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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 260x504, mnt_dew_throw_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8927739 No.8927739 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a better soda than this?

>> No.8927747


>> No.8927750

Fuck your meme soda. It sucks

>> No.8927756
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>> No.8927781
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>> No.8927785

Mexican coke

>> No.8927816

That's some pretty good shit.

Objectively inferior to Virgil's

>> No.8927846
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>> No.8927855


Out of my way peasants.

>> No.8927859
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>> No.8927913
File: 37 KB, 372x480, SprecherRootBeer-logo_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only.
Culvers root beer is great too.
The best is A&W draft. Canned or bottles it's mediocre. From the restaurant it's phenomenal

>> No.8927963

On your way to the glory hole to suck off other men?

>> No.8927983
File: 145 KB, 900x1600, C.C._Lemon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese sodas.

>> No.8927984

got a 10 pack of that stuff. it has to be imported to my country. after i drank 3 in a row over the period of an hour, my piss turned fluro green.

how the fuck can anyone justify drinking this poison? the shit is absolutely fucked.

>> No.8928002


enjoy your cellulite, rolls, and stretch marks!

>> No.8928006
File: 21 KB, 485x272, Blenheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had it since last summer. Seriously craving that lip-numbing tingle. it's seriously fucking wonderful stuff.

>> No.8928010

If we gave a fuck, we'd be be on /fit/. This is a board for hedonism.

>> No.8928016

>eat a bunch of asparagus
>piss smells foul afterwards
How the fuck can anyone justify eating this poison? It's absolutely fucked

>> No.8928023

do you have beets in your country

>> No.8928025

Yeah, Beets by Dre.

>> No.8928032

yea its better quality of life than the USA so of course we have beets.

why would you eat the literal autism fruit? its just water anyway

>> No.8928053
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>> No.8928100
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It's called "pop", you fucking plebs, not "soda".

>> No.8928106

soft drink. not soda, not pop, you weeaboo freak.

>> No.8928119

>you weeaboo freak

I find that very offensive, friend.

>> No.8928130

Anything with sparkling water and any form of flavor is soda. Champagne is just soda wine.

>> No.8928148

Kool-aid is powdered soft drink mix, therefore soda

>> No.8928153

Only if you mix it with club soda

>> No.8928154
File: 38 KB, 276x500, hansens-mandarin-lime-soda-12-ounce-cans-pack-of-24-978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never see people talk about Hansen's which is a shame cause they make good soda. This flavor is fucking good, really refreshing.

>> No.8928161

Yeah, no soda at all because it's literally poisonous sugar that rots your teeth

>> No.8928175

>poisonous sugar
You don't understand words do you

>> No.8928211

that actually sounds pretty legit.

>> No.8928232
File: 64 KB, 741x604, 1490279793441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there really people on here that don't drink soda?!

>> No.8928256

Vimto is best. Plebs dont know about Vimto

>> No.8928281


Not the same anon but I hope you realize that refined sugar is literally a toxin.

>> No.8928282

That stuff is the best rootbeer I ever had and I fucking love rootbeer. Damn shame the only fucking store that sold it stopped offering it.

One day hopefully I will find a store that offers it...

>> No.8928293

I have a Dr. Pepper every once in a while (last one was at least about a month ago), yeah.

Honestly, when i started making changes to my diet for my health (which was never necessary, but i like feeling healthy and not like a tub of lard), soda was the first thing to go

>> No.8928294

>remove molasses
>sugar somehow becomes a deadly chemical

>> No.8928299
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>> No.8928310
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Nehi Master race

>> No.8928318

This mother fucker gets it.

>> No.8928321

I had a keg of this at my high school graduation party

>> No.8928322

Fuck off you yankee prick.

>> No.8928329
File: 14 KB, 287x176, 優れた日本のスチール.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goat mint sigh bake a guy gins.

>> No.8928341

Shasta cola, black cherry flavor

>> No.8928348


Even a brief examination of studies over the past few decades on the effects of refined sugar on the body will show you the truth. Here, let me help you get started.

>Soft drink intake increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Soft drinks and fructose intake are also related to the risk of the development of gout, metabolic syndrome, and the risk of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

>> No.8928365

>"literally a toxin"
I bet you're one of those organic food quacks

>> No.8928370

>ginger beer, I get bundaberg, but their are other good ones
>San Pelogrino, blood orange, lemon, grapefruit
>jaritos 'lime'

I think the pepsi 1893 can be nice if I'm in the right mood.

>> No.8928395


I guess you can argue about the definition of "toxin" if you want but I think it's fair to define a toxin as a biologically produced poison and I really struggle to understand how one could be presented with a substance which, when ingested, causes a significant increase in the likelihood of developing the aforementioned diseases, and say, "No, that doesn't seem poisonous at all".

I bet you're a sad fatty who can't imagine life without his candy and soft drinks. No one's trying to take them away from you, man. It's just sad seeing you fight so hard to avoid admitting that sugar is bad for you.

The guys in the alcoholic thread all understand that alcohol is bad for them and they keep drinking it. It's ok to admit that sugar is bad for you. You can still keep eating it.

I do wonder what kind of sad flyover shithole you're living in where saying that sugar is bad for you is enough to qualify someone as a "organic food quack". Unreal.

>> No.8928404

It's not a "toxin" then.

>> No.8928406

Where does he or the source he posted say 'toxin'? And like it or not, refined sugar really is hard on your body if you don't eat it in moderation. All diets ultimately run on this basic principle, regardless of their gimmicks (e.g. paleo is healthy because of what you're NOT eating, such as refined sugars and trans fats).

>> No.8928409

He said it here
It's typical hippie hyperbole

>> No.8928420

Original and melon are the best

>> No.8928422

it's coke, unless you are talking about something specifically not coca cola.

>> No.8928435

get of the internet Radar, your drunk.

>> No.8928448


A toxin is a biologically produced poison. A poison is a substance that is harmful or lethal to a living organism.

Using these very simple definitions, we can come to the simple understanding that a substance (refined sugar) that is produced biologically (by plants) which causes harm to human beings in the form of a clinically proven, statistically significant increase in the risk of a variety of diseases, is in fact a toxin and I would really like to see you offer a rebuttal of this very straightforward logic instead of calling me a hippie simply because I understand that the two liters of coke you drink every day is bad for you.

Its not hard, son. Engage your brain for a second and realize that "lol ur a hipy" is not an argument. Are you really this invested in maintaining your belief that sugar isn't bad for you?

Oh hey what's this

>sugar is toxic irrespective of its calories and irrespective of weight

>Isocaloric fructose restriction improved surrogate metabolic parameters in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome irrespective of weight change.

Just admit that you're a raging fatty and this can all be over.

>> No.8928471

>A poison is a substance that is harmful or lethal to a living organism.

Why can't you just let the modern world wash away your soul and let technology take your flesh? They're both as useless as nature. We can take our rightful place gods as soon as we let go of the arbitrary laws of biology.

>> No.8928496

I understand your reasoning, but applying the word this way leads to a lot of confusion as many foods/substances taken to excess are 'toxins' per your definition (table salt, for instance). The FDA itself does not consider it an 'acute toxin', meaning that it won't kill you in a short period of time, though it can cause chronic health problems

Again, moderation is key. The dose makes the poison.

>> No.8928514
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This has gotten me curious, what if we modified our bodies in such a way that made the food we want to eat entirely healthy? Could we then metabolize things like artificial coloring and preservatives in a useful way?

>> No.8928531

If we modified ourselves to the point we could live off of spoiled food (disregarding taste and appearance), wouldn't that make preservatives redundant by extension?

>> No.8928535

But I'm wondering if the actual preservatives could be useful in a chemical way. Besides, convincing people to eat healthy rotten food is a hard sell no matter what.

>> No.8928536

Or you can, you know, actually eat like a normal human

>> No.8928538

I am but I want to turn all the red 40 we're naturally consuming in to something biologically useful.

>> No.8928838
File: 28 KB, 375x500, PGoW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its a pure glass of water

>> No.8928844

>a type of soda
Good job reading the OP

>> No.8928855

>been trying to lose weight
>one of the things ive done was give up soda
>fitness trainers tell me after a few months of not drinking soda, youre gonna hate the taste of it if you try drinking it again because your body is basically trying to reject it
>5 months without soda
>have a "cheat" day and drink a root beer
>it tasted like the best fucking thing in the world

i guess once a fat fuck, always a fat fuck.
though i did end up losing like 30 pounds during those months.

>> No.8928877

>can't drink soda in moderation
>thinks a little liquid candy now and then will make you fat
maybe you should learn a little more about nutrition there, anon

>> No.8928890

>can't drink soda in moderation

this is really what it comes down to

Do you like ice cream? Yes, well are you gonna eat it all day every day? Obviously not.

>> No.8928987
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Although Sprecher's Cherry Cola is amazing, I think I prefer Dr. Brown's Black Cherry Soda.

>> No.8929001

>Threads are always filled with interesting sodas I can't find at the store

Oh well, at least we have Virgil's.

>> No.8929066
File: 26 KB, 311x470, stock-photo-man-puckers-after-tasting-a-lemon-74858224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 70 lemons


>> No.8929106

>made with REAL sugar
wow, that's impressive

>> No.8929132

IRN BRU. its a liquid candy bar. you can feel your teeth rot with every sip...

>> No.8929191

Kroger stores tend to sell them, Food4Less in my city sells them for like $5 for a 6-pack.

>> No.8929363
File: 39 KB, 450x450, 207807_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dr pepper

what the hell is wrong with you fags

>> No.8929366

your ctrl+f button must be broken

>> No.8929373

Sounds like someone is butthurt because he can't have a freshly-poured tall glass of cold Cheerwine.

Fuck anyone who thinks Cheerwine is anything less that God's gift to soft drinks.

>> No.8929496


Wait, this is a soda? I always though Cheerwine was a bum wine like Night Train or MD 20/20.

>> No.8929500

It's watered down Dr pepper

>> No.8929898
File: 109 KB, 128x507, Virgils_RootBeer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside fags

>> No.8930000

This shit tastes worse than regular Dew
Baja Blast all day

>> No.8930114

Mountain Dew is one of the few sodas that actually taste worse with real sugar though

>> No.8930147
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only real niggas know bout this

>> No.8930178
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>> No.8930840

>Drinking 3 in an hour
Shut the fuck up, that's your fault

>> No.8930908
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I was very happy when Christmas Tree Shops randomly had it, I dunno where to find it otherwise in NJ

>> No.8930923
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Mah nigga.
I prefer original Game Fuel, the formulas are similar. Voltage makes a good substitute when I can't get it.

>> No.8930936

I buy it by the gallon

>> No.8930983

mountain dew is disgusting. 7up is refreshing.

>> No.8931016
File: 425 KB, 300x700, Dew_SA_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they should just put artificial sweetener in everything like this shit. I guess the only way I can enjoy this is if I mix all three flavors myself.

>> No.8931038

This and Baja Blast are the best Dew flavors.

>> No.8931062
File: 157 KB, 557x605, when you find a boys bhole thats just right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baja Blast should never be enjoyed without Taco Bell, sorta glad it lost.

>> No.8931067
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Back in the 1990s, this stuff was amazing.

>> No.8931070


>> No.8931076
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Same thing goes for cigarettes. I vaped for 2 weeks, then decided to buy a pack of my favorite cigarettes (pic related). The first few hits off that cigarette were better than anything I have ever tasted in my life.

>> No.8931088

>what is soda water

>> No.8931093

>a pure glass
>of impure water with carbonation

>> No.8931819

my man

>> No.8932103
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Expensive compared to regular sodas but it's pretty good.

>> No.8932320


>> No.8932338
File: 89 KB, 708x708, AHI_434d50323535383031_1_LowRes_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it, /ck/

>> No.8932349

yeah what he said is total bullshit

people get fat cause soda tastes good

it takes discipline to not drink it

>> No.8932359

Sounds awful

>> No.8932363

I used to drink 4 sodas a day minimum and gave it up cold turkey for 3 years. I drink soda at restaurants now and its fucking delicious.

>> No.8932364

Salt is an absolutely vital component to the human body. You need salt to live. What refined sugar do you need to live?

>> No.8932374

When a real nigger hit the door

>> No.8932441
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I used to get this all the time at this hotdog joint in my town growing up

>> No.8932775
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>> No.8932830

this shit gives me headaches 99% of the time and makes me feel like garbage

>> No.8932930

you realize your body runs on sugar correct? Sugar in normal amounts is not toxic. Sugar in large amounts is really bad for you however, but its not because its "toxic". Its because of the effect it has on your metabolism.

>> No.8932935

Well then by your "very simple definition" water would be a poison because you can drown in it or die from drinking too much. Fucking idiot. Better rethink your argument because your debate skills suck. You could have very easily made your case that sugar is bad for you without sounding like a complete fucking faggot idiot retard autistic freak.

>> No.8932936

>made with REAL sugar
Remember seeing some OJ that was labeled "with REAL ORANGE flavor"

Is there an addiction worse than soft drinks?

>> No.8932939

i love dew-s-a. Its delicious.

>> No.8932942

Are you a troll? Too much salt will kill you quicker than a massive amount of sugar. Please consider suicide.

>> No.8934581

Anything can kill you in sufficient amount, but you still need salt to live retard.

>> No.8934649
File: 94 KB, 576x768, 1491883160575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try this scottish drink but I live in the states. Is it pastabowl to get it here? I heard the us has a problem with some dye or some shit in it.

>> No.8934671
File: 59 KB, 800x390, goitre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to completely abstain from salt and then post your goitre

>> No.8934702

T. Cocke sucking faggots

>> No.8934720
File: 18 KB, 155x378, yoli-soda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patrician's choice of lime soda here

>> No.8934757

fuck they stopped making that completely?

>> No.8934764

that's from what's added to salt in the developed world, not the salt itself

pretty much all the shit we grew up with in the 90s like margarine, processed low fat shit, and complete absence of salt being healthy is all now being called useless or worse though

>> No.8934782


Are you fucking retarded?

Goiter is from lack of iodine which is not inherently in salt. Iodine is added to salt for that purpose.

Your body runs on glucose. It also runs on sodium and a lot of other things. What I was saying is that you will die by eating a massive dose of salt before you die eating the same amount of sugar you fucking pieces of human excrement.

I have a degree in biology so I think I'm a little more educated than some fucking retard that knows nothing about why salt is necessary for your system. Please kill yourself I would be genuinely happy.

>> No.8934794

There is enough naturally occuring salt in foods we eat to keep us alive. If you knew anything about why the human body needs sodium you would realize that meat itself contains it.

Salt is necessary for nervous system responses. Without salt your nervous system wouldnt work and your muscles would not move. Same with potassium. Now come back when you learn something about action potentials and sodium channels you fucking piece of dog shit.

>> No.8934822
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>> No.8934827

My negro compatriot. That's how you tell a real root beer afficianado from someone who just likes root beer-flavored sugar water. Virgil's has a hearty, herby taste because it's brewed with actual roots and dirt and shit. It's a man's soft drink. Really more similar to sarsaparilla than what we typically recognize as root beer.

>> No.8934844

A&W from the restaurant is amazing. Culver's and sprechers are A+ too

>> No.8934853

Canada Dry

>> No.8934865

They are made in Texas. I will sell them to you for a fee :)

>> No.8934866

Mellow yellow is superior to mnt jew in every possible way.

>> No.8934875

I met the founder of cheerwine's granddaughter at a Unitarian retreat back in high school. 8/10 would fuck

>> No.8934877

Dr Pepper and Sprite

>> No.8934879

I agree, mountain dew throwback is one of the few sodas I actually enjoy. Cane sugar or bust

>> No.8934971

They started making this with real sugar instead of corn syrup, recently. Which is a shame because the toned-down sweetness makes you realize how weak the root beer flavor actually is.

>> No.8935051

Mah nigga. Not enough Mello Yello lovers on this site. It's so smooth.

>> No.8935719
File: 19 KB, 450x450, 25c78a49-c06e-4661-8a17-70ccf84638e6_1.806a8e31452843058b0f637ee04ff5bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ;(

>> No.8935733

No, it's cherry you retard.