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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8931881 No.8931881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do numales love craft beer so much?

>> No.8931885

Because it doesn't taste like fucking piss. How about trying it next time instead of ordering your 40z

>> No.8931890

lol, take it easy kid. I love how mad these liberal numales get from a simple question

>> No.8931891

Real talk: that banana bread beer is legit.

>> No.8931897

>Muh nu-male boogeyman

>> No.8931960

>why did the founding fathers and men who built the country from blood and sweat drink microbrews?

Because they were real men. Why did america switch to a weakass piss water adjunct lager? Because of a female demanded prohibition coupled with the defective men too weak to fight in WWII and women clamoring for a weak pisswater.

Any other questions you feminized defective?

>> No.8931998

The founding fathers drank whiskey you dumb arse

>> No.8932002
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>> No.8932023

ikr? it's hilarious

>> No.8932034

>Why do people like craft beer

Is the real question. Further reduced: Why do people like good stuff?

If you have to actually ask that question then you're a retard. I hope you're only eating the absolute bottom tier of food, like sub-mcdonalds shit. After all, why bother paying more for something that tastes better? You clearly consider your body to be a simple digestion engine, finely tuned to run on whatever slop you shove down your stupid throat.

>> No.8932074
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>> No.8932099

I think it gives the newer generation of young men a bit of an identity seperate from the last generation of boomer men who watch football and drink one type of mass produced beer for life

>> No.8932118

Implying anyone can control quality. We buy one beer, it tastes fine, and we keep buying it until they fuck up, which is often. Then we go on to the next piss water.

>> No.8932135

Yes there were numales back then too. I don't understand your point. Like I said, real men drink whiskey

>> No.8932140

>everybody I don't like is a leftist
You're gonna find yourself with egg on your face in 8 years when everybody hates you again

>> No.8932144
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Surrogate masculinity. Between 9/11 and the financial crisis, traditional notions of manhood had begun to fray. The era of the breadwinner man who provided for his family with a factory job and, later, a pension had been lost. Geek chic started up, but the Dot-Com bubble showed how that path, too, was precarious.

Scene and emo fashions allowed confused young men to safely experiment with femininity, but they eventually died out and were replaced with a more commodifiable fad: hipsterdom. Bring on flannel and denim, beards and bikes, bacon and beer. A niche had formed in the market, and They - porky for /leftypol/, (((tha joos))) for /pol/ - had a new product for young men to purchase. Buy this expensive beer - it's manly. Buy this fixed gear bike - it's rustic and simple. But not just individual products; a whole paradigm of easily recognizable, immediately accessible masculinity of days gone by. All you need to do is open your wallet, and you too can be a manly man.

>> No.8932149

Why buy something you hardly enjoy. I don't get it.

>pic ain't even craft beer
Not subtle, but I can dig it. Truth is, it tastes good. If it doesn't taste good to you, no big deal. Why bother even thinking about people enjoying something that you don't? Especially if they're people that you've chosen to generalize to such a degree? Why bother? For (you)s?

>> No.8932156
File: 936 KB, 1200x800, 59c5d224-6221-4cc5-8f8a-bf2571a58aab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craft beer is for fucking faggots.

>> No.8932165

Honestly anon, one of these days you'll be 25 too and sitting on your porch drinking cheap 40s and smoking $1/pack little cigars. We all get old. I just got old young.

>> No.8932166

>hi guys please always buy macrobrews because microbrews are gay LOL

>> No.8932176

"craft beer is gay" is a marketing scam and you guys fell for it. Why the fuck would you support a corporation's inferior product over local companies? It's stupid as fuck.

>> No.8932181

They brewed their own beer, numbnuts. And 4000+ microbreweries in the US in 1850. Women other than whores couldn't even enter bars. Who the fuck do you think was drinking the beer? It certainly wasn't you feminized mega corporate cucks gnashing your teeth about small businesses.

>> No.8932184

>one day youll get poor
Actually most people with careers increase earnings throughout life so nah I dont see myself reverting to a depressed redneck on a college student's budget

>> No.8932200

I mean, have fun. I used to fucking hate cigarettes and beer and being outside and look where I've ended up.

>> No.8932249

You can drink on a porch and smoke without drinking shit beer and smoking shit cigs
Rum&coke and weed master race

>> No.8932274

I smoked for 4 years then quit idk around 2012. And I love being outside. Anyway I'm not seeing your point. Getting older doesnt mean you get shittier taste

>> No.8932290

The more you use a word, the less meaning it has.

>> No.8932296

That's actually really funny. I'm 24, turning 25 in 4 months. I'm drinking a pecan bear from Prarie and smoking a New World cigar. How did you know what I was doing? You're psychic.

No really, I work at a large liquor, wine, beer and cigar store so I get this stuff 15% off and enjoy it on the weekends. It helps pay for living expenses while I'm in college.

>> No.8932297

You have to smoke the cigars before you get the shitty taste.
It's like you guys think most of America has access to tons of beers. I can get less than 10.

>> No.8932310

Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism. Atheism.

>> No.8932450

all that hops gets the taste of dick out of their mouths.

>> No.8932455

The same reason you love shit posting and auto fellatio

>> No.8932457


>> No.8932477

Craft beer can be pretty good, of course, typically better than domestic. It also gives them something to brag about that they think is individual to them, since craft beers aren't as popular. The nu-male seems to be very individualistic, so associating themselves with a lesser known beer helps to further that idea of themselves into their minds.

>> No.8932505

Do you live in a dry county in the south?
Any liquor store I go to has a wide variety of beer, even if half of it is hipster ass "we shoved as many hops as we could into this" beer

>> No.8932513

More and more people are getting nice, local beers at restaurants and then looking for them in the store. I'm in the Chicago area, so we have a fuck ton of craft beer all over the place. The entire Great Lakes region has top tier beer. So much of it, in fact, that older people are really getting into it. It's really nice to see how varied the craft beer crowd is.

Source: I work in the beer department at a Binny's Beverage Depot.

>> No.8932540

That's interesting. I can definitely see older people and getting into craft beers since they actually are better. I only posted what I did because OP asked about the nu-male craft beer epidemic. As for my opinion on nu-males drinking craft beers, I'm not fully convinced that they are old enough or have drank enough beer to appreciate what they are drinking, perhaps it's more of a fad sort of thing. I might be completely wrong.. but why would nu-males dress and act steriotipically enough to be seen as such if they weren't pretty much consumed into following "their people"

>> No.8932573

They tend to be around their mid to late twenties in my experience. They've also been switching to craft cocktails as well. They have good enough jobs to have their own apartments, so they can blow money on craft beer. They also tend to be very nice and love having conversations about why they enjoy what they enjoy. Rarely do they come off as condescending, but that's just my experience. I think they just fall into a niche that caters to their tastes. I don't know. I'm not a nu-male, so I can't say. The whole nu-male thing seems to be a very sweeping generalization of men who don't fit into/don't want to fit into the whole beer gut sports dad stereotypes. This seems especially strange coming from 4chan.

Honestly, this is a more complex topic than I previously thought.

>> No.8932581


are you joking or just been autistic your whole life?

> I'm not fully convinced that they are old enough or have drank enough beer to appreciate what they are drinking

lots of kids drink beer. me and my friends used to get high and drink beer. we called craft beer "dank beer" and yes, even a teenager can tell that lovingly crafted brew > cold sterile pisswater macros

>> No.8932590

Fuck off normie, no one cares what a 22 year old thinks about beer

>> No.8932597

4chan will always and forever be contrarian, even if its something that aligns perfectly with the general audience

>> No.8932607


yeah, and nobody gives a shit what some basement dwelling autistic faggot thinks either

>> No.8932612

i'm not denying that younger people can't appreciate good beer. it kind of seems that you are being confrontational for you reason, but its 4chan, so i can't blame you. i do it all the time. i was more talking about "nu-males" and their obsession with craft beers. even more specifically, how snobby they seem to be about it.
thanks for giving a more well thought out argument. to be honest, most of the "nu-males" if you might even call it that, have been generally good people as well. i may have lurked so much that i just have a weird red flag going off in my head when i see young men of the type. that being said, i really don't enjoy hanging out at the bar with them. they always seem to slip into a fit of talking about beers and ingredients, etc., rather than just being able to enjoy the time at the bar and talk. i'm an al/ck/ though, so i really have no place to argue as to why exactly there is such a fascination with the taste of beers. give me the cheapest vodka and i can be happy

>> No.8932617

and sorry for all the typos. like a said, i'm an al/ck/. perhaps i should go back to the thread i belong to, haha

>> No.8932621

That's funny, because many "craft" breweries are being bought out by investment firms and larger companies that manage multiple breweries. They become much more profit driven at that point. The mark up on beer is actually very, very low. We don't make much on it compared to say, wine or spirits. If a craft beer is expensive, it's because the brewery itself (plus distributor you get it from) charges that much. So you have this issue of a craft brewery, like Ballast Point, Lagunitas or Cigar City, getting bought out, the prices staying the same, while the quality of the beer drops. Lagunitas has stayed surprisingly strong, but Ballast Point kind of sucks ass these days.

Basically, "craft" breweries includes the likes of Sam Adams and Ballast Point. While they do produce better product than your typical macros, they also can do what Ballast Point did and start producing garbage (their new stuff just makes me sad) while charging too much, or what Sam Adams does by producing "ok" stuff that follows the trends a tad late.

Again, I work in the industry, so I'm kind of caught up in all this. At the end of the day, your local options are the best.