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8922675 No.8922675 [Reply] [Original]

how to make the best grilled cheese?

>> No.8922691

Spread each opposing side with only the lightest possible layer of butter or margarine. Only cook on a medium heat and NEVER higher. For a sandwich that is more gourmet, I like to use country white bread and real, Colby longhorn cheese.

>> No.8922692 [DELETED] 
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Kill yourself

>> No.8922723

Go to Missouri Lounge on San Pablo in Berkeley and order one.

>> No.8922727

I will tell you how

Butter the bread, not throw butter in the skillay
Use garlic powder on the bread


>> No.8922741
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on both sides

>> No.8922800

A thin layer of dijon or other (good) mustard can really work well with some grilled cheeses. Otherwise, garlic can do it too. Can't get too elaborate though--it's just a grilled cheese.

>> No.8922844

You are triggered like a SJW blended with soccer mom and I love it.

>> No.8922879

>thin layer of dijon
This. I like to throw a little rosemary in the pan too.

>> No.8922935

I tried this and it was fucking disgusting

>> No.8922988

I spread a very thin layer of vegemite on the inside of one of the bread slices, adds a great savory flavor.

>> No.8923023
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Make Boat Eggs (or whatever you niggers call them) and broil cheese on top. Pic very related. Put it together and what do you got? Eggy yum yum grilled cheese delight.

>> No.8923029

Grill it with butter. Thats most of it.

>> No.8923037
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Did someone call?

>> No.8923041

Never had eggies-in-a-basket with cheese. Sounds good.

>> No.8923049

I like to put stuff inside it. Tomatoes and onions are my favorite fillings, but people enjoy bacon as well.

Don't forget to pepper the cheese.

>> No.8923404

Does anyone else find these disgusting? One side with cheese in an oven isn't something I like but it isn't sickening, but op's pic is gag-inducing to me.

>> No.8923418
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>> No.8923429

Grilled cheese is the epitome of "better when someone else makes it for you".

>> No.8923432

It's been 25 years, but I always used to put Doritos in mine.

>> No.8923503

butter (mayofags are subhuman)

>> No.8923526

Literally never heard of a person eating mayo on a grilled cheese until 4chins. Is it a national/regional thing, or just a meme?

>> No.8923531

I'd say national in that there are people all over that do it, but I don't want to give the impression that it's all that common. Butter is definitely the way to go.

>> No.8923570

I put a slice of cheese bread between two pieces of toast.

>> No.8923584

Are there people from a country other than the USA that have a particular penchant for it?

>> No.8923591

I registered the gmail account "cheesetoastandchocolatemilk" many many years ago.

>> No.8923672


Colby jack is the key.

>> No.8923694

don't fucking slather it in mayo next time then you fucking knuckle dragger

>> No.8923720


>> No.8924380

>believing in memes

>> No.8924390


>> No.8924543


Die you fucking kraft-fag

>> No.8924659

Holy fuck never thought id see another person from the bay here, Missouri lounge food is fucking great after a few beers or shots.

>> No.8924667


>> No.8924694

>get a george foreman gril
>put cheese inbetween two pieces of bread

>> No.8924771

I'm sure it's delicious and all but fuckin' hell that's a lot of butter

>> No.8924946

The fact you even know that a gif of a grilled cheese is from derpibooru is fucking hilarious. TY retard.

>> No.8925121
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>> No.8925128

use olive oil instead of butter. and only white cheeses

>> No.8925143

depends on what kind of microwave you have

>> No.8925167

That's looks like it's been fried not grilled.
I'd assume from the fact that you're posting here you'd know the difference?

>> No.8925219

you must be dumb af lad. that's all i'm going to say. "fried" LOL

>> No.8925812


>> No.8925820

ITT: Amerisharts get confused between grilling and frying.

>> No.8926384

>Eurotards think that using butter in the cooking process turns every cooking process into frying.

>> No.8926712


>cake recipe calls for butter
>obviously fried cake

>> No.8928147

neck yourself

>> No.8928431

I just make french toast but with cheese between 2 slices.
It overcomes the usual dryness issue

>> No.8928436

Are yurokebabs really this retarded?

>> No.8930029

I just use ketchup for that

>> No.8930297

Ketchup on grilled cheese? I seriously hope you are joking.

>> No.8930949

It's the only thing ketchup is acceptable on.....

>> No.8931156

Ok, here's how. I literally just made one, and it's amazing.

Bread, mayo on one side, orange marmalade on the other, cheddar, gouda, provolone, American. Grilled in duck fat.

So fucking good.

>> No.8932466


>> No.8932488

I mean, that's one way to expend 700+ calories.

>> No.8932502

>Orange marmalade

That's so messed up.

>> No.8932518
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>> No.8932531

I've never had a grilled cheese made by another person that I enjoyed more than my own, and that's a little bit depressing to me.

>> No.8932670

>Toast bread in totaster.
>Canned cheese on hot toast.

>> No.8932725

What kind of oil did he use?

>> No.8932826
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>Anon, did you just put a parmesan crust on a grilled cheese?


>> No.8932840
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i usually do this with cheddar

>> No.8932972

I literally need a flat top in my house, what is this contraption?

>> No.8934441
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Oi m8 we only eat a cheese toastie with Coons tasty cheese

>> No.8934485

Ghee, with sourdough and do not flatten the bread.

Use singles or some other fake burgerland cheese. The faker the better.

>> No.8935501

You're going for the fruit, cheese, and duck combination. You might be a heretic, but I'm curious.

>> No.8935511

electric grills are usually flat tops
did that blow ur mind?

>> No.8937116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8937120

Old dried chese makes it better

>> No.8937225


>> No.8937237
File: 91 KB, 1300x999, Grilled_Spinach_and_Cottage_Cheese_Sandwich_Recipe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would ya?

>> No.8937246


That's how gluttonous assholes make grilled cheese. Tell jon favreau to go fuck himself and make a real grilled cheese.

>> No.8937249


Why can't you make food for real people?

>> No.8937303
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>> No.8937317

That looks disgusting.

>> No.8937319

Meanwhile this looks bretty good.

>> No.8937322

The only good ones in the whole thread

>> No.8937340
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>> No.8937342


>> No.8937348


>> No.8937354

Sourdough, muenster or chihuahua, kimchi. Buttered on the outside, of course. Bacon optional.

>> No.8937378
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You don't even deserve this (you)

>> No.8938974

ime the simplest grilled cheeses tend to be the best if you're going for the comfort food angle. Serving it with tomato soup or some other sort of tomato dipping sauce/spread is vital, though.

>Honey-wheat or whole wheat bread
>two Amerilard, cheddar cheese, or monterey jack slices
>Melt medium-sized slab of butter in pan
>Put samwich in pan while butter is still melting and slide around pan so butter covers entire slice of bread
>Put slice of butter on top of other bread slice and flip over when bottom slice is golden brown
>Cook until other slice is golden brown and cheese is melted
>Serve with creamy tomato soup or shakshuka base (no eggs)