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8890265 No.8890265 [Reply] [Original]

I can't eat ramen anymore

there is just so much sodium

every time i have some ramen I just get too much sodium and I start to feel ill and I get a headache

I just can't do it anymore you guys

I really love ramen but it makes me feel ill

>> No.8890269


>> No.8890271

Try finding a brand that's low sodium? Try eating non-instant ramen?

>> No.8890277

I don't think there's such thing as low-sodium ramen

And my dude, do you even know what's in non-instant ramen?

Ramen is literally a salt bomb

>> No.8890286


I don't use the seasoning pack I just add some salt, pepper, onion powder a dash of soy sauce, raw onion, chopped salami, hot dogs, or whatever cooked leftover meat I have, sesame seeds, some sesame oil, cashews, cilantro and wa la a meal for for a kong

>> No.8890294
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That's fucked

>> No.8890475

You could be sensitive to the glutamate, see Chinese restaurant syndrome

>> No.8890610

Try soba or udon instead?

>> No.8890681

>noodles making a difference in the broth base

>> No.8890694

Ramen noodles are fried and are also high in sodium, just not as much as the broth. If you were to not add any of the flavor packets to instant-noodles, you would probably still be getting a third of the sodium listed on the box.

>> No.8890723


thanks for the tip

>> No.8890760

Eat the real stuff then.

>> No.8890779
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On a related note. What's everyone's favorite ramen?
Just tried the spicy ramen and it's not bad.

>> No.8890837
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It's expensive, hard to find and will destroy your asshole, but holy FUCK is it good.

>> No.8890862

Damn, I want to try this kind.

They keeping raising the fucking price on nongshim stuff. Was gonna buy a kind I hadn't had before, but the fucking thing was 12 bucks for a four pack.

>> No.8890940

You drink the soup?

>> No.8891797

You don't?

>> No.8891804

I just bought mine at the local Korean grocer, people online are selling this shit at retarded markups.

>> No.8891817

When I was in prison, we hardly ever used the season packs. There are so many ways to use that shit.

>> No.8891822

Do tell more.

>> No.8891830

I used to make pizza dough out of it. Bangin as fuck. Also something everyone calls a chi chi.

>> No.8891835

pizza dough sounds amazing
how did you do that though
did you have friends in the kitchen that would do it for you or what

and what's a chi chi

>> No.8891836

nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chips-so-good-you-ll-have-go-jail-get-them-n648241 check this out. I was even in the same prison.

>> No.8891845

Friends in kitchen help. You crush the crap out of them and use a thing called a stinger to cook with. Its really just an electric cord with the end cut off.

>> No.8891850

>prisoners have had their own specific consumer culture built for and marketed towards them

this is next level

>> No.8891851

whats an alternative way to season ramen then? its definitely too salty

>> No.8891853

yea skies the limit. Stromboli make with ramen, crushed crackers. What they feed you isn't good.

>> No.8891858

MAN, no wonder so many guys in prison have high blood pressure.

>> No.8891864

I'm sorry you can't enjoy the joy that is Ramen.

>> No.8892135

1. Lose some weight ya' fat fuck, what's happening is your blood pressure is going up when you have too much salt. Because you're fat.
2. Drink more liquids, your body can filter out salt if it has enough water.

>> No.8892352

Was gonna get one of these at H Mart yesterday but they only had it in packs of 5 for like $8.

>> No.8892393

stop adding the salt packs you fucking shill

>> No.8892510
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>just eat the plain noodles with hot water!

>> No.8892610

Doesn't exist. Glutamate is present in all savory foods.

The headache is from the sodium bomb raising your blood pressure so suddenly.

Humans evolved in a low sodium environment.


>> No.8892636

>Humans evolved in a low sodium environment.
but isn't also true that we came out of the ocean at one point, and have retained that specific ocean sodium level (from the very ancient time) in our own blood and biology?
while I guess it's still much lower than it is now in the ocean, what is "low", really? it's relative, right?

>> No.8893680

use less of the season or more water.
also, add frozen peas, carrots, green beans, eggs, sliced meat, shrimps, mushrooms, siracha, hoisin sauce. etc. to the water to supplement the flavor.

Am asian, been eating all kinds of ramen for 37 years. I'm an expert.

>> No.8893682

-- >>8893680

>> No.8894084

There is, it just uses tons of msg instead of salt

>> No.8894249

What this called? I wanna blow out my asshole.

>> No.8894256

Don't drink the soup?

>> No.8894268

you can reduce your sodium intake by eating the noodles and not downing the rest of the soup.

If you're doing your own flavoring there are fresh or fried noodles at Asian grocers. You don't need to get the convenience type.

>> No.8894751
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>wa la a meal for for a Kong

>> No.8894777



What the fuck the most I've ever paid is 4 for 4.
Nongshim knows what their doing but no instant ramen should cost more then $1.50, tops.

>> No.8894785
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>> No.8894851
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>wa la a meal for for a kong

>> No.8895023

Asians here buy bulk ramen and make their own sauce/soup base for it without the MSG/sodium. I worked with a girl who brought the dried noodles in a container for lunch, then just added a thimble sized sauce of her own making and dumped boiling water on it. Her other dish had Kimchi and some pickled meat shit she threw in as well.

>> No.8895376

No one says you have to add entire bag of seasoning/salt. If you like it salty, add it all, if you like it less salty, add less. Good brands of Ramen give you enough of the seasoning to have this option.
This should be common sense. You're also not required to sip up all the soup.

>> No.8895540

Dude, just make miso soup (with mushrooms, scallions, meat, and Chinese cabbage) and add some of those Chinese egg noodles. Problem solved. No need to buy sodium-laden instant ramen noodles.

>> No.8895845

That freeze dried shit isn't "ramen."