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File: 120 KB, 1024x768, Coffee lovers can now make an espresso from their car .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8924481 No.8924481 [Reply] [Original]

Yes I'm an coffee expert and I will try to solve your coffee related problems.

>> No.8924490

My coffee isn't as energizing as amphetamines
How should I fix this?

>> No.8924498

I don't get very good extraction when brewing in a press. Is it because my beans are shit, my water's too cold, my grind is too coarse?

>> No.8924501
File: 107 KB, 1024x696, Snorting Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch to high quality instant coffee anon.

>> No.8924505

What is the cut off point after a pot is brewed that it should not be consumed?

>> No.8924508

>when brewing in a press
be exact what type of press

>> No.8924512

old wife's tales that there is a time

>> No.8924518

by OP the coffee exopert

>> No.8924523

A coffee press

>> No.8924534

yes smartAss but there are two types of coffee presses so be specific

>> No.8924551

What's the best instant?

>> No.8924558

The kind used for coffee.

>> No.8924559

No there aren't. I Googled "coffee press" and it literally only comes up with one type of thing. Clearly you know jack shit about coffee. Thread hidden.

>> No.8924572

>No there aren't. I Googled "coffee press" and it literally only comes up with one type of thing
Post name of that type.
And I immediately prove you wrong.

>> No.8924575 [DELETED] 

I'm looking to buy a new drip machine around $100

It's important that it doesn't burn my coffee when keeping it warm and also that it isn't Cuisinart brand because their shit is shit

Would be able to spend more if you can really sell me on a good machine. I have a French press for lazy mornings, but on work days I'd like something programmable so it's ready when I wake up.

>> No.8924582

Google "coffee press" you inbred moron. There's only one type.

>> No.8924607

My old coffee machine broke recently and now I'm having a hard time finding a new percolator, any suggestions?

>> No.8924615
File: 90 KB, 1024x744, snort-kellianne-hutchinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it's ready when I wake up.
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is very unwise very unhealthy.
So in that case no need to but this type of gadgets.
Coffee is not your stupid soft drink.
If you can not dedicate 3-4 minutes to brew fresh cup of coffee (grinding coffee beans using/operating respectable device to brew coffee) after you had your breakfast,then perhaps you should switch to instant coffee anon.

>> No.8924616

I don't like coffee

>> No.8924619

Make way for the fucking EXPERT everybody. Moron.

>> No.8924623

>There's only one type.
>Post name of that type.
>And I immediately prove you wrong.
I don't need to google, don't tell me to google. you are too limited in your knowledge to compete with me.
Post that type, it's name or STFU
>And I immediately prove you wrong.

>> No.8924627


>> No.8924630

So if the coffee has been sitting there for months and starts molding and shit it's fine to drink? You're taking the piss. Fuck outta here.. Wives tale... I'm mad now.

>> No.8924652

>Fuck outta here.. Wives tale... I'm mad now.
I said >>8924512
>old wife's tales that there is a time
I said that there is no time, as that there is no past and there is no future.
anon you are clearly insinuating things saying what you said.

>> No.8924734

whats a good tasting coffee thats still relatively cheap? i hate paying top bucks for good coffee but folgers tastes burnt to me. preferably something i can buy in bulk containers.
t. Huge jew

>> No.8924749

Maxwell House is really good for the price and also they have a catchy jingle haha. Our houseee..

>> No.8924756

Stay away from dark roasts, of any brand. Dark roast coffee is carcinogenic, causing cancer.
Use medium roasted coffee beans.

>> No.8924759
File: 568 KB, 2088x576, Very burnt COFFEE and garlic bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark roast coffee is carcinogenic, causing cancer.

>> No.8924780

are brown unbleached coffee filters better from the white filters, I thinks both are bad

>> No.8924782 [DELETED] 

lmao some coffee expert, I'm asking about drip machines you fucking autist, not for life advice on when and how to drink my coffee.
go neck yourself you dumb shill, you know nothing about coffee.
Thread hidden.

>> No.8924790 [DELETED] 

Not OP, actual coffee enthusiast here -
buy a metal mesh filter for your machine.
It costs less than constantly buying and throwing away coffee filters, won't clog up your machine and makes better coffee.

>> No.8924817

the aggressive nature of your response indicates that you are disturbed individual and you seriously should stop drinking coffee.
just look at you, you are a mess, emotional train wreck
quit coffee, at least for 1-2 months and notice the difference in your mood and personality.

PS, making coffee in paper filter machines is definitely not brewing coffee. it's just making coffee.

>> No.8924821

>and makes better coffee.
why you think it makes better coffee

>> No.8924855
File: 4 KB, 250x231, kekken3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP claims to be coffee expert
>argues with people over semantics instead of offering any actual advice

>> No.8924872 [DELETED] 

Because it doesn't pass through the paper, giving it the cheap paper taste and absorbing bleachy paper bits and all that. It's a more "pure" brew.
The mesh filter is easy to clean with a brush and provides consistent results.

If you think all drip machines use paper filters, you're a literal retard.

>> No.8924890

>I'm looking to buy a new drip machine around $100
>If you think all drip machines use paper filters,
$100 all do

>> No.8924905 [DELETED] 

>$100 all do
Not exactly true. I've seen a few from Cuisinart and Hamilton Beach in the right price range which come with metal filters pre-equipped, not to mention that you can buy a metal filter for nearly any paper filter machine, but I'm looking for the best.

Just stop posting, you get more embarrassing every time.

>> No.8924907

true coffee expert here

no one in this thread knows dick from squat

>> No.8924998

What is the difference between making coffee and brewing coffee?

>> No.8925000

So what is the difference between dick and squat, smartypants?

>> No.8925839

>which come with metal filters pre-equipped,
OP here,
metal filters and paper filters they both 'disturb' taste of coffee

>> No.8925845

I assume he's steering the car with his cock

>> No.8925892

are jealous?

>> No.8925898

How do i fix my caffiene addiction without quitting cold turkey

>> No.8925939
File: 17 KB, 800x316, coffee stained teeth .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google and read all the negative aspects of drinking coffee it will give you information that will help you with it.
also if you have stained ugly teeth from coffee that is one more reason to quit, it was for me.

>> No.8926392
File: 103 KB, 1024x614, gastritis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I run out of coffee beans I didn't buy any more of it, but I bought jar of instant coffee and now that jar is gone and I'm cool with not buying any coffee any more at least for now.

To my surprise going from beans to instant coffee somehow help me to ignore "importance" of coffee in my life.It's not that important actually,
and I must say I do feel better, more relaxed when I'm not drinking coffee.
Not that really important, and my stomach feels and works better now after I quit drinking coffee. And no more yellow teeth.

>> No.8926405

I want to drink cold filtered coffee. My current beans aren't that tasty as a cold brew and the flavor is too diluted when I make an ice brew. What do?

>> No.8926503

Go to half-caff, and gradually replace more of your coffee with decaf. That's what I did, now I only drink the equivalent of 2 cups of full-caff coffee a day.

>> No.8926514

Are mini espresso makers like in
any good?