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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1000x750, Cup-of-Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8888293 No.8888293 [Reply] [Original]

I just made perfect cup of coffee and like to post about it, to brag and to ask questions.

>> No.8888301

I agree someone make a coffee thread I have something I wanna say about Coffee

>> No.8888305

OP here,
yes faggots do it make it,now

>> No.8888315

OP here,
please rate my cup of coffee I just brewed.

>> No.8888316

I just mix instant into hot milk lmao

>> No.8888321

you must be barista

>> No.8888325

can we all agree that french coffee isnt coffee?its boiled water with milk,pretty much.also its light as shit.

>> No.8889259


French know shit about making coffee.
(but they are experts on eating frogs)

>> No.8889279

looks like poowater

>> No.8889286

Can someone explain to me why you liberals always try to make a hobby out of nothing? It's the same with craft beer, tobacco, and now coffee. It all tastes like complete SHIT and you faggots spend all of eternity arguing various nuances that don't mean a single thing because at the end of the day it still tastes like SHIT and you're a delusional moron that has somehow convinced themselves that they enjoy consuming this estrogen-laden mind control CANCEROUS SHIT

>> No.8889292

>because at the end of the day it still tastes like SHIT
anon, if you consume food with your asshole then I agree all tastes like shit.
try using your mouth, you might be surprised how good things can taste

>> No.8889295
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>> No.8889297
File: 41 KB, 581x389, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really necessary to "bloom" the coffee when you paper drip? I always wait for a minute before start pouring not sure what I'm doing.

>> No.8889370

I finally gave in and bought some true 100% Jamaican Blue Mountain beans. Not cheap, but oh god, the smell is heavenly. I haven't made any yet, because I'm waiting to use up the last of the beans I already had.

>> No.8889383

don't be silly anon. don't wait to finish the other beans. if you already open the JBMountain package start using now so they don't get stale on you
and tell us how it tastes, it's worth the extra cost

>> No.8889385

I want to start making my own cawfee. What's a good way to start that I probably won't fuck up?

>> No.8889400

I'm right wing af and love coffee and craft beer. Get some taste you pleb, or you'll never settle down in a nice suburb with your wife and kids.

>> No.8889404

That picture isn't bloom, and those are stale grounds

When I'm on like a 3 day old bag of coffee I'll bloom for 30-40 seconds, otherwise it's not terribly critical. The carbon dioxide burns off pretty sharply in the first week

If you're getting that picture, you don't need to wait at all

>> No.8889405

Honestly, in my opinion, it's the beans and the grind you should focus on first, rather than just the method. I have several coffee makers (drip, moka pot, french press), but unless you buy whole beans of good quality and grind them yourself, you'll still have a mediocre cup.
Experiment with different beans, you'll be amazed at the differences. And don't just buy blends, buy single origin beans as well so you can really taste and smell the differences. And buy a burr grinder, not a cheap blade grinder. You don't have to spend a shit load on one to get a good one. I bought a Cuisinart burr grinder years ago, and it's still running like champ.

>> No.8889407
File: 112 KB, 1500x1500, Espresso Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a good way to start that I probably won't fuck up?
OK, I will guide you anon.
Start with baby steps and begin with mastering brewing instant coffee.
buy if you can 100%Arabica coffee, (and freeze dry made instant coffee is better choice)
most instant coffee is made from Robusta beans, better quality is made from Arabica beans.
do some googling on how instant coffee is made, very interesting process.

>> No.8889418

great looking cup of coffee anon
good job as always

>> No.8889433

>perfect cup of coffee
I hope you used activated beans

>> No.8889444

>activated beans
what's that, activated beans?

>> No.8889519
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>he doesn't activate his beans

>> No.8889523

Oh, don't worry, I'll be using up the last of my older beans this afternoon, so tomorrow is Blue Mountain time! I try very hard not to overbuy beans, because it pisses me off when they go stale.

>> No.8889526

you make your own coffee?! it doesn't come out of a machine or is handed to you? LOL

>> No.8889744
File: 2.80 MB, 925x1620, akari tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good leakproof coffee vacuum mug that's made of ceramic?
It HAS to be leak proof, I throw it in my bag and most other containers explicitly say "DO NOT THROW IT IN UR BAG".

I've resorted to adding cream to my coffee just so it won't taste weird in my stainless steel flask.

>> No.8890439
File: 181 KB, 400x324, life is shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer buying coffee than making it myself. There's something nice about paying someone else for a little cup of happiness.

>> No.8890459

I can understand if they have specialist equipment that you don't have, but plain ass coffee is so piss easy to make, $3 for a cup is basically robbery.

>> No.8890495

Even if it was worse than what I could make and more expensive too, I'd still buy it. I just like buying things, it's a nice ritual.

>> No.8890764


he's just poor ignore his shit taste

>> No.8890771
File: 588 KB, 1440x810, 1444405356461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in my office wants to replace our coffee machine with a Keurig. How do I talk them out of this?

>> No.8890777

What's your current machine?

>> No.8890784
File: 110 KB, 900x800, the-goat-story-coffee-mug-is-a-horn-shaped-mug-that-comes-with-its-own-holder-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommend one of these:

>> No.8890793

just a Kitchenaid Classic, but I like using ground coffee not wasting money on fucking single serve pods.

>> No.8890797

Is this satire?

>> No.8890798

>that boost in happiness your Sims get when they buy shit
Cant say I relate but I know that feel

>> No.8890803

No it's a great portable coffee mug with a strap, and it has a cool story too.

>> No.8890807

What a waste of money

>> No.8890812
File: 21 KB, 362x362, BzbFfITCYAEzBfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deceitful coffeecucks will never be exposed by their own Judgement of Paris

>> No.8890814

it's $30 for a portable mug that will last forever. Not sure how that's wasteful but okay.

>> No.8890824

My current mug cost $12 and it can stand upright on a table without looking like a sex toy.

>> No.8890848

Maybe the extra 18 bucks is for the sex toy functionality

>> No.8891218

>checkered shirt
>shitty tattoos
Like clockwork.

>> No.8891235

that's because coffeefags are open minded enough (read: every coffee growing region on earth is equally a shithole anyway loooooooooool) to weigh every area pretty much equally

>> No.8891789

I found out that I can get a bottle of 200 caffeine pills for $6 and I'm just sorta wondering what the fuck is the point of coffee anymore?

>> No.8891855

Can somebody explain why instant coffee has like 70g sugar per 100g?

like wtf?

>> No.8891874
File: 70 KB, 1202x746, nescafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you on about?

>> No.8891879

Then cold brew at home and bring enough for each day to the office.

>> No.8892056

How do I make coffee that would taste as good as Twin Peaks makes it sound?

>> No.8892084

What is the best BLACK coffee that can be bought in stores?

>> No.8892094

Got the Trader Joe's coffee on a whim and it's surprisingly good for supermarket coffee. Favorite super market coffee?

>> No.8892100
File: 43 KB, 620x465, give her the chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your overrated local coffee shop company gets bought out by a giant corporation and the other one goes bankrupt so everyone has to wait in line in starbucks again like the plens they are while you're drinking 99 cent gas station coffee.

>> No.8892109

It was never good, Agent Cooper was just a charming yet always cold and distant law enforcement professional. Being a big city sophisticate he knew what good coffee was, and it wasn't what they had in Twin Peaks. But it wasn't about the coffee, it was about the people. If only he could get over the one he loved. But maybe that was a lie too? To protect her feelings. Agent Cooper, the protector. A Christ like figure almost. Suffering in the service of others, with the Godlike power of the Federal Government through him, in him, with him.

I would have to say probably the Nyarusiza from Grumpy, available at Whole Foods. It's pretty good.

>> No.8892113

get in touch with accounting and show them the difference in costs. we love avoiding stupid bullshit that will effect the bottom line

>> No.8892122

Wait til coffee autist changes departments, and then everyone is pissy that they have to clean the kitchenaid, then the NOT MY JOB starts, and there's an HR crisis, and suddenly it's no longer an accounting drone problem it's been kicked up to the board of directors

>> No.8892125

Also appeal to taste. Show articles about how the pods taste bad and if you want to go drastic argue that it'd be cheaper if everyone had their own coffee pot or french press at their desk in the long run, thus negating the tension for the last person to clean out the pot and start a new batch despite Alcoholic Stan in sales drinking 90% of it and you just wanted a cup.

>> No.8892130

That sounds awesome and hilarious to me.

>> No.8892209

Yo anyone wok roast beans? I'm getting tired of my local selection, had most things I like and tired of paying a lot. Don't have a popcorn popper though. Redpill me.

>> No.8892212

I honestly really enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Ive been drinking the cheap shit lately. It does the trick but you cant savor it like really good coffee.

>> No.8892529

>>he doesn't activate his beans
I only activate my balls
so I have no fking clue what activating coffee beans means

>> No.8892533

>because it pisses me off when they go stale.
how long do you keep your coffee beans, 6 months?
and how can you tell if coffee beans are gone stale.
what are the signs of stale coffee beans?

>> No.8892549
File: 84 KB, 539x768, coffin_mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can somebody explain why instant coffee has like 70g sugar per 100g?
>like wtf?
>what are you on about?
EXACTLYT, what are you talking about you massive faggot?
are you buying 3 in 1 mix, instant coffee, sugar and coffee whitener

>> No.8892602

I'm a pretty pragmatic guy but this thing is so fucking ugly I wouldn't take it if it were free, I don't care how well it works

>> No.8892617
File: 88 KB, 780x585, activated almonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8892643

I don't give a shit about this anymore, so save your responses

>> No.8892672

It's just a meme dude chill

>> No.8892680

Gg coffe bro im from poland m8 YOLO

>> No.8892704

i was interested in learning about it here in this thread.
many times i posted answers helping others with their questions, and as you know sometimes it takes 15-20 minutes to post proper response with links and pictures,
but from now on i will not post any responses and will not use my time trying to help, I will just fuck around with people
fuck you all

>> No.8892741


>> No.8893218
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 6ea12d5911ef4c8fa8cf7f22dfe6b7e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that this is the only acceptable way of making coffee?

>> No.8893267

Why do snobs hate instant coffee anyway?

>> No.8893290

they have functioning taste buds I guess?

>> No.8893318


They are super snobs maybe?!??

>> No.8893333

Instant cofe > All other cofe
quads confirm

>> No.8893345

I don't like coffee, it upsets my stomach and I don't like the stimulating effects. I'd drink decaf but I don't like the taste enough to even bother.

>> No.8893346

Holy shit

>> No.8893348


As you say, quads confirm...

>> No.8893351
File: 1.91 MB, 480x362, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8893396


i'm drinking coffee right now, it's pretty nice


if any of my friend circle gets too faggy i just stop talking to them outside of group settings, it's not hard

thankfully we're all just the human equivalent of a shitpost who happen to be good at making the stuff we cram in our mouths

>> No.8893402

You seem like a massive faggot, better get that checked out

>> No.8893421
File: 76 KB, 768x768, urine carafe _french press coffee maker .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french coffee press device is only good to keep by your bed and use as an urinating device at night if you are too drunk to walk to the bathroom

>> No.8893561
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1487800048177s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded barista get no tip

>> No.8893579

Few quick benefits of stoping drinking coffee:
1.Saved money on buying coffee beans.
2.Saved money on electricity by not grinding coffee and by not brewing coffee.
3.My teeth are not getting yellow stains from coffee.

Winning all the way

>> No.8893596


>> No.8893650


>> No.8893676

Not the only one but it's the cheapest way to make great coffee by far.

>> No.8893691

>great coffee

>> No.8893702

Then please enlighten me anon.

>> No.8893734
File: 107 KB, 816x353, Espro Press type of French Press.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so called french press uses course coffee grinds, if coffee ground are too fine they will be in your cup.
course coffee grounds prevent better extraction of all the good stuff that is in the coffee compared to finer grounds.

if you are going to buy press coffee maker, but the best there is, and i believe this brand is the best.
it has few design features that are above regular/standard design coffee presses.

google picture related to learn why is the best

>> No.8893741


>> No.8893819
File: 38 KB, 244x450, whipped-drink1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ck/. What are you supposed to do with the whipped cream that goes on top of coffee? Are you supposed to lick it off or mix it into coffee?

>> No.8894371

you're supposed to do whatever tastes good you sheep
also this isn't coffee, it's a milkshake

>> No.8894383

I'm not a liberal. I'm Nationalist, and perfecting ingredients to great tasting foods and drinks is about as white as it gets.

Stop chimping out over other people's pleasures.

>> No.8894396

It's hard to fuck up in general.

Buy a moka pot or a french press.
Honestly, I personally stick with my Cafe Bustelo or Lavazza. Very classic espresso roasts.

However, they're obviously not the most premium ingredients on the market. They taste great, but if you want to be a snob; Get fresh, whole beans, grind it yourself with any coffee grinding machine you can find online, and brew.

>> No.8894398

Only reason to do this is to get a stupid dessert coffee or a legit espresso or espresso-based drink brewed by thousand-dollar equipment.

>> No.8894614
File: 48 KB, 314x321, IMG_1466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delusional retard so delusional he calls others delusional retards

>> No.8894631

Welcome to 4chan faggot

>> No.8894648


Anyway, you're on one of the slowest boards on the site, so don't complain about stupid shit.

>> No.8894862

Just about any drink that comes with whipped cream is sweet enough to overpower the flavor of diluted whipped cream when mixed in, and obviously does not need to be thinned out by cream. Mixing it in doesn't bring you much except that, if you don't have a spoon, eating the whipped cream directly may end up with you looking like a child or animal.

>> No.8894875

This. Like the guy you're quoting, I go to shops not entirely for the atmosphere and experience but significantly for it, but I feel like shit if I buy something I can just make at home. I always get some sort of espresso or specialty drink.

>> No.8894884

Or you know, you can try beans you don't have at home instead of buying the coffee shop's lb bags at full price ----> running back home ---> running them through your dirty ass burr grinder ---> dumping grinds in your french press or memex and waiting a couple minutes.

Mostly for people who actually have lives and will go on to do other things that day besides go to le coffee shop.

>> No.8894999
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>> No.8895029
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x1840, 1359530357867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not spending 24 hours a day 7 days a week in your dank cave

>> No.8895048

I have one of those cheap italian stovetop coffee making things.

I buy pre ground generic italian coffee.

It's good enough. I could invest in special beans that come from a goat's ass in Guatemala and grind them myself before doing a pour over but that's way too much work

>> No.8895074

I understand the bachelor lifestyle, I don't understand the bachelor lack of desire to be anything close to civilized at all. C'mon, man, even apes pick up their damn shit.

>> No.8895099

>dank cave
>painted sheetrock-panelled walls
Nice luxury condo you got there.

>> No.8895399

Anyone here make turkish coffee? Need some pointers to get it perfect

>> No.8895418

exactly same as you make jenkem, just don't huff it but drink it, mix in crushed roaches for flavor if you want

>> No.8895458
File: 38 KB, 1024x576, b6c8d4833f391e61d7c2b80562ff5f4b3c93471f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very funny

>> No.8895466
File: 57 KB, 484x1024, IMG_2421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895555



>> No.8895657

Got a cold brew going with a vanilla bean, cinnamon stick, and five whole cloves tossed in. Made a batch with two vanilla beans and it tasted excellent. Also tried the cloves before with some allspice and that was good too.

Anyone got any other flavor combos to try? Open to suggestions!

>> No.8896008

don't see any coffee maker there.
how do you make coffee in that jungle.

what's the deal with the cat?

>> No.8896046

>I hope you used activated beans
activated beans are very unhealthy
only uneducated idiots use them

>> No.8896674

never buy Mexican coffee
pure shit

>> No.8896692

Is it reeeeally worth investing in a grinder?

>> No.8896713

why you asking

>> No.8897443

Are you going to use grinder to grind coffee?

>> No.8897645

>no responses
this board is truly shit

>> No.8897661

>Yo anyone wok roast beans?
>>no responses
>this board is truly shit
maybe nobody uses shitty method like a wok to roast their coffee beans in.
maybe that's why there is no responses to your question, Mr.Snowflake

>> No.8897669

no just get your roaster to grind them for you, convenient and they'll do a better job probably

>> No.8897699

succ me if the home roasters don't hang here this is real shit

>> No.8897742

>perfect cup of coffee

Describe your method? What product did you use? Why is it "perfect"?

>> No.8897956


Listen to >>8893333
Get a gigantic mug. Load it with equal parts instant coffee powder and equal part sugar. Add a ton of milk, top it off with water. Stir it cold until it's dissolved. You won't regret it.

>> No.8898465

Pour overs are ez though. As long as you ignore all the hipster nonsense about how to do it ~just right~.

>> No.8898813

Double the quads, double the confirmation.

>> No.8899400
File: 123 KB, 1500x1500, 1475320880874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looking for a decent machine for something fast in the morning and I'm convinced this must be the way to go as the coffee i've had from seems to be decent, and looking at the description it apparently replicates pour over

anything else that can be recommended? hesitant about manual pour over knowing the extra effort

>> No.8899412

get some decent machine because the shitty drip machine is trumped by a keurig actually, but you could still get a decent drip machine and win them over

>> No.8899434

Define "something fast", I'm not sure a pourover or drip can beat an aeropress for absolute speed. But the better versions of those automatic drip let you walk away and take a shower or whatever, whereas with an aeropress the brew time is like 1:30 to 4:00 depending on the bean and your personal preferences, and you really need to nail that time if you care about flavor. But then there's waiting for the water to boil.

If "fast" means you can be doing other stuff while it's brewing, a decent electric grinder and a Bonavita, Technivorm, or similar would be the way to go

>> No.8899507

Yeah more the latter

the bonavita seems to be the way to go with its cheaper price, hopefully still the same extraction.

Not to concerned about time really yes, just that it doesn't take that much effort.

>> No.8899516

Suggestions on how to ween myself off coffee? I'm sick of the headaches when I miss a cup

>> No.8899525


>> No.8899769
File: 81 KB, 696x960, navyjoe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best coffee ads I've ever seen. Their Battleship Brew is fucking delicious.

>> No.8899797

kek, before I expanded the pic it looked like the guy was mounting her. Has to be subliminal even at full size.

>> No.8899864

>the guy was mounting her.
pervert, you must be drinking too much coffee you dirty mind, you

>> No.8899892
File: 77 KB, 656x960, navyjoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No misconceptions for this one

>> No.8900024 [DELETED] 

especially parsley freezer knocked off Joanna unlikely vine cellar drip

>> No.8900075

especially parsley freezer knocked off Joanna unlikely vine cellar drip

>> No.8900080


The info in this thread makes me laugh so hard. you are all plebs

>> No.8900087

>No misconceptions for this one
soft coffee porn
instant coffee
french press
Aeropress plunger
drip drip drip when wet

>> No.8900424
File: 69 KB, 500x421, 1479422767779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8900540

you are antisocial repulsive coffee Antagonist
you have no coffee sense

>> No.8900692

is right son

>> No.8900716

but then I would have to leave my house in the morning instead of staggering over to my stove in my pajamas

>> No.8900747

i just skimmed the thread. is no one calling OP out for just pulling a random picture from the internet? reverse image search gives a bunch of links with the exact same pic. shame on OP for lying. and shame on you all for falling for it

>> No.8900749
File: 47 KB, 662x635, 1396570906300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chan
>learning things
> expecting people here not to fucking troll you

are you dim on purpose or ...?

>> No.8900754
File: 187 KB, 777x709, 01a6f443dde6448fd801108d61c815f1475a11f17c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also OP, your coffee doesn't even look that good.

The picture is not even focussed. The coffee is standard. If it is coffee.

There really isnt much to talk about. Sincerely.

>> No.8901021

you goddamn imbecile, of course the picture is random it's called Cup-of-Coffee.jpg for fucks sake

>> No.8901046

Black coffee made with moccona dark roast plus a pinch of cinnamon = goat.

>> No.8901047

Just got a really nice cup of Brazilian coffee produced in the south of Minas Gerais, which is a high altitude volcanic region. Bourbon beans.

A really nice bean, but I think I prefer São Paulo's beans. They have a nice chocolate and nutty smell, which translates well into my cup.

It's really nice living in Brazil and having access to all those bean varieties, specially when you live so close to the farms.

>> No.8901052

How often does your coffee get stolen?

>> No.8901063


Never, because I'm not poor.

>> No.8901239

I like coffee but it gives me the jitters

if I drink more of it will this go away

>> No.8901286
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>> No.8901292
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>> No.8901312


>Enjoy youre coffee
>Enjoy you are coffee


>> No.8901315
File: 28 KB, 750x715, 1459636817648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8901321



>> No.8901574

>will this go away
this what?
this coffee thread?

>> No.8901676

As a "Coffee Snob In Training" I am not bothered by instant coffee. Maybe I have failed part of my training?

>> No.8902491

>Maybe I have failed part of my training?
no you didn't, you're just instant learner

>> No.8902799

I heard about a baseball player that went on the DL because of vision problems that were traced to his caffeine intake.

P.S. do quads 8888 count if they are on the front not at the back?

>> No.8902811
File: 371 KB, 1300x1300, EC680M-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tired of filter drip coffee
>buy cheap entry level espresso machine
>espresso is all about grinding, tamping, temperature, yields etc
>realize I don't know SHIT about coffee and never will
>i outgrew my machine the day I bought it

>> No.8902830
File: 274 KB, 714x519, 918791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

switched from shitty old Mr. Coffee to pour over a few years ago and never looked back

so easy and efficient. Tastes better than coffee makers and there's almost no waste

>> No.8902833
File: 119 KB, 1280x600, coffee-only-breakfast-can-make-you-fatter-but-doesnt-have.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's now?

how you going to live your life with this so very tragic realization, going back to drinking instant coffee

>> No.8902839

>pour over
what's pour over

>> No.8902852


the only sane thing to do.

accept mediocrity.

>> No.8902865
File: 552 KB, 586x439, 12479187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy way to make a single cup

you just buy 1 of those cone things, put a filter in it, place coffee grounds in it and pour boiling water

>> No.8902874

japan has something like this, my bro made it for us when i visiting over there. its ok

>> No.8902885

everywhere in the world has this m8, probably the simplest method ever to just make a quick and fresh tasting cup of coffee

>> No.8903104

Thanks so much.
Do you think pour over makes better tasting coffee than moka pot.
I understand there are differences, but is there a significant advantage between them.

I like to add that I like to get the oils in my coffee and the filters in pour over will filter them out.
Are there good proven metal filters for pour over that will let the coffee oils pass through but not add that meta;lic taste to the coffee.

>> No.8903425
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It sounds like you would be best off with a french press, since they use only a metal filter by nature.

In regard to the first question, there are great advantages between a moka pot and a pour-over. Moka pots make a strong brew somewhere in between regular coffee and espresso, whereas pour-overs only make regular coffee. Moka pots also allow for more drink options as you can make drinks similar to lattes or cappuccinos.
One very important thing to note no matter the brewing system: have a good grinder. Especially for a moka pot since an uneven grind will leave the brew bitter or acidic.

>> No.8903426
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>> No.8903472
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Thanks anon for your answer.

>Especially for a moka pot since an uneven grind will leave the brew bitter or acidic.
I never understood this. How uneven grind can affect coffee taste to such an extend

your picture is shocking, but it's only a puddle, I have whole river of coffee. kek

>> No.8903480
File: 611 KB, 2000x2816, coffee guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, that boi has a lot of cafe au lait to drink!

>> No.8904194


>> No.8904198

is that Arabica or Robusta coffee river

>> No.8904509

Get a machine that uses capsules, it's way easier.

>> No.8904750
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Contributing to the pourover discussion

>> No.8904754

Don't recommend. Even John Sylvan, the inventor of those systems regrets that they exist. They create a lot of waste product, and don't make very good coffee.

>> No.8904759
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desu I don't like that guide a whole lot. The information on grind size is only really useful to people who have that specific grinder

>> No.8904765

Forgot to mention expensive.

>> No.8904768
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>ridiculous amount of detail for some aspects of the brew
>not even mentioning the beans, the roast, or the dissolved solids in the water, even though the right recipe for one bean is usually the wrong recipe for another bean

I mean seriously in one recipe they specify the serving temp and in the other two they just leave that out? Must be one of those shit-for-brains third wave retards who uses a digital scale for pouring hot water because he forgot that 1g = 1ml

It's like whoever wrote this thinks "good coffee" means "making a constipation face because you have no idea WTF you're doing"

This kind of voodoo garbage gives coffee fans a bad name

>> No.8904810
File: 82 KB, 600x600, Refillable Capsules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use refillable capsules in some machines.

>> No.8904817

so just buy a regular one

>> No.8905393


Most of these look horrifying.

Lemon in coffee? The fuck?

>> No.8905609

Depends on the method.

>> No.8905677

>Is it reeeeally worth investing in a grinder?
Not if you are going to brew instant coffee, it's already grounded for your convenience.

>> No.8905808


>> No.8905827

I think you mean groundeded.

>> No.8905870

Smother it on your cock and give it to the barista as a tip

>> No.8905882

you are correct. kek

>> No.8906251

What does /ck/ think of cold brew coffee?

>> No.8906294

It's the least bitter coffee I've ever tried, but it's pretty expensive.

>> No.8906315

>but it's pretty expensive.
how so?
assuming you making it at home, same as hot brewed coffee

>> No.8906383

I found it at the store one time. Never made real coffee before.

>> No.8906407

aha, OK now I understand.

I made it once, it's super easy, google it.
but I don't like drinking cold drinks, and I know that I can heat it up, but I think hot coffee extraction is somehow better, gets fuller flavor including the very beneficial in my opinion coffee oils.

>> No.8906432

I don't have a coffee machine but this doesn't look too complicated. How long do you let yours sit before draining?

Also I didn't even think about heating it up, that's a good idea.

>> No.8906553

"By contrast to traditional iced coffee, which is brewed hot and then served over ice to cool it down, cold brew coffee is brewed entirely with cold or lukewarm water over a longer period of time.
And as such, you lose most of the acidity or bitterness that comes with brewing coffee with hot water, resulting in a deliciously smooth, sweet, and bitter-free coffee that tastes fabulous over ice."


Easy Cold-Brewed Coffee


More or Less Caffeine in Cold Brew Coffee?
The internet seems to vary about whether Cold Brew contains more caffeine or not. Valid question for sure. But, remember caffeine is water soluble.
We know that all the caffeine will inevitably be extracted during the lengthy Cold Brew process. The question then becomes how much coffee we are using relative to our water.

Since with Cold Brew we generally use more coffee than conventional hot methods, we will therefore see more caffeine.
This is why many people use Cold Brew as a concentrate to be mixed with ice and cream, made into a frap-a-something.

>> No.8906564


Benefits of cold brewed coffee;
Less acidic.
Cold Brew coffee naturally seems sweeter because of its lower acid level. Not to be confused with acidity, which was explained in our learning to taste entry.
Using cold water as opposed to hot makes the extraction process much slower and actually more selective.
The flavor of the coffee is extracted, but bitter compounds are left behind.
This can also explain why Cold Brew contains less acid than when you use hot water.

Hot water not only extracts quite quickly, but also cooks as it extracts, causing a change in chemical structure.
One of the benefits of cold brewing is that the chemical process doesn’t change, since the temperature doesn’t.
You could drink your Cold Brew today and then in a few days and it should taste the same.
Granted you keep it covered. We don’t want it absorbing any funkiness from the fridge.
Cold Brews can last up to two weeks in the fridge.

Even though it may take more coffee to make, you will probably discover that none of it goes to waste.
Makes for a very smooth cup which highlights each of our blends various flavor profiles.

>> No.8906588
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I seriously didn't like coffee until about a month ago. Then, I found this really comfy but hipster-ass coffee shop (pic related), they make really fantastic espresso. Now I just walk down there and enjoy a latte on the reg. I like other coffees now too.

>> No.8906607

Gimme Some Oven calls the cold brew a concentrate and recommends diluting it, but Kicking Horse doesn't. And they use the same ratio of grounds to water. What's up with that.

>> No.8906608
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Thanks for your contribution anon, but I also have reservations about all that "magic" same as this anon

Also how do the come up with those so very precise steeping times of 40 seconds, 1 minute and 50 sec, 30 seconds.
Where the 10 seconds difference come from, by what scientific method, or why 1 minute and 50 seconds, but not 45 or 55 seconds.
All this "magic" sounds like pure bullshit to me.

For example water temperatures. Looks like first place winner won because she was using hottest water 93 C, (or maybe because she was female). kek
Third place winner water temp of 80 C, Second place 92 C.
Why third place winner wasn't sure how many time coffee was stirred. It says: Stir 3-4 times.
Was it 3 or was it 4 times. Is that so difficult to count and to know the difference between 3 and 4 times.
Not like we are talking dozens of times that you might lose your count., it's fucking 3 or 4 times.

>> No.8906610

I'm kind of the other way around. I always drank whatever mud was available, black. Obviously I like good coffee better, but always just coffee with no additives. Took me a long time to warm up to the idea of a latte, but then I had one at a hippie-ass (not hipster) coffee shop, and it was pretty damn good. The espresso wasn't drowned in the milk flavor. I don't think them very often, but the occasional latte is a nice treat.

>> No.8906616


>I mean seriously in one recipe they specify the serving temp and in the other two they just leave that out?
And yes I agree with this anon, serving temperature could affect the coffee taste and over all experience if you are being so anal about all the other
very precisely described details and measurements.

I do own Aeropress, and yes it's good coffee making device, but nothing spectacular either.
I still prefer taste of coffee made in my moka pot.
I experimented with brewing in both the same coffee the same grind the same amount of coffee and the same amount of water.
Still like my moka coffee better.

BTW, in Aeropress I use metal filter (no paper filters) so I get the oils same as in the moka pot.

All those highly precise numbers and measurements in that Aeropress competition sounds very 'BS' to me

>> No.8906622

I suppose the difference was the motivation. You wanted the caffeine, I wanted an enjoyable drink.

>> No.8906629

Very interesting few facts about cold brewed coffee.
I'm going to explore that method.

>> No.8906698
File: 160 KB, 601x600, Toddy-cold-brew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I think hot coffee extraction is somehow better, gets fuller flavor including the very beneficial in my opinion coffee oils.

yet this asshole in this article disagrees with me. Go figure.

Why Toddy Cold Brew?
During the cold-brew process, time replaces heat. Todd Simpson, a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell, and who developed the Toddy cold brew system, discovered that high temperature facilitates the release of undesirable flavor elements.
A roasted coffee bean contains many compounds that are extracted during the brewing process. Some of those compounds, including certain oils and fatty acids, are soluble only at a high temperature.
During the cold brew process, coffee beans are never exposed to high temperature (this only occurs after a rich liquid coffee concentrate has been produced).

Deceptively simple, cold water brewing extracts the delicious flavor compounds (and some of the caffeine) from coffee beans,
but leaves behind myriad bitter oils and biting fatty acids, including undesirable elements such as ketones, esters and amides.

These are the same bitter acids and fatty oils that surface to the top of your hot cup of coffee, and give hot-brewed coffee that familiar 'bite' (thus the reason that some 8 out of 10 people attempt to soften the acidic taste by adding milk or cream to their coffee).
The cold brew process creates a perfectly balanced and distinctively smooth cup of coffee - served steaming hot or iced cold. You're invited to taste the Toddy difference: the same taste that has delighted coffee drinkers for nearly 50 years.

>> No.8906704

>Why Toddy Cold Brew?
link to it;

>> No.8906759

OK this is getting very interesting now, just found this article;

Coffee Oils and Cholesterol.

"Effect of Coffee on Cholesterol
One of the oils found in coffee, cafestol, takes control of an important bile acid receptor located in the intestines that helps to regulate cholesterol in the body, according to the a 2007 study in the journal, "Molecular Endocrinology." In doing so, cafestol raises cholesterol.
Speaking in an interview with ScienceDaily.com, researcher Dr. David Moore notes that cafestol is the most potent dietary cholesterol-elevating agent currently known."

OK fine, but we know today that there is so called bad and so called good cholesterol, and the so called cholesterol is also needed by our bodies to function properly.
I'm not so convinced that the coffee oils are so bad for humans to consume, but that is just mine thinking, like to find more solid info on this topic.

>> No.8906870
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Update: walked downtown to get one. No time stamp because I don't carry pens. Totally worth the mile and a half walk, not that that's very far for me anymore.

>> No.8906960

>OK fine, but

Did you read the whole article?

>Findings further showed that most of the increase of cholesterol was on LDL and at the same time, decreased HDL.

(LDL is the bad one.)

If you drink paper filtered coffee, supposedly it traps all the oils. If this actually is a big deal at all. Which I doubt.

>> No.8907044
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Vaccum>espresso>French press>drip>Ibrik>moka pot>fin

>> No.8907068

>Did you read the whole article?
yes I did, that's why I wasn't sure on significance of it, as you also stated.
>If this actually is a big deal at all. Which I doubt.

Also would be interesting to get the numbers, the %, of increase - decrease of LDL and HDL levels, are they of any significant levels
or just laboratory numbers that mean very little in real life.

When comes to coffee oils I'm thinking in terms of white baking flour and whole wheat flour.
Whole wheat flour besides other nutrients has also oils inside of the wheat kernel of course not as much as coffee beans have.
So I think by removing coffee oils from coffee by using paper filters might be same as removing all that good healthy stuff from wheat grains to make it white flour.

>> No.8907071

Fucking kill yourself you disgusting hot bean juice drinking faggot.

>> No.8907126

>Whole wheat flour besides other nutrients has also oils inside of the wheat kernel of course not as much as coffee beans have.
But maybe here is the secret of coffee oils and the difference between wheat kernel oils and coffee oils.
Sounds that coffee oils are the 'by-product' of the roasting process according to this article:

Coffee Ingredients:
"An unroasted coffee bean has acids, protein and caffeine but no taste.
Coffee roasting involves heat to make a chemical reaction that turns the carbohydrates and fats into aromatic oils, according to the National Geographic website.
The coffee bean has natural oils, cafestol and kahweol, that are released during this process. The roasting process is what gives coffee its flavor.
>Coffee roasting involves heat to make a chemical reaction that turns the carbohydrates and fats into aromatic oils
So it looks that coffee oils are not present inside of the green coffee bean, not like oils are present inside of the wheat kernel.

This is quite intriguing, if my thinking is correct.
Wonder if there are any wizeAsses here who know more on this chemical plant biology topic

(no replies from crude oil executives please)

>> No.8907145

>Fucking kill yourself you disgusting hot bean juice drinking faggot.
We go deep into it, faggot

so there, fap to this, faggot

>> No.8907175

>Coffee roasting involves heat to make a chemical reaction that turns the carbohydrates and fats into aromatic oils, according to the National Geographic website.
>The coffee bean has natural oils, cafestol and kahweol, that are released during this process.
So now I'm FUCKING MEGA confused.
>The coffee bean has natural oils,
>Coffee roasting involves heat to make a chemical reaction that turns the carbohydrates and fats into aromatic oils,
Are they (the fucking coffee oils) there inside of the green coffee bean, or they are being 'created' during roasting process.

>> No.8908371

I can't take it anymore, how the fuck do I make coffee good?

>> No.8908426
File: 190 KB, 1778x1012, it's so good_I can't tell the difference .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go instant, anon
instant coffee is always reliable, same quality every freaking time anon
telling you, you never go back to traditional methods when you start brewing instant coffee

>> No.8908476

This meme has become simply too extreme.

>> No.8908722

I know what you mean anon.
After I brew cup of that instant I had hard time to tell the difference, it was so yummy

>> No.8908860
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i just woke up in the middle of the night to type this post, that I'm looking towards morning when I will brew my fave cup of java.
instant Arabica100%, freeze dry,medium roast

you losers will still be grinding your coffee beans while I will be sipping on my cup of instant java

>> No.8909381 [DELETED] 

do coffeemakers lose their potency with age or has the coffee in general in coffee shops etc gotten stronger the last 10-15 years?

i have pic related. i use the same coffee i always did. but it's only the last few years whenever i get a cup of coffee out i notice it's stronger than what i'm used to. and i like it.

i've opened it a few times over the years and cleaned it. anything else i can do? or just suggest a coffeemaker for the next 15 years, i guess i'm ready to buy a new one.

>> No.8909401
File: 19 KB, 400x400, H741AOMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do coffeemakers lose their potency with age or has the coffee in general in coffee shops etc gotten stronger the last 10-15 years?

i have pic related. i use the same coffee i always did. but it's only the last few years whenever i get a cup of coffee out i notice it's stronger than what i'm used to. and i like it.

i've opened it a few times over the years and cleaned it. anything else i can do? or just suggest a coffeemaker for the next 15 years, i guess i'm ready to buy a new one.

>> No.8909690

the home roasters don't roast in a fucking wok

>> No.8909705

oh great I'll just whip out my home aeropress-dedicated ek-43

>> No.8909856

Will adding laundry bleach to my coffee prevent yellowing of my teeth?
I'm ready to quit drinking coffee if I can not find solution to this ugly problem.

>> No.8910230

Where do I find a large pourover cone to make 16oz of coffee at a time?
All the ones I've seen seem to be geared toward tiny dainty ass cups, much like the aeropress.

>> No.8910690

I had an aunt who who made amazing, strong coffee in the coffee maker but I've never figured out how to remake it.

It had this great roasted flavor to it.