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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8919204 No.8919204 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an honest discussion about marijuana infused food?

I feel the taste of the oil complements savory meals better, sweet stuff just seems like an attempt to cover up the taste rather than work with it.

I just made a pasta sauce with pic related, and boy oh boy did it taste good, the weed taste didn't stick out like a sore thumb and kinda added this subtle bitterness that worked well with the rest of the meal. Also it got me high af lmao

What are your experiences making food with weed?

Dutertefags need not apply

>> No.8919217

dude like it's all natural bruh


>> No.8919223


>> No.8919227


>> No.8919243


>> No.8919260

Go be mad somewhere else little fella.

I tend to prefer the taste of infused sweets: cannabutter on a croissant is the best

>> No.8919266

I find it varies a lot due to the different terpene profiles strains have. It definitely imparts flavor, but it's hard to pair.

>> No.8919274

I guess Colorado just woke up....it's about 4pm there.

>> No.8919432
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I love weed but I think the food infusion meme is for faggots

So are the bullshit catch phrases like 'clean healing'

>> No.8919787

I've said it here before but I just make butter out of it and make a laminated dough for croissants and tarts. Works in a pinch for either savory or sweet but I don't notice a weed flavor. I just like eating weed over smoking cause the scent doesn't get into everything and it just gives a better high for the buck.

I'm also bit of an anal freak about how much exact weed I want per square and I've got it down exact in this method. Other stove top cooking I might like to add more of a sauce or less or seasoning and taste while I go about it. So besides baking with exact measurements I don't wanna bother with cooking with weed.

>> No.8919797

I've never had an edible where you couldn't taste the weed
plus they don't effect me that much. but these days I should try again, I quit for a year and started smoking again just about a month ago
When I used to try edibles I was an every day smoker so that might have been the cause of barely feeling anything but then again I had friends who smoked just as much as me and they would get baked as all holy fuck off edibles

>> No.8919802

I don't understand how people don't like the taste of weed, I think its delicious, especially the purple strains. If your cannabutter tastes bad you probably burned it or used shitty hay weed.

>> No.8919827

have you ever made your own?

dealers that sell weed edibles are tight af with what they actually put in the brownie/bar/whatever. Dealers also don't give a fuck about flavor and will leave in stems or let the weed stay in too long. Mainly gotta think about it from their point of view if someone were to make it tasting well and fine not tasting strongly of weed then they wouldn't sell as well just because a buyer would smell it and not strongly smell weed and think it's weak when it could be stronger than other bullshit.

Basically it's best to make your own. Control taste and strength.

>> No.8920039

>tomato sauce for medical use only
do you rub your face with it or use it as a mouthwash or something

>> No.8920120

>period pains
>back pains
>knee pains
>migraines that prevent you from falling asleep
Go in to a certain medical guy and bitch about one of the following "symptoms" and you get your weed card.
>t. Californian

>> No.8920340
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>lying to a sketchy doctor just to get weed
t. WAfag

>> No.8920350

You faggots that are addicted to weed are pathetic.
>b-b-but you can't get addicted to le weed xDDD
You're an addict.

>> No.8920353

Heres a good one OP. Try dipping a bullet in some oil and then shoot your dick off.

>> No.8920361


dude weed brownies will fuck your shit up compared to just smoking

>> No.8920372

weed butter on toast with a bit of homemade jam is pretty goat

>> No.8920375
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Prove it.

>> No.8920385

chill doctor drew

>> No.8920406

I have made my own with my sister, cannabutter and all, and again she got super fucked up high and I barely felt anything
ehh, I prefer the feeling of a good smoke anyways

>> No.8920463
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>Dutertefags need not apply


>> No.8920475
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>> No.8920538


>> No.8920622

Does't anyone got recipes?

>> No.8920645
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>I'm also bit of an anal freak


>> No.8920657
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Try this but using sturdy sandwich cookies instead of graham crackers so you get that frosting in there with the PB. One should fuck you up if it's sufficiently dank weed. Don't forget to let the PB sit out a lil bit so you can spread it easier. Don't skimp on the toasting of the weed either. That's what makes you high. It should be a nice toasted brown, don't just go by the video because it's not true to life colors.

>> No.8920762

I addicted your mom last night lmao

>> No.8920795

Savory food is more likely to be a cover than sweet food. Savory food has herbs and spices that can stand up to weed. Sweets, not as much. I like cannablondies, they're very weed-forward.

>> No.8921218

Some junkie sold me a huge box of marijuana leaves for 4 usd (equivalent of local money). I bought them to experiment making my own edibles so I ended up with a kilogram of infused nutella/PB. Two days ago I ate like three spoons and by the two hour mark it didnt hit so I ate some more.
An hour later I was concentrated in not dying or freaking out, it was great.

>> No.8921260
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Picked up this at the dispensary. I appreciate that it lists the tolerance on the label. I wish they had that here. The butter I bought has 450mg of THC per 4 oz supposedly but I tried just using a little and nothing much happened. This feels like a much cleaner but also less intense high than when I make my own edibles.

>> No.8921267

What color should it be approximately when it is toasted enough? Are you saying his was insufficiently toasted?

>> No.8921385

As mentioned by some of the other anons, I don't like being able to detect the taste of weed in my food. Best thing I've had though, was an infused root beer. Scoop of vanilla ice cream in a mug, and you've got a stony root beer float. Didn't taste of weed at all.

>> No.8921440

Just smoke it. Or make brownies if you can't smoke.

Weed infused food is just a way to charge you 8 bucks extra for a slight buzz. It's the equivalent of having a beer with your meal.

>> No.8921449

Druge are no jokes. i once accidentally a cannabis. Ruined my whole family and I later woke up dead in my sleep from eternal bleeding. May you survive forever resting in piece.

>> No.8921587
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Just watch this show (the cooking part at least). Haven't had marijuana in 3 years and I still enjoy it and pick up some recipes to try

>> No.8921649

>meanwhile studies proving that weed induce schizophrenia

>> No.8921772

Hey, Art Linkletter! Nancy Reagan called from the 70's and wants you to come back to the decade you belong in.

>> No.8921859

I had a brownie once. Hated the high, but really liked the taste. Is it possible to get weed flavored brownies without THC?

>> No.8921891

As a professional marijuana chef,

marijuana tastes like fucking ass.

All the "good' edibles have had their marijuana products processed thru processes like water curing to entirely remove the terpenes, chlorophyll, and flavor imparting chemicals.

Even top quality buds do not impart a "good" flavor to foods. The taste is off putting and not one that most humans find palpable.

The best way to make tasteless weed food is to either boil buds (minor potency loss) or water cure for a week or so.

>> No.8921931

>premade pizza sauce
Absolutely degenerate. Don't even need to mention the weed because we've already hit rock bottom