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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 175 KB, 699x702, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8900972 No.8900972 [Reply] [Original]

>walk through Chinatown
>tons of amazing tiny chink buffets and takeaways crammed into alleys and between larger buildings
>streetsellers selling mouthwatering korean BBQ
>a few grand traditional Chinese/japanese multifloor restaurants
>half a dozen gaybars/pubs
>even a french gastropub for some reason

>see dozens of people queuing up for Gourmet Buger Kitchen


>> No.8900981
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>> No.8900985

Frog autismposting needs to be a bannable offence on any board not /r9k/

>> No.8900986

Marketing took over quality food.

>> No.8900987

What did you eat?

>> No.8901005
File: 95 KB, 500x278, slap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you need to fuck off back to facebook or whatever place you come from bitch, i don't like it either but calling for people to be banned is plebbit tier bullshit. Slag.

>> No.8901140
File: 528 KB, 387x720, 1488248252656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A queue is how frogposters refer to a line.

>Tumblr tier webm
>Defending frogposters
>Le memeit

>> No.8901142

So you would prefer it for these dumb normies to crowd your favorite places instead?

>> No.8901148

Who the hell is to say if those people are using actual meat, or pigeon or cat or some shit? We all know non American Asians have a hatred for Americans, and it doesn't help that these places are usually located in slums

>> No.8901168


He went into the gaybar.

>> No.8901195

now i remember why i stopped coming to this board a few weeks ago. i'm leaving again

>> No.8901269

Chinatowns suck, they start out small and eventually grow like a cancer, swallowing up other ethnic enclaves until half the city is fucking Chinatown.

>> No.8901275
File: 17 KB, 362x366, mrgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you chinatown is amazing

>> No.8901400


You fucking lost big style manchild little dick.

>> No.8901404

>living in a city
You are the normie

>> No.8901406

did you miss the part where he also walked past all the good restaurants? they are crowding his favorite place. that's why he's mad.

>> No.8901409

as opposed to living in a cave.

Fucking retard.

>> No.8901410
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>> No.8901413


>> No.8901415
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>> No.8901420
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>Hating anime on an anime discussion site

>> No.8901426

Anime belongs in /a/ this is a cooking board you fucking pleb.

>> No.8901427
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>> No.8901428

Fuck off, Randy

>> No.8901429

it was only good in the first two series anything beyond that was just meme characters.

>> No.8901431

It's still retarded to hate the thing that caused this site to exist.

>> No.8901440

Atleast that means the gay bars shouldn't be too crowded, OP.

>> No.8901456

it was based off 2chan with two boards /a/ and /b/. It has been over 15 years with many more boards added and anime was contained to the nip boards since. Go fuck yourself idiot, this is a cooking board.

>> No.8901461

"these fucking normies, not going to all these perfectly good gaybars"

Right, they're totally the ones with a problem...

>> No.8901493
File: 77 KB, 768x581, tmp_30458-Chinese_Meal_by_Lai_Afong_c1880-5684796f5f9b586a9e0b36cf-984931616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. It's Chinatown, after all.

>> No.8901501


...it's Chinatown.

>> No.8901507

It's another amerifag who thinks being foreign is fashionable. He's ever bit as "normie" as the people he pretends to hate.

>> No.8901558

So what's your argument? It's still retarded to hate anime fans on a site created by an anime fan.

>> No.8901568

>gay bars

no wonder they went to burger king

OP is literally a faggot

>> No.8901572

>anime fan
Completely irrelevant to this board, anon.

>> No.8901584

>being foreign is fashionable

No, just a helluva lot better than being a banana republic amerilard.

>> No.8901586

They are relevant because you wouldn't be posting here if it wasn't for them.

>> No.8901591

>tons of amazing tiny chink buffets
you gaijin fucks are tasteless

>> No.8901599

And anime was contained to them boards with the growth if the site, this was moots favorate board Probably because it was about food not Waifu's.

Why do white Americans love Japanese culture?

>> No.8901602

Weak argument.
I hate animu and I'm here to stay.
I'll always call out weebs and inappropriate Chinese pedo cartoon fags who post content not appropriate to this board.

>> No.8901618

The certainly wasn't moots favourite board, he often spoke about deleting it along with some of the other slow ones.

>> No.8901619

And you wouldnt be posting if it wasnt for Tim Berners-Lee who has fuck all to do with Nips

What's your point?

>> No.8901620

Learn your offensive foreign words.
It's "Laowai" or "Gweilo"

>> No.8901643

>Laowai, Gweilao, guai lou etc
as if I really give a shit not using my own chinese root words

>> No.8901650
File: 5 KB, 324x155, Gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was but it turns out it /jp/ but he was a fucking faggot anyway.

4u: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-8kmPJKGgM

>> No.8901651
File: 54 KB, 592x554, Gad+bless+ameriga+_c0675e42ce75f52834fcab737e3f3265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are a way of life here in the states.

>> No.8901656
File: 172 KB, 1024x415, cms_detector_web_1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a CERN thread

>> No.8901671

and what's your point too? with that large particle collider?

>> No.8901706
File: 1.41 MB, 3257x2304, IMG_20170413_141001_143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visited there 2 weeks ago
its a cool place

I think the issue is that really great and unique business might go bankrupt and close, while shitty copypaste formulaic chain restaraunts thrive - i think thats very unfortunate

>> No.8901707

Just as relevant as anime

>> No.8901714

>tons of amazing tiny chink buffets and takeaways crammed into alleys and between larger buildings
none of these places are up to code re: hygiene and cleanliness in their kitchens and especially their fridges.
God knows where they source their meats and shit from.

People who romanticize shitty ethnic eateries are fools begging for a poisoning.

>> No.8901985


>> No.8902153
File: 2.27 MB, 1888x3748, 1494083304355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that people who hate anime are the ones who killed this site

>> No.8902185

>facebook frog

>> No.8902191


kinda like people who hate /pol/

also anime is legit for faggots

>> No.8902193

this isn't the website for you, buddy

>> No.8902214

Favourite part about this is that not only do you feel superior for eating what you feel is authentic asian food, you came here to post about it

I was gonna cook something nice tonight but I'm gonna McDonald's instead fuck you

>> No.8902218

I agree. Keep that shit in its containment boards.

Saged for frogpost.

>> No.8902220


not an arguement

>> No.8902230

No it isn't. Anime is stupid faggot shit.

There's a board for it for a reason. We don't want your shitty hackneyed reaction faces here. This board is for cooking.

>> No.8902231

haha you can't even spell your shitty molymeme correctly, you fail at even being a drone, go cook yourself a meal and garnish it with rat poison so you can stop shitting up this website

>> No.8902237
File: 203 KB, 512x512, 1493157054987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a board for cooking on an anime website

>> No.8902239

D-do you think we're supposed to look up to Moot? He doesn't even own this site anymore, and he was always far from revered. Please post food or get out

>> No.8902249

can you stop saying REEEE in every fucking thread? it's retarded as fuck you cancerous shitfrogposter, how old are you? 12? it's also an adult zone here so go back to /b/

>> No.8902250

You have severe autism. Good day, I'm gonna go read non-shitposts.

>> No.8902259
File: 2.27 MB, 3038x2964, rSlzJhD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so why are you being an absolute shitsucking fuckface and posting an anime picture that has nothing to do with the board itself?

oh, maybe it's because there is legitimate a reason the anime backgrund of 4chan was replaced because of cock riding dickheads like you, fucking hypocritical niggerlover

but go ahead and post more smug anime faces to improve the opinions of everyone else here

>> No.8902262


>literally copying my posts as a retort

Why are you so mad? I mean, I know you're inept and can't think for yourself which would make me pretty mad too but you're like REALLY mad

>> No.8902273
File: 27 KB, 279x304, 1411980587928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, find another website kiddos

>> No.8902302

Frogposters>cartoon posters
Y u so proud to be a manchild? This isnt an anime website btw newfag

>> No.8902311

You know "newfag" was a term created to oust newfags, right? Of course you don't, because you're a newfag and type like a retard on twitter

>> No.8902319
File: 154 KB, 768x768, BvC71h0VeP51xRBCBNzfyA811JONB-iWfAIfqGXgh9M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to a normie website, this is an anime website for autistic people
I understand that being proud of yourself is an important thing and can be difficult, but there's no need to broadcast what a shit waste of a human being you are

>> No.8902329
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>> No.8902332

>implying i have anything to do with social media
I know youre a newfag cause ur leaking autism out of your containment board. Ur worse than ponyfags at least they stay in their faggot board

>> No.8902352
File: 53 KB, 540x550, 3264347675322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting? That's a lot of projection there my dude
this is an anime website, people new to the site are encouraged to browse before posting, now that you know this you can take some time and get acquainted to the culture here before embarrassing yourself again, no need to thank me :)

>> No.8902358

Stop trolling. You just sound like a bitch.

>> No.8902360

The format was inspired by a jap forum that doesnt make it an anime site ya noob

>> No.8902374

>queuing up

Fuck off yuropoor. Go to your own chan.

>> No.8902377
File: 236 KB, 413x380, 1119675837538548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no trolling here, just trying to educate the newfriends
The first 2 boards were /a/ and /b/, did you know the reason it's called /b/ is because the japanese word for random/miscellaneous starts with a b? You didn't but you do now!

>> No.8902379

Thats like saying coca-cola is a medicine just bc it started as such

>> No.8902387

Haha, no, it's not. There was an active rebranding there, no such thing happened in the case of 4chan. The state of this fucking board, christ

>> No.8902391

>posting on /a/ OR /b/
Complete cancer. U do any LE EPIC RAIDZ lately?

>> No.8902402

Yeah theres 5x as many normal boards as weebshit so i guess its still an anime site.._.
Youre the minority faggot

>> No.8902403

>he didn't find this website through /b/ as an underage in the mid 2000's
please leave, YOU are the cancer. I've never posted on /a/ but there's nothing wrong with it

>> No.8902409


>> No.8902411

>nothing wrong with /a/
Lurk for 5 minutes then come back to me.

>> No.8902420

It's 90 percent garbage moe shit but it's the foundation of the website

>> No.8902422

Coca-cola syrup is still a great medicine for nausea. They sell it over the counter and it really works!

>> No.8902424


>> No.8902427

Killed this site?? Its thriving actually autistic weebs are just getting btfo
Idgaf if you retards started this its not your secret little club

>> No.8902432

If we deleted /a/ it would be horrible for the sole reason that you manchildren would flood the good boards over which 14 year old cartoon girl you wish was your wife

>> No.8902433

If you think the quality of content on this board is comparatively good to even 5 years ago, you got here yesterday, it's funny that the term "weaboo" actually started here to expose people who really shouldn't be here

>> No.8902440
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suck my frogcock

>> No.8902443
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For me, it's asuka

>> No.8902449

Elaborate. Ive been on 4chan for 9 years and its always been shit.

>> No.8902452
File: 170 KB, 501x1200, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting buttblasted by smug anime girls
reddit is down the hall my dude

>> No.8902456

Can u pls post facepic with timestamp? Geniunely curious what a waifu poster looks like

>> No.8902460

Why is she drawn with such a contorted body? Is this part of the plot?

>> No.8902464

>getting buttblasted by normal people
Haaa hows ur gf?

>> No.8902473

>conflates being a failed beta male with being politically incorrect

Yes we know that a lot of people here never learned how to interact with their fellow humans, but that doesn't mean that this site is meant to be overrun self-hating shitposts desu senpai

>> No.8902476

Stuff like gamergate, the fappening, and recently the election brought in floods of new people with no interest in creating OC or having any meaningful discussion and instead use the site as their own personal shitposting ground with low effort posts like this man
right here. /ck/ is pretty insulated from this and the quality is relatively good, but the effects are obvious around the site
I'm good bro, I have too many good opportunities in the pipeline right now that I'm not gonna risk that by associating myself with the image of 4chan

>> No.8902477

So can we all just agree?

Watching Japanese kids shows over the age of 18 is for absolute perma-virgin social outcast who will live with their parents until the day they die?

>> No.8902480

>associating myself with the image of 4chan
Confirmed underage

>> No.8902484

Censor eyes

>> No.8902488

No. I know several well-adjusted adults who are into anime. It's just when it's a weird fixation and you get off on annoying people with your smug adoration for anime that you know the 'tism is terminal.

>> No.8902493

So are you trying to tell me youre not shitposting? Cause smug anime girls are the most recent offenders of uncreative retards.

>> No.8902506

How so my man? This site is pretty well known across the board and carries with it an often incorrect image, why would I want to be associated with that? I kinda doubt an underage would really have anything to risk to begin with so your point doesn't make much sense
that's definitely frogposters
I'm good, you can imagine me however you like

>> No.8902519

How are you any different than a frog poster? Ur both autistic, posting completely irrelevant cartoon images on a cooking board and everyone hates you.At least original frog are encouraged. How many of ur pics are oc?

>> No.8902524
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 12849382984109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine coming to an anime website and getting this mad over anime pictures, glad I'm not that autistic

>> No.8902541

low effort bait.

apply yourself, for fuck's sake, this is so juvenile.

>> No.8902545

Oh i forgot this was the Anime board my bad. Sweet OC filename btw def not a shitposter
How do u figure that im mad? Just asking questions. Btw can u explain the difference between you and a frogposter besides
>hurr anime site!

>> No.8902551

please read the url at the top of your page and explain to me how what I said was incorrect
>can you explain the difference between these two things without using this valid argument
you got me there

>> No.8902559

>this used to be an anime site
Sweet argument. Why is there a seperate section for japshit? U been on the home page lately? Japshit is the minority why dont you go to a genuine jap chan?

>> No.8902566
File: 43 KB, 514x536, pQo7e8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as bait, this is really pathetic...

>> No.8902570

lmao kid just admit you came here during the election, just look at 90 percent of the banners at the top of this page

>> No.8902580

I see an advert for a board with art from that boards culture on the banner. Whats your point? Anyways have fun shitting up the good boards newbie[:

>> No.8902805

This image has fuck all to do with the state of anime on 4chan you fucking faggot.

>> No.8902817
File: 26 KB, 600x600, at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back to facebook with you kiddo.

>> No.8902821
File: 7 KB, 225x225, iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people new to the site are encouraged to browse before posting
The fucking irony.

>> No.8902835

Wrong, B for Bin.

>> No.8902929

>weak stomached nu-male who has irritable bowel syndrome

>> No.8902979


>> No.8903033


>> No.8903086

>using the phrase mouthwatering unironically

get a load of this fag

>> No.8903347
File: 589 KB, 800x2810, 1488640919199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903490

chinatown where?

>> No.8904062


>Replying to bait


Frogposters are completely fine and original to 4chan culture. Likewise for anime posters.

Lmfao has been used in 4chan for like ever, you're just showing your new.

>> No.8904084

Chinese food is fucking disgusting specially those in back allies. I used live in LA in what was considered China/Asia basically everything was in foreign languages and shit. I tried out a fuckload of these different asian shops and they were 100% dog shit even went into some big ones that were extremely popular amongst FOB asians. My experience is you have to be very picky or you'll end up with food poisoning and extremely bad service. I'll break it down a bit every single Chinese place I ate was absolutely disgusting dog shit. exception of one place that was decent also serviced a like a million other things was very odd had good drinks through. The only good asian food that was consistent was Japanese food and korean BBQ and you still have to be careful. Now to your question. Not everyone is going to risk there night/day eating some side walk diarrhea food that will ruin there time.

>> No.8904089

said the white suburban child

>> No.8904096


why are there so many nu fags on ck today

>> No.8904102
File: 38 KB, 455x599, Angie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long have you been here?

>> No.8904110

i was a new fag 10 years ago

also dont booly autistic posters

>> No.8904208


there's your problem

>> No.8904211

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8904213

You're mom's pussy

>> No.8904218

and that is a problem how? They're better than the fucking hoods

>> No.8904363
File: 598 KB, 906x739, dead_meiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking through Chinatown with a white friend of mine
>we head to a Beijing noodle place
>waiters won't even look at him
>I had to order everything for us in mandarin
>get harsh glances from the group of Triad members in the corner whenever we try to speak English
>finish eating in awkward silence
>ask the waiter for the bill
>friend says that he wants the bill split between us
>I was motioning him to stop the entire time but the waiter heard
>spat right into my friend's tea with a loud "puh-too-eh!"
>I say that I'll be the one paying
>tells me how generous I am
>we leave the restaurant
>a beggar right outside sees my friend and starts harassing him
>I tell the beggar "he's with me"
>the beggar immediately lets go and apologizes while bowing
>we leave Chinatown as soon as possible
>friend says he's never going back ever again

>> No.8904457

Judging from the use of the words "pub" and "queueing" its probably in England, and judging by the mention of gay bars its probably London Chinatown.

London Chinatown overlaps with the gay district and theatre district.

>> No.8904497

what city? Sounds ghastly.

>> No.8904542


>> No.8904602

>Gourmet Burger Kitchen
It's in the UK, you mong.

>> No.8904616

>for like ever

By fucking children like you

>> No.8904627

So does Birminghams

>> No.8904995

more importantly meido wouldnt bully china like that, otherwise they cant share their tea cup

>> No.8906491

>things that definitely happened general