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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8906840 No.8906840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>visit Chicago for university trip
>we decide to get hot dogs after a day of shopping because apparently they are world famous
>ask where the ketchup is and the cart vendor makes a big deal about how it ruins the hot dog and that no true Chicago hot dog vendor stocks ketchup
>can hear him make rude comments about me to other customers about muh ketchup
Holy shit, it's a tube of cow lips and anuses with some spices.
There is no sanctity in this meat you pretentious fuckwits.
Fuck Chicago in the ass.

>> No.8906852

i bet he had a beard and glasses

>> No.8906855

They don't even grill their hotdogs. Chicago is a pleb meme except for their pizza. I like deepdish.

>> No.8906862

Why would you post this thread more than once?


>> No.8906865
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>Ketchup bell's of shame

>> No.8906877

>be a tourist
>do the tourist thing and get a hotdog in the tourist district
>vendor plays up his butthurt because tourists expect the spectacle

Holy shit

>> No.8906888

>Ketchup Bell Is Of Shame

Chicago should worry about their poor grasp of basic English grammar before they worry about red sugar & tomato paste on their sacred pigs anus tubes.

>> No.8906898

No Obamaland should worry more about being the murder capital.

>> No.8906912

What's Detroit got to do with this?

>> No.8906925
File: 337 KB, 900x1200, fudgescile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be op
>get emasculated by a hot dog man
>whine about it on /ck/

Wow, maybe you should try posting here again after your balls drop.

>> No.8906926

He's a hotdog vendor. There's a reason he isn't an aerospace engineer or a heart surgeon or even a bottom-feeding scum-sucking lawyer.

>> No.8906934

>Paying good money to vacation in a flyover meat-packing city so that you can get the authentic shit treatment
My countrymen disappoint me.

>> No.8906950

i usually have one with bbq sauce, one with ketchup and onion, one with relish and mustard, and one with wiz

>> No.8906951

>bottom-feeding scum-sucking lawyer
>/ck/ - Convicts and Ketchup

>> No.8906963

>St. Louis ranks as the murder capital of America for the third year in a row
>Further down the list of murder centers, Baltimore placed second, Detroit in third, and then followed by New Orleans and Cleveland.

>> No.8906968

That's because his hotdog game is tight, shorty.

>> No.8906973

>He's a hotdog vendor

But in Chicago that beats even being President of the USA. Only the best and brightest products of the Chicago education system go on to sell warm tubes of pig anus and act weird about it.

>> No.8906980
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you eat 4 hot dogs at a time?

>> No.8906984

>Gee Bill!

>> No.8906990

i'm 6'14"

>> No.8906995
File: 28 KB, 300x450, louis-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, you seem weird. People who order hot dogs in Chicago usually order them like they serve them, which does have tomato on it, and a good deal of pickled peppers, and when you think about it, there's your tomato-vinegar right there, so it's REDUNDANT.

And, plenty of traditional places eschew ketchup ordering. Pic is from Louis Lunch, the original hamburger in USA, located in New Haven, CT, next to Yale and such. Forget it. You're told not to even ask. Not going to happen. Again...they serve it with sliced tomato on it...and mustard has a good deal of vinegar..as does the malt vinegar on the side. It's simply NOT needed. Unless you're addicted to sugar or something.

>> No.8907004

I know this is genuine but it reads like a McChicken shillpost

>> No.8907011

Ketchup, brown mustard, onions and dill relish. Case closed.

>> No.8907014

assuming you meant 6'4" thats still a lot of tube meat breh

>> No.8907033
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>> No.8907037
File: 115 KB, 1300x948, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got to 4chan
>decide to shitpost on /ck/ because there's no flags, and I can't handle the bants on either /pol/ or /b/
>post the same shitty meme threads over and over because I'm too stupid to come up with my own shit

[Some stupid shit that I think is pretty witty.]