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8932577 No.8932577 [Reply] [Original]

I just got diagnosed with diabeetus type 2.

Can anyone recommend some good, relatively easy low carb meals and /or snacks?

Right now I'm not doing much more than cooking some frozen broccoli with chicken.

>> No.8932620
File: 683 KB, 886x747, dr-greger_83799539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating animal products

>> No.8932644

Wait, what? Is that a thing?

Everything I've read suggests lean proteins, primarily chicken and fish.

>> No.8932657

Ignore the vegas anon.

>> No.8933106

A few servings of vegetable soup or bean soup a week.

>> No.8933137

diabetes type 2 is completely reversible if you stop cold turkey upon diagnosis and limit your carbs to 20g per day at most with NO CHEAT DAYS.

OP, look up keto recipes on the internet or on reddit and make sure you are getting 20g of carbs MAX per day. if you don't know the nutritional facts of something you are eating, don't eat it. you'd be very surprised at how ubiquitous carbs can be.

with enough diligence you can get another chance but don't choke it away and give in to spur of the moment temptations.

>> No.8933171

Search 'dr mcdougall diabetes' on youtube and you'll do fine!

>> No.8933185

Maybe you should've been more careful in the first place, fatass.

>> No.8933279

I've heard keto touted as a treatment for stabilizing blood sugar, but how can it reverse the damage? Beta cells don't come back.

And how long would it take assuming it's effective?

See, this is why I'm asking for recipes. The first thing I saw with Dr McDougal and minutes in he says ketogenic diets are unhealthy, which is the opposite of what this other dude just claimed would cure me (which, admittedly, sounds too good to be true)

>> No.8933291
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Hes wrong. Animal products (especially eggs) cause diabetes. The human body was never meant to eat this crap its like eating poison

>> No.8933311

Lemme guess, you ate 4k calories worth of /ck/ shill approved healthy McDonalds pink meat daily?

>> No.8933317
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I don't want to live to 100, quality of life is what matters. Healthism is a cancer worse than cancer itself

>> No.8933323

>I'd rather be on my 500lb life than live to 70 eating normal food


>> No.8933326

don't listen to the vegans, anon. they don't care about your health; they're on a moral crusade and will believe/tell you anything to justify it regardless of evidence. they are not your friends.

are you sure you have t2d? type 2 does not involve beta islet cell destruction. t2d is the result of years of your body having been bombarded with so much sugar from your fat fuck lifestyle that even though you make a ton more insulin than normies, your cells no longer respond to it strongly enough to get your blood sugar below unsafe levels. the reason keto works for type 2 diabetics is that if you aren't consuming any carbs, it's physically impossible for your blood sugar to rise to unsafe levels, so there's no requirement for a strong insulin response or supplemental insulin injections.
some people also claim that over a long period doing keto, because your insulin levels are no longer chronically elevated, your cells will gradually return to normal insulin sensitivity, thus reversing your diabetes. this part is still an open topic of research, but as a phd biochemist it sounds plausible to me

>> No.8933330

This is literally the logic of hamplanets ladies and gentlemen

>> No.8933331

>Says life is about comfort
>is fat

I am only 350 now and I still have back problems, can't stand for more than a few hours, and feel like shit. Being fat is the opposite of a fulfilling recreational life. Fuck off.

>> No.8933334

tfw 280 and 2 ruptured discs

>> No.8933351

I'm not sure I have it, but I at least have strong insulin resistance. That's the only thing I know for sure.

My situation is a bit unique. I'm an American in Japan. My doctor speaks English, but his bedside manner isn't good and he doesn't explain things in detail. He's started me on 3 medications simultaneously which feels like far too much.

All the info I have is stuff I've researched personally, and a lot of it is contradictory. I'm organizing my questions to ask when I see him in two days. I want off this medication as soon as possible, but I don't know enough about the disease to know if that's a safe or reasonable request to make.

>> No.8933399
File: 241 KB, 2424x805, gr1_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah; that's type 2 then. forget everything you learned about beta cells. you're confusing yourself by reading about type 1, which, though the symptoms are similar, has an entirely unrelated cause and is not treatable by any diet

if he's giving you multiple drugs, you definitely have type 2 diabetes, which is defined as just "insulin resistance above an acceptable level" (turns out people in western countries are such landwhales now that almost half of us have some level of insulin resistance). the doctor probably gave you metformin at least. not sure what the other two drugs would be, but if you're bad enough might be oral insulin. it makes sense that you're uncomfortable with the drugs, but they are preferable to going blind and having your feet amputated.

anyway don't listen to cranks on youtube, stick to reputable sources like the cdc, mayo clinic, wikipedia, etc. your doctor is probably going to tell you to stick to a low-calorie, low-fat diet, because doctors are always about 15 years behind where the research is. low-cal will help (low fat won't), but it's very difficult to stick to compared to adequate calorie low-carbohydrate, which offers better results anyway. here's a good review of the current state of the research:

pic related: it's a comparison from the above paper of low-cal vs. ketogenic diets in terms of their ability to lower patients' fasting blood glucose (which means insulin sensitivity is improving) and glycated hemoglobin (a key metric for how far you are from blindness and amputations)

>> No.8933426

for reference, anon, the definition of diabetes is >7mM fasting glucose, which means the keto group in that experiment would no longer be considered diabetic after 12 weeks, while the low cal group is still hovering above the threshold after 24 weeks

>> No.8933455

Thank you for this.

That was my reaction when I was told my blood sugar was high, that if carbohydrates turn to glucose and the issue is with glucose, the obvious move is to stop eating carbs.

>> No.8933509

Type 1 here. You have an insulin resistance problem. Your pancreas is pumping out massive amounts of insulin all the time. Stop all carbs now and you might regain enough insulin sensitivity to not require medication. Do not listen to grain merchants. You have a problem metabolizing carbohydrates. Give your body a break for a month or two and have your A1C retested. It's worth a fucking shot.

>> No.8933511
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I'm so happy that "grain merchant" has become common slang around here

>> No.8933604

The image in that post should tell you all you need to know. Since it didn't, I'll explain: that's a well-known vegan who likes to commit scientific fraud to try to pretend that veganism is healthier than a sane diet.

Anyway, I'm in the same boat, OP, and I'm about to go on keto. I was going to start anyway, but two weeks ago I went in to see a doctor because I was feeling like shit, and my blood and urine tests came back with insane levels of glucose. Six months ago I didn't have it -- I had some blood tests done then too.

Anyway, look for the keto threads. There's a vegan moron who shits all over them, so it's hard to find anything useful (thanks, vegan, I hope you die of beriberi).

You might instead try reddit's /r/keto . They seem like a decent group, although they aren't very forthcoming on answers.

BTW, if you don't want to go full-keto, Costco sells a pretty decent nut-bar snack that has only 7g of carbs. It's basically compressed nuts held together with a little sugar syrup, with a thin film of cocoa-based stuff on the bottom for flavor.

>> No.8933617

>He's started me on 3 medications simultaneously which feels like far too much.
That's a bit odd. They're talking about putting me on just one. But it may depend on how bad your situation is.

If you want a second opinion, I'd suggest taking a trip to Thailand and going to either Bumrungrad or Bangkok Dusit Hospital. Bumrungrad still has a good reputation but I'm a lot pissed off at them over the last time I went (their service was a lot worse than in previous years, and they kept trying to upsell me on practically moving in to their hospital for a months-long "wellness program" with once-a-month testing and specially compounded vitamins and all sorts of other bullshit), so I'd suggest trying Dusit first.

>> No.8933633

>casually suggesting going half way across the world for a second opinion
>not even for a life threatening condition

sounds like you need more then one med

>> No.8933668

>being fat and unhealthy is quality life
>eating greasy, disgusting garbage is quality life

weeeeeeew laddie

>> No.8933690

>commit scientific fraud to try to pretend that _______ is healthier than a sane diet.
>Anyway, I'm in the same boat, OP, and I'm about to go on keto

>> No.8933694

Would it surprise you to know even herbivores consume minute amounts of meat, you soy-eating shitposter?


The ancestors of herbivores were omnivorous, our ancestors were omnivorous, and this flexibility allowed them to adapt through hard times to produce us. Vegans can argue all they want about sustainability, but they shouldn't push this fucktarded narrative that meat was never an integral part of our diet. Humans simply have more freedom of choice.

>> No.8933696
File: 57 KB, 511x600, carb balance tortilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

type 2 here.

i make a lot of wraps with reduced carb tortillas.fill with lean protein and plenty of veggies.

and keep those calories low. i want a big calorie deficit everyday.

don't be afraid to skip meals. fasting improves insulin sensitivity and gives your pancreas a nice rest.

>> No.8933714

start fasting and eat less carbs. you'll be fine in a month or two

>> No.8933719
File: 146 KB, 1280x565, 1280px-Diabetes_world_map_-_2000.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh mediterranean diet

>> No.8934110

Thailand is a quick hop from Japan.

lrn2geography before you criticize.

Also, Japanese doctors are pretty crappy, frankly. They don't have the same mindset that American doctors (used to) have. They will frequently not tell a patient important information for various reasons, including cost savings to the system -- if it's going to be expensive to treat you, they would rather just let you die than be a burden to society.

>> No.8934144

Morocco btfos spain again lmao

>> No.8934157

Is this type 1 or type 2? Brits are fat fucks so their type 2 diabetes should be higher.

>> No.8934160

So does exercise. Just 30-60 minute of moderate cardio daily really helps improve your insulin sensitivity.

>> No.8934579

Why is it so low in latin america? Proof rice and beans is GOAT for health?

>> No.8934962
File: 161 KB, 480x640, pima tribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


simple carbs are disastrous for native americans.

i've heard literally every adult (yes, 100%) of the pima tribe has type 2 diabetes. that fry bread fucked them up badly.

>> No.8935041
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 1492371511861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people also claim that over a long period doing keto, because your insulin levels are no longer chronically elevated, your cells will gradually return to normal insulin sensitivity, thus reversing your diabetes. this part is still an open topic of research, but as a phd biochemist it sounds plausible to me
It's what my doctor told me. I have t2 diabetes and I need to take metaformin every day, even when I've cheated a bit my blood sugar only once got above 160, most of the time it sits around 80-100. Originally when I got tested by blood sugar was around 320 after a month of some mild dieting it war around 240.

I've lost 10lbs since I was given my medication and I honestly think I'm going to be able to stop taking the medication in a few months.
>7gs of carbs
>not eating Quest Bars with 0 carbs

>> No.8935060


be careful.

i thought i cured my diabetes. i dropped the metformin, started eating like i used to, and stopped the excise.

i felt good. blood sugar range was good.

3-5 months later, the disease came roaring back.blood sugar over 250.

never become complacent. treat it like the incurable, lifelong chronic disease it truly is.

not saying you need drugs forever. but definitely never stop eating healthy and exercising.

>> No.8935075

I'm only 200lbs at 6'2. My problem was soda and candy. I've completely cut them both out. The only time I've cheated was with some Easter cake and some on my birthday. I don't even eat white bread anymore.

But thanks for the concern brah.

>> No.8935083

you can probably reverse the beetus if you get fit now bro

>> No.8935089

You need to always stay one step ahead of death.

>> No.8935091

lots of spics are starving because of their corrupt junta goverments

>> No.8935103

This map is fucked.

>> No.8935563

I've lost like 4kg in two weeks, so here's hoping.

>> No.8935578

High carb vegan. Go outside everyday and get yourself some sunlight. Drink half a gallon of pure unclorinated water everyday. Only eat organic foods. Best way would be to support your own diet by growing food.

Do not take the pills or shots! They will never fix you. You must eat frest fruits and vegetables.

>> No.8935710


Why did you go to the doctor to begin with?

What were your symptoms?

>> No.8935741

People like you delight in the suffering of others.

>> No.8935924

it's t2d. there's a pretty imperfect correlation between obesity and the beetus. for instance japan and worst korea have very low obesity rates, but quite high diabetes rates

>> No.8935927

who invited the grain merchant?

>> No.8936015

>not eating Quest Bars with 0 carbs
I'm an expat living in Asia. The nearest Quest Bar is 7000 miles away, unless someone brought one with them in their backpack (bastards aren't sharing them with me if they did).

>> No.8936029


Just go on a keto diet for a year or 2 and your diabeetus 2 will be cured.

>> No.8936033

watch some Dr fung vids

>> No.8936053

Food culture there isnt bad and there are more urgent problems in south america than diabetes and obesity though.

>> No.8936062

Failure to diagnose due to lack of available medical care for the poor.

>> No.8936063
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1494154515512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Off

>> No.8936131

>chlorine in water is what gives you diabetes
Vegans, I fucking swear.

On a semi-related note, why does every and their mother think drinking a shit ton of water is the solution to so many health problems? If you're not constantly dehydrated you don't need to be drinking tons of water.

>> No.8936723

Routine check up. The blood work had high glucose.

No symptoms other than insulin resistance as shown by the oral glucose tolerance test.