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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8906086 No.8906086 [Reply] [Original]

What are you serving /ck/?

>> No.8906100


>> No.8906105

Food for two, one plate heavily laced with arsenic.

>> No.8906106


>"You're literally a billionaire, we're going out or ordering in, you cheeky bastard."

>> No.8906110


Cuckerberg is a "reformed" Jew. They eat pork. Only the orthodox keep kosher, especially in Ameristan.

>> No.8906115


>> No.8906123

Karaage and curry like the weeb I am.

>> No.8906133

Sit up straight Mark.

>> No.8906160

What's his end game?

>> No.8906316

He recently said that he's "no longer an atheist."
It means he's running for office soon.

Couple that with the "experiments" Facebook has been performing, and it's clear he will brainwash millions of people into voting for him.

>> No.8906323

Oh good. Another businessman with 0 political experience in office.

>> No.8906337

Have you heard Zuckerberg speak? There's no way he's getting into office.

>> No.8906339


Why doesn't he wear anything but a t-shirt? That's embarrassing.

>> No.8906342

Have you heard Trump speak?

>> No.8906346

A noose for that kike.

>> No.8906349

pork, cheeseburgers, and oysters

>> No.8906353

Facebook's entire business model is persuading people to respond in a certain way.
Their influence is so vast that I believe, if the Zuck went all out, he could win an election in a landslide.

>> No.8906355


It's a lot different than being a literal stuttering autist like Mark.

>> No.8906356

Rice in stew

>> No.8906369

While he can be a decent talker, Trump won due to the cannibalization of the left. I've never heard zuckerberg talk, but with a little coaching I'm sure he'll do fine

>> No.8906377


>> No.8906386

Yeah I see a nervous young man who hasn't gotten used to putting himself out there. With a little time he can come around. Wouldn't be shocked if his stupid travel around the country shit is a way to practice getting out of his comfort zone desu.

>> No.8906395
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>> No.8906412

I wouldn't let him in my house in the first place.

Also, who eats off styrofoam plates and plastic forks and cups in their own home? It's obviously a nice home, they have the family crystal in a case behind the Jew. You know they have plates and cutlery.

This. All that money, and you're not even going to offer to take us out to a nice seafood restaurant or something? Fuck off. There's only one kind of person who travels to Ohio for photo-ops eating our regional foods with "real americans": someone who wants your vote.

>> No.8906417

this could possibly be amazing

>> No.8906420

Does he think he's the king or something gracing commoners with the opportunity to feed him. If he was in a bad spot and needed food and shelter it's okay but I doubt that's the case.

>> No.8906421

Skyline Chili

>> No.8906429

It was :^) next time ima crumble up the nutty buddy.

>> No.8906605

But this time it's ok because liberals suck his cock

>> No.8906614

When you have a big Sunday family dinner with 10+ people, why waste dishes whenever everyone would be just fine with some disposable stuff?

>> No.8906620

We can't afford much in this region.

I'd offer something like vienna sausage and wonder bread casserole, try to see his face as he tries to choke down the food that the majority of his users have no choice but to subsist on.

It'd be lulzy

>> No.8906623

He's a jew and they don't like paying for things except buses for political activists.

>> No.8906624

Because throwing plastic goods into the ground when you could very practically have used dishes is wasteful.

>> No.8906626
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he's 100% running for office in the near future

the only question is if it's president or not

>> No.8906630

Who gives a shit if its wasteful? For one, if youre having a get together why spend your whole time cleaning when you could just throw away the dishes? Two, at most its 10 each of plates, bowls, knives, forks, spoons. Compare that to the thousands of tons that get dumped everyday and its nothing.

>> No.8906634

>Who gives a shit if its wasteful?

the ameriburger defined. back to the fast food thread, fatty.

>> No.8906640

My personal information.

>> No.8906641

>he's 100% running for office in the near future
>the only question is if it's president or not

You'll next in the next 8 months. If he doesn't run in the mid-terms, he might make a Trump-like spring for the White House.

>> No.8906644

For an appetizer we'll have a nice ALLLLLLAHHHHHHHHHH
And then right into the main course: HU AKBAR!!

Maybe cheesecake for dessert

>> No.8906646

>why spend your whole time cleaning when you could just throw away the dishes?
That's what children are for. They do the washing up.

I lived all my life in Ohio. Paper plates are for picnics and church potlucks. You don't set them in front of guests in your home, it's shameful.

>> No.8906657

>facebook safe
>me post meals there all day
>me have family info
>addressings to house
>have girlfriend status
>have 842 friends
>they not spying on me!
>u have tin foil hat, Facebook good people

>Turns out to actually be a spy tool used by the NSA to violate privacy.
>Zuckerberg gets caught cross linking failed password entries to yahoo accounts, everyone thinks he's a hero and omg so smart.
>Zuckerberg seeks public office.

Hillary #2. How do you guys feel here 10 years later when our "conspiracy" turned out to be fact?
My nose is clean. I don't use social media or support spy agencies like Google and Facebook.

>> No.8906659

The only reason thousands of tons is dumped is because of the millions of other retards that share your pov

>> No.8906662
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Rice and lentils, since it's all I could afford.

Thanks for showing up with literally no notice, by the way. Half-portions for everyone.
And thank you for not bringing a side dish or anything.

>> No.8906747

we would eat hot dogs and mustard, no buns (he looks like a paleofag), and we would give each other haircuts. he definitely needs a new one.

>> No.8906754

Autism can't be coached away.

>> No.8906834

And so it starts, even before fucking campaign season. /pol/tards rushing into the fray with alternative facts about any potential threat to their orange tinted emperor.

>> No.8906843


Do "reformed" Jews eat shit too?

>> No.8906860


Wow, Facebook invades your privacy and they datamine the shit out of you? I WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN WITHOUT YOU!!

>> No.8906920
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>> No.8906955

"They trust me. Stupid fucks."

>> No.8906970

I'd love to see Zuckerberg go up against Trump. The yid would get eviscerated.

>> No.8906974

But ten years ago you were saying the complete opposite. Everyone was.

>> No.8906998

ten years ago the people who used facebook were smart enough to realize that supplying a website with detailed information about yourself is not an invasion of privacy.

>> No.8907018

If you're a Jewish lawyer, sure, but these people were lured.
How did the entire world get a people database this huge? This should not exist.

>> No.8907029

what does me being jewish have to do with anything?

>> No.8907039

>How did the entire world get a people database this huge? This should not exist.

humans are social creatures, why would they not want easy access to interaction with other people?

what makes facebook so bad that no one should use it?

>> No.8907299

>what makes facebook so bad that no one should use it?

For me personally I find its mass data harvesting and collaboration with the security services and marketing scum deeply immoral and, frankly, unsettling. Also if I never see anyone I went to school with ever again, it'll be too soon.

Now, please bear in mind I prefaced that with "for me personally", and I'm aware not everyone wants to live like a member of the French Resistance just to make a point.

>> No.8907455

>but I support Drumpf loosening internet regulations so every corporation can collect everything about anyone without permission

This is the way corporate sycophants think.

>> No.8907465

Go back to tumblr you tree hugging hippie libcucks

>> No.8907468

Churchill stuttered too, and look how far he got. No one's born with perfect confidence and self-image; it's cultivated, and cultivation takes time.

>> No.8907473

>letting him in
Big mistake

>> No.8907605
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>> No.8907609


>> No.8907639


>> No.8907970

lol. trash europoors detected. Funny how I always see you guys start bashing someone for where they live first but yet you all think youre better than them.

They aren't guests. They are family.

>> No.8908001

I don't think being a bazillionaire will ever stop your Mac Attacks once you've eaten McDonalds.

>> No.8908067

Fuck. Trump supporter here but I giggled

>> No.8908091
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would you like to eat some basgheti?

>> No.8908858

He literally looked up a family that switched from democrats to republicans just so he can go to their house, freeload, and tell them to switch back.

>> No.8908874

this. trump repeats phrases to the point where each of them is it's own meme, but he's got confidence and a surprising amount of wit when on stage. mark acts like woodie allen. the things that are on his side is 1) Jewish 2) billionaire 3) controls largest social media site. his weakness is his personality.

>> No.8909156

Churchhill looked like a man at the age he ran for government not a 10 year old boy

>> No.8909164 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 540x960, you fucking faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be zuck
>>pop in randos houses for food
>>fucking faggot
u definitely deserve a fucking ban for this fucking post you fucking faggot

>> No.8910615

Ask him what communists like to eat.

>> No.8910635



Blood pudding


>> No.8910636

I am serving one Jew cooked for 3 hours at 1700 degrees F, for one. New recipe but I'll let you know how it turns out.

>> No.8910671

Zuckerberg would get fucked by ethics concerns. Almost every US government agency and subagency has a Facebook page and he makes money off of those. If people are getting their panties in a twist about the Pentagon having to rent a room in Trump Tower to store the nuclear football or foreign governments renting rooms in Trump's hotels then they'll get their panties in a twist off of Zuck profiting off US and foreign govt activity

>> No.8910727

He can just "divest" to his wife like our emperor did to his family ;)

>> No.8911345

Is zuckerberg the president you dope?

>> No.8911411

I live in Indiana and I'll be damned if I dirty my good plates for guests. Paper plates are easy to use and dispose of.

>> No.8911495

And normal plates aren't?

>> No.8911501

Zuck isn't as powerful as you think he is.

He got BTFO in Hawaii despite having so much money.

All that money couldn't convince native Hawaiians to trust the white rich man

Notice how Zuck is avoiding Hawaii on his nationwide tour.

>> No.8911503

I barely want to clean my own dishes as it is. Why would I want to feed, entertain and clean up after people just to have them over when I can have them give me their plates that I simply can throw away?

>> No.8911521


>> No.8911526

Paper plates are low class unless it's a barbecue.

>> No.8911544

Ah, I see. You're some schmuck who cares about titles.
Come over to my house, kick it, eat I don't care. But don't complain about how you do those things at my expense and your leisure.

>> No.8911559

Etiquette exists even if you ignore it.
Using paper plates just makes you look like a lazy wasteful bum.

>> No.8911581

>gathers data on every american that signed up

>> No.8911589

If we are having a sit down dinner, sure.
If we are shooting the shit, eating pizza and watching movies/playing games, etc then no. Paper plates.

>> No.8911836

>gathers data on every american

Yeah, good thing we've got a corporate congress and orange emperor that expanded those capabilities. I'd hate to think we were slacking off.

>> No.8911843

>paper plates and plastic forks

>> No.8911942

We're talking about the hypothetical of him running dipshit

>> No.8911970
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>Mark Zuckerberg got the munchies and walked into an Ohio house thinking it was a Taco Bell

>> No.8912129

Obama was the one who legalized spying on American citizens.

>> No.8912143

pork tenderloin sandwiches with onion, bearnaise sauce, and cheese because fuck you, goddamned kike

>> No.8912258


Try again. Bush started these programs.

From the Washington post in 2005:

President Bush signed a secret order in 2002 authorizing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the United States, despite previous legal prohibitions against such domestic spying, sources with knowledge of the program said last night[2005]

>> No.8912304


>still butthurt
>probably also tired of winning

It must suck being a loser

>> No.8912562
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Whenever your masters unyoke you for your break, feel free to bury your head in the sand again.

>> No.8912883


>> No.8913195


>t. lazy shithead

>> No.8915406

of course. he's new money. the dude didn't grow up with chefs making his meals

>> No.8915420

For this guy?
Something well seasoned with arsenic.

>> No.8915423


>> No.8915499
File: 24 KB, 820x284, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going to post a picture of notepad because this site won't let me post it. Links below.



>> No.8915501

I'd offer him the door out

>> No.8915518

knuckle sandwich

>> No.8915521

I'd serve him out the door

>> No.8915534

I'd serve up a shitty advert in between every mouthful.

>> No.8915706

Nothing there makes your original statement more accurate.

>> No.8915742

t. shitter who would never do his own dishes at a guests.
shut the fuck up

>> No.8915756

The host does dishes.

>> No.8915812

