffee from McDs is drinking it black. The employees are being purposely lazy by not offering it to you. Classic black ppl

>> No.8931114

>south of the Mason Dixon line.
>The quality of human being, white or black, increases greatly.


>> No.8931115

I don't drink black coffee from McDicks but one of my friends sure as shit does. I think you're just retarded. If you want cream/sugar, you need to ask for it.

>> No.8931127

>posts a flaming homo

>> No.8931199
File: 9 KB, 276x183, 2017-03-09-16-40-02--1616465521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That white indignation


>> No.8931205

If you don't want cream are sugar then you are the minority. The phone systems don't say press 1 for spanish and 2 for english

>> No.8931209

Thanks for the panic attack

>> No.8931210

They do in Spain.

>> No.8931243

I didn't know sandwiches could wear headsets.

>> No.8931263

All of this.

Also you ask somebody if they want cheese or what kind of drink they wanted and you get 3 mins of dead air while their bluescreeened brain trys to reconcile with the earth shattering question you just dropped on them.

>> No.8931279

>>Get made fun of after you leave

>> No.8931288

so edgy

>> No.8931311

Wendy's wanted everybody to wear one, but they were also cheap enough that their headsets were 15 year old wired headsets with the wire clips missing. You'd be on the line, wrestling the damn wire with your spatula hand, for the benefit of MAYBE getting meat down on the grill five seconds earlier. There's a lot of things I'll defend Wendy's on, but that isn't one.

>> No.8931316

Oh no! A bunch of teenagers and suicidal 20 year olds made fun of me! What ever shall I do?

>> No.8931324

>>needing to compare yourself to the lowest rung of society
>>being this insecure

>> No.8931429
File: 61 KB, 355x322, aWO3Ogq_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cares about what the people who work at McDonald's thinks of him.
>Calls me insecure.
Oh Im laffin

>> No.8931872
File: 111 KB, 292x385, 1494722497043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go through drive through and purposely order shit they dont have while acting like a retard

>> No.8932519

At the Burger King I work at there's never more than 3 people with a headset on at a time

>> No.8932527

>At the Burger King I work at

>> No.8932530


>> No.8932602

Epic troll

>> No.8932630

Please write novels, that was awesome imagery

>> No.8932638

>Tfw female employees are hearing me speak

>> No.8933087

Seconded, my local Wendy's gives about as good a service you can get at a fast food place. Local McDonalds is basically satans rat trap. Need them fries tho. I once went to a McDonalds where it was pretty cold outside and they hadn't opened the drive through so the employees were talking orders through windows in the parkinglot and running orders and change out to people. Bang up service that.

>> No.8933127

>cream and sugar
>he seriously expects /ck/ to side with him on this
Under 18s are not allowed here.

>> No.8933141
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>be a little bit on the chunky side
>order my food
>hear in the background of the guy talking to me a loud "really?", already a little bit confused but still continue with my order
>see other workers peeking out of a window looking at me and laughing
>guy just giggles and says sorry

>> No.8933154

Most places we don't all have headsets, but they do play your voice over loudspeaker so everyone does hear it

>> No.8933209

Should I beatbox into the microphone in the drive-thru to entertain the employee's?

>> No.8933211


If you want do it at the window

>> No.8933333

>go to drive thru
>order two milkshakes
>throw one through the window

>> No.8933343

>not being racist
>any year

>> No.8933345

Hahaha, back when that was big a group of kids did this to me.

I pulled some matrix shit and kind of leaned to the side/back and it sailed right past me. Made a big mess but their looks were priceless.

They were video tapeing too, that's what clued me in. I don't think they uploaded it.

>> No.8933360
File: 47 KB, 1024x717, IMG_0448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop in Target Starbucks
>"Hi I'll just have a tall coffee"
>employee walks away while I'm paying
>they don't come back so I move to the waiting area
>full minute goes by before somene else appears at the counter
>"Oh, did you want your receipt?"
>"I didn't order yet?"
>"Didn't I just cash you out?"

>> No.8933368

Ahhh, good ole case of somebody not knowing how to work a register.

>> No.8933402
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1364309577694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy something for $3
>hand teenager a $20
>uhhhhh one sec?
>adult comes over
>can I help you?
>yeah I was waiting for my change
>change for what?
>I got this, and I had a $20
>manager gives me the death stare like I'm trying to scam the store
I can't wait for automation to take away useless people's jobs

>> No.8933424

has nothing to do with obama, you fucking simpleton.
>if anyone white says anything about race, they are just being edgy
how long has this site been reddit?

>> No.8933992
