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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.34 MB, 5312x2988, vitamins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8913756 No.8913756 [Reply] [Original]

Top: morning vitamins
Bottom: evening vitamins

Come at me.

>> No.8913758

I see you're doing the "live in the future where everything comes in pills" diet, OP.

>> No.8913766

>the fat american eats nothing but cheese burgers so he needs vitamin supplements

>> No.8913768

Sure, why not.

>> No.8913769

Deflect much? My daily diet is fine, and I'm not fat. What's your excuse for not optimizing your health?

>> No.8913779

>What's your excuse for not optimizing your health?
because if you had a brain and went to the doctor. blood test would tell you what vitamins you need. instead of giving yourself too much shit you don't need.

food > vitamins

>> No.8913785

you almost certainly piss 90% of that out

>> No.8913788

too much of anything will be bad for you, and this much will at least be redundant, seems to me like you might have an irrational fear of a nutrient deficit maybe talk to a gp or a psychologist bro

>> No.8913793

I actually get everything my body needs from the food I eat
Going to the bathroom must be extremely painful. For you

>> No.8913815
File: 35 KB, 424x269, mpro-mens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why not just take a one-a-day?

>> No.8913833

Reeeee fda shills

>> No.8913840

is that all you eat?

>> No.8913843

Biology guy here, can confirm this is true, and that in general supplements are a scam. Sure you get "some" of what you take, but most of it runs through your body.

>> No.8913854

I get blood tests done every 4 months, because I am deficient in certain vitamins and mineral, and because I have hypothyroidism. So, back the fuck off.

>> No.8913857

why didn't you just say that in the OP then?

>> No.8913858

I know that much is pissed out, but what sticks is much needed and well deserved.

>> No.8913859 [DELETED] 

>Biology guy here
Why do I hate you so much. Maybe it's because any dickbag can just throw "biology guy here" before their anonymous post and get free pathos.

>> No.8913861

because he made it up just now to try and look less retarded after everyone called him out on his faggotry

>> No.8913862

>Going to the bathroom must be extremely painful.
Why? And no, I piss and shit just fine. As a matter of fact, I'm regular like clockwork.

>> No.8913869

>come at me

I bet your taste in interior design is atrocious.

>> No.8913870

Of course not. I eat a varied diet of mostly vegetables and fish, with a little rice and fruit thrown in there, plus the occasional red meat, pasta, and poultry. I snack on things like fresh fruit, nuts, roasted seaweed, pickles of various kinds. I don't eat much dairy, but I love cottage cheese.

>> No.8913873

Why did I need to say it in the OP? I honestly thought people might be interested in what's in there, but I guess everyone just wants to try and insult the fact that I'm taking care of myself.

>> No.8913877

>I eat a varied diet of mostly vegetables and fish
>I am deficient in certain vitamins and mineral

sounds good cunt

>> No.8913878

Eh, some people might think so. It's a mix of classic mid-century modern and asian influences.

>> No.8913881

>deficient in certain vitamins and mineral
then you're not eating healthful foods.

>> No.8913883

>thinks just because you eat a healthy diet you can't be deficient in vitamins and minerals.
Surely you can't be this dumb.

>> No.8913885

You said "come at me" and now you're complaining about people coming at you. Grow a pair, you fucking fag.

>> No.8913887


>> No.8913890

Because the lack of fruits and vegetables in your diet
Watch out for colon cancer, people as young as 30 get it

>> No.8913892

this isn't IRC. take a breath faggot.

>> No.8913895

>implying I didn't expect this
I know where I am, gaylord. This is /ck/. I knew when I posted that people would "come at me", which is why I said that. Still, I thought some people might be interested in what I take and why, but if not, that's fine too.

>> No.8913898

Medical student here.

Can you detail what you're taking? Be sure to stay very well hydrated and avoid supplemental fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) unless one of your deficiencies calls for it.

>> No.8913900

Nah, my colon is clean, I've had a colonoscopy before.
(also, I eat tons of fruit and vegetables)

>> No.8913917

How is this food and cooking related?
Supplements are not food (They supplement food)
Supplements are not cooked.

>> No.8913936

Evidently in your case you're a dickbag that can't fo a simple Google search to find pages and pages and pages of scientists telling you this is infact the case.

>> No.8913945

And to clear it up, I have chronic deficiencies in iron (ever since I was a teenager, it's hereditary), vitamin D, and vitamin B12, plus the hypothryroidism, but I take a prescription for that.
And another thing, I don't take the full amount recommended on the bottle for most of the supplements, because in some cases I think it's overkill, except for the vitamins I'm deficient in. Also, as you'll see, some of these I take because I have some joint issues that have popped up as I've gotten older.
>Fish oil
>B complex
>Glucosamine and Chondroitin
>Raspberry leaf
>Reishi, Shitake, and Maitake mushroom complex

>Vitamin D
>Hyaluronic Acid
>Alive (its a "green" multi that has plants, algae, probiotics etc in it)
>Another Collagen
>Super Cortisol Support (my doc recommended this in conjunction with my thyroid medication)
>Tumeric with zinc and L-carnosine

>> No.8913946

It's not a healthy diet if it's causing you to be deficient in vitamins and minerals.

>> No.8913952

Yeah, but you didn't make the post interesting enough to elicit that kind of curiosity/interest.

Your post is basically "i take vitamins wanna fight about it?" And, really, no one gives a shit about your special dietary needs: this is 4chins not your personal blog

>> No.8913953

a cheeseburger likely has most of what you need in a day

>> No.8913956 [DELETED] 

Why are you so mad? You repressing a lot of pent up anger about your failed life, baby weiner, and lack of respect from anyone irl?

>> No.8913971

OP is retarded for taking shillosamine and chondroishill but not taking several grams of vit C a day. Read Defying Gravity by Bill Starr to get redpilled on supplements by an olympic coach.

>> No.8913977

Ok, I get it, you're an idiot.

>> No.8913979

Most of this stuff is fairly benign and I don't see a reason to not take this beyond the potentially prohibitive cost. What the hell does raspberry leaf do?

Have you noticed any changes in your stool or urine since adopting this regimen?
I'm happy you're not taking full doses because it is overkill if you're eating a real diet.

One of the biggest problems in medicine is non-compliance with medications, you'd make a good patient! Do what you wanna do.

>> No.8913980

which one helps you forget you have crippling autism?

>> No.8913985

>this is 4chins not your personal blog
Tell that to all the threads about "I don't like this and let me tell you why".

>> No.8913987

I get plenty of vitamin C from my food.

>> No.8913993

This isn't me.

>> No.8913999

Plenty to stave off scurvy but not enough for joint health, evidently.

>> No.8914003

The only changes I've noticed is that my urine is much more yellow after I take the B complex, but that makes sense. Other than that, everything is normal as usual.

Yeah, I'm actually very compliant about medications and doctor recommendations, because I want whats best for me. HOWEVER, the one caveat to that is that I'll come home and cross-reference what I learned at the doctor's office, but I still take their advice and take my medication as prescribed.
Also, I never take a supplement without looking up it's usage, dosage, and interactions with other medications/supplements.

>> No.8914010

As you get older, your joint health is going to decrease no matter what. And it starts early, earlier than most people think. Obviously, the degree affects people differently, but it still happens.

>> No.8914053

What are you guys opinions on the fact that I take just fish oil and a b-complex that includes vit C and folic acid most of the time.

>> No.8914102

As long as you're getting most/all your other nutritional needs taken care of with your diet, sounds like a good vitamin regimen to me.

I fairly regularly take:
>B + C complex
>St. John's wort
>sometimes SAM-e (love this stuff)

I keep my diet full and varied enough that i generally get what i need from what i eat.

>> No.8914116

I could compile my list for you both if you want to stop half-assing.

>> No.8914264

Stop pretending to be me.

Anyway, just got back from a doctor's appointment, actually. (I started this thread while I wasted time before I had to leave). Anyway, good news is my iron, vit D and B12 are still fine (since I take those every day), but my thyroid is still too low, so my doc is increasing my thyroid med dosage. Eh, hope it helps.

>> No.8914280

>Come at me.
I'm afraid you'd shatter. I don't have insurance to cover that.

>> No.8914304

>getting labs back on the same visit.

Right bud.

>> No.8914313

Dumbass. I never said I did my labs today. I did them Friday morning. And this visit was to go over them. Try using your brain once in awhile.

>> No.8914317

Your post barely makes any sense. I'm not worried.

>> No.8914322

>spending money on a 2nd visit rather than your Doctor having a nurse call you with the results and putting in the order to your pharmacy.

Keep getting jewed with office call fees you dumbass cuck.

>> No.8914330 [DELETED] 

He said you're frail and unhealthy that's why you need to put all those chemicals in your body.

Not too hard to understand. Maybe you should take some brain pills too nu-male.

>> No.8914341
File: 127 KB, 400x400, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, do you fucking need an entire medical history to STFU, you annoying little twat? I had to go in anyway, because I had other things to talk to the doctor about, besides my lab work.
This is why I hate most humans. They're too stupid to realize that things function any other way but their own.

>> No.8914348

This is why I hate frail humans, they are a drain on the insurance system when they should just die.

>> No.8914349

>all those chemicals
Guess what, your body, right now, and all the time, IS FULL OF CHEMICALS!!!! OOOGGEEEEBOOOOOOGEEEEE!!!!!!!!

>> No.8914359

You first, low IQ twat. Also, I pay for my own insurance, do you?

>> No.8914378

Of course I don't, I'm skilled labor (undergraduate degreed) so it's provided as a benefit from my employer.

>> No.8914396

>My daily diet is fine
it obviously isn't if you need to take all those vitamins

>> No.8914406

You're still paying for it, it's deducted from your paycheck pretax. Part of it is covered by your company, but you still pay.

>> No.8914409

I actually might barf.
What a bad way to kill yourself.

>> No.8914414

The vitamins are extra benefit, and three of them are to cover deficiencies. Instead of me trying to explain something so simple AGAIN, to another idiot, just go read through the thread.

>> No.8914420

Good, I'm glad I could make you barf today.
How sad, to be scared of vitamins. That's just ridiculous.

>> No.8914427

>My daily diet is fine

Evidently not if you feel the need to take all those supplements.

Past a certain intake you just piss the excess out anyway.

Literally pissing your money away.

>> No.8914435

>making a thread for the sole purpose of getting offended
Is it summer already?

>> No.8914439

If you need this many vitamins a day I suggest eating a bullet and revoing yourself from the genepool.

>> No.8914440

Is this really all you people can come up with? Fuck, even the med student that posted didn't have a problem with it. But little fear-mongering weirdos who are afraid of vitamins sure do. Bah....Some people, like me, carefully calculate their diets and what will help and what will hurt and what doesn't matter. Apparently people like you and others in this thread just eat whatever the fuck and think you're getting everything you need for optimal health. You're ridiculous. Either come up with something better than "you can't say you diet is fine if you take vitamins" or piss off.

>> No.8914444

If you really think I'm offended, then you haven't been here long enough. We make these threads for the bants.

>> No.8914445

I think the sentence you just typed is cause for removing YOU from the gene pool. Maybe if you took vitamins, you'd have better brain power.

>> No.8914457 [DELETED] 

How are vitamins food?

This faggot should be banned.

>> No.8914501

RIP liver and kidneys

>> No.8914545

Nah, they're all good.

This is just as related to food as any other food-health thread. Supplements and vitamins are made from food, plants, and other nutritive substances.

>> No.8914601

It's shit quality everything.

>> No.8914879

Fuck off you shitty attention whore. Saged.

>> No.8915326

people who take vitamins live shorter lives and are more likely to have heart attacks and strokes

maybe... maybe fix your diet and don't be a statistic

>> No.8915333



You report this shit people.

>> No.8915339
File: 29 KB, 288x216, UPJ00940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only vitamin I need.

>> No.8915348

My physiology professor said Americans have the most expensive piss in the world because of all our vitamin supplements

>> No.8915436

Do you feel better at all eating all those vitamins? What all are you taking? I really only take a multivitamin.

>> No.8915546

They probably know all about the market value of piss.

>> No.8915577

Actually, I do feel better, especially since I have deficiencies in 3 of them. But, besides feeling better, more energetic, and more cognizant, my hair is thick and lustrous, my skin looks great, just general well being.
Here's the list of what I take >>8913945, but you really need to tailor your supplements to suit what you need. And, also, the recommended dosage on the bottle is usually overkill, unless you have a deficiency. The only ones I take the full dose of are the three that I'm deficient in.

>> No.8915588

citation needed

Most people who experience complications from taking vitamins are people who go overboard and take way too much of certain vitamins and mineral. Excess of ANYTHING isn't good for you and can be toxic or cause health problems.

>> No.8915603

Additional vitamin supplements dont do anything for your body.

>> No.8915611

Yes they do.

>> No.8915614

No they dont.


>> No.8915627

Thus far, several meta-analyses, authoritative reviews, and expert panel reports have been published on the use of MVMs in preventing chronic diseases in healthy individuals. Almost all have found no overall benefit. For example, a systematic review and meta-analysis, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), in 2007, concluded that, “Treatment with β-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E may increase mortality. The potential roles of vitamin C and selenium on mortality need further study”.[19] Another more recent meta-analysis concluded that, “Dietary supplementation with folic acid to lower homocysteine levels had no significant effects within five years on cardiovascular events or on overall cancer or mortality in the populations studied”

>> No.8915634

That's one article, in one publication. I bet you can look through that website and find articles on how vitamins ARE good for you. It all depends on who wrote the article, who did the studies, and who paid for the studies to be done, because it will skew the results.
Doctors, yes, real medical doctors, regularly tell patients to take certain vitamin and mineral supplements. And it's the fat-soluble vitamins that are dangerous in large doses. You need to get out of your echo chamber and look at an issue from all sides.

>> No.8915640


>> No.8915644

>“Treatment with β-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E may increase mortality.
Those are FAT SOLUBLE vitamins, they are stored, which is what makes them toxic in large amounts. You're cherry picking.

>> No.8915649

Its a study of other studies. Stop denying science. Neither of you actually clicked the link and bothered to read the abstract.

>> No.8915656

Is anyone else having problems with the captcha?

>> No.8915662

In the United States, 40 – 50% of the men and women 50 years of age or older regularly use multivitamin/mineral (MVM) supplements, making the annual sales of these supplements over $11 billion. However, the question remains whether using MVM supplements is beneficial to health. This article reviews the results of randomized studies of MVM supplements and individual vitamins/mineral supplements in relation to overall mortality and incidence of chronic diseases, particularly cancer and ischemic heart disease. The results of large-scale randomized trials show that, for the majority of the population, there is no overall benefit from taking MVM supplements. Indeed, some studies have shown increased risk of cancers in relation to using certain vitamins.

>> No.8915668

I'm not denying science, you are. Science doesn't work on just one group of studies. It takes dozens and dozens, over years. And it' still doesn't change the fact that they are mentioning mostly fat soluble vitamins, which people (at least smart people) already know not to take too much of due to toxicity.

>> No.8915682

You are specifically talking about MVMs. That doesn't apply to the OP or anyone taking singular supplements.

>> No.8915688

Thats classic science denial. Youre denying the method in which those studies took place and that the compilation of the data that this article is using isnt worthy of interpretation because of it.

That article I posted cites 33 different opinions dude.

How many do you need?
Yes it does

Also, neither of you are posting conflicting studies proving their usefulness. Youre just arguing out of your ass.

>> No.8915694

Post PEER-REVIEWED meta-analysis of any studies arguing for the usefulness of vitamins and supplements or shut the fuck up.

>> No.8915696

>being this delusional

YOU are the denier here, buddy. You keep harping on about the same thing while totally overlooking the fact that they are talking about MVMs and fat soluble vitamins. Jesus christ....you are fucking THICK.

>> No.8915700

Ive posted literally the only actual science that exists in this thread.

>> No.8915715

This is a MUCH more inclusive and balanced set of studies that matches both benefits and risks of using vitamins and supplements. And, as usual the benefits outweigh the risks, with the exceptions being fat soluble vitamins, and minerals that are toxic in large amounts.


>> No.8915717

"vitamins dont work"

"yes they do"

>posts meta-analysis that proves that they dont

"b-b-but those vitamins dont count, studies that have included literally thousands over multiple years and that were peer-reviewed dont count either. Youre dense AF"

>> No.8915720

You've posted biased science, which is as useful as zero science.

>> No.8915724

>peer reviewed meta-analysis

>biased science

Lol kay.

>> No.8915725

Keep it up, one-trick pony.

>> No.8915728

Did you even read the other anon's link? I didn't think so.

>> No.8915736

Then you're getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need, and should stop before you give yourself an overdose. Hypervitaminosis is a problem, especially with Vitamin A.

While 'nutritionists' and oddball geniuses like Linus Pauling might claim otherwise, neither of them are/were qualified to make dietary recommendations. So listen to the actual experts telling you it's a bad idea, and cut them out. From the look of it, they weren't doing anything special for you anyway.

>> No.8915746

>its a tripfag gets BTFO and everyone learns how to filter tripfags episode

>> No.8915748

Did you look at the list of vitamins OP takes? There's no vitamin a, e, k, or lutein there. So shut the fuck up already.

>> No.8915760

Oh sure, you're right, my internist has no idea what he's talking about, even though he's one of the best internists in the city. I guess I'll just ignore his recommendations on the vitamins and minerals I should take.
(you dumb faggot)

>> No.8915768

Yep. And my article actually directly says that a study cited in yours is bullshit.

Also I randomly followed one of the sources and the claim in the study you linked totally doesnt match what the conclusion of the study they were citing.

Fuck off.

This whole article is cherry picking and misrepresenting original studies rather than a true meta-analysis.

Further if you just google "vitamin health benfits"

Literally all of the first top 10 links state that literally all that you need to do to get the vitamins you need is maintain a normal diet. But by all means. Spend 60 dollars on a vitamin you already put in your body by eating.

>> No.8915774

>“Pills are not a shortcut to better health and the prevention of chronic diseases,” says Larry Appel, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research. “Other nutrition recommendations have much stronger evidence of benefits—eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing the amount of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and sugar you eat.”

>The exception is supplemental folic acid for women of child-bearing potential, Appel says. “Folic acid prevents neural tube defects in babies when women take it before and during early pregnancy. That’s why multivitamins are recommended for young women.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all women of reproductive age get 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. The amount of iron in a multivitamin may also be beneficial for women of child-bearing potential, Appel adds.

>> No.8915784


>"I think this is a great example of how our intuition leads us astray," Salzberg told Shots. "It seems reasonable that if a little bit of something is good for you, then more should be better for you. It's not true. Supplementation with extra vitamins or micronutrients doesn't really benefit you if you don't have a deficiency."

Thats the opinion of this dude


But feel free to think that your stupid asses knows more.

>> No.8915791

Fucking pseudoscience retards. I really wish you guys would just stop.

>> No.8915796

You posted 4 times in a row you. Maybe you tripfag because you have an attention deficiency.
...or maybe you just take it up the shitter

>> No.8915801

Annnnd we've made it to ad-hominems.

>> No.8915809

>Fucking pseudoscience retards

yeah, you are not that good at presenting an argument I'm afraid

>> No.8915827

Because of your bias you're not going to accept the opinion of actual scientists and people in the medical field that actually see the front lines of this shit. I cant help you. But please, continue wasting money and spouting pseudoscience.

>> No.8915834

I was just pointing out that you went addddd hommminem first
of course vitamins are a waste of money, no one else on this food and cooking board gives a fuck though

>> No.8915845

Calling someone a pseudo-science retard isnt an adhominem. Im not saying theyre retards and that makes their argument invalid. Im saying theyre retards because of the argument presented is retarded. Learn the difference bro.

"im not going to listen to you because youre a faggot"- adhominem

"youre a faggot because of your argument"- not an adhominem

>> No.8915852

"You're a tripfag attention whore" - ad hominem...?

looks like we're both wrong, according to your fluid, almost made up definition

>> No.8915859

I take zinc for big cums

>> No.8915863

Yes, thats devaluing the argument because Im a trip to avoid actually having to respond.

"You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument."

>> No.8915869

What vitamins/food rich in vitamins should I take to unfuck 4 years of heavy drinking?

>> No.8915872


Having to educate some niggas today. You guys should be glad Im even wasting my time on you.

>> No.8915873

maybe you're just an actual retard as well as a tripfag, you've given me a lot to think about

>> No.8915884

to be clear, I am not arguing with you. I am saying you're a faggot.

>> No.8916216

Ladies and Gentlemen, the face of schizophrenia. Or just OCD combined with narcissism. Could be either.

>> No.8916222

go back to /sp/ faggot, and dont forget to GRIP n SIP

>> No.8916262

My man, dont was your time, this vitamin autist is just a character here in /ck/.

>> No.8916280

all us non tripfags aren't the same person, I just called him a faggot and he decided he had won a moral victory

>> No.8916283

Just make sure you don't take too much vitamin c, unless you want guaranteed kidney stones.